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2, MARCH/APRIL 2018 1881

Application of IEC 60079-10-1 Edition 2.0 for

Hazardous Area Classification
Allan Bozek , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This document provides guidance on the application standards publications form the basis of recommendations for
of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60079-10-1 international use and uniformity. The standards are developed
Edition 2.0: Explosive Atmospheres—Part 10-1: Classification of
on a consensus bases with all member countries interested in
Areas—Explosive Gas Atmospheres. The IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0
document incorporates significant revisions from previous editions their development given the opportunity to participate. IEC Na-
in both technical content and design approach to classifying haz- tional Committees may then elect to use IEC publications within
ardous locations where flammable gas or vapors may be present. the context their national and regional standards publications.
The design concepts incorporated into the document are intro- The development of IEC 60079-10-1 is the result of the ef-
duced with application guidance provided in the context of real- forts of the Sub-Committee (SC) 31J subcommittee responsible
world examples.
for the preparation and maintenance of IEC standards relating
Index Terms—Explosive gas atmospheres, hazardous area classi- to the classification of hazardous areas and their installation
fication, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60079- requirements.
Edition 1.0 of IEC 60079-10-1 [2] evolved from IEC 79-10
[3] first published in 1972. The original publication consisted of
I. INTRODUCTION 13 pages of guidance addressing the classification of locations
NTERNATIONAL Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) where flammable gas/vapor atmosphere may exist. In 2008,
I 60079-10-1 [1] is the core document used within the IEC
system of standards for classifying locations where flammable
the flammable gas/vapor and combustible dust standards were
amalgamated under the 60079 series of standards. The subse-
gas or vapor hazards may be present. The document supports quent revision of the IEC 60079-10 standard was renumbered
the proper selection and installation of equipment using the to IEC 60079-10-1 Ed.1.0 to address the classification of loca-
“zone” method of hazardous area classification. Edition 2.0 of tions where flammable gas/vapor hazards may exist. The former
IEC 60079-10-1 incorporates significant changes to address the IEC 61241-10 standard was renumbered to IEC 60079-10-2 to
shortcomings of previous editions and provides several new address combustible dust hazards.
evaluation methods for determining the degree and the extent of The IEC 60079-10-1 document is considered an objective-
a hazardous location. based standard meaning that the requirements and objectives
This paper describes the most significant changes incorpo- that are important to health, safety, and the technical integrity
rated into IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 and provides guidance on of a design are addressed. Every requirement is related to at
how the document may be used to classify a location. Several least one of the standards stated objectives. The standard will
examples are presented with a discussion on how the results state why an objective is important and it may provide guidance
compare with American Petroleum Institute (API) and National on how to achieve an objective, but how a solution is imple-
Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommended practices. mented is left up to the user. For this reason, the IEC standards
for hazardous area classification do not incorporate application
II. EVOLUTION OF IEC 60079-10-1 diagrams to define a hazardous location. This is in contrast to
such publications as API Recommended Practice (RP) 505 [4],
A. History
NFPA 497 [5], and EI15 [6] where “classification by example”
The IEC is a world organization that publishes international diagrams are often used to designate the degree and extent of a
standards for electrical, electronic, and related technologies. IEC hazardous location.
There was general industry consensus that the edition 1.0 of
Manuscript received July 26, 2017; revised October 31, 2017; accepted IEC-60079-10-1 required a revision to address several short-
November 15, 2017. Date of publication December 18, 2017; date of cur-
rent version March 19, 2018. Paper 2017-PCIC-0351.R1, presented at the 2017 comings. While the body of the document addressed the objec-
Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada, tives required of a hazardous area classification, the guidance
Sep. 18–20, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IN- provided in the supporting annexes did not always result in
DUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee of
the IEEE Industry Applications Society. an acceptable solution. This prompted the development of a
The author is with EngWorks Inc., Calgary, AB T2T 2T7, Canada (e-mail: new approach supported by scientific research and experimen- tal data. The calculation methods incorporated into Edition 2.0
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of IEC 60079-10-1 provide an improved method of assessment
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2017.2785258 that better reflects real world applications.

