Set-A: Northern Coalfields Limited, Singrauli

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Northern Coalfields Limited, Singrauli

< rii< i^ c b lc H ^ 6 V s + l
Post: Mining Sirdar T&S Gr.-C

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Maximum Marks: 100______________________________ Time: 90 Minutes

Number of Questions in this Booklet: 100(70+30)_______
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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr-C/NRD:486(2018)

Section A Mining sirdar

1 As per provision of CMR 2017 danger zone is an area CMR - 2017 te d p i <Sd<ldl4> $te eftt tftr FRrr £ -
failing in a radius of
A) 100 after B) 150 after
A)100m (B) 150 (C) 500m (D) 300m
C) 500 D) 300 after
2 Before starting depillaring , permission have to be TFTdFT Kite # fo-HI ?JF 6te $ p d Itedte 3W dP
taken from-
A)DGMS B)District Authority
C) Chairman, Coal India Limited A) f tte p r m r B)PteiT wltteTfr
D) Ministry Environment C)3teFSf, tete ftehT D)fttecRUT FFteter

3 Notice of fatal accident or serious bodily injury is to yiuiyirldi 3f2rar ? M r ted t e ^c\H I IV ‘V af
be sent in form IV ‘A ’ to regional Inspector with in
fteMH p t e r c r (tefte P t r s p t e l ........... t t e te §terr
A)24 (B) 48 (C) 72 (D) 12 3tefr sr ter t-
A)24 B) 48 C)72 D) 12
4 Full form of CIL is RfT3TI^UTR 3F RTT did cRjr £ ?
AjCentral Industry Limited
A)FteFT p F ffl feltefe Bjtelte P P is l
B) Coal Industry Limited
C) Coal India Limited C)tete ?flFT P te r te D)Ftete ffiFT P P i d
D) Central India Limited
5 Full form of NCL is Ud-tTk'd <t>l M
C\<l did =t<4l vff ?
AjNorth Coal Limited
A)dter tetet P P i d B ) F t4 te ld te P d P P td
BjNorth Coalfields Limited
CjNorth Central Limited C ) t t r 5- FteF P P i d D)dTcte tetetetefF P P i d
DjNorthern Coalfields Limited
6 Dragline is used in 47T t -
A)An Air Craft route B) A rail route
A)t?=F p i f p f f te Fite af B) fterfr ter Frte af
C ) Survey tool D) Open Cast Mine
C) teF F ^ P T ted af D) Fltet 73PT af
7 It is an equipment for open cast mine- ...................p q t rno ff ©p t ter F?fr°r if.
AjDozer B) Road header
A)dteT B)rtF
C) Burn side boring apparatus
D) Double Drum shearer C)gte f t p filter 3isteF D p r r gF P ra rr
8 It is not used in open cast mine- .............. tsliHl tsldld af Mild-d Ff5t gtelT
AjDrill B) Road Grader
A)f|Fr B) ffe fter
C) Endless haulage D) Belt conveyor
C) pFRT K t e D) tete chdddt
9 Coal handling plant does not have this- =hld fsP F cHi'd A ....................... d£i gtFTf t ?
AjRubber belt B) Side Roller
A)TFT tFcf B) F t p FteF
CjCutting Edge D) Drum
C) te^FT fteFTTT D) gF
10 One does not require to have First Aid Kit - Ite te B M ftK fte d T F lte t e l 3TTF?<4=bdl d ^ i $ -
AjOverman B) Mining Sirdar
A )3 T te p F B) d ie te d F T P
C) Assistant Manager D) Office superintendent
C) 3F tRTFSFF D) F lte d d F te p F
11 First Aid Kit does not have this - FTF BM P fted : A ...................... d£i g td l ^ -
AjMedicine B) Cotton
A)PTTr B) F f
CjHammer D) Scissor

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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr -C/NRD:486(2018)
C) F*T1?T D) fnfr

