LA Pro Express Issue 1 - 11, November 11

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THE LOS ANGELES PROfESSIONAL ExPRESS Issue No. 1—11  Thursday, November 11, 2010


Russia is one of the most danger- Both journalists wrote about the Paris to stop this. Stop attacking
ous countries in the world for journal- controversy surrounding plans to journalists otherwise we won't deal
ists, according to the Committee to build a highway which would lead to with you."
Protect Journalists. 19 have been the destruction of Khimki forest. The Nekrassov continues, “freedom of
murdered since 2000. In the past construction industry is said to be one the press is the basic freedom of any
week 4 have been attacked, and that of the most criminalized in Russia. civilized society. If you don’t have
has generated what some say is an Oleg Kashin had criticized the freedom of the press, you don’t have
unprecedented wave of outrage and activities of the young guard, the a free market, you don’t have a func-
media solidarity. youth wing of Prime Minister Vladimir tioning democracy, you don’t have
The most serious attack--reporter Putin's United Russia Party. Its web- functioning political institutions. In
Oleg Kashin of Kommersant newspa- site called Kashin a traitor who Russia at the moment, we are wit-
per was beaten outside his apartment should be punished. The group nessing a total crackdown on the
building--here is cctv footage of denies it meant physical punishment. media. So to expect Russia would
someone helping him to his feet. President Dmitri Medvedev has have a proper economy, and proper
He suffered fractures to the skull and vowed to bring the attackers to jus- political system is just in vain.”
legs and a finger was partially sev- tice. "Journalists are the people who, The U.S. State Department claims to
ered--he had to be put in an induced as i have already said, are in the risk take this all very seriously. P.J.
coma. zone, and the state should be more Crowley said,
Then Monday another reporter, attentive to their professional activity, “Freedom of the press is a funda-
Anatoly Adamchuk of Zhukovskie because the task of the journalist is to mental right in the United States and
Vesti was beaten outside of his apart- tell the truth." other countries, and we are commit-
ment. Police say they caught the But when Anna Politkovskaya tried ted to uphold the international and
attackers who claimed Adamchuk to tell the truth about human rights regional commitments.”
paid them to do this--something abuse in Russia's Chechen republic Though Medvedev has called for
Adamchuk denies. she was gunned down. justice, many are skeptical that will
"I do not want to blame anyone but Journalist Alexander Nekrassov happen. According to the Committee
there are forces who might gain from says press rights in Russia should be to Protect Journalists, 18 of the 19
such a destabilisation. I hope--touch at the top of the international agenda. murders of journalists since 2000
wood--this will be the last action of "The west is to blame for that as well remain unsolved.
such a kind, but I can assume there because there is no strong message
will be more extremist actions." coming from Washington, London, By Edgar Tenenbaum | Staff Writer Nineteen journalists have been murdered since 2000; most were critical of Vladimir Putin’s political party.


On the booming continent of South the “bourgeoisie,” has expropriated that actually welcomes companies
LA(id) Realationship Advice
From our Dearest Sex Advisor
America, oil-rich Venezuela is the 207 private businesses this year — involved in something other than oil.” Dearest Dear Sex Advisor, I fear that my friends and family will unight in the daylight if it is pure and
exception: the only shrinking econo- including banks, cattle ranches and “It was not an easy decision, but it ostracize me. true and not a mere FATal attrac-
my this year. Government takeovers housing developments, according to was necessary,” said Esther I have a really hot boyfriend but I tion.
of private businesses are increasing. Conindustria, a Venezuelan industrial Bermúdez, who recently moved to secretly love fatties. The social -I need more cushion for the
One prominent financial analyst re- association — prompting many to Montreal. She owns, stigma that arises from dating an pushin’ A porktrait of love:
cently had just two words of advice seek safer havens elsewhere. a Web site that offers services for overweight person is what is pre-
for investors here: “Run away.” “I feel like I can finally breathe Venezuelans planning to emigrate (its venting me from breaking up with XXY FertilEyes. Till the fields of
Many middle-class and wealthy again,” said Ivor Heyer, 48, the owner name means “I want to leave”), and my boyfriend who looks good at my Dear Meat-to-feel-the-heat, civilization.