0093-9994 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


60079-10-1 ED. 2.0
The technical changes incorporated into IEC 60079-10-1 Ed.
2.0 with respect previous editions include the following.

A. Recognition of Alternative Area Classification Standards

and Recommended Practices
IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 recognizes the use of other standards
and recommended practices where they provide guidance or ex-
amples appropriate to the application and comply with general
Fig. 1. High velocity jet release.
principles of the IEC standard. Historically, the IEC standard has
relied on “source of release” evaluation methodologies where
release scenarios were modeled using calculations to assess a
situation and determine an appropriate classification. The stan-
dard now recognizes the use of “simplified methods” where the
zone classification and extent are determined using typical di-
agrams sourced from a variety of publications including API
RP 505, NFPA 497, and EI15. IEC 60079-10-1 cautions Users
that where a standard is selected as a preferred base for a site
or application, examples from another standard should not be
selected to achieve a less rigorous classification without due
justification. An extensive list of industry codes and national
standards for hazardous area classification are included for ref-
erence in Annex K of the document. Where such industry codes
or national standards are used, they shall be quoted as the basis Fig. 2. High pressure gas/vapor jet release hazardous area shape.
for classification and not IEC 60079-10-1.
The IEC standard also describes a “combination of methods”
approach where “simplified methods” are used to classify facili-
ties in the early stages of a design and then later optimized using
“source of release” methods when detailed process information
becomes available as the project evolves. The “source of re-
lease” methodology is described in detail in a series of schematic
flowcharts incorporated into Annex F of the document.
The standard now recognizes the value of prior experience
when classifying facilities. Clause 5.5.4 from NFPA 497 was
paraphrased within the standard allowing for the evaluation of
same or similar installations to be used as a basis for classi-
fying new facilities. It also implies that existing facilities may Fig. 3. Low pressure gas/vapor release hazardous area shape.
be reclassified based on operating experience. This allows for
experience and documented evidence to be incorporated into a of the hazardous area would likely be as illustrated in Fig. 3.
hazardous area classification design with proper justification. In contrast, a liquid hydrocarbon release would likely form a
pool near the vicinity of the release. The extent of the hazardous
B. Forms of Release area and its shape will be influenced by vapor pressure of the
flammable fluid as it evaporates under ambient conditions. The
IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 incorporates a detailed discussion of
shape of the hazardous area would be as illustrated in Fig 4.
material properties as they apply to a potential source of release
The standard also provides recommended hazardous area
and how it influences a hazardous area classification design. The
shapes for liquefied flammable gas release scenarios and
characteristics of a gaseous release, a gas liquefied by pressure,
discusses how aerosol and hybrid mixtures incorporating
or by temperature, or a liquid pool release are discussed in the
flammable gas and combustible dusts may be handled.
context of release behavior and their influence on the shape of
hazardous area. For example, a high pressure gaseous release
C. Source of Release Calculation Methods
may be self-diluting under certain conditions with the shape of
the hazardous area influenced primarily by the release velocity, Annex B of IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 provides calculation
as illustrated in Fig. 1. The suggested shape of the hazardous methods for evaluating a source of release based on its form of
area under such conditions would be as illustrated in Fig. 2. A release.
low pressure gas release in contrast will be influenced more by 1) Release rates of gas or vapors: The standard provides a
material vapor density and atmospheric conditions. The shape method for determining the release rate of low pressure

Fig. 4. Flammable liquid pool release hazardous area shape.

