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Strengths of the hospital

1. Availability of expertise nursing staff ( more than five years), in spite of the problem of nursing
2. Availability of job description for all nursing levels.
3. Compliance code of ethics of hospital health care providers.
4. Periodically evaluation for nurses staffs.
5. Availability of in-service education programs.
6. Health care provider's development (physicians, nurses, multi-disciplinary team).
7. Different program development through continues education department and training courses.
8. Good interdisciplinary working place social support.
9. Availability of the hospital infrastructures.
10. Availability of advanced equipment.
11. Strong informal communication channels among hospital departments.
Weakness of the hospital
1. Few numbers of RN's comparing with practical nurses.
2. No competition especially among nurses themselves and other health care providers.
3. Lack of work innovations and creativity work atmospheres.
4. Understaffed departments and high workload on hospital staffs.
5. Miscommunication about role of other hospital departments or units within staff expectations
about potential levels of collaboration and support.
6. Overlapping duties of nursing staffs.
7. High level of job stress among hospital nurses related to understaffed.
8. High nurse-patient ratio.
Opportunities of the hospital
1. Strong relationships and form of collaboration with other governmental hospitals and health
2. Location of hospital serves large population, more available connections, and resources.
3. Easy of the public transportation to the hospital.
4. Ability to expand in hospital departments and health care services.
5. Opportunity to Create training program and courses in health by collaboration with the health
faculties that trainee their students in the hospital.
Threats of hospital
1. Low staff income in comparison with other private hospital sector.
2. Unavailable good community outreach initiatives.
By: Jobelyn Tunay, RN


June 24- Orientation Day

-Hospital Tour
-Nurse educator
June 25- Attended a seminar titled, “Writing in International Publication in Nursing”
June 26- Made 3 teams and was assigned in TEAM B which is assigned in ICU
- Started case finding
- Interviewed patient’s relative for 10 minutes
- Made observation on nursing procedures done to the patient
June 27- Case finding TEAM B is assigned in San Lorenzo ward (ONCO ward)
- was able to interview the patient as well as the relative
- was able to construct my initial concept map ideas
June 28- Case finding TEAM B is assigned in 5th floor Medical ward
- No patient or relative available for interview(declined request)
- Continued making sample concept map
- Added notes on daily journal
- Studied patient’s chart
July 1- Case finding TEAM B was assigned in ICU
- No available pt for the case
- Observed nursing procedures dine to the patients
- Studied patients chart and looked for updates

July 2- TEAM B was assigned in ONCO ward/ San Lorenzo Ward

- Was able to obtain my 3rd patient for the case study
- Interviewed the patient and the relative for 15mins
- Tallied all the necessary information
- Added information in our daily journal
July 3- Group was assigned in 5th Floor Medical ward
- Had group discussion with Sir Moises
- Sample concept map for checking and editing
- Updated my daily journal
July 4- Finalizing my concept map
- Reviewing patient’s chart for updates
-Updated my daily journal
July 5- Final checking of concept map with Sir Moises
- Completed my daily journal
By: Jobelyn Tunay, RN MSN

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