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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics


4. Culture is learned
Culture - the people’s way of life  It is not inborn
- it is the people’s shared ways of
doing and thinking. Covert behavior – not openly visible
Overt behavior – obvious behavior

Edward Burnett Tylor, an English 5. Culture is transmitted among members

anthropologist, invented the term of society
‘culture’ in the 18th century.  it is transmitted from one generation
to another
According to him, culture is a
 transmission is made possible by
complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, law, morals,
 language is the vehicle of culture
custom, and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as a
6. Culture is continuous and cumulative
member of society.
 it exists as a continuous process
 no culture ever remains constant
 The study of society is incomplete
 culture is dynamic
without proper understanding of the
culture of that society because
7. Culture is gratifying and idealistic
culture and society go together.
 it provides opportunities for the
satisfaction of our needs and desires
Bronislaw Malinowski , an
 our biological and social needs are
anthropologist, defined culture as
fulfilled in the cultural ways
the hardwork of man and the
 it is something that one has to follow
medium through which he achieves
his ends.

Robert Redfield, an American 1. Culture defines situations

anthropologist, defined culture as - culture has many hints which
an organized body of conventional define each situation
understandings manifest in art - ex. someone outstretched his
which persisting through tradition, right hand as a sign of greeting
characterizes a human group. but it also means ‘warning’ in
different countries.

2. Cultures defines attitude, values,

- each person learns from his culture
1. Culture is social because it is the what is good and true and beautiful
product of behavior
 it is the product of society 3. Culture defines myths, legends,
 it develops through social interaction and the supernatural
- myths, supernatural beliefs and
2. Culture varies from society to society legends are powerful forces in a
 every society has a culture of its own group’s behavior.
 cultures are not uniform
4. Culture provides behavior patterns
3. Culture is shared - it imposes limits on our behavior
 customs, traditions, beliefs, values - ex. The procedure of securing a
and morals are shared by people mate is defined by his culture.
(preference of your own culture)
Xenocentrism – preference for the foreign
 Ethno (greek word) means “people,
nation, cultural grouping” Ex. Buying imported products because of its
good quality and assuming that products
 Centric (latin word) means “center”
from abroad are better.
 William Graham Sumner invented the
term ethnocentrism Xenophobia – fear of what is perceived as
foreign or strange. This is also the practice
 It is a belief that your native culture is disliking other races and their culture. This
the most natural way or superior way might lead to racism and discrimination.
of understanding the world.
Ex. Filipinos don’t like the people from China
 It is the practice of comparing other because they keep on insisting that the
cultural practices with one’s own and Scarborough Shoal belongs to them.
finding those practices inferior.
(inferior means less important)
 learning other country’s culture for
ex. Filipinos like to eat Filipino food conformity
and finds Thailand people weird and  it is a process in which an individual
gross because they eat insects. adopts, acquires and adjust to a new
cultural environment
Ex. Filipinos learn how to use chopsticks
1. It encourages the solidarity of a group. during their vacation in Japan.
- being loyal to our culture,
preserving our culture are Enculturation
important values - refers to the process by which we
learn about our culture.
2. It hinders the understanding or - the gradual acquisition of the
cooperation between groups characteristics and norms of a
- extreme ethnocentrism is likely to culture by a person
promote conflict (e.g. wars)
Ex. Words of respect like “po” and “opo” are
3. It is a vehicle for the promotion of social taught to children by parents.
- conflict often leads to social Third Culture shock – individuals who have
change through encouragement stayed for a long time in another country may
of its peaceful evolution. be shocked by their own country’s culture
once exposed to it again.
Ex. Gina forgot how to eat balut after living in
- high cultural sensitivity America for 15 years.
- not judging a culture but trying to
understand it on its own terms CULTURE AS HERITAGE

 It is the idea that all norms, beliefs, Heritage - features belonging to the culture
and values are dependent on their of a particular society, such as
cultural context. traditions, languages, or
 The concept of cultural relativism buildings, that were created in the
does not mean that all customs are past and still have historical
equally valuable nor does it imply that importance
no customs are harmful. Some
patterns of behavior are dangerous
but it serve a purpose in the society Cultural artifact - anything created by
 We must interpret their behaviors in humans which gives information about the
the light of their motives, values if we culture of its creator and users.
are to understand them.
 It does not matter whether cultures Ex. stone tools, pottery vessels, metal
are either equal or different objects such as weapons, and items of
personal adornment such as buttons, jewelry
Appreciate of other culture may come about and clothing.
for two complementary reasons:
(1) Acquisition of sufficient knowledge Culture has tangible (visible) and intangible
about other country’s culture (nonmaterial) components.
(2) Direct exposure to other culture.
Cultural Heritage is divided into
two groups

 Preservation of Cultural
Heritage is tantamount to
protecting them from external
threats such as destruction,
mutilation, and desecration
through frivolous

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