Fig. 5. IEC 60079-10-1 Ed 2.0 Table D.1—Zones for grade of release and
subsonic releases and high pressure sonic releases. The effectiveness of ventilation.
calculation methods for gas releases are very similar to
the methods described in 60079-10-1 Ed. 1.0 with the
addition of a coefficient of discharge factor added to the formal definitions for a zone classification. For example, the
equations which serves to model the viscosity properties standard defines a zone 2 location as one where a flammable gas
of a liquid or gas with respect to a release opening. The atmosphere is “not likely to occur” and if it does, “exists for
standard provides some guidance on selecting an appropri- a short time only.” If the “short time only” criteria cannot be
ate coefficient of discharge factor if no other information achieved, which may the case in remote unattended or unmon-
is available to the User. itored facilities; the assignment of the zone classification may
The standard also incorporates a new table in Annex warrant further evaluation.
B that recommends suitable hole cross-sectional diam-
eters for secondary grades of release. Previous editions E. Introducing the Concept of Dilution for Ventilation
of the standard omitted this information and it was left Assessment
up to the user to determine an appropriate hole size for
a given situation. The hole size had a large influence on Previous editions of IEC 60079-10 evaluated enclosed loca-
the calculation resulting in a wide variation of potential tions based on the hypothetical volume Vz .Vz was defined as a
solutions. The new table provides consistency in model- volume in which a gas/vapor concentration was equal to a cer-
ing similar situations which should help to achieve more tain lower flammable limit (LFL) safety threshold depending on
uniform design solutions. the intended zone classification. A Zone 2 classification incor-
2) Release rate of liquids: The formula from 60079-10-1 porated a 50% LFL (2X safety factor) safety threshold. A Zone 0
Ed. 1.0 with the addition of coefficient of discharge factor or 1 location incorporated a 25% LFL (4X safety factor) thresh-
(Cd) has been incorporated into the standard. The intent old. The Vz calculation was used to differentiate between “high,”
is to use the liquids release calculation to determine an “medium,” and “low” ventilation in enclosed spaces which sub-
appropriate pool size for determining the release rate of sequently influenced the zone classification for the area.
an evaporative pools. The use of Vz as a basis for determining a zone classifica-
3) Release rates of evaporative pools: A new calculation tion was controversial as there was no scientific basis for the
model for evaluating the evaporation rate of a pool release formulae. The calculation of Vz often resulted in very large
is provided. This is a very common scenario in many volumes up to three orders of magnitude greater than what was
facilities handling flammable liquids where a release sce- observed through computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling
nario usually results in a pool formation adjacent the leak and real-world experimental testing [7], [8], [9]. There was gen-
source. The standard also provides a diagram to assist eral consensus among users that a new scientifically validated
in determining the volumetric evaporation rate of a pool approach was needed to better reflect reality.
release. IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 replaces Vz with the concept of di-
lution. Dilution is a measure of the ability of ventilation or
atmospheric conditions to dilute a release to a safe level. It is
D. Determining the Zone Classification of a Location
influenced by the release rate of the flammable material and ven-
Annex D of the standard provides a structured method for tilation velocity. Ventilation velocity is a measure of turbulence
selecting the appropriate zone classification for both indoor and which is necessary to dilute a gas or vapor release. Air move-
open air locations based on the “grade of release,” “availabil- ment is required to promote a turbulent boundary layer between
ity” of ventilation, and the “effectiveness” of ventilation within the release source and surrounding atmosphere. This allows air
an area. Using these parameters, Table D.1 (see Fig. 5) of the to mix with the release reducing the LFL of the gas/air mixture
standard then suggests an appropriate zone classification for and transporting it away. Ventilation turbulence may be caused
the location. It should be cautioned that the zone classifica- by momentum of the gas/vapor leak itself, by buoyancy of the
tion suggested by the table should be evaluated against the release in air or by wind flow interacting with the release.

may be used as a basis to designate an area “nonhazardous.”