12 Mining Sirdar does not inspect- ■•mcfR cfcTRT .............. RT RtlSWV £ -

A)Dump B) Coal yard
C) Canteen D) Face
13 Mining Sirdar does not have.............................. MI'H............. °i
A)Hand Plan/offset plan B) First Aid Kit
A)fE RnR/3fTPRtR m id B) PTRf34R 3PR1T f tc
C ) Flelmet D) Match Box
C) D) ?4%Fr
14 Mining Sirdar does not have authority for — d td k RT.............. 44 3ff£|RK £■ -
A)Face Inspection B) Manpower engagement
a )^rt (3ttrfot) B) arreRfr r I rot pt
C ) Removing Manpower in case of apprehending
danger C) 3fT^r RTT^ ^ W 3TT5T3=fr ERI^
D ) To run a machine D) fsRfr 3=r?fOT Rt PcHI°t
15 As per rule, how much drinking water must be ylclfctd dlot Rl Hl<dl WI<H R<df r ! f^bcMI
provided to the mine employees per day
£74 t
A) 1.5 Lit. B) 3 Lt. C) 4 Lt. D) 2 Lt.
A)1.5 c^RT B) 3 C) 4 C^IRT D) 2
16 The Cap lamp used by the miner is - tslPlRl PHKI yiiRrl $>LI etP ........... {tlcll f?
A)Intrinsically safe B) Flame proof
A)RcHd4r ftfRPR B) 3RTRIT
C)None of a & b D) Capable to produce spark-
C) ‘A’ PR ‘B’ D) ftOTTfT 3OTOTT R ^ t Rt^R
17 Workman Inspector fills this form statutorily- ROTJIR fifflSTR......... RRt Rl ciRlPlR RT £ Wet £:
A)Form ‘A ’ B) Form ‘B?
A)RT?t ‘A’ B) w t ‘B’
C) Form ‘O ’ D) Form ‘U ’
C) REt ‘O’ D) ‘RT?t ‘U’
18 Which of the following is most difficult in starting an tsIeSj
o tslctM RR o R<°t ielP Rtd Rl Rl4 Rsltj Rlcid £.
open case project—
Ajsrf^r arf^ra^cT p r RdRtrr B)3ot?t^ t *£r ret#
A)Land acquisition and rehabilitation
BjRecruitment of Manpower c) Ffer pr £ t rt
C)Green belt creation D)Selection of customer D)RTER RT RR1R
19 Goaf in relation to mining relates to - jflR RT TTRR f^OT <HI$kld yu||(jj t -
A)Open Cast working
A)4gRfr 73ROT % R l4 B)§tpfriTI' RTE1OT RT ^ReTP^fR
BjUnder ground development
CjUnder ground depillaring D)Oil wells C) SrpOTTT T4ROT RT D)ctcT RT R3ft
20 This is not an open cast machine - RE RJROT RT ?T3fOT d£t ft -
AjCrane B) Tire handler C) SDL D) Fork lifter
A)#OT B) RTRI C) Pn#PeT D) Rktr frtPRT
21 Full form of SOP in mining is — ROTR fcftJ URTlldl Rl HR ROT £ -
A) Schedule of procedure
A)f^5ROT 3RPT PpSflRT B) ?TPft##R 3TTR pf^OT
B) Superintendent of police
CjSafe Operating procedure DjSystem of process C )# F 3TTPtfcR p WTSR D)f#ROT 3TTR pj^TT
22 Water Danger Plan is prepared by— Hlo-Tl ^ci^. ucHM cbfoi <sMldl ^ -
A)Civil Engineer BjMining Supervisor
A)3F#?TR 3Tf^lRRlT B) RTfl^OT RPT4l$oK
C ) Mine Surveyor D) Civil Surveyor
23 Coalification had taken place in following order - RtRcTT Qd'iui Rd dt E3TT t -
AjLignite, p eat, Bituminous , Anthracite
A) iTOT RfReTT, f^RR^t, ftRRRTTfR
B) Peat, Lignite, Bituminous, Anthracite
C) Peat, Lignite, Anthracite, Bituminous B)fttR, §1TT RTROTT, f^dOT^l, fRROTTfR

