Conectar MySQL jRDC2

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Here I leave the steps you must follow, I did it to connect to MySQL and MS SQL Server and it works


1. create the database and the table in PhpMyAdmin in Wamp Server, in my case create a database called Prueba and a table
called Empleados with the fields identificacion, nombre, salario.
2. Download the Java connector for MySQL and unzip the JAR file in the Library folder within the B4J application

3. Download the project unzip and open in B4J (

4. Change #AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.27-bin if your connector is more updated, in my case #AdditionalJar:
5. Go to the config file in File Manager and double-click to make the necessary changes
6. Change where it says #DATABASE CONFIGURATION, JdbcUrl, User and Password as necessary, in my case it would be:
7. Project jRDC2 is executed in B4J
8. A test is performed to verify the operation of jRDC2, you must write in the internet browser the ip address: port / test (http://192.168.1.

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