“Medium dilution” applies to situations where the concentra-
tion of the release is controlled resulting in a stable boundary
when the release is in progress and the explosive gas atmo-
sphere does not persist after the release has stopped. For most
secondary grade source release applications, a medium dilution
environment will lead to a Zone 2 classification. “Low dilution”
applies to situations where there is a significant concentration
while the release is in progress and the flammable atmosphere
will persists after the release is stopped. A low dilution environ-
Fig. 6. IEC 60079-10-1 Ed 2.0 Table C.1—Indicative outdoor ventilation
ment typically leads to a Zone 1 or even Zone 0 classification
velocities. based on Table D.1 (see Fig. 5).
For enclosed areas, both the ventilation velocity and the back-
ground concentration of flammables entrained in the air must
be assessed. Dilution in an enclosed area may result from the
exchange of fresh air from outside the enclosure or by the en-
closure itself having sufficient volume to allow the release to
disperse. This makes it possible for large enclosed areas to have
minimal interior/exterior air exchange rates while still maintain-
ing sufficient ventilation effectiveness to disperse a release.
To assess the background concentration of an enclosed lo-
cation, the flow rate from the flammable release source must
be compared to the fresh air introduction rate accounting for
mixing inefficiencies. The standard incorporates a calculation
formula to estimate the background concentration as follows:
f × Qg
Xb = (vol/vol) (2)
Qg + Q1
Fig. 7. IEC 60079-10-1 Ed 2.0 Figure C.1—Chart for assessing the degree of where
Xb background concentration (vol/vol);
Qg volumetric flow of flammable gas from the source of
For indoor situations, ventilation velocity is calculated by release (m3 /s);
determining the volumetric flow of the ventilation system ac- Q1 volumetric flow rate of air entering the room through
counting for any release sources and dividing the value by the apertures (m3 /s);
cross-sectional area perpendicular to the flow. This results in an f degree to which the air inside the enclosure is well
average flow velocity (Uw ) that can be used for assessing the mixed f = 1 where the background concentration is
ability of a ventilation system to control a release. uniform throughout the enclosure f > 1 where
To perform an assessment, the “ventilation velocity” is de- inefficient mixing inside the enclosure results in
termined by the design of the ventilation system or by outdoor gradients of background concentration.
atmospheric conditions and plotted against the “release charac- The criteria for assessment is Xb << Xcrit where Xcrit is
teristic” which describes the flammable source of release in the the maximum acceptable gas concentration determined by the
context of the size and rate of release. The standard provides a user. Xcrit would normally be the LFL alarm setpoint for gas
method for determining the ventilation velocity of open areas detectors in the area.
using Fig. 6. The release characteristic of a source of release For artificially ventilated enclosures, the ventilation velocity
may be calculated using the following formula: used for evaluation is the average flow velocity caused by the
Wg  3  ventilation system accounting for any inefficiencies or flow ob-
m /s (1)
(ρg × k × LFL) structions. For naturally ventilated enclosures, the ventilation
velocity will be a function of the thermal stack effect, wind ef-
fects on the enclosure, and the combination effects of both. The
Wg mass release rate of flammable substance (kg/s);
concept of dilution and background concentration is further de-
ρg density of gas or vapour (kg/m3 ); veloped in the context of several application scenarios in Annex
k safety factor attributed to LFL; C of the standard.
LFL lower flammable limit (vol/vol).
The degree of dilution may then be determined using Fig. 7.
F. Estimating the Extent of a Hazardous Zone
“High dilution” refers to situations where the concentration near
the source of release can be quickly reduced and there will be Annex D of IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 incorporates a struc-
no persistence after the release is stopped. Under the appropri- tured method for determining the extent of a hazardous zone in
ate conditions, this will permit an “NE” negligible extent that outdoor locations. This is a welcome addition to the standard

H. Examples
Annex E of the standard provides several examples illustrat-
ing the use of concepts described. They are not intended to be
used as a basis for design but to illustrate the means of as-
sessment, as described in the annex sections of the standard.
Examples include the following.
1) Pump application in open air.
2) Pump application within an enclosed location.
3) Process vessel in open air.
4) Control valve in a congested location.
5) Process piping in an enclosed location.
6) Compressor facility handing natural gas.
The compressor facility example is fully documented to illus-
trate the level of documentation expected for a given application.
It should be noted that the examples are intended to show ap-
plication of the evaluation methods and are not intended to be
used as representative examples for classification purposes.
Fig. 8. IEC 60079-10-1 Ed 2.0 Figure D.1—Chart for estimating hazardous
area distances.