Venezuelans have done exactly that, of a boat manufacturing company, she said visits to the site climbed side and is the kind of guy my par- Catastrofees, cast-rations.
creating a slow-burning exodus of who recently moved his entire opera- nearly 50 percent this year, to an ents envision me with. Herbert (not Don’t allow vanity to interfear so
scientists, doctors, entrepreneurs and tion to Colombia, creating more than average of 80,000 a day. his real name) is a lovely man who severely with your life decisions if To Be Continued…
engineers. The government of Presi- 100 jobs there. “I’ve gone from a satisfies me like Snickers® and now you truly do feel happy with a cor-
dent Hugo Chávez, who recently country where fear is constant over By Mark Davis | Contributor I feel like I am cheating on him with pulent and bountiful gentle- Amply,
declared an “economic war” against crime and state takeovers to a place my boyfriend and I feel very torn man. Your souls are free from the
and want to be with him for real, but cumbersomeness of flesh and can S. Phyllis Bromwell


“Dr. Bernanke unfortunately does the rates at which banks can borrow He declined to comment on the
not understand economics, he does from the Fed. performance of his own investments in
not understand currencies, he does Rogers said the Fed was “throwing commodities.
not understand finance,” Rogers, 68, petrol on the fire” of surging commodi- Rogers, who described the U.S. as
said in a lecture at Oxford University’s ty prices, which rose to a two-year high
the most indebted country in history,
Balliol College yesterday. “All he un- today. He urged students to scrap said quantitative easing had been a
derstands is printing money....His career plans for Wall Street or the City,
“horrible disaster.”
whole intellectual career has been London’s financial district, and to study “It didn’t work the first time, it’s not
based on the study of printing money,” agriculture and mining instead. going to work the second time,” he
said Rogers, who predicted the start of “The power is shifting again from said in an interview with Bloomberg
the global commodities rally in 1999. the financial centers to the producers News. “It’s adding up staggering
“Give the guy a printing press, he’s amounts of debt, staggering amounts
going to run it as fast as he can.” of debased currencies. It’s going to
The Fed said on Nov. 3 it will buy an Federal Reserve cause more distortions, and we’re
additional $600 billion of Treasuries going to have more currency turmoil.”
through June, in a bid to reduce unem- Chairman Ben S. The U.S. and U.K. governments’
ployment and avert deflation. While Bernanke’s decision taxpayer-sponsored bailouts of trou-
Bernanke’s near-zero rates and $1.7 bled banks were “unbelievable eco-
trillion in asset purchases helped end to pump a further nomics” and “terrible morality,” he said.
the recession, the Fed said progress Rogers studied at Balliol in the
has been “disappointingly slow” in $600 billion into 1960s and coxed Oxford to victory in
bringing down joblessness that is close the economy shows the 1966 boat race against Cambridge
to a 26-year high. University. Balliol, founded 747 years
“Debasing your currency has never his grasp of ago, educated British prime ministers
worked,” Rogers said. David W. Skid-
more, a spokesman for the central economics is weak, including Harold Macmillan and writers
such as Graham Greene.
bank in Washington, didn’t respond to said renown “I’m here to sell books,” said Rog-
a message seeking comment.
Bernanke, 56, a former Princeton
University economics professor who
was appointed as Fed chairman by
investor Jim
Rogers, chairman
ers, who lives in Singapore. “My little
girls need royalties,” he added, refer-
ring to his two daughters, who are both
younger than eight and were in the
Though it is a perfunctory and the end of the month their sleeping sleep eight hours continuously, and
President George Bush in 2005, is a of Rogers Holdings. audience. widely-held assumption that human pattern had shifted into a bimodal will naturally sleep in two segments.
self-described scholar of the Great Rogers traveled the world by motor- beings naturally sleep 8 hours pattern: instead of sleeping eight This finding corroborates with the
Depression. He has argued that the cycle and car in the 1990s researching straight---and will always do so--a hours straight, they would sleep for those of historian A. Roger Ekirch of
central bank’s blunders helped worsen of real goods,” he said. “The investment ideas for his books, which number of studies suggest that, in a stretch of three to five hours, Virginia Tech, who discovered
the financial crisis that began in 1929. place to be is in commodities, raw i n c l u d e “ A d v e n t u r e C a p i t a l - winter especially, human beings will awaken and stay in a state of light hundreds of documents that serve
He has responded with the most- materials, natural resources.” ist” (Random House/Wiley) and instead sleep non-continuously, in alertness for one to two hours, then as evidence of two-segmented
aggressive expansion of the Fed’s “Don’t go to Harvard Business “Investment Biker.” two segments of approximately four drift back into another stretch of sleep in medieval and pre-industrial
power in its history, cutting interest School,” he said. “If you want to make hours each with a one- or two-hour sleep lasting three to five hours. Europe, before the advent and
rates, making Federal Reserve loans fortunes and come back and donate By Yuri Isacov | Staff Writer interval of wakefulness between This pattern of noncontinuous, popularization of electric light.
