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Christin Williams

Education 650

WVSU MEIL Principal Internship Standard Summary

STANDARD #_2 – Ethics & Professional Norms
Standard 2 concerns the areas of ethics and professional norms. The standard states,

“Effective educational leaders act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each

student’s academic success and well-being.” I have met this standard by participating in and

completing the activities discussed below.

Overview/Summary of Activities

 Standard Activity 2.7C – For this activity I met with a group of 8th grade students to

discuss ethical behavior. In the beginning, the students did not know or understand the

meaning of ‘ethical.’ This was surprising, however it was sort of expected. I was able to

talk with the students and they were able to learn about ethical practices.

 Standard Activity 2.9 – This activity was my Philosophy of Leadership. This is a very

valuable and unique statement that embodies me as a whole. This required me to stop and

think about how I feel I can and will be a great leader.

Key Learnings from the Experience

I have learned that it is important to stay true to yourself. I had to examine my personal

morals and beliefs, then explore those in the style of a leadership position. It was something I did

not take lightly.

Area(s) Needing Further Experience and Improvement

As I continue to grow as an educator and gravitate toward a leadership position, I feel

that my views and philosophy will change or improve a bit. I feel that more hands-on experience

will create room for this to happen because I will be able to observe more ethical and unethical
practices. Observing what not to do is also important when learning to make conscious, positive

ethical decisions.

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