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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr -C/NRD:486(2018)
DjBituminous, Peat, Lignite, Anthracite C)*te, 37T7 mlPdl', l#dd41
'fid:, sttt p Bpttt,
24 The term representive factor (R.F) is related with- fa}^cjU| (iiK. 4 4"*.) crtSI ^ -
A)Mine ventilation B) Mine Plan
A)2sn°T -ticjicM B) taid mid
C ) Mine Air sampling D) Mine drainage
C)srPT ptp D) t pr set RrniTfi
25 This is not a mine as per mine’s act. PE #7 d^cf P47 WERT d£i B 1
A)CHP B) OB Bench
A) TfTWTfr B) 3fT.^r.
C) Power plant D) Mainsump
C) ptpt mrir: D) tMtit-p
26 Who is not a competent person as per norm- RlPdlddK m id mP-lcic. H<dd dB i B _
A)HEMM Operator B) Electrician
A)HEMM 37TPtdT B) EclfadRlPP
C) Mining Sirdar D) Data Entry Clerk
C) 77TETT D) 5TdJ fdtfr 4TT#7
27 New Coal Mine regulation is effective from— PP7 pBcP Tl P37T#f 1331 B -
A)March, 2017 B) November, 2017
A)?rr£, 2017 B) pppr, 2017
C) November, 2016 D) March, 2018
C)PcTPT, 2016 D) ttt#, 2018
28 Which of following is not a mine ? p|d-<r) m id ■idctld dB I B “
A)Dragline face B) Coal Receiving hopper
A)§TTTT^T 477 Bt77 B) 47tP<Hf ETPT
C) Coal Yard of Dumper D) Customer’s Coal yard
C) SET mlcHPI'B D) PTE47 47T mldPlB
29 PME is done at which interval for workman more than 45 cP^ 7f oPldJ 377 #7 midJIKl 477 dlP d B ^TT 37cRTT7
45 years of age-
PT Bldl B" ~
A)4 years B) 5 years C) 3 years D) 2 years
A )4 ^ B) 5 C )3 ^ D )2 54
30 Refresher training o f workman is done at the interval £1?ijt prm-srnrfr ml R>d=l Atd4i<p pt Bldfr B' -
o f—
A)3 TTTeT B) 5 PTRT C) 4 TTTcT D) 6 771T7
A)3 years B) 5 years C) 4 years D) 6 years
31 When IME is done— 3i l^>. $)c1l ^ ?
A)At the age of 18 years B) After joining
A)3TP 18 4 ^ 377 g f B) ppt4 #7 PTE
C) Before joining D) When any injury or sickness
C) crctll'd' 4777f #7 PEcB D)5TP 4Tt^ PlE PT ^TTpfr BP# B
32 Stretcher is used for — 7=£PT 1#777 Q k yp+d EFTT B -
A)For carrying goods B) for carrying patient
A)7T7TR SldT BH B) sffTTTT- s U Bc7
C) For carrying Coal D) All of the above
C) PTlPTTT BcT D) 3TPT 477 77§fr
33 In mine, Ambulance shall be stationed at •tsjdiid A h d ^ ?T mBf ;aBt te^ P ilB k ?
A)Security post B) Fire Station
A)77TS7T PlTE PT B) 3 7 ^ 7R77 #7E PT
C) First Aid Room D) Sub-station
34 Fire tender is used for - w fe e 3t ^ t fettr g fe t ?
A)Carrying fire B) Carrying explosive A)3ilJ| Colo-) $ci B) sicilo l
C) Fire fighting D) Drinking water supply
C) 37f7pPT777T PTRt A D) 477 PTTfr RT#T B ^
35 It is not a safety gadget - PE km" 7TTSTT 3447^1 dBI' B?
AjHelmet B) Mining shoe AjBcPftE B) dl^Pld 37dT
C) Blazer D) Mask
C) PTfe D) 7TTTP7
36 It is not a braking system of Dumper- PE gPT 477 fTl'TdTT d^i B -
AjRetarder B) Parking brake
A)RdPT5T B) PTf^P" #47
C) Service brake D) Stopper

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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr -C/NRD:486(2018)
C) FT%A t r r D) dAAT (F%TF)