IV. APPLICATION OF IEC 60079-10-1 ED. 2.0

as previous editions did not provide a means of assessing ap-
propriate extents. The hazardous distances suggested are based IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 is intended to be used by competent
on release characteristic formulae (1) discussed earlier. Fig. 8 personnel who are well versed in the properties of flammable
provides a graphical means of determining an appropriate ex- materials (chemistry knowledge), able to identify potential
tent based on the type of release expected. Release behavior is release sources (process and mechanical knowledge), assess
characterized as a heavy gas release, typical of a liquid pool re- ventilation requirements (mechanical knowledge) as well as un-
lease, a diffusive release resulting from a low velocity gas/vapor derstand the implications of a classification design as it applies
release, or a jet release characteristic resulting from a high ve- to the selection of electrical equipment (electrical knowledge).
locity gas release. As always, the distances calculated must be The standard encourages the use of a multidisciplinary team
evaluated using engineering judgment and an appropriate safety who possess competency in each of these areas to participate in
factor applied to account for facility layout and site conditions. the design process.
The method described is for open air situations and does not The methodologies described in the Annex sections of IEC
apply to indoor low dilution applications. 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 require detailed process information to per-
form an assessment. Often, this information is not available in
G. Documentation the early stages of a project when preliminary area classification
design information is needed for long lead item purchases. This
IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2 recommends all area classification de- is where the use of other recognized documents such as API RP
signs be fully documented. This is important in capturing the 505, NFPA 497, and EI15 may have value. The documents pro-
rationale used to classify a facility and to maintaining the in- vide conservative classification by example diagrams that may
tegrity of the design over the life of the facility. Information to be be used to determine the degree and extent of a classification
incorporated into a documented design includes the following. based on preliminary process information. The properties of the
1) Sources of information used (code, national standard, or flammable materials handled must be considered to ensure the
calculation). diagram used is appropriate for the application.
2) Gas or vapor dispersion calculations. As additional process information becomes available, the haz-
3) Study of ventilation characteristics with consideration ardous area classification may be optimized using the calculation
given to position of openings in buildings for ventilation. methods described in the Annex sections of IEC 60079-10-1 Ed.
4) Properties of flammable materials. 2.0. This provides the opportunity for the hazardous area clas-
5) Identification and location of sources of release. sification design to be optimized to reflect the true nature of the
Area classification design documentation should also include hazard.
plans, elevations, or three-dimensional models that indicate the
type and extent of zones as well as the appropriate group clas-
sification, ignition temperature, and/or temperature class. The
A. Natural Gas Release
standard also discusses the option to indicate equipment pro-
tection levels on drawings to assist with the selection of equip- A hazardous area classification is required for a pressure ves-
ment in hazardous locations. The standard provides examples sel located in an outdoor location in an upstream gas processing
of data sheets that may be used for documenting flammable ma- facility. The vessel handles natural gas at a pressure of 4500 kPA.
terial substances, sources of release, and hatching symbols for Fig. 48 of API RP 505 recommends a Zone 2 classification
designating hazardous locations on drawings. extent of 3 m, as illustrated in Fig. 9.

Fig. 10. Degree of dilution.

