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Pe d i a t r i c I m a g i n g • R ev i ew

Liszewski and Lee

Neonatal Lung Disorders

Pediatric Imaging
Review FOCUS ON:

Neonatal Lung Disorders: Pattern

Recognition Approach to Diagnosis
Mark C. Liszewski1 OBJECTIVE. Lung disease is a common indication for neonates to require medical at-
Edward Y. Lee2 tention, and neonatal chest radiographs are among the most common studies interpreted by
pediatric radiologists. Radiographic features of many neonatal lung disorders overlap, and it
Liszewski MC, Lee EY may be difficult to differentiate among conditions.
CONCLUSION. This review presents an up-to-date practical approach to the radiologic
diagnosis of neonatal lung disorders, with a focus on pattern recognition and consideration of
clinical history, patient age, and symptoms.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

wide spectrum of disorders may The standard chest radiograph in the

A affect the lungs of the neonate.

Although ultrasound, CT, and
MRI may play a role in the diag-
NICU consists of a single portable radio-
graph obtained in the anteroposterior pro-
jection. Additional views may be used in se-
nosis and characterization of some neonatal lect situations. For example, lateral decubitus
lung disorders, chest radiographs are the pri- radiographs may be used to confirm a sus-
mary imaging modality used in most cases. pected pneumothorax or to assess a layer-
Interpretation of neonatal chest radiographs ing pleural effusion, and oblique radiographs
can be challenging, because many diseases may help localize a finding relative to other
produce similar imaging findings. However, thoracic structures [8].
by using a systematic pattern-based approach Most neonatal lung disorders can be diag-
described here, one can narrow the differen- nosed and managed with radiographs alone.
tial diagnoses and provide essential informa- In select scenarios, including congenital lung
tion critical to clinical decision making. malformations and cardiovascular abnormali-
Keywords: full-term, lung, neonatal, preterm
ties, cross-sectional imaging may provide es- Imaging Techniques sential additional clinical information, and CT
Most neonatal lung disorders are diagnosed may be indicated [9]. Compared with radio-
Received November 1, 2017; accepted after revision and managed exclusively on the basis of ra- graphs, CT requires a relatively high radiation
December 30, 2017. diographs, and appropriate radiographic tech- dose and should be considered only after care-
M. C. Liszewski receives grant support from Carestream
nique is vital to patient safety and diagnosis. It fully weighing the potential risks and bene-
Health for an unrelated study. is essential to use the ALARA (as low as rea- fits [9]. Modern MDCT scanners are widely
sonably achievable) principle when imaging available and are able to image the entire neo-
with a modality that uses ionizing radiation, natal thorax in a few seconds. Examinations
Division of Pediatric Radiology, Departments of
Radiology and Pediatrics, Montefiore Medical Center,
keeping radiation exposure as low as reason- can often be performed during sleeping, after
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 111 East 210th St,
Bronx, NY 10467. Address correspondence to ably achievable. This is accomplished through feeding, with gentle immobilization and with-
M. C. Liszewski ( appropriate collimation and shielding, using out sedation [9]. Because chest CT of the neo-
standardized exposure indexes to reduce the nate is generally limited to the evaluation of
risk of dose creep that may occur when imag- congenital lung malformations and cardiovas-
Division of Thoracic Imaging, Departments of Radiology
and Medicine, Pulmonary Division, Boston Children’s
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
ing with modern digital radiography systems, cular abnormalities, IV contrast agent is most
and limiting unnecessary examinations [1–4]. often indicated. Technical parameters should
This article is available for credit. When using proper technique, estimated radi- be optimized to reduce radiation dose on the
ation doses to neonates in the neonatal ICU basis of patient weight and size, and examina-
AJR 2018; 210:964–975
(NICU) are low, ranging from 24 to 32 μGy tions can most often be performed at very low
0361–803X/18/2105–964 per chest radiograph, and are associated with tube voltage (80 kV) [9, 10].
a very low estimated risk of developing radia- Other imaging modalities may be used in
© American Roentgen Ray Society tion-induced malignancy [5–7]. select scenarios. Ultrasound plays a limited

964 AJR:210, May 2018

Neonatal Lung Disorders

Diffuse Neonatal Lung Disorders Focal Neonatal Lung Disorders Diffuse or Focal Neonatal Lung Disorders

Congenital lobar overinflation Neonatal pneumonia

Preterm Congenital pulmonary airway malformation Pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Surfactant deficiency Bronchopulmonary sequestration Aspiration due to congenital anomaly

Full term

Retained fetal fluid

(transient tachypnea of newborn)
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Diffuse developmental disorder
Congenital surfactant dysfunction disorder
Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia

Preterm and full term

Alveolar growth disorder
Vascular congestion (cardiac disease)

Fig. 1—Spectrum of neonatal lung disorders.

