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Stressful & Bored Job

Tough targets and tasks:

In call center job a specific target is given by the company to their employees .employees will
have to achieve the company target for good salary and position in the company and for this
purpose employees will have to work very hard on daily basis if they want to success in their job
this job is divided into two key categories one is outbound agents and other is inbound agents
outbound agents are responsible to market the services of a company by making calls to the
potential client these employees have difficult targets due to which they have to make a large
number of phone calls this is how they can achieve the given sales target by the company .this is
not an easy task to make a large number of calls the main reason is that some customers do not
even show interest in what you have to say some of them to show interest in earlier phase of the
call and then indicate that do not intend to buy anything .sometimes the job of outbound agents
can be frustrating . As compare to out bound agent in bound agents do not have to make
outgoing calls instead clients contact then for the sport and in bound agents maybe working for
an internet service providing company and also for technical sport to the customers. The tough
task for the inbound call agents is that they get calls from the clients having different problems in
bound agents will have to satisfy the customer end the call before maximum time period a lot of
clients make calls when they are in a problem and they expect the problem to be solved in short
period of time for in bound agents this can be prove to be a problem as some of the problems
may be highly technical and complex.
Totally disturbed daily routine.

The main fact is that the people who are a part of call center job can forget about having a proper

daily routine if they’re working as outbound agents they will have to achieve their sales target

and this is their priority and to achieve their sales target they spend their extra hours. & in this

condition you put your all the time in the job and sacrifice your personal life for this job. Call

center employees work in shifts which keep changing if you’re working in morning shifts may

be company asks you to work at night shift this completely disturb your daily routine. Every time

when your shift changes you need to change your routine.

Salary with less payment

When you’re working for a company the salary which you get after all hard work helps you in

deciding the expenses which you can afford the basic salary in this job is very less.The additional

amount in this salary depends on your performance in short a call center job cannot determine

the amount which we get at the end of the month in advance.If you’re working hard and doing

sales on daily bases surly you will get good salary at the end of the month on the other hand if

you’re not achieving your targets you will get the amount which is not according to your

expenses for the month.

Tolerating clients with different temperaments

It you’re doing call center job you would communicate with a lot of people who have bad
temperaments, Most clients make calls when they’re having a problem due to the problem
they’re in a frustrated state of mind every client talk to you in a rude complaining manner
however you will have to resolve the problem of the client without noticing the tone and also
client will expect to resolve the complaint in shortest time. Some people you call are of this type
that they will not even listen a complete sentence from you. Similarly a lot of people will listen
to you but at the end they will give negative response in bad language or rude manner. Hence it
is prove that call center job is quite irritating however people in this field always try to keep them
cool and calm & insure that they can talk to the client in a polite behavior.


Accent matters a lot in this job. Your communication skills will have to be very good while
talking to the customers your accent will have to be very good. The words you speak are clear
enough that the customer can understand them easily you need to be very expert at using the
correct accent as well. Call center agents sometimes even lose their jobs due to their bad accent.

And some also lose their job if they fail to catch the accent and make regular mistake while
talking to the clients. After all your accent will have to be very good the main factor how you can
achieve the sales target is accent.

Less Job Security

The main fact in this job is that jobs security is not in your hand It depends on
how you are performing? if you fail to perform you will lose your job. In call
center job the competition is very much a lot of people wait for job opportunities
So its very easy for the company to fire you if you are not performing well In
other words call center employees are under stress of losing job everytime, hence
proved that the job is not secure .

Unappreciated Job
There is no doubt that call center job do not have same respect as compare to other professions
Mostly people think that call center job is very much easy they think that this can be done by
anyone and there is no hard work needed in this job but it’s a very difficult task for the person
who is doing the job doing the promotion and sales through calls is a very difficult task in call
center job there is no relaxation for the employees their task is just to work hard and satisfy the
client and achieve the sales target given by the company . In short you will say that it’s a
thankless job.

Muscular and Body issues

Call center agents will have to sit in the same position for hours also with headset on their head
and on ear.Sitting in the same position for hours creates a lot of muscular issues. The back and
neck muscles are affected while sitting in same position .Headsets also cause muscular damages
,if they are of low quality and if the company is providing high quality headsets it reduces the
chances of health issues. So the sitting arrangement for the employees will have to be very good .

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