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Student Name: Bruce Date Devised:31/05/2017

School: South West Vic Primary School Year Level: Foundation

Teacher: Mrs V Age:5

Background Information: Aboriginal family did not attend kindergarten, hyperactive, very emotional.

Fidgety behaviour, lack of concentration in very short periods of time(, in need of wanting to be first at
everything (racing to the door at the end of lunch and recess, running in the classroom to try to get to the
mat first, and usually turns in to a verbal fight as someone else thinks they beat him).

Lack of emotional competence (seems to over exaggerate on certain occasions where someone might
have bumped in to him).

Yells out over other students when it is not his turn to speak (which is not following the classroom rules
which are posted in appendix 5)

Behaviors Strategies Consequences

Engaging in disruptive Remind Bruce with specific language 1-Warning – “Decision making peg
behaviour which is interrupting about the classroom rules that have board”
the learning environment. For been made and that he needs to Peg will drop to the second spot
example: During book time, follow them (appendix 5) to not from the bottom and has one chance
interrupt his peers and the teacher to improve, or the next interruption
poking, rolling around, kicking
while they are talking or trying to is being removed from the
and talking when he is meant
listen. environment.
to listen and sit still (appendix
1, section 2) Giving Bruce a specific spot to sit away 2-Sent to the back room- A room at
from the main group to stop him from the back of the classroom where
touching other students while students can be separated from the
listening. main group. This is a place for
reflection. (will still have class work
A timer can be used as a visual stigma to do)
for the time he needs to really
concentrate on not disrupting the 3- If disruptive behaviour continues,
learning environment. then will be sent to a safe room,
away from the classroom.
Constantly wanting to be first at Name tags can be put on the wall 1- If pushing in he will be sent to the
everything, he cannot outside for the student to look for and back of the line.
understand that it does not stand under while waiting to go inside.
matter where you stand in line, 2-If continues to push in the back of
this is causing again unwanted Use clear, specific language when other students or push in, he will
disruptive behaviour- for example instructing students to come to the wait outside until every other
(appendix 3, section 2) A fight mat or table. Slowly walk to your student is in the classroom.
over who was first to the door table…. Ect
3-If the behaviour continues once in
first after lunch ended up in Use table numbers for the students, the classroom, then will be sent to
pushing and shoving between say each number to come back to the the safe room away from the class
Bruce and two other students. mat in an orderly manner. group.

Good behaviour seeks rewards,

correctly coming back to the mat and
lining up will get the peg lifted on the
reward chart.


1-If Bruce can sit at the mat with his hands in his lap and not interrupting the teacher while they talk, he will
receive 5 minutes of free time on the Ipads. He must only play educational games and not go on YouTube. A timer
will be used and made so he can see it but cannot touch.

2-If Bruce can walk to his spot on the mat, line up without fighting over who is first in line after recess and lunch,
he will be rewarded with his peg going up the chart and an extra smiley face coloured in towards a special gift
from the teacher.

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