American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

role in evaluation of neonatal lung disease, spiratory distress syndrome, is the most com- maturity is the most common risk factor for
because acoustic shadowing from the air- mon cause of death in preterm infants [14, 15]. SDD, with a frequency of 60–80% in children
filled lung provides a major limitation. How- Surfactant is a lipoprotein produced by type born before 28 weeks and 15–30% in children
ever, ultrasound may be used to evaluate a II pneumocytes that reduces the surface ten- born between 32 and 36 weeks [16–19]. SDD
pleural effusion or an aberrant vascular sup- sion of alveoli and allows normal expansion after 36 weeks’ gestation is rare but can occur
ply, as seen in pulmonary sequestration [11]. of the lungs during respiration. In SDD, sur- in the setting of maternal diabetes because of
In current practice, MRI is rarely used in the factant production is deficient and alveoli are high insulin levels, which interfere with surfac-
evaluation of neonatal lung disease, though unable to adequately expand. Decreased lung tant production maturation. Other risk factors
newly developed MRI techniques using ul- compliance leads to alveolar injury, resulting for SDD include multiple gestations, cesarean
trashort TE sequences may provide a poten- in accumulation of fibrin and cellular debris delivery, and perinatal asphyxia [16–19].
tial alternative to CT in the future [12, 13]. (called hyaline membranes) within the alveo- The radiographic findings of untreated
li. This debris, as well as atelectasis, leads to SDD depend on the severity of disease and
Diffuse Neonatal Lung Disorders poor oxygen exchange. may range from fine granular pulmonary
When approaching the interpretation of Surfactant production does not mature un- opacities to complete white-out of the lungs
an abnormal neonatal chest radiograph, the til approximately 35 weeks’ gestation, and pre- (Fig. 2). Low lung volumes are classically de-
first step is to determine whether the neonate
is preterm or full term and whether the find-
ings are diffuse or focal (Fig. 1).
The diffuse lung disorder that most com-
monly affects preterm neonates is SDD. Dif-
fuse lung disorders that affect full-term neo-
nates include retained fetal fluid (also known
as transient tachypnea of the newborn), MAS,
diffuse developmental disorders, congenital
SDD, and congenital pulmonary lymphangi-
ectasia. Diffuse lung disorders that may oc-
cur in either preterm or full-term neonates in-
clude alveolar growth disorder and vascular
congestion due to cardiac disease. The radio-
graphic findings in each of these disorders are
described, and pearls that help to differentiate
among these conditions are highlighted. A B
Fig. 2—Male neonate born at 26 weeks’ gestation with respiratory distress due to surfactant deficiency disorder.
Preterm A, Frontal chest radiograph obtained soon after birth shows extensive diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacity with
air bronchograms.
Surfactant deficiency disorder (SDD), also B, Frontal chest radiograph obtained at day 1 of life after administration of exogenous surfactant shows
known as hyaline membrane disease and re- improved aeration of lungs.

AJR:210, May 2018 965

Liszewski and Lee

chanical ventilator settings. Pulmonary ede-

ma may occur as a result of increased left-
to-right shunting through a patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA) or may be neurogenic, as in
cases of severe germinal matrix hemorrhage
[14] (Fig. 4). Pulmonary hemorrhage may be
due to multiple factors, including immature
capillaries, coagulopathy, shunting across a
PDA, and therapeutic hypothermia [24–26]
(Fig. 5). Barotrauma sustained by the imma-
ture lung during mechanical ventilation may
result in air leak phenomena, including pneu-
mothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumo-
peritoneum, and PIE, as described in a subse-
Fig. 3—Male neonate born at 32 weeks’ gestation Fig. 4—4-week-old boy born at 25 weeks’ gestation quent section in greater detail.
with respiratory distress due to surfactant deficiency with large patent ductus arteriosus. Frontal chest
disorder. Frontal chest radiograph obtained after radiograph shows increased bilateral pulmonary Full Term
administration of exogenous surfactant shows small vascular markings due to shunt vascularity and
round bubbly lucencies (arrows) in lower lobes due to cardiomegaly. Retained fetal fluid (transient tachypnea
distended alveoli; this finding may mimic pulmonary of the newborn)—Retained fetal fluid, also
interstitial emphysema. known as transient tachypnea of the new-
scribed in untreated SDD and occur as a re- The imaging findings of SDD evolve dur- born, is a diffuse lung disorder that occurs
sult of impaired alveolar expansion. ing the first days of life. Findings are usually because of delayed clearance of fetal lung
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

