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THE STANDARD HYDRAFORM BLOCK HF 220 measures between 220 and

240 mm long X 220mm wide X 115 mm deep, and has beveled / champhered
edges. Block length is controlled by soil / Ash load and moisture content. 37-
38 blocks of 230 mm length are required per sq. m of 9" walling and 165 -
170 blocks may be required per cu.m of 9" walling.

Hydraform Conduit Block also measures same as Standard Hydraform Block with provision
for conduit and horizontal reinforcement applications in Earth Quake resistant construction

Hydraform 220 mm blocks for above ground level superstructures are usually manufactured
to an approximate compressive strength of a 4 MPa with a 1:20 cement: soil mix ratio.
Adding higher cement ratio makes higher compressive strength blocks of +7Mpa.

With Hydraform machines Fly Ash Blocks can be made using 50-60% Ash, added with other
materials viz sand/dust, cement, Lime, Gypsum in appropriate ratios. Using different
combinations and available raw material quality, blocks can be made with compressive
strength ranging from 7 - 20Mpa.



A variety of moulds are available to make specialized blocks specialized construction

applications. The extra moulds are available as optional accessories, which may be
purchased separately.

HF 150, the economical 150 mm Block has interlocks, which seat the block, allowing a
mason to construct using minimal cement slurry between them. These blocks are used as an
inexpensive alternative to walls build with standard Hydraform 220mm blocks. The
applications can be framed building walls – internal /external, boundary walls etc.

Twin Hydraform Bricks can be made from Hydraform machine using special mould. These
bricks are practically double of standard brick with beveled / champhered edges for better
aesthetics and handling. Twin brick is useful for internal / external wall applications and can
be used on 115 mm as well as 150 mm wall thickness with additional advantage of saving
the mortar due to twin brick.

Please consult Hydraform Engineers for Technical details and assistance that
comes with the machine and is available thereafter also.

Paver Blocks can be made from Hydraform machine

using special mould. Paver blocks of 115 mm thick ness
and appropriate cement and coarse sand for making

We can assist you

writing a
spreadsheet, which
allows users to input
their own parameters
and cost their
Hydraform blocks, commercial block yard and
construction at their own site. Depending up on raw
material costs near the site, both cost and selling prices
are comparable to the cost of cement blocks and bricks.
Interlocking and other features of Hydraform blocks save further on construction. We would
be happy to assist you on this.

Attractive Hydraform split Bricks are formed using a mould, which produces two standard -
sized bricks per compression stroke. The bricks comes out pre-split with / without frog.

Interchangeable moulds for above Blocks / bricks are available.

We can consider providing tailor made special block sizes to suit your construction

Please consult Hydraform engineers on recommended block options to suit specific

construction requirements.

Hydraform machine made blocks can be Cheaper than bricks because:

 Soil / Fly Ash constitutes the bulk of raw material used

 Blocks do not require costly burning
 Transportation Costs are minimized or eliminated
 Local/ unskilled labour can be used
 Lesser manpower required per cubic meter of masonry
 Construction is faster


The use of earth (soil) with scientifically backed technology inputs like stabilization using
cement and / or lime and then hydraulic compaction of the mix catching up wall in different
parts of world. The earth used is a sub-soil. The brick-block making and resultant
construction is very eco-friendly. It does not eat away top soil useful for agriculture and has
less embodied energy since there is no burning of bricks / blocks in process and uses lesser
cement in comparison to concrete blocks.

Emphasize is on maximum utilization of local resources with minimum efforts on long term
basis to make it a part of sustainable development activity.

Hydraform with years of field experience have refined the CSEB technology application so
that most of the soils can be worked on to make these blocks. However soil selection must
be done carefully with expert guidance. The soil used in CSEB mix shall be free from
deleterious contents such as organic matter of vegetable origin, mica, schist and saline
impurity. Its grading shall be such as to require the least amount of admixture to make it
suitable for stabilization with cement. The most suitable soil should have 20-30% clay and
30-50% coarse sand. Soils like Black cotton soil and similar which have very high clay
content are uneconomical to stabilize, should be avoided.

However, it is always recommended to get particle size distribution analysis and field tests
done before the block production is started. Hydraform trained engineers can always suggest
a suitable mix design to over come any major deviations in soil characteristic.

A variety of soil can be stabilized by using cement in range of 5-10%, which leads to
increase in strength.

CSEB are a comparable alternative building material to concrete and burnt bricks. Hydraform
machine made CSEB is an energy efficient, highly esthetic, thermally efficient alternative to
burnt bricks. The process involves soil selection > mixing with water and stabilizer usually
cement in Hydraform mixer > hydraulic compaction of a mix in Hydraform machine.

Good quality interlocking blocks with minimum strength of 7 MPa and water absorption less
than 12% can be used below plinth as per procedure recommended by Hydraform. In high
moisture areas, it is generally recommended to use stabilized soil block in construction of
super structure above plinth level. The wall made with Hydraform interlocking bricks / blocks
can be left as exposed wall or as per local requirement minimal plaster, coating, paints can
be applied. The construction below can be in usual, built with conventional materials like
bricks, stone, lean concrete etc in line with local building codes. Usual damp- proofing
courses are inserted to prevent access for moisture, and also precautions are taken against
attack by termites.

In high moist or extreme wet-dry cycle conditions, groove grouting and water protection
paint coating could be considered. Hydraform machine made blocks are interlocking and
have uniform finishes requiring minimal mortar and plaster, but users have option to use the
same in case the project requirements desire so.


Fly ash blocks / bricks is an established technology and its use is increasingly being
promoted in the areas where there is abundant burnt coal ash is available, being the waste
from coal based thermal power projects. Ministry of environment and forest, Govt. of India
has issued guidelines for mandatory use of fly ash in bricks / blocks on progressive basis for
construction with in 100 km of every power project. Good grade Fly ash is a very good raw
material for construction usage. Hydraform India has further improvised on the established
and time tested technology to use Fly Ash by using variety of alternative raw material
options / mixes to make fly ash interlocking blocks that are of very good quality and finish.
Hydraform machines made fly ash interlocking blocks have been used at various locations for
making buildings, community centre, school with minimum mortar and plaster and at some
locations even with NO MORTAR & NO PLASTER!

The manufacturing process of Fly ash blocks / bricks requires fly ash, coarse sand / stone
dust, gypsum and lime (optional) to be added in a suitable proportion and mixed in a pan
mixer. Optimum Water is added. The mix is hydraulically pressed and water cured for
minimum 14 days to let the block reach full strength over 28 days.

The quality of the bricks - blocks may vary with factors like Quality of Fly Ash and other raw
material, Proportion of mix, mixing and curing.

Recommended quality of raw material is: dry fly ash collected from 1st or 2nd fields of ESPs,
sludge lime - a waste from acetylene industries, Gypsum of purity of more than 80% and
OPC cement.

However other permutation and combination is also possible like Fal G etc but it advisable to
seek professional help wherever required to suit the local suitability.

Hydraform machine made Fly Ash blocks / bricks are lighter in density thus saving on the
structural cost.

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