Using the process information provided, the calculated re-

lease rate would be 1.6 × 10−3 kg/s.
1) Zone classification: To determine the appropriate zone
classification, the ventilation velocity and the release char-
acteristic must be determined. The ventilation velocity can
be determined from Table C.1 of IEC 60079-10-1 (see
Fig. 6). For a lighter than air release in an unobstructed
Fig. 9. API RP 505 Figure 48. area, a ventilation velocity of 0.5 m/s at grade would be
The release characteristic would then be determined using
To assess this situation using the methods incorporated into formula (1). This requires the LFL of natural gas be determined
the annex sections of IEC 60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 requires several as well as an appropriate safety factor applied based on the
steps as follows. LFL. Given that the LFL of natural gas (methane) is relatively
1) Calculation of the release rate: The first step is to model a high at 5%, a k = 1.0 safety factor would be appropriate. In
typical release scenario. This would be done by applying other situations where the LFL is less than 5%, a k safety factor
the appropriate formulae provided in Annex B of the stan- of between 0.5 and 1.0 would be applied. Based on the infor-
dard. For this particular example, a choked gas velocity mation provided, the characteristic of release would be 0.042.
(sonic gas) release scenario using the following formulae Applying the results of the release characteristic calculation to
would be applicable: the expected ventilation velocity, as illustrated in Fig. 10, the
 application results in a medium dilution situation.
 (γ +1)/(γ −1)
M 2 The zone classification for the application may then be de-
Wg = Cd S p y (kg/s).
Z RT γ +1 termined from Table D.1 from IEC 60079-10-1 based on a sec-
(3) ondary grade of release, good availability of ventilation (typical
Table B.1 from the standard recommends a hole cross- of most outdoor locations), and medium degree of dilution.
sectional area of 0.25 mm2 be applied. Additional process Fig. 11 indicates a Zone 2 classification would be appropriate.
information required to complete the calculation includes the Typically, most secondary release applications in open areas
following. result in a Zone 2 classification unless there are significant im-
1) Operating pressure: P = 4500 kPA. pediments to the flow of natural ventilation in the area.
2) Process temperature: T = 25 ◦ C = 303.15 K. Once the appropriate zone classification has been defined,
3) Mole weight of natural gas: 19 kg/kmole. the extent of the Zone 2 classification may then be determined.
4) Specific heat at constant pressure: Cρ = 2.22 (kJ/kg K). Given that the release is sonic, a jet release would be most likely
5) Polytropic index of expansion : γ = 1.32. warrant a 1-m Zone 2 classification, as illustrated in Fig. 12.
6) Compressibility factor : Z = 1.0. The results of the IEC source of release calculation would
7) Coefficient of discharge; Cd = 0.75. indicate that a 1-m Zone 2 classification surrounding the vessel
8) Atmospheric pressure; pa = 101 kPA. flange connections would be appropriate for the application.
9) Universal gas constant; R = 8314. This compares to a 3-m classification extent recommended by
10) Gas density, ρg = 0.764 kg/m3 . API RP 505.

Fig. 13. Mechanically ventilated building handing natural gas.

significant quantities of vapor-air or gas-air mixtures in con-

centrations above 25% of the LFL.” API also recognizes that
locations ventilated at 6 air changes per hour may be designated
Fig. 11. Zone classification. “adequately ventilated.” The ventilation fan provides approx-
imately 4 ACPH of ventilation which is below the 6 ACPH
default API adequate ventilation criteria. To determine if the
building is adequately ventilated in accordance with API rec-
ommendations, a fugitive emission calculation as described in
Appendix B of API RP 505 would be required.
The IEC standard evaluates the zone classification based on
Fig. 5 by evaluating the grade of release, the availability of ven-
tilation, and the effectiveness of the ventilation system. Given
that the application incorporates a secondary grade of release,
the zone classification will be determined by the availability and
the effectiveness of the ventilation system.
The availability of the ventilation system is categorized using
the following criteria from the standard.
Good: Ventilation that is present continuously. Artificially
ventilated locations with power systems redundancy would meet
these criteria.
Fair: Ventilation that is expected to be present during normal
operation with discontinuities occurring infrequently and for
Fig. 12. Extent of zone classification—gas release. short periods.
Poor: Ventilation that does not meet the standard of fair or
The difference can be attributed to the nature of the release. good, but discontinuities are not expected to occur for long
The behavior of a natural gas jet release is such that the momen- periods.
tum of the gas release will mix turbulently with the surrounding The application was assessed to meet the criteria of “fair”
air, as illustrated in Fig. 1. This would limit the extent of the ventilation.
hazardous radii to a fairly short distance. From an applications The effectiveness of the ventilation system requires evaluation
perspective, electrical and instrumentation equipment mounted of the “degree of dilution” and determination of the expected
on the vessel would need to be certified for a Zone 2 hazardous background concentration for the application. The assessment
location. Electrical and instrumentation equipment on process of the degree of dilution is based on Fig. 7. The ventilation flow
equipment adjacent the vessel may not require a hazardous lo- velocity may be calculated based on the volumetric flow of the
cation certification if they do not handle flammable materials gas/air mixture divided by the cross-sectional area perpendicular
and are outside of the 1-m Zone 2 classification. to the flow using the following formula:
Uw = (m/s) (4)
B. Natural Gas Release in an Enclosed Location L×H
The same natural gas release scenario is evaluated for a 6 m where
long × 4 m wide × 3.5 m high enclosed location, as illustrated Uw ventilation velocity (m/s);
in Fig. 13. The location is mechanically ventilated at 0.09 m3 /s Qa air flow rate (m3 /s);
(200 CFM). What would be an appropriate zone classification L length of the enclosed area (m);
for the enclosed area? H height of the enclosed area (m).
API addresses such situations based on the presence of “ad- The calculated ventilation velocity was determined to be
equately ventilation” which is defined as “Ventilation (natural 0.004 m/s. Applying the characteristic of release and the
or artificial) that is sufficient to prevent the accumulation of ventilation velocity information to Figure C.1 from the IEC