It is important to recognize that treatments most severe at birth, but can sometimes peak fluid after birth, typically in full-term neo-
and interventions frequently alter the radio- at 12–24 hours of life, reflecting the fact that nates born via cesarean delivery. Delayed
graphic findings in SDD, such that radio- macrophages begin to remove fibrin and cel- clearance of fetal lung fluid causes transient
graphs often do not display the classic find- lular debris from the lungs and type II pneu- respiratory distress that improves within
ings of untreated SDD. For example, most mocytes increase surfactant production at 48–72 hours after birth. In utero, the lungs
children with symptomatic SDD receive re- around 36–48 hours of life [18]. Radiographs are filled with fluid, and after birth this fluid
spiratory support, which expands the lung may normalize or evolve to findings of chron- clears via the airway, lymphatics, and capil-
volumes, and low lung volumes are not a reli- ic lung disease of prematurity (previously laries [18]. The clearance of fetal lung fluid
able feature of SDD in modern practice [14, known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia), de- is aided by adrenergic activation of sodium
18]. Exogenous surfactant is often admin- scribed in a subsequent section in greater channels that help transport fluid out of the
istered via endotracheal tube to treat SDD, detail. Acute increased opacification of the alveoli [27–30]. Cesarean delivery and pre-
which may result in normalization of lung lungs may occur because of atelectasis, pul- cipitous labor are risk factors for retained fe-
volumes (Fig. 2). Occasionally, acini receiv- monary edema, or pulmonary hemorrhage. tal fluid, because adrenergic stimulation that
ing exogenous surfactant can become over- Atelectasis is usually the result of altered me- normally accompanies labor is reduced. The
distended, causing imaging findings of small
bubbly lucencies that mimic PIE [18] (Fig. 3).
Uneven distribution of exogenous surfactant
within the lungs can alter the radiographic
findings, such that the classic uniform granu-
lar opacity of SDD becomes more heteroge-
neous as the treated areas of the lung expand
and untreated areas display granular opacity
or atelectasis [20]. This may mimic the ap-
pearance of other conditions, such as MAS
and neonatal pneumonia. Therapeutic hypo-
thermia has emerged as a technique to treat
neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalop-
athy, and this treatment has been associated
with a greater frequency of pulmonary com-
plications, including alveolar hemorrhage,
pneumonia, and air leak [21–23]. Because A B
these treatments can dramatically alter the Fig. 5—1-day-old boy born at 25 weeks’ gestation with surfactant deficiency disorder (SDD) complicated by
findings of SDD, communication with the pulmonary hemorrhage.
A, Frontal chest radiograph obtained at day 1 of life shows diffuse bilateral fine granular opacities
NICU staff and understanding of the clinical characteristic of SDD.
scenario are essential for accurate interpreta- B, Frontal chest radiograph obtained 5 hours later when blood was seen coming from endotracheal tube shows
tion of preterm neonatal chest radiographs. acute increased diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacity, compatible with pulmonary hemorrhage.

966 AJR:210, May 2018

Neonatal Lung Disorders

to persistent pulmonary hypertension of the

neonate. Aspirated meconium often causes
areas of atelectasis and air trapping within
the lung. Deep suctioning of the airway and
mechanical ventilation are often required.
Pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum are
frequently seen, and PIE can occur. In severe
cases, extracorporeal membranous oxygen-
ation may be required. Exogenous surfactant
may be administered to replace endogenous
surfactant that was inactivated by meconi-
um. Inhaled nitric oxide may be adminis-
tered to treat pulmonary hypertension.
Radiographic findings of MAS depend on
the severity of disease. Findings can range
Fig. 6—2-hour-old boy born at full term via cesarean Fig. 7—Newborn boy born at full term with meconium from clear lungs with hyperinflation to
section with retained fetal fluid. Frontal chest aspiration syndrome. Frontal chest radiograph shows coarse irregular bilateral pulmonary opaci-
radiograph shows bilateral pulmonary interstitial irregular bilateral pulmonary opacities, hyperinflated
opacities and fluid within minor fissure (arrow). lungs, and small right pneumothorax (arrow). ties with segmental areas of atelectasis and
hyperinflation. Pneumothorax is frequent
in MAS, occurring in 10–40% of cases [18,
incidence of retained fetal fluid is approxi- aging feature of retained fetal fluid is in- 33, 34] (Fig. 7). Therefore, when a neonatal
mately 35.5 cases/1000 infants delivered via terval improvement within 48–72 hours. In chest radiograph shows a pneumothorax and
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