available to investment firms for the large sums of money to Balliol you’re them. This model of "bimodal two-pronged sleep is also exhibited Ekirch writes that the first seg-
first time since the 1930s and lowering not going to do it if you get an MBA.” sleep" is supported by the work of in herd mammals. The anthropolo- ment of sleep was often described
Dr. Thomas Wehr of the NIMH, a gist Dr. Carol Worthman, of Emory as “first sleep,” the latter segment
foremost and prolific sleep re- University, believes that this pattern as “second sleep.” During the peri-
The United Nations is investigating to investigate these allegations," reports that 657 people were sexually
searcher, and the co-discover of
Seasonal Affective Disorder.
In a landmark study conducted
evolved as a sort of communal
defense against predators--while
alternating sets of individuals in the
od of awakening between the two, it
is documented that people would
commonly talk, smoke, eat, read,
reports that more than 600 women Margot Wallstroem, the UN secretary violated, but Ocha has not been able by Dr. Wehr in 1992, subjects were herd would awaken in the middle of write, play music, interpret their
were raped along the Congo-Angola -general's special representative for to verify this yet, says Giuliano. placed for a month in an experi- the night to eat, copulate, and dreams, rob neighbors, and/or have
border since September. Many of the sexual violence in conflict. "That's why a mission is going next mental environment in which they watch out for predators, the remain- sex. It is further suggested that this
victims alleged they were kept in The UN's Office for the Coordiation week to figure out whether the 657 were exposed to light for 10 hours a ing members of the herd would rest. insterstitial period convening the
"dungeon-like conditions for several of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) is can be verified and how many of the day rather than the normal 16--thus Dr. Wehr and his colleagues also two divided segments of sleep is
weeks while they were raped repeat- investigating the rapes and sexual cases of sexual violence are rapes, simulating the shorter photoperiod found that sleep consolidates into a the basis of the much-mythologized
edly by security forces. At least one violence, according to Maurizio Giuli- and if [the victims] were men or wom- [amount of time exposed to light] of single stretch of several hours when and poorly-understood “witching
woman died from her inernal inju- ano, Ocha's spokesperson in Kinsha- en," says Giuliano. winter. The subjects’ sleep cycles the subject is exposed to longer hour,” often beginning around 1AM
ries," according to the New York sa, but "Angola and the DRC have to Sexual violence has also been were then tracked while they were periods of light---due perhaps to or 2AM, when witches and ghosts
Times. The rapes occurred as some say who the perpetrators are." reported from Angola to Bas-Congo allowed to sleep and wake freely, seasonal changes, or to the pres- were thought to appear, and black
7,000 illegal immigrants were ex- Allegations of mass rapes stem province and Bandundu province. unhindered by school, work, and ence of artificial light. His research magic was at its most powerful.
pelled from Angola to Congo. "I call from two separate areas. In south- social obligations. Though the also found that if artificial light is not
upon the authorities of both countries western Kasai province, there are By Robert Foster | Contributor subjects started the study by sleep- present and photoperiods are short, By Shaan Khan | Contributor
ing continuously for 8-11 hours, by as in winter, human beings will not

THE LOS ANGELES PROfESSIONAL ExPRESS Issue No. 1—11  Thursday, November 11, 2010


By Shane Foley l Columnist

week of the college football
season is in the books. Oregon came back
THE GENETICS OF PARTISAN IDENTITY For those of us who have gazed across
the political fence with disbelief (and dis-
were associated with the likelihood of parti-
sanship and voter turnout. DRD2 variants
which provided them with multiple view-
from a slow start and hammered the Wash- gust) at the views espoused by the sheeple have also been associated with the for- These studies reveal the importance of
ington Huskies 53-16. penned up on the other side, an explanation mation of general social attachments and genetics, and the interplay between nature
Stanford dismantled the Arizona Wild- for the existence of the breed inhabiting the cognitive functions, such as working and nurture in identification with a political
cats 42-17 to take sole possession of 2nd other side may be at hand: they are truly memory and attention, which may explain ideology. With this finding, another instru-
place in the conference. Cal overcame a six raised from a different stock. some of the behaviors associated with ment has been added to the toolbox of our
-game road losing streak by beating the While we are well aware of the socioeco- partisan identification. Gattaca-esque future. Do we choose our
hapless Washington State Cougars 20- nomic cues that tend to favor one party Recent investigations into a related children based on their DRD4-type? Do we
13. UCLA pulled off a huge win with a last affiliation over another, the genetics of these dopamine receptor gene, DRD4, have iden- censor or expose ideology based on the
second 51-yard field goal to beat Oregon political attachments, if any, are not well tified variations that appear to influence genetic makeup of our children?