Fig. 16. API RP 505 Figure 20.

Fig. 14. Enclosed location degree of dilution.

Fig. 17. Volumetric evaporation rate estimate.

Fig. 15. Zone classification for enclosed building.
to classify refinery sources of release is illustrated in Fig. 16.
standard results in a medium degree of dilution, as illustrated in Given that pentane has a vapor density of 2.5 as compared to
Fig. 14. air, the application requires a transient vapor zone. A Zone 2
Applying the information derived from the calculations to classification extending 15 m in addition to a 15 m transient
Fig. 15 suggests a Zone 2 classification for the building. This, vapor zone would apply.
however, requires that the background concentration be checked Assessing this situation, using the IEC source of release cal-
using formulae (3). To do so, a suitable value of f is required culation method requires examining the nature of a hypothetical
which is a safety factor applied to account the degree of ineffi- release under normal conditions. A pentane release from a pump
ciency of air mixing due to equipment congestion and variable seal would likely result in some flammable material flashing to
air flow patterns. Since the building layout is relatively open, atmosphere with the bulk of the release collecting in a pool for-
an f factor of 2 was selected. The background concentration mation within the containment dyke. The pentane fluid within
Xb was then determined to be 4.5% LFL which is much less the dyke would then flash to atmosphere at a rate determined
than the Xcrit value defined as the 20% LFL gas detection alarm by the ambient air temperature and the vapor pressure of the
setpoint. Based on this result, a Zone 2 classification would be pentane fluid.
appropriate for the application, as illustrated in Fig. 15. The release rate from an evaporative pool may be determined
by calculation or by Figure B.2 of IEC 60079-10-1, as illustrated
in Fig. 17. The values obtained from the figure are based on the
C. Pentane Fluid Release assumption that the liquid temperature of the fluid is equal to
A pump in a refinery process handles pentane at 3000 kPA the ambient temperature with a wind speed of 0.5 m/s. Pentane
at an operating temperature of 20 °C. A typical leak scenario has a vapor pressure of 57 kPA at 20 °C and a mole weight of
for the application would consist of a small amount of leakage 72 kg/kmole. Referencing the chart, the volumetric evaporation
from the pump seal under normal operating conditions. The rate would be approximately 0.5 − 10−3 m3 /s for a pool surface
pump is surrounded by a 2 m × 3 m fluid containment dyke area of 1.0 m2 . Given that the dimension of the containment
designed to contain any leakage. The standard API diagram used dyke in the application is 6.0 m2 the value obtained from the

locations and recognizes the value in observing the behavior of

existing facilities when classifying new or reclassifying existing
The classification methods described in the annexes of IEC
60079-10-1 Ed. 2.0 standard require a high level of competency
to perform a hazardous area classification. The calculations re-
quire detailed process information to perform an analysis which
may not available in the early stages of a project. While employ-
ing the methods described will help to achieve an optimized de-
sign, the results should always be applied with good engineering
judgment taking into account the nature of the flammable re-
Fig. 18. Outdoor ventilation velocity for a pentane pool release at ground lease, the working environment and the potential consequences
of an ignition event.