cesarean delivery before the onset of labor, cases where the initial radiographic appear- diffuse lung disease, MAS should be strong-
12.2 cases/1000 infants born by cesarean de- ance is atypical, consideration of birth his- ly considered. PIE is a rare complication and
livery after the onset of labor, and 5.3 cas- tory and follow-up radiographs are key to should be suspected when small bubbly lu-
es/1000 infants born by vaginal delivery [31]. establishing the diagnosis. cencies develop within the lungs in a patient
Chest radiographs of neonates with re- Meconium aspiration syndrome—MAS with MAS.
tained fetal fluid typically show diffuse is a diffuse lung disorder that is the result Diffuse developmental disorder—The dif-
pulmonary interstitial opacities (Fig. 6). of fetal aspiration of meconium and is the fuse developmental disorders are a rare group
Small pleural effusions are common, typi- most common cause of significant morbidity of lung diseases that typically affect full-
cally manifesting as trace fluid within the and mortality among full-term and postterm term neonates. These disorders are caused
fissures. Lung volumes may be normal or ­neonates [32, 33]. Meconium staining of the by abnormal development of the lung, lead-
increased. In some cases, imaging findings amniotic fluid occurs in 10–15% of births, ing to severe progressive respiratory failure
may be similar to those of SDD, showing but MAS occurs in only approximately 5% with a mortality rate of nearly 100% by age
diffuse granular opacities [18]. In other cas- of these cases [18, 32, 33]. Aspirated me- 2 months [35–37]. The three main diffuse
es, findings may mimic those of MAS or conium causes a chemical pneumonitis and developmental disorders are acinar dyspla-
neonatal pneumonia, showing irregular bi- inactivates surfactant, resulting in hypoxia sia, congenital alveolar dysplasia, and alveo-
lateral opacities [18]. The most specific im- and respiratory distress. MAS predisposes lar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of
to infection, and superimposed pneumonia pulmonary veins. Acinar dysplasia occurs be-
may occur [14]. Hypoxia in MAS may lead cause of arrest of lung development between
6 and 16 weeks’ gestation [38], congenital al-
veolar dysplasia occurs because of arrest of
lung development between 16 and 26 weeks’
gestation [39], and alveolar capillary dyspla-
sia with misalignment of pulmonary veins is
caused by abnormal development of the lung
architecture in which the pulmonary veins
develop adjacent to the pulmonary arteries,
rather than within the interlobular septa.
Acinar dysplasia is the most severe of
these conditions, because the lung is most
underdeveloped at the time of birth, con-
taining only airway structures and no alve-
oli. Patients with acinar dysplasia are typi-
A B cally born at full term with small lungs and
Fig. 8—13-month-old girl born at full term with respiratory distress due to ABCA3 genetic mutation. severe respiratory failure. Radiographs typ-
A, Frontal chest radiograph shows diffuse bilateral hazy and interstitial pulmonary opacities.
B, Coronal CT image in lung window shows diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities, interlobular septal ically show low lung volumes with diffuse
thickening, and bilateral pulmonary cysts. opacity [40].

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Liszewski and Lee

Congenital alveolar dysplasia also causes ically show diffuse hazy pulmonary opaci- stitial opacity, pleural effusion, and hyperinfla-
severe progressive respiratory failure, al- ties, similar to those seen in preterm patients tion in the neonatal period [14, 50]. CT findings
though affected patients typically survive with SDD (Fig. 8). Unlike neonates with include interlobular septal thickening, ground-
longer than patients with acinar dysplasia. SDD, children with these conditions are typ- glass opacity, and pleural effusions [14]. MRI
Underdeveloped alveoli are present in con- ically born at full term and their symptoms findings include T2-hyperintense interlobular
genital alveolar dysplasia, although they have do not improve. CT may be performed dur- septal thickening and pleural effusions [51].
thick alveolar septa, resulting in poor gas ex- ing the workup for unexplained respiratory Among patients who survive beyond infancy,
change. Affected neonates typically present distress and typically shows diffuse ground- interstitial opacities tend to decrease and hy-
with progressive respiratory failure in the glass opacities and may also show inter- perinflation increases [50]. The radiographic
first hours of life and frequently develop pul- lobular septal thickening in a crazy-paving findings of pulmonary lymphangiectasia are
monary hypertension. Radiographs typically pattern (Fig. 8). These CT findings may be somewhat nonspecific, and diagnosis can be es-
show low lung volumes with diffuse opacity similar to findings seen in older patients with tablished by sampling the pleural effusion af-
and may show an enlarged main pulmonary acquired pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. ter a fatty meal, which shows chylous fluid [14].
artery due to pulmonary hypertension [40]. Definitive diagnosis is based on genet-
Neonates with alveolar capillary dysplasia ic testing and biopsy [40]. Mutations impair Preterm and Full Term
with misalignment of pulmonary veins are pulmonary macrophages’ ability to clear sur- The two main conditions that may cause
typically born at full term and develop severe factant, and biopsy in early infancy typically diffuse lung findings in both preterm and
pulmonary hypertension and respiratory fail- shows pulmonary alveolar proteinosis with full-term neonates are the alveolar growth
ure. Symptoms usually begin within the first diffuse alveolar hyperplasia and foamy mac- disorders and vascular congestion from car-
few days of life [40]. Radiographs typically rophages but no hyaline membranes [45, 46]. diac disease.
show low lung volumes with diffuse opacity Congenital pulmonary lymphangiecta- Alveolar growth disorders—Alveolar
and enlarged main pulmonary artery due to sia—Congenital pulmonary lymphangiecta- growth disorders are different from the dif-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

