Retail and Channel Marketing PDF

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Retail and Channel Marketing

Retail and Channel Marketing

This text, written for graduate and postgraduate students, investigates the
current trends in channel management from both the distributors’ and the

Retail and
manufacturers’ perspectives.

A winning go-to-market strategy is a fundamental driver of competitive

advantage. Manufacturers today have to find new ways to manage

their channel relationships with evolving distributors. Besides being big
economic players, distributors are also very effective in marketing activities,
with the advantage of being in constant contact with the end-customer.

Retail trends, marketing and innovation, ecommerce, channel marketing

and multi-channel management, are comprehensively covered, alongside
theoretical and managerial issues. Business cases, as well industry data
and insights, are effectively used to illustrate key concepts in retail and
channel marketing.

Key features:
• M
 anagerial examples through • Q
 uestions that can be used to
short practical cases promote discussion or set as an
• T
 heoretical insights in boxes for assignment
further investigation • Specified learning objectives
• M
 ain research evidences • Detailed glossary
highlighted in a chapter summary

This detailed text is ideal for courses introducing the channel and retail
marketing domain to graduate marketing and management programmes.

Sandro Castaldo is Full Professor at Bocconi University, Italy,
Monica Grosso is Assistant Professor at EMLYON Business
School, France and Katia Premazzi is Assistant Professor at
SDA Bocconi University, Italy.


CONTACT Andy Driver JOB NO 1138 DATE SENT 02.04.13 TITLE Retail and Channel Marketing EDITOR Jane Bayliss
TEL 07944 643920 PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Ilsa Williamson ORDER 48444 SPINE BULK 14mm JACKET SIZE Reference PPC 244mm x 169mm COLOURS CMYK
EMAIL PLEASE NOTE Colours on printed laser proofs may differ slightly to those viewed on PDFs due to the nature of laser printing compared to the colour values seen on screen.
Retail and Channel Marketing

Retail and Channel Marketing

This text, written for graduate and postgraduate students, investigates the
current trends in channel management from both the distributors’ and the

Retail and
manufacturers’ perspectives.

A winning go-to-market strategy is a fundamental driver of competitive

advantage. Manufacturers today have to find new ways to manage

their channel relationships with evolving distributors. Besides being big
economic players, distributors are also very effective in marketing activities,
with the advantage of being in constant contact with the end-customer.

Retail trends, marketing and innovation, ecommerce, channel marketing

and multi-channel management, are comprehensively covered, alongside
theoretical and managerial issues. Business cases, as well industry data
and insights, are effectively used to illustrate key concepts in retail and
channel marketing.

Key features:
• M
 anagerial examples through • Q
 uestions that can be used to
short practical cases promote discussion or set as an
• T
 heoretical insights in boxes for assignment
further investigation • Specified learning objectives
• M
 ain research evidences • Detailed glossary
highlighted in a chapter summary

This detailed text is ideal for courses introducing the channel and retail
marketing domain to graduate marketing and management programmes.

Sandro Castaldo is Full Professor at Bocconi University, Italy,
Monica Grosso is Assistant Professor at EMLYON Business
School, France and Katia Premazzi is Assistant Professor at
SDA Bocconi University, Italy.


CONTACT Andy Driver JOB NO 1138 DATE SENT 02.04.13 TITLE Retail and Channel Marketing EDITOR Jane Bayliss
TEL 07944 643920 PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Ilsa Williamson ORDER 48444 SPINE BULK 14mm JACKET SIZE Reference PPC 244mm x 169mm COLOURS CMYK
EMAIL PLEASE NOTE Colours on printed laser proofs may differ slightly to those viewed on PDFs due to the nature of laser printing compared to the colour values seen on screen.

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