37 It is not an open cast mining term- dT AA 'dfifr FlcOd P WAAd t -

A)Bench B) haul Road C) Berm D) take off
A) # d B) FlA
C) Ap (3%) D) Bat 3TAT
38 Which of following gas is not found in under ground P jm A P a P ft P ft TsJicHl P dBl qi£ didl
AjOxygen B) Nitrogen p
C) Methane D) None of the above A)3TTAp%d B) dl^dldd
C) fP P d D) 3TAF AT ABf d#T
39 This is not used for Coal transportation— d f aI achi P y^Ad dpr pdT B -
A)Ship B) Air bus C) Train D) Boat A)HlPl AT crig;ioi B) £91:? otFTot C) Bd dlBl D) <HI4
40 An employee shall not possess this— kJcfr ^ HI'd.......... £)°il ~
A)Identity Card B) Match box
C) Safety gadget D) Driving license
C) FTFSTT ddA: D) £l$% l dT^FPFT
41 If some one is injured , what to do first— AMf % di a) P c cHdfl B dl Flsp HfP AAI AFdl
A)To give lesson B) To give first aid
C ) To train D) To send home
A) 3 p ATd AcfidT drfBtT
B) 3 p ATdfPdT 3 T O BdT dT%7
C) 3 p PTswt t D) dF P art drrfBrr
42 How many subsidiary Coal India have— Aid # r % dPr atcdcjafi amP ai f -
A) 10 B) 8 C) 7 D) 9
A)10 B) 8 C) 7 D) 9
43 Burden is the distance between — A id Pi FI^ <£| c^Tl B -
A)Two holes B) Two Rows
A)5t ?Tefr #T B) At A%d4t Bt
C ) first row o f the blast holes and the bench edge
D) First row & last row C) atP t a % t wt $$ pur (%<hifi)
D) afP t A%d cr anPItr A%d
44 Performance of blasting is calculated as - ®cHlPddl PB A p AT?TddT Bt feTP AAI P acHcI B-
AjStripping ratio B) Power factor
A)F£l%l P?T3B(AFT.3fR'.) B) ATAF %F£F
C) Powder factor D) Space factor
45 Proximity warning is fitted for - y lR n P il AlPd Adt FHTTp B -
Ajlmproving efficiency
A)4tRT fflddl «KiP Bd B)dlA BiACF skip Bd
Bjlmproving load factor
Cjlmproving safety Djlmproving communication C) FTFS1T ASTp Bd D) FfdTF FTdTFP Bd
46 Adult means a person who has completed sdFAT AF" ciiP d B % ............. Ap 3 d ATT AW
his..................... Years.
o B v-
A)20th B) 18th C) 21st D) 19th
A)20Af B) 18 At C) 21 AT D) 19 At
47 A vehicle transporting explosives shall not exceed the dRAT Agd AWP ATcP dllB) BB dlp ............. % d t
speed o f —
A)25 Km/hr. B) 20 Km/hr.
P te r at f i t P AdTAT dBt p P r dTpA -
C) 15 Km/hr. D) 30 Km/hr. A) 25%. Pt. Apt d. B) 20 25%. PT. Apt d.
C) 15 25%. Pl\ Apt d. D) 30 25%. Pt. Apt d.
48 Which of the extinguisher can be used for electrical fs|v^ioTl 3lldl d % ^ dF6 Al AlPd ?ldd dT y P dl
fire -
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Mining SirdarT&S Gr —C/NRD:486(2018)
A)Automatic B) Water type 4'C') -
C) Foam type D) Co2 type A) 31101^1^.4 B) Hi°fr ciicnl
C) 4#T ctTefr D) C 0 2 #7T 4Tofr
49 What should be the gradient of haul road- FTeT #3" '411 BTpT ffr>d<HT frldl 4I%CT -
A)1 in 10 B) 1 in 12 A) 1 # 10 B) 1 # 1 2
C) 1 in 16 D) 1 in 20
C) 1 # 16 D) 1 # 20
50 What is the steepest gradient allowed for any road in TjTcJTTT # # 3 CRT sfrtfrFFRT STcT ffr^Tdl ffsl -H4T1 t
the mine- A) 1 # 7 B) 1 # 8
A)1 in 7 B) 1 in 8
C ) 1 in 10 D) 1 in 12 C) 1 # 10 D) 1 # 12
51 Workmen Inspector is designated by........................ in cM<HJIk <£l Pl4l4rl
o ............. fQ-K.3 id
consultation with the registered trade Union- ■i||cji|oi frl •dRiljdl >{1 4 t d fr -
A)DGMS B) Mine Manager f\
C)Owner/Agent D) Foreman A) 3T.3fr.Wr.rpe' B) SET RWtFE
C) <Hlfel4/i1l314dl D)
52 DGMS comes under- 3t.3fr.WT.I77f 3fftfr3T fr?
A)Coal Ministry B) Energy Ministry A) tfrlitcHI ■H4IcH4 B) dncrl'i «H4le14
C ) Law Ministry D) Labour Ministry
C) 4 ld d D) WT <H4ld4
53 Dust generation may be reduced by drilling with - ^lefrl # 3 7 3 stMcHI 4W ffr>4l oil d + d l t -
A)Blunt Bit B) High speed
A) 413 frf 7TT2T B) 3fr?frF 7#te % 7TW
C)Low speed D) Sharp Bit
C) 4W 7 # te TIW D) ctof 4t3 frt 7TW
54 Soil is found t#e#T mi# i dicfr t -
A)Below seam B) Above coal seem
A) q#4ptT TfrWT frt frtfr B) 4#WTT ffrfT frt 3WT
C) Top of the cover D) At bottom
C) 3WT W 4 4 7 D) <537# ST
55 AVA is used in ‘0.41.0.’ 46T W44d frldl f? -
A)Belt conveyor B) Vehicle used in mines
A) 4 e 3 4d 44T # B) WdwT # 477# 4Tefr 4ll34l #
C) Crusher D) Rest shelter
C) # D) T7 3 # 3 3 7 #
56 Cause of Raj Mahal mine disaster which occurred in 2016 e# fieri <H6'ef dW 6lddi 47 ERTT 4I7A 4T -
2016 was ?
A)'&cHllf34 B) 3WT
A)Blasting B) Fire
C ) Earth quake D) Strata failure C) 3 # T D) TTHfr 4tT fruW7
57 Garland drain i s ----- dlk^d dldl 441 fr -
A) A water drainage B) Drainage of spoil A) qi#t sffWT frt fefrf B) #3#T 4^1# 4T 3R7T
C) Pot hole D) A dam
C) tJ4T 7T33T D) WF
58 Which of the following protects us from dust- fRkl 441' ft# SETT fr 441 df t -
A)Ear Muff B) Goggle
A) f W 5AF B) C) T7T7-4> D) 3WF 47 7T3fr
C) Mask D) All of the above
59 Minimum educational qualification for Mining Sirdar <hi§ P j | THOR 4fr PUSH fri lelo 4 d # 4<H 4 fl cT4T
examination is -
TSTf 3T3# fr -
A)Seventh B) Matric
C) Graduate D) Intermediate A) TTTdfrt B) 37l4T C) #3^q#3 D) $cbll#1i*I3
60 Minimum height o f candidate for mining Sirdar’s d i$ R d d fd k e# sfrafT f#o‘ 3TRi#f # r Ffruf
examination is -
I4d #l frl#) 4lf^0 -
A)5 ft. B) 6ft. C) 5.5 ft D) All of above
A) 5 f# 3 B) 6 ftW C) 5.5 f# 3 D) 3Wr CRT rrsfr