pulmonary hypertension [40]. sia is a rare cause of severe respiratory com- fuse developmental disorders because they
Congenital surfactant dysfunction disor- promise in neonates characterized by dilated are not the result of a genetic defect in lung
ders—The congenital surfactant dysfunction pulmonary lymphatic channels and chylous development but are due to a superimposed
disorders are caused by mutations in genes pleural effusions [47, 48]. Lymphangiecta- process [52]. This superimposed process may
involved in the production and metabolism sia may occur in neonates with genetic syn- occur during the prenatal or postnatal peri-
of surfactant. These include mutations in dromes, such as trisomy 21 and Noonan syn- od and may affect neonates born preterm or
the SFTPB gene, which normally produc- drome, or those with congenital heart disease full term. This process can occur in utero;
es surfactant protein B; the SFTPC gene, [49]. Historically, the condition has been de- in the neonatal period, because of a genetic
which normally produces surfactant protein scribed as universally fatal, but improve-
C; and the adenosine triphosphate–binding ments in neonatal care have resulted in im-
cassette subfamily A member 3 (ABCA3) proved outcomes, and patients with late-onset
gene, which normally produces the ABCA3 disease have better outcomes [14, 48, 49].
protein. Other rare congenital causes of sur- Chest radiographs in congenital pulmonary
factant dysfunction include thyroid tran- lymphangiectasia typically show diffuse inter-
scription factor–1 mutations, granulocyte-
macrophage colony-stimulating factor–Rα
mutations, and lysinuric protein intolerance
[41–44]. These mutations lead to impaired
clearance of surfactant, causing reduced
oxygen exchange. Bronchoalveolar lavage
shows periodic acid Schiff–positive materi-
al due to excessive surfactant and surfactant
metabolites within the alveoli. This is simi-
lar to acquired causes of pulmonary alveolar
proteinosis seen in older children and adults.
However, in these conditions, impaired sur-
factant clearance occurs because of an ac-
quired condition, such as production of anti–
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
factor autoantibodies, rather than because of
a genetic mutation, as in the congenital sur- Fig. 9—3-month-old girl born at 25 weeks’ gestation Fig. 10—2-day-old boy born at full term with
factant dysfunction disorders. with chronic lung disease of prematurity. Frontal secondary pulmonary hypoplasia due to autosomal
Neonates with congenital surfactant dys- chest radiograph shows coarse bilateral pulmonary recessive polycystic kidney disease. Frontal
function disorders are usually born at full opacities with hyperinflation and atelectasis within radiograph of chest and abdomen shows protuberant
right upper (arrow) and right middle (arrowhead) abdomen due to markedly enlarged kidneys and small
term and have unexplained respiratory dis- lobes. diffusely opacified lungs. (Courtesy of Taragin BH,
tress soon after birth. Chest radiographs typ- Soroka Hospital International, Beersheba, Israel)

968 AJR:210, May 2018

Neonatal Lung Disorders

or chromosomal defect that does not specifi- Genetic or chromosomal defects that may nary vascular congestion due to cardiac disease
cally cause a programmed lung disorder; or cause alveolar growth disorders include tri- is a common cause of diffuse lung findings on
because of congenital heart disease. The un- somy 21 and X-linked filamin-A mutation chest radiographs. It is important to differenti-
derlying lung abnormality differs for each of [40]. Thirty-six percent of patients with tri- ate pulmonary vascular congestion from a lung
these conditions, although, in general, all con- somy 21 have underlying lung abnormali- disorder because the treatment differs. Pulmo-
ditions result in decreased formation of alveo- ties with characteristic imaging findings of nary vascular congestion may occur in preterm
lar septa and enlarged alveoli and acini [40]. subpleural and peribronchial cysts, although or full-term neonates. For example, vascular
The most common alveolar growth disor- these are usually not evident until later in congestion due to a PDA is a frequent cause of
der encountered in clinical practice is chron- childhood [55]. X-linked filamin-A gene mu- respiratory distress in preterm neonates. Neo-
ic lung disease of prematurity (also known tations cause diffuse pulmonary hyperinfla- nates with other congenital heart diseases may
as bronchopulmonary dysplasia). This condi- tion and enlarged main pulmonary arteries, be born at full term and develop pulmonary
tion first emerged in the 1960s when surviv- which may be identified at chest radiograph, vascular congestion in the first days of life.
al rates among premature infants with SDD CT, or MRI. A detailed description of the various con-
dramatically increased because of advances Vascular congestion (cardiac disease)—Al- genital heart defects that may cause vascular
in mechanical ventilation and oxygen thera- though not truly a disorder of the lung, pulmo- congestion is beyond the scope of this article. In
py, but a subset of patients were noted to de-
velop a chronic pulmonary syndrome due to
traumatic effects of these therapies on the
immature lung. In 1967, Northway et al. [53]
first described this condition, defining four
stages of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. In
this original description, the diffuse granu-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

lar opacities of SDD are seen through day 3

of life (stage I) and are subsequently replaced
by nearly complete opacification of the lungs
due to necrosis and repair of alveolar and
bronchiolar epithelial cells during days 4–10
of life (stage II), followed by the development
of interstitial edema and fibrosis producing
small cystlike lucencies and hyperinflation at
days 10–20 of life (stage III), which continue
to increase through age 1 month (stage IV) A B
[53]. Changes in treatment strategies result-
ing from this original description, including
use of antenatal glucocorticoids, exogenous
surfactant, less-traumatic mechanical venti-
lation strategies, and lower concentrations of
supplemental oxygen, have reduced the fre-
quency of chronic lung disease of prematu-
rity and altered the radiographic features.
In modern practice, the classic progression
through the four stages of bronchopulmona-
ry dysplasia originally described by North-
way et al. is often not seen, though the final
radiographic appearance is often similar,
with chest radiographs showing coarse bi-
lateral pulmonary opacities with areas of at-
electasis, hyperinflation, and small cystlike
bubbly lucencies [54] (Fig. 9).
The most common alveolar growth dis- C D
order to occur in the prenatal period is sec- Fig. 11—Male neonate born at full term with respiratory distress due to right middle lobe congenital lobar
ondary pulmonary hypoplasia due to ol- overinflation.
A, Frontal chest radiograph obtained soon after birth shows opacification and overinflation of right middle lobe
igohydramnios, skeletal dysplasia, or a (asterisk).
space-occupying lesion. Imaging findings B, Frontal chest radiograph obtained at day 3 of life shows increased lucency and persistent overinflation of
in secondary pulmonary hypoplasia include right middle lobe (asterisk).
small lungs and may reveal the underlying C, Axial CT image in lung window shows right middle lobe overinflation (O) causing mass effect with bilateral
lower lobe compressive atelectasis (A) and leftward mediastinal shift.
cause (i.e., findings of skeletal dysplasia or D, Sagittal CT image in lung window shows right middle lobe overinflation (O) causing mass effect with right
underlying space-occupying lesion) (Fig. 10). upper and right lower lobe compressive atelectasis (A).