State 17-14 at the Rose Bowl. USC finally established. Research from the University of association with particular political views. Let’s hope the liberal/conservative elite
came up on the winning end of late game California, San Diego and Harvard Universi- Specifically, variations in DRD4, which have don’t understand the meaning of dopamine,
field goal in beating Arizona State 34-33 at ty suggests genes may explain a tendency been previously associated with novelty- so that I may use this knowledge to my own
the Coliseum. for partisanship in general and/or gravitation seeking behavior, were also associated with ends.
ACROSS THE COUNTRY towards a specific affiliation. political liberalism.
A shout out has to Previous research suggested that varia-
tions in the D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2)
However, this bias was only evident if the
individual belonged to a social network
The Demented One, Dr. T
be given to Coach Joe
Paterno on his 400th
victory in Division I
football with his 35-21
come from behind
victory over Northwest-
ern in Happy Valley.
Michigan outlasted
Illinois in a marathon
triple overtime game 67-65.
Excerpts from remarks
made by President John
not so very far from this cemetery, when he
looked at statistics which showed that in the
only with patience and perseverance and
courage -- the patience and perseverance
any further war -- not because all shall have
perished but because all shall have learned
#17 Arkansas hammered # 18 South F. Kennedy at Arlington short space of a few minutes whole regi- necessary to work with allies of diverse to live together in peace.
Carolina 41-20, handing them their worst National Cemetery, ments lost 50 to 75 percent of their numbers, interests but common goals, the courage And to the dead here in this cemetery we
home loss in five years. The wheels have Virginia on November then wrote that life perhaps isn't the most necessary over a long period of time to say:
come off in Texas with their 39-14 beat 11, 1961. precious gift of all, that men died for the overcome an adversary skilled in the arts of They are the race –
down by Kansas State and a 4-5 record. possession of a few feet of a corn field or a harassment and obstruction. they are the race immortal,
LSU pulled off some late game magic again General Gavan, Mr. Gleason, members of rocky hill, or for almost nothing at all. But in There is no way to maintain the frontiers Whose beams make broad
to upset Alabama 24-21, dropping the Crim- the military forces, veterans, fellow Ameri- a very larger sense, they died that this coun- of freedom without cost and commitment the common light of day!
son Tide from the national race. cans: try might be permitted to go on, and that it and risk. There is no swift and easy path to Though Time may dim,
Oklahoma quietly sank into irrelevance Today we are here to celebrate and to might permit to be fulfilled the great hopes of peace in our generation. No man who wit- though Death has barred their portal,
with their 33-19 loss to Texas A&M. Boise honor and to commemorate the dead and its founders. nessed the tragedies of the last war, no man These we salute,
State throttled Hawaii 52-7 with 737 total the living, the young men who in every war In a world tormented by tension and the who can imagine the unimaginable possibili- which nameless passed away.
yards and 507 yards passing by quarter- since this country began have given testimo- possibilities of conflict, we meet in a quiet ties of the next war, can advocate war out of
back Kellen Moore. TCU made the biggest ny to their loyalty to their country and their commemoration of an historic day of peace. irritability or frustration or impatience.
statement of the day by destroying the Utes own great courage. In an age that threatens the survival of free- But let no nation confuse our persever-
47-7 at Utah and leapfrogging Boise State
in the current BCS standings.
I do not believe that any nation in the
history of the world has buried its soldiers
dom, we join together to honor those who
made our freedom possible. The resolution
ance and patience with fear of war or unwill-
ingness to meet our responsibilities. We
Photo: Coach Joe Paterno. Read the rest of The
Foley Report later this week, on Facebook.
farther from its native soil than we Ameri-
cans, or buried them closer to the towns in
which they grew up.
of the Congress which first proclaimed Armi-
stice Day, described November 11, 1918, as
the end of "the most destructive, sanguinary
cannot save ourselves by abandoning those
who are associated with us, or rejecting our
We celebrate this Veterans Day for a and far-reaching war in the history of human In the end, the only way to maintain the DONATE TO THE USO!