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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr -C/NRD:486(2018)
61 Mining stick is used for - 44 TRZftT" 44JT t -
A)Beating person B) Testing roof & side
A) airepfr 4ft A
C) Supporting roof D) All of the above
B) ■uTctoTi 4 cJlcticH cL-tt ftr fpftr
C) W& ftt feW D) 34R 44
62 Normal blood pressure is — -4H1«H1o--i| UIM 'bt'HBI B “
A)50/90 B) 70/110 C) 100/140 D) All of above
A) 50/90 B) 70/110 C) 100/140 D) 34R 44 Wfr
63 Heat stoke is due to - rtC\ cHdl«^l 'til c6Kul 44I B ■
A) Swimming in river A) =icTl ft ddld =6-toil B) a|d-fi 4Rul
B) Due to extremely hot weather
C) Due to extreme clod D)A11 of the above C) RcHfSlcHITflBB' ftt 4TRTT D) 34R 44 TCtfl
64 Height of Berm is - 4ft - iPl 3>4lB forl-rfl Blcfl B ($5)
A)1 m B) Diameter of wheel
A)1 jfr. B) 4 % ^ 4? cfTRT
C) 5 m D ) Height of Vehicle
C) 5 Jfr. D) «£r 3*nf
65 Woman is allowed to work in a mine- tsldld ft JHfBemi <=bl4 4H B44fT t -
A) Between 7PM to 6 AM A) 7 PM ^ 6 AM HT B) 6 AM t 7 PM HT
B) Between 6 AM to 7 PM
C) Between Break time D)Between 10 AM to 5 PMC) #TctR #45 ftt D) 10 AM $ 5 PM FFF
66 Retirement age of a workman is - Flcu^cd^ 44 6H chmJiKt ftt fete 44T B" -
A)58 years B) 62 years C) 60 years d) 65 years A) 58 4 ^ B) 62 erf C) 60 <rf D) 65 4^t
67 In a mine how many Statutory Managers are posted ? tsfcl'R ft 4>H #?JlR4> P44d'
A)2 B) 3 C) 1 D) None
TFFt t -
A) 2 B) 3 C) 1 D) 4ftf
68 Who is not the competent authority in a mine- .................. WctM mly -Htfl'H dntimi'Tl dBl B -
A)Manager B) Agent C) Owner D) Circle Officer
A) ysjn-l|<t) B) -dfU^dt C) <Hlfe)4> D) ttftcH ■
69 Surveyor is deployed in a mine for - B#£14t chi tddjd A -cF£ft cHdll^ll cHIHI t -
A)Preparing plan B) Updating plan
A) f|l$d udl<4 SMIol Bb
C) Daily routine Survey D) All of the above
B) '-'CH1“i 41hBc chtd <6°^ Bd
C) 4t3T 44 FlfSWT ftA D) 5RT 44 TTSfr
70 The main use of coal in India is - 31RcT ft 4il46t 44 <HU4 3T4UT t -
A)Fuel for Cooking B) For oil extraction A) tSlMI 4°-U°t fti [elk1 B) dcH Id4ild°t ftt felt1
C) For power generation D) For farming
C) ftoT?fr drMIdd ft D) Ttrft % 44# ft