AJR:210, May 2018 969

Liszewski and Lee

general, vascular congestion due to cardiac dis- pansion, close monitoring of imaging studies adenomatoid malformations, are congenital
ease appears on chest radiographs as increased and symptoms is essential. lung lesions composed of abnormally formed
pulmonary vascular markings, often with an Congenital lobar overinflation may be first lung tissue with bronchial overgrowth and ar-
enlarged cardiac silhouette. When interstitial diagnosed at antenatal imaging or on chest ra- rested alveolar development [62, 63]. On gross
edema is present, chest radiographs may show diographs obtained in a neonate with symp- inspection, congenital pulmonary airway mal-
Kerley B lines, and CT may show smooth in- toms. Findings at antenatal imaging reflect formations may appear as a cyst or cysts of var-
terlobular septal thickening. Diffuse ground- fluid-trapping, akin to air-trapping, within the ious sizes or as a solid mass. Most congenital
glass opacities and air bronchograms are char- affected lobe, because the fetus breathes fetal pulmonary airway malformations have con-
acteristic of alveolar edema. The most common fluid while in utero. Findings at prenatal ul- ventional arterial supply from the pulmonary
cause of vascular congestion in the preterm ne- trasound may include a hyperexpanded hy- artery and drainage to the pulmonary vein [64].
onate is a PDA, which often causes findings of poechoic lobe, and prenatal MRI may show Communication with the bronchial tree may be
pulmonary vascular congestion after the first a hyperexpanded hyperintense lobe [59, 60]. normal or abnormal [62, 63]. Most congenital
few days of life when pulmonary vascular re- ­Neonates with congenital lobar overinflation pulmonary airway malformations are confined
sistance decreases, resulting in increased left- often have chest radiographs showing retention to one lobe of the lung [65].
to-right shunting [14] (Fig. 4). One of the most of fetal fluid within the affected lobe, because In recent years, it has become clear that there
common causes of increased pulmonary vas- there is delayed clearance of fluid from the af- is overlap between congenital pulmonary air-
cular markings and enlarged cardiac silhouette fected lobe in the immediate postnatal period way malformations and other congenital lung
in a full-term neonate is a ventriculoseptal de- [58, 61] (Fig. 11). In the first hours after birth, lesions [62, 63, 66–68]. This has resulted in
fect, which causes pulmonary vascular conges- the fetal fluid eventually clears from the affect- some controversy surrounding the classifica-
tion due to a left-to-right shunt [56]. ed lobe and is replaced by air. The affected lobe tion of congenital pulmonary airway malfor-
then shows progressive lucency and hyperex- mations, although the modified Stocker classifi-
Focal Neonatal Lung Disorders pansion, the severity of which is correlated cation system remains the most widely used by
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