ON UNIVERSAL MORALITY very few minutes, a few seconds of silence
and then this country's life goes on. But I
annals." That resolution expressed the hope
that the First World War would be, in truth,
peace is to be prepared in the final extreme
to fight for our country -- and to mean it.
Moral universalists (also known as moral
objectivists or universal moralists) hold that think it most appropriate that we recall on the war to end all wars. It suggested that As a nation, we have little capacity for
one system of ethics apply universally to all this occasion, and on every other moment those men who had died had therefore not deception. We can convince friend and foe
individuals - regardless of culture, race, sex, when we are faced with great responsibili- given their lives in vain . . . alike that we are in earnest about the de-
religion, nationality, sexuality, or other distin- ties, the contribution and the sacrifice which The First World War produced man's first fense of freedom only if we are in earnest --
guishing feature. Moral nihilists and moral so many men and their families have made great effort in recent times to solve by inter- and I can assure the world that we are.
relativists contest the existence of a universal in order to permit this country to now occupy national cooperation the problems of war. On this Veterans Day of 1961, on this
morality. its present position of responsibility and That experiment continues in our present day of remembrance, let us pray in the name
In The Ethics of Liberty, Murray Rothbard freedom, and in order to permit us to gather day still imperfect, still short of its responsi- of those who have fought in this country's
argues that self-ownership is central to moral here together. bilities, but it does offer a hope that some wars, and most especially who have fought
universalism. Universal law requires that each Bruce Catton, after totaling the casualties day nations can live in harmony. in the First World War and in the Second
person possess true freedom or liberty, and which took place in the battle of Antietam, For our part, we shall achieve that peace World War, that there will be no veterans of
that liberty will create the optimal outcome for
mankind in society.
A government proposing anything short of
full self-ownership, the theory goes, governs
under one of two other systems: (i) a By Brandon Dorsky, Esq.  Entertainment Columnist
“'communist' [system] of Universal and Equal
Other-ownership,” or (ii) “[a system with] Par- THURSDAY of soul can share in the beautiful talent on display
tial Ownership of One Group by Another.”
The latter of these systems – Partial Own-
By Chris Rosa  Columnist  See full analysis at This weekend starts off proper with all sorts of
SUPERGOOD options for music on Thursday
at The Music Box when Mayer Hawthorne & The
County take the stage. Rock fans might be inclined
ership of One Group by Another – cannot be a
universal morality because it inheres partial night. Close to Downtown, fiends of 90’s soul get a
double dosage with Dru Hill and K-Ci & JoJo (of
to go to The Viper Room for The Binges and Dar-
ling Stilletos or Club Nokia for Devo. The Juan
morality; it confers a right upon only one class Jodeci) at Club Nokia. Downtown and eastside Hip MacLean’s DJ Set at Vanguard also deserves
of persons while simultaneously depriving -hop heads get their fix from Kosha Dillz and Mac honorable mention.
Another great week of football on the Lethal at 72 North in Pasadena, while westsiders SATURDAY
others from that same right. West Coast with an underdog coming out on
Under the former of these systems – Uni- get Zion I’s album release show at The Central Saturday, L.A. Live hosts a handsome bill of
top, Oregon continuing to be the most fash- SAPC with support from Audible Mainframe. talent with Pepper, Fishbone, Chali 2na and Pour
versal and Equal Other-Ownership – every Jam band enthusiasts and those looking to Habit performing at Club Nokia. No other line-up
individual owns an equal part of every other ionable team in the conference, and another
dramatic finish for the Trojans. support a good cause should go to The Mint for offers something quite so eclectic and diverse, but
individual so that no single person owns him or Particle and Quactus, proceeds go to a charity or the rumored Fistful of Mercy show at Masonic
herself. Rothbard acknowledges that this What was supposed to be the best game charities supporting AIDS research and helping Lodge and the confirmed American Royalty with
system approaches a universal ethic, but, he of the weekend quickly turned into a victims of AIDS and HIV. Mini Mansions at Bootleg Theater provide very
argues it to be too utopian and thus realistically snoozefest between Arizona and Stanford. For edgier music, VibeSquad and R/D do the sexy alternatives.For some exceptional solo artists
“impossible for everyone to keep continual Insider reports are claiming that Jim Har- Sundevil Girls, ready to cheer the devil out of you. King King Club, while L.A. raised electronic artist – you can’t go wrong with Matisyahu at Luckman
tabs on everyone else, and thereby to exercise baugh brought in some sheriffs to ask the Nosaj Thing hits El Rey Theatre with Jogger and Fine Arts Complex or Leo Nocentelli at Harvelles.