[1] Explosive Atmospheres – Part 10-1: Classification of Areas – Explo-
sive Gas Atmospheres, International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC
60079-10-1/Ed:2, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015.
[2] Explosive Atmospheres – Part 10-1: Classification of Areas – Explo-
sive Gas Atmospheres, International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC
60079-10-1/Ed:1, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009.
[3] Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres – Part 10 Classifica-
tion of Hazardous Areas, International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC
79-10, Geneva, Switzerland, 1972.
[4] Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical In-
stallations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone
1, and Zone 2, American Petroleum Institute, ANSI/API RP 505,
Washington, DC, USA, 1997.
[5] Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15: Area Classification Code for
Installations Handling Flammable Fluids. London, U.K.: Energy Inst.,
[6] ANSI/NFPA 497, Recommended Practice for the Classification of
Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Lo-
cations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas, National
Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, USA, 2012.
[7] D. M. Webber, M. J. Ivings, and R. C. Santon, “Ventilation theory and
Fig. 19. Extent of zone classification—pentane release. dispersion modelling applied to hazardous area classification,” J. Loss
Prevention Process Ind., vol. 24, pp. 612–621, Sep. 2011.
[8] “Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas
chart must be multiplied by the actual surface area yielding an systems,” Health and Safety Executive, Liverpool, U.K., HSL Res. Rep.
estimated volumetric evaporation rate of 3.0 × 10−3 m3 /s. RR630, 2008.
[9] P. Persic, Hypothetical Volume of Potentially Explosive Atmosphere in
Calculating the release characteristic using formula (1) yields the Context of IEC Standard 60079-10-1, IEC Standard 60079-10-1, 2012.
a value of 0.4 based on a k safety factor of 0.5 (Pentane has a [10] E. Rangel Jr., A. M. Luiz, and H. L. de P. M. Filho Jr., “Area classifica-
LFL of 1.5%) and a wind speed of 0.25 m/s sourced from tion is not a copy-and-paste process: Performing reliable hazardous area
classification studies,” IEEE Ind. Appl. Mag., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 28–39,
Table C.1 (see Fig. 18) for a heavier than air release in an Jan./Feb. 2016.
unobstructed area at ground level. Using Figure D.1 from the [11] A. J. Bozek, “Application of IEC 60079-10-1 edition 2.0 For hazardous
standard (see Fig. 19) for a heavy gas release yields a hazardous area classification,” in Proc. IEEE Petroleum Chem. Ind. Tech. Conf., 2017,
pp. 451–460.
location extent of approximately 6 m. This is in contrast the to
the 30 m extent recommended by API.
The extents determined by the IEC calculations are a starting
point and should be viewed with engineering judgment. Other
factors such as below grade locations within the classified area
and other natural obstacles may also influence the extent of the Allan Bozek (SM’14) received the B.Sc. degree
in systems design engineering from the University
classification. of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 1986, and
the MBA degree from the University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB, Canada, in 1999.
V. CONCLUSION He is currently a Principal with EngWorks Inc.,
Calgary, providing hazardous location consulting ser-
The IEC 60079-10-1 Edition 2.0 standard is a significant up- vices to industry. His research interests include haz-
date to previous editions. It addresses many of the shortcomings ardous area classification design, application of haz-
of previous editions and the rationale and design approaches are ardous location codes and standards to facilities, and
the design and certification of equipment in hazardous
based on scientific analysis supported by testing and verification. locations.
The new document acknowledges the use of alternative publi- Mr. Bozek is a registered Professional Engineer in the provinces of Alberta,
cations including API RP 505, NFPA 497, and EI 15 to classify Ontario, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, Canada.

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