Several conditions affecting the lungs of with the severity of symptoms (Fig. 11). radiologists. First proposed in 1977 and modi-
neonates can cause focal imaging findings. fied in 2001, the modified Stocker classification
In general, these conditions have more-spe- Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation system [69, 70] describes five types of congeni-
cific radiographic findings than do the dif- Congenital pulmonary airway malforma- tal pulmonary airway malformation (type 0 to
fuse disorders, and imaging plays a central tions, previously known as congenital cystic type 4), which are described in Table 1.
role in their diagnosis. Conditions in this cat-
egory include congenital lobar overinflation, TABLE 1: Stocker Classification System of Congenital Pulmonary Airway
congenital pulmonary airway malformation, Malformations
and bronchopulmonary sequestration.
Type General Characteristics Neonatal Imaging Findings
Congenital Lobar Overinflation Type 0 Bilateral acinar dysgenesis or Not typically imaged, because incompatible
Congenital lobar overinflation, also known ­tracheobronchial dysplasia involving all with life
as congenital lobar emphysema, is a condition lobes
in which there is hyperexpansion of a lobe of Incompatible with life and not typically
the lung, often resulting in mass effect on ad- encountered in clinical practice
jacent structures. The cause of congenital lo- Type 1 One or more large cysts measuring > 2 cm Chest radiograph: cystic structures in the
bar overinflation is not completely under- lung may initially be filled with fetal fluid and
stood, although narrowing or weakness of a subsequently become lucent
lobar bronchus causing a check-valve mecha- CT and MRI: thin-walled cyst or cysts that are
nism is often cited as a likely cause [57, 58]. In usually air-filled
this scenario, air enters the lobe during inspi- Type 1: cysts > 2 cm
ration but is unable to exit the lobe during ex- Type 2 One or more cysts < 2 cm Type 2: cysts < 2 cm
piration, and there is progressive hyperexpan-
Type 3 Appear as solid at gross inspection Chest radiograph: solid focal opacity
sion of the affected lobe. Histologic analysis
may show decreased or increased numbers of Composed of microcysts measuring < 5 mm CT and MRI: solid enhancing mass
alveoli (hypoalveolar and polyalveolar types, and visible only on microscopy
respectively) [35]. Symptoms largely depend Type 4 Multiple large peripheral cysts Chest radiograph: large peripheral cystic
on the degree of lobar hyperexpansion. A structures in the lung may initially be filled
with fetal fluid and subsequently become
mildly hyperexpanded lobe may be asymp- lucent
tomatic and decrease in size with time; close
follow-up is warranted in these cases. How- May be associated with pneumothorax and CT and MRI: peripheral cysts which are
lobar hyperexpansion usually air-filled
ever, progressive hyperexpansion of a lobe
can occur and cause significant, sometimes Often indistinguishable from type 1 lesions at Pneumothorax or lobar hyperexpansion may
gross inspection be seen
life-threatening, symptoms. The treatment of
choice for symptomatic lesions is lobectomy. Often indistinguishable from type 1 lesions
Given the potential for progressive hyperex- Note—Table was created using the updated classification system described by Stocker et al. [92].

970 AJR:210, May 2018

Neonatal Lung Disorders

tions have revealed mutations in the DICER1

gene in up to 66% of pleuropulmonary blas-
tomas, and genetic testing is likely to play
an increasing role in the management of pa-
tients with these lesions in the future.

Bronchopulmonary Sequestration
Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a fo-
cal lung lesion composed of nonfunction-
ing lung tissue that is disconnected from
the bronchial tree and has a systemic arte-
rial supply [78]. Bronchopulmonary seques-
trations are traditionally subdivided into in-
tralobar and extralobar types. Intralobar
bronchopulmonary sequestrations share a
visceral pleural covering with adjacent nor-
Fig. 12—Female neonate without symptoms born at full term. Congenital pulmonary airway malformation was
detected at prenatal ultrasound. mal lung, and most often have venous drain-
A, Frontal chest radiograph obtained at day 1 of life shows left upper lobe round opacity (arrow) with central age to the pulmonary vein [62–64]. Extralo-
cystic lucency (arrowhead). bar bronchopulmonary sequestrations have
B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT image in lung window shows left upper lobe lesion composed of multiple small
cysts, compatible with Stocker type 2 congenital pulmonary airway malformation. their own pleural covering, and venous drain-
age is most often to a systemic vein [62–64].
The nonfunctioning lung tissue within in-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

Congenital pulmonary airway malforma- ma, which is a rare primary neoplasm, can be tralobar and extralobar bronchopulmonary
tions are often first detected at fetal ultrasound indistinguishable from types 1, 2, and 4 con- sequestrations often contains cystic regions
as heterogeneous hyperechoic lesions, which genital pulmonary airway malformation on similar to congenital pulmonary airway mal-
may contain cysts of various sizes, depending imaging studies [65, 71]. formations, and the term “hybrid lesion” has
on the type [59]. Lesions may be further char- Symptomatic congenital pulmonary air- been used to describe this phenomenon [68].
acterized with fetal MRI, which shows the way malformations are currently treated Both types of bronchopulmonary sequestra-
pulmonary lesions as hyperintense to adjacent with resection. Management of asymptom- tion typically occur in the lower thorax. Less
lung on T2-weighted imaging, and cysts may atic congenital pulmonary airway malforma- common locations for extralobar broncho-
be seen [59]. After birth, chest radiographs tions is more controversial. Some advocate pulmonary sequestration include below the
typically show a focal lesion within the lung resection because of the risk of superinfec- diaphragm or within the mediastinum.
(Fig. 12), and imaging findings for each type tion and small risk of associated malignan- Bronchopulmonary sequestration is of-
of congenital pulmonary airway malforma- cy [72–76]. Others recommend conserva- ten first detected at prenatal ultrasound as a
tion are described in Table 1. It is important to tive management given the low frequency of homogeneous hyperechoic mass, with Dop-
recognize that cystic pleuropulmonary blasto- these complications [77]. Recent investiga- pler imaging showing an anomalous arteri-

Fig. 13—3-day-old girl with prenatal diagnosis of right lower lobe mass, found to have intrapulmonary bronchopulmonary sequestration.
A, Lateral radiograph shows opacity (asterisk) in right lower lobe.
B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows anomalous artery (arrow) arising from descending aorta (A) and extending to right lower lobe sequestration.
C, Frontal 3D volume-rendered CT image shows anomalous artery (arrow) arising from descending aorta (A) and extending to right lower lobe sequestration. Three-
dimensional volume-rendered CT image better shows entire course and size of anomalous artery than does axial CT image.