his equal share of partial ownership over every Arizona players for their immigration papers. back end of their schedule including USC, Toro Y Moi. The Sunset Strip's The Viper Room SUNDAY
other [person]." gets a rock makeover from Lady Sinatra and Sunday there is another rumored Fistful of Mercy
Many of the long-haired Wildcats couldn't Stanford, and Oregon. Beating Washington across the street Chicago Afrobeat Project rumbles
The system would break down, he states, show at Masonic Lodge. It competes with the
resulting in a ruling class which specializes in
provide their documents which led to some State is a must-win if the Beavers plan on the floors of On The Rox. Catalyst Winds of Change event at House of Blues
keeping watch over other individuals. Because lengthy cavity searches that left the players heading to a bowl game. Beavers 33 - Cou- Easy-going lounging indie kids should definitely featuring Tom Morello and other guests as the top
this system would grant a ruling class owner- distraught. gars 17 check out Tennis with Sonny and the Sunsets at option to end the weekend. The sold out Best
The California Golden Bears actually got USC at No. 18 Arizona: The Wildcats have Echo. Although Sonny is headlining, I think Tennis Coast and Dunes show at The Troubadour is worth
ship rights over its subjects, the system would is the real gem on the bill. I'm choosing that over
result in more of a partial ethic or morality, away from their cave known as Strawberry played well against USC in recent years, but noting, although Best Coast hasn’t impressed
the more expensive and less intimate KT Tunstall critics I know in concert.
rather than a universal one. Canyon! They only get half-credit since it how will they fare after flopping in Palo Alto? and Hurricane Bells at The Music Box. For South Next week brings a handful of shows worth
Even if a collectivist utopia, in which every was Washington State. The Huskies are If Ricky Elmore and Brooks Reed can pres- Bay and Long Beach residents, The Happy Hol- seeing, including a very special Need for Speed
person would have equal ownership of every playing like they were recently neutered, but sure Matt Barkley, they should get the win. lows at The Prospector could be a good substitute event at Avalon featuring Chiddy Bang, Mayer
other person, could be sustained, Rothbard they came out and fought hard. If they would Pussy Cats 27 - Condoms 24 indie option. Hawthorne, Peanut Butter Wolf and DJ Skeet
states, individuals would not be able to do have beat the 34 point spread it would have No. 6 Stanford at Arizona State: This FRIDAY Skeet on Tuesday night (there is an open bar at
anything without prior approval by everyone Friday night, the calendar continues to deliver for that one . . . continued online)
else in society. Since this would be impossible been as good as a victory. matchup pairs the ugliest coeds in the con- a few niches – hip-hop heads can continue keeping For a complete list of events in L.A.,
in a large society, no one would be able to do USC Knows Drama - should be the new ference against ASU hotties. The Sun Devil kosher at The Roxy with Kosha Dillz, Ghostface check out
anything and the human race would perish. tagline for TNT this season. Lane Kiffin is defense has the speed and strength to slow Killah and others. Motown fanatics and new lovers and subscribe to The Concert Blast newsletter.
Permitting a person to exercise ownership quickly turning into our version of LSU's Les down the Stanford offense, but they always
over another person or permitting the use of Miles, except not as lucky. For the third time find a way to lose the close game. Trees 27
aggression to coerce another, according to this season the Trojans were facing an op- - Demons 23
Rothbard, violates the natural law of what it is ponent kicking the game-winning field goal Utah at Notre Dame: Utah gets its second
to be a natural human being, possessing nor- and for the first time, the opponent missed. religious institution in a row, but who's side
mal unalienable rights. will Jesus be on this one? The Utes get
At present, the U.S. Federal Income Tax
saved 30 - 24
exerts a levy on a person’s productivity and
labor value. That money is, in part, redistribut-
GAME PREDICTIONS Iowa State at Colorado: The Buffs fired
No. 1 Oregon at California: Cal's Brock their coach Dan Hawkins this week, but I
ed to other individuals, in a sort of collectivist Mansion has the perfect name for the porn
wealth-share. don't think they're better for it. Iowa State will
Does the United States government adhere
industry, but the big man on the screen will take advantage of their opportunity. Cy-
to a system of universal morals? Darron Thomas. Size matters, Ducks roll 41 clones 27 - Buffs 20
l Mark Davis & James Clark - 20; Editor’s Pick: Ducks 76 - Bears 13
l Columnists Washington State at Oregon State : Ore-
****2010 Prediction Record 58-16****
Email us l gon State has no room for error with the

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