Section B
1 Who was the first actor to get Oscar Award? 3JFF44r 3^Ttqi^rgT^Fl^yttf 4 3tfM dT 4^T #?
(A) Montgomery (B) Fairbanks
(C) Janet Gayner (D) Charlie Chaplin (A) •HlcUllB^t (B)
(C) oleic. </|o-U (D) ■cjichT ^nioliri
2 Which country awards the Nobel Prize? dl«ld ^ I^ r ydlH 3TTdrB?
(A) Ireland (B) Sweden
(A) (B) t-cf)SF|
(C)England (D) America
(C) (D) 3Jftft44
3 Which of the following is India’s highest honour in the Plf-d felted ^ 4l 4tt=TOT'HltBc4 ^ S H r ft m ’d 44 -84^4
field of literature?
(A) Vyas Samman (B) KalidasSamman -Hf-dld f?
(C) Jnanpth Award (D) SaraswatiSamman
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Mining SirdarT&S Gr-C/NRD:486(2018)
(A) cill-H FIcEHIch (B) ‘hlfeldT'fl WEPIH
(C) TTPTlte TTGTTT (D) '-dvAfcv
4 No-Tobacco Day falls on d t- d t ^ l t ........... PTMdrll S
(A) June 30 (B) May 31
(C) April 30 (D) September 31 (A) 30 oT°T (B) 31 tRI? (C) 30 3T^cT (D )3lW w T
5 When the world population day is observed? 3RFFRRTTfccf'H £b«T-Hdl4l dldT S'?
(A)June 7 (B)July 7
(C) July 11 (D)July 28 (A) 7 oRT (B) 7 5Mlf (C) 11 (D) 28 aRTT^
6 When was the first International one day cricket match
was played? A) 1974 B) 1975 C)1976 D )1971
A ) 1974 B ) 1975 C)1976 D ) 1971
7 Name of the state bird of Madhya Pradesh: 33V2Tycf?r%tlcri| qsfT4T<HI<H......Si
(A)Peacock (B) Moorhen
(C) Paradise flycatcher (D)Parrot (A) 3T17 (B) TffcT (C) (D) pflBT
8 What is the full form of NGT NGT 4T Hu< S':
t\ i =KII v
(A) National Green Tribunal (B) New Green Tribunal
(A )< rN M (H <tTloi fcJ.S'UyicH (B ) fcl.S'U'dcH
(C) National General Tribunal
(D) National Green Tribe (C) crlo-fttH (D j $ R d a id a tlk )