AJR:210, May 2018 971

Liszewski and Lee

Bronchopulmonary sequestrations can ratory distress, temperature instability, and

lead to symptoms if superinfected. Symp- hypothermia [85]. There are several reports
tomatic bronchopulmonary sequestrations of group B streptococcal pneumonia associ-
are treated with resection. Treatment of ated with delayed presentation of right-sided
asymptomatic bronchopulmonary sequestra- congenital diaphragmatic hernia, although
tion is more controversial. Many recommend the cause of this association is not clear [86].
resection for intralobar bronchopulmona- The radiographic findings for neonatal
ry sequestration given the risk for superin- pneumonia are variable. Pulmonary opacities
fection [81, 82]. Arterial embolization is an can be focal but are more often diffuse and bi-
alternative to surgery that has been used in lateral [85]. Chest radiographs can show hazy
both intralobar and extralobar bronchopul- opacities similar to those associated with SDD,
monary sequestration [83, 84]. coarse irregular opacities similar to those as-
sociated with MAS, or reticular opacities simi-
Diffuse or Focal Neonatal Lung lar to those associated with transient tachypnea
Disorders of the newborn [85]. Pleural effusions are more
Some lung disorders affecting neonates often seen in neonatal pneumonia and can be a
can present as either diffuse or focal find- clue to the diagnosis. Because the clinical signs
Fig. 14—3-day-old girl born at 27 weeks’ gestation ings on imaging studies. Conditions in this and symptoms and the radiographic findings
with surfactant deficiency disorder and worsening category include neonatal pneumonia, PIE, are nonspecific, the key to diagnosis is a high
respiratory failure due to bilateral pulmonary and aspiration in the setting of a congenital index of suspicion. Affected patients are often
interstitial emphysema. Frontal chest radiograph
anomaly, such as a trachea-esophageal fistula treated empirically with antibiotics. Definitive
shows hyperinflated lungs containing numerous
or esophageal bronchus. diagnosis is based on blood or respiratory cul-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2018.210:964-975.

round lucencies that do not conform to shape of

alveoli and extend to periphery of lung. ture, though cultures are often negative [87].
Neonatal Pneumonia
al supply from the aorta [79]. Prenatal MRI Neonatal pneumonia is defined as pulmo- Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema
may be performed and typically shows a le- nary infection occurring within the first 28 PIE is an air leak phenomenon that occurs
sion that is hyperintense to the adjacent lung days of life. Transmission of infection may because of rupture of the respiratory epitheli-
on T2-weighted imaging, and anomalous ar- occur in utero, during birth, or after birth um, allowing air to dissect through the pulmo-
terial supply from the aorta can sometimes [14]. The most common pathogen is group nary interstitium [17]. PIE is most often bilat-
be visualized as a flow void arising from the B Streptococcus species, which is transmit- eral, although it can be unilateral or confined
aorta [80]. The most common appearance of ted during vaginal delivery from colonized to one lobe. PIE most often occurs in neonates
bronchopulmonary sequestration on neona- mothers, although a variety of other bacteria with SDD undergoing mechanical ventilation,
tal chest radiographs is a lower lobe opaci- and viruses may be the cause. Risk factors but can occasionally be seen in neonates with
ty or mass, which is often indistinguishable for neonatal pneumonia include prolonged other conditions, including congenital dia-
from congenital pulmonary airway malfor- rupture of membranes, prematurity, MAS, phragmatic hernia, MAS, and neonatal pneu-
mation (Fig. 13). Intralobar bronchopulmo- and therapeutic cooling [14, 21–23]. The monia. Other air leak phenomena may occur
nary sequestrations often become lucent signs and symptoms of neonatal pneumonia with PIE, including pneumothorax, pneumo-
as fetal lung fluid clears and air enters the are often nonspecific and may include respi- mediastinum, and pneumoperitoneum.
bronchopulmonary sequestration via pores
of Kohn and canals of Lambert. Extralobar
bronchopulmonary sequestrations remain
dense, because there is no communication
with the normal lung. Ultrasound may show
a systemic arterial supply from the descend-
ing thoracic or abdominal aorta, although
aerated lung may obscure this finding at ul-
trasound. Contrast-enhanced CT angiogra-
phy or MR angiography is often indicated to
better define the arterial and venous supply
and can be especially helpful for presurgical
planning [51, 64]. Intralobar bronchopulmo-
nary sequestration typically appears as a cys-
tic lung lesion with systemic arterial supply
and venous drainage to the left atrium (Fig.
13). Extralobar bronchopulmonary seques- A B
tration typically appears as a solid enhanc- Fig. 15—Female neonate with acute respiratory distress on first feeding.
A, Frontal chest radiograph shows patchy bilateral pulmonary opacities due to aspiration.
ing mass with systemic arterial supply and B, Esophagram shows connection (asterisk) between trachea (T) and esophagus (E) consistent with H-type
systemic venous drainage [79]. tracheoesophageal fistula. Aspirated contrast material is also noted in right and left lungs.

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