9 Who authored the book ‘Planned Economy for India’? ‘ 95R- 1’ fettifi' S'?
(A) M. Visvesvaraya (B) J.R.D. Tata
(C) G.D. Birla (D) Pattabhi Sitaramayya (A) VJT. (B) 3J.3JFC.St. C lcT
(C) 3fr. fe cT T (D) y ^zifit ^ d K ^ 4 r
10 The longest river in India is § jR p r # trfft ct^t ^ S'
(A) Brahmaputra (B) Ganga
(C) Godawari (D) Indus (A) (B) suit (C) (D) f ^ r
11 Which is the state tree of Madhya Pradesh 5JC7T Io-Jf TS1 tffcf HTT S'

(A) Bargad (Banyan) (B) Pipal (Ficusreligiosa) (A) SRtnRT (3TTRQ (B) 'ffTeT (fcPJFFT U W W )

(C) Neem (D) Mango (C) sftJT (D) # tft

12 All the following countries celebrate their 15 3 1 J I F A e f t t J l ^ T 314=41 W b R R J T
independence day on 15th August except
f i ^ ^ F F T E t f R t c j l i f ...... ^
(A) India (B) Bahrain
(C) Republic of Congo (D) Mayanmar (A) 3fR cT (B) 3 f t l ? T (C) 43Rlt ttFFCFRI (D) HRTmFC
13 Which of the following sport is related to Thomas cup? ksld «Hd dll ’iacH ^l«Hdl <d d ^ l n d $?
(A) Cricket (B) Badminton
(C) Basket ball (D) Football (A) f ^ n Z (B) (C) s l l ^ d ^TeJ (D) 9>dslM'
14 Which of the following sport is related to Santosh T icfl'T dh£l tilcH dsiUld S?
(A) Cricket (B) Badminton (A) (B) sIsWd'H (C) dlT^d <stTcH (D) 4iCs!l(H
(C) Basket ball (D) Football
15 The smallest planet of the solar system is ytTitSTJ qFT I^tdT w S"
(A) Earth (B) Mercury
(C) Venus (D) Mars (A) (B) (C) SRF (D) FRTcJ
16 The largest planet of the solar system is dfU <H5 (H^1 dl^ldl sISjI $
(A) Uranus (B) Saturn
(C) Venus (D) Jupiter (A)31^TOr (B) ?lf^T (C)?JsF (D )^ F T f^
17 ‘Bihu’ is celebrated i n ......... .........^ •H«H1A|| dlrll S
(A) Meghalaya (B) Assam
(C) Arunachal Pradesh (D) Nagaland (A) ^TEtTeRr (B) 3FCFFT (C) 3F5UlRTcJy^J (D) dUII&J
18 Which of the following train travels the longest kl<r-<r|u>lRsld <AFl cr>'l»1 •til ^HKd •CMj} dsTl c^Tl d4
distance in India?
(A) Guwahati Express (B) Himsagar Express 3FJtfrS?
(C) Navyug Express (D) Vivek Express (A) jIdl^lcfl f'ct-WftT (B)
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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr-C/NRD:486(2018)
(C )d dvqTT (D) P 0
19 Which of the following state having highest water fall McHrlU>)ci A d iR'Jd ^K ol^ A d^d ^I^H^ silR^I
in India?
(A) Meghalaya (B) Tamilnadu irtdfrS'?
(C) Karnataka (D)Himachal Pradesh (A) 3^TTFRT (B)
(C) d P id * (D)feWFEIpT^l
20 The percentage of Nitrogen in air is...... pnr # HTfdfew qfcftTcT..... t\
(A) 78% (B) 77 % (C) 79 % (D) 76% (A) 78% (B) 77% (C) 79% (D) 76%
21 Which of the following is largest gold producing
country in the world?
(A) China (B)USA (C) Australia (D) Russia £?r£?
(A )^fR (B)tTtJW (C) 33Fftf^TT (D)I5Tr
22. A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years ■F’T^T 12,500 #T TTfft 4 ddT 3^ PcHri if iff f^TT TT1T1TTT
at the rate of simple interest. What is the rate of
interest? cilld #2fF B T 4 15,500 f t STTWfl?
A.3% (B)4% (C)5% (D)6% A) 3% (B) 4% (C) 5% (D) 6%
23. The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to Ucb 1,75,000 2,62,500
2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of
population per year is:
A) 4.37% B)5% A) 4.37% B) 5%
C) 6% D) 8.75% C) 6% D) 8.75%
24. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples tJfttftmT Iclsbdl THT W T J ^ T l 40% ^ slddl ^ 3ffT
and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had:
A)588 apples B)600 apples 3frfr 3 d ^ Hid 420 d)s| ^ I <HH dM 3°T^ Hid......i
C)672 apples D)700 apples A) 588 ^ B) 600tfcr C ) 6 7 2 ^ D)700Tfa
25. Find the fit for unsolved equation from the following P<M Pf& H ^chcvql # ^ TMdd^Tl Pk1
5X6X3 = 356 , 1X0X5 = 510 id d d fl' ftftFftTrFPTTTT?
5 X 6 X 7 = .......? 5X6X3 = 356, 1X0X5 = 510
(A)567 (B)657 (C)210 (D)756 5 X 6 X 7 = ....... ?
(A) 567 (B) 657 (C) 210 (D) 756
26. If in a particular code NOIDA is written as 39658, then dfe 4 NOIDA ^ 139658 Ptsll dldl dt
how INDIA will be written in the same code?
(A)36568 (B)63568 (C)63569 (D)65368 3 # ^ # INDIA %^T PRIT di 1W<nr?
(A )36568 (B )63568 (C )63569 (D )65368
27. A plant’s height increases 1/8“ of its height in every 1.1+- rfttf # i r l l l 64 TUN *TT 1/8 dT f&Rff
year. If the present height of tree is 64 c.m. then what
will be the plant’s height after two years from now? dctlcTl $4 d cP ld 3>dl^ 64c.m$4 T^bd. 3id" ^ 2^
(A)72 c.m. (B)74 c.m. TfTdT3721 # 3>dl^ ^iT?W r?
(C)75 c.m. (D)81 c.m.
(A) 72 Tfl.tJTT. (B) 74. tft.IW. (C) 75Tfl.m (D) 81 Tfl.WT.
28. If the average of 7 different continuous serial numbers dlcf 7 Po-d sb^ch 4i^TT3fT 3T 3 iP d 20 £ dY
is 20 then which of the following is the largest number
among 7 different numbers? P i j-h fe lle d # £ 7 P ^ r TRsmarf # £ ftfcr tfr i m
(A)24 (B)23 (C)22 (D)20
(A) 24 (B) 23 (C) 22 (D) 20
29. After deduction of 15 from a number it remains only Oftt BtsAlP 15 cRlchdtcTl dlcf 3TF ^ d d 80% TF
80% , what is the 40 % of that number?
(A)75 (B)60 (C)30 (D)90 oTTcfr f, 34T TTE3T eRf 40% p>
(A) 75 (B) 60 (C) 30 (D) 90
30. Which of the following value is least? P P Rs)rl FfTt d ip dl ch*H <tiiH $?
(A)6/36 (B)3/41 (C) 2/23 (D) 1/12 (A) 6/36 (B) 3/41 (C) 2/23 (D) 1/12
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Mining Sirdar T&S Gr -C/NRD:486(2018)

Space for Rough W o rk /= P ^I =hl4

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Answer Sheet
Post Name : Mining Sirdar T&S Gr C, Question Booklet Set :A
Employment Notification Reference: 486, dt :28/08/2018
Ques Ans Ques Ans Ques Ans
1 C 36 D 1 C
2 A 37 D 2 B
3 A 38 D 3 C
4 C 39 B 4 B
5 D 40 B 5 C
D B 6 D
6 41
7 A 42 B 7 C

Northern Coalfields Limited

8 C 43 C 8 A
9 C 44 C 9 A
10 D 45 C 10 B
11 C 46 B 11 A
12 C 47 A 12 D
13 D 48 D 13 B
14 D 49 C 14 D
15 D 50 C 15 B
16 A 51 B 16 D
17 D 52 D 17 B
18 A 53 D 18 D
19 C 54 C 19 C
20 C 55 B 20 A
21 C 56 D 21 D
22 C 57 A 22 D
23 B 58 C 23 B
24 B 59 D 24 D
25 C 60 D 25 D
26 D 61 B 26 B
27 B 62 B 27 D
28 D 63 B 28 B
29 C 64 B 29 C
30 B 65 B 30 B
31 C 66 C
32 B 67 C
33 C 68 D
34 C 69 D
35 C 70 C
*The above answer keys could be modified after the verification of all

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