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Laboratory 8

Relative Density and Load Carrying

Capacity of Sands

Relative density of sands refers to the in situ (in-place) void ratio of a sand deposit as
referenced to index values of the maximum and minimum void ratio determined in the lab
from a sample of the natural deposit. By definition, the relative density of a sand deposit,
Dr, is calculated as:

Dr (%) = (emax - ein situ) / (emax - emin) x 100%

The in situ void ratio of a sand deposit is affected by the process of deposition as well as
the size, shape and gradation of the sand grains. Because the unit weight of a sand
deposit is related to the void ratio, the relative density may also be expressed as a ratio of
unit weights as:

Dr (%) = [d-max (d-in situ - d-min)] / [d-in situ (d-max - d-min)] x 100%

If all of the sand grains in a deposit are idealized as uniformly sized perfect spheres and
they are packed in their loosest possible state, the maximum void ratio would be about
emax = 0.90. If these same idealized grains are packed in their densest possible state,
the minimum void ratio would be about emin = 0.35. Natural sand deposits oftentimes
contain a range of particle sizes, with particle shapes ranging from nearly rounded to very
angular. When the sand grain sizes are not uniform, smaller grains will fill in the gaps
between larger grains and thus the minimum void ratio may be reduced to around 0.25 in
the dense state. When the sand grains are angular they tend to form looser structures
than rounded grains, resulting in higher void ratios. If the sand deposit is compacted by
vibration accompanied with surcharge loading, a dense structure with minimized void
ratio can be obtained.

As the void ratio/unit weight of a sand changes, strength characteristics of the deposit will
also change. On the basis of relative density, sandy soils may be qualitatively classified
from Very Loose to Very Dense as shown in Table 1. Natural deposits of sands are
commonly sampled/tested using the standard penetration test (SPT) or the static cone
penetration test (CPT). Approximate relationships between relative density of sands, the
SPT results, and the internal friction angle of the sand are provided in Table 1 for sands
with both rounded and angular grains..

Table 1: Typical Values for Sand Deposits

o o
 
Ncor Compactness Dr(%)
Rounded Angular

0-4 V Loose 0-15 <27 <30

4-10 Loose 15-35 27-30 30-35

10-30 Medium 35-65 30-35 35-40

30-50 Dense 65-85 35-38 40-45

>50 V Dense >85 >38 >45

The load bearing capacity of a non-reinforced sand deposit is also related to its relative
density. In general, as the relative density increases, the internal friction angle of the
sand increases as does the ability of the sand to support loads without failure or
excessive settlement. When a soil layer is reinforced, the increased load bearing
capacity is related to the depth and number of reinforcing layers, the aerial extent of the
reinforcement, and strength properties of the reinforcing material(s).

Based on the results of extensive testing by various researchers, a number of empirical

relationships have been developed to predict safe bearing pressures on natural sands
based on load bearing and settlement considerations. Figure 1 provides an example
application of the determination of safe bearing pressures on sands as a function of
foundation size and SPT test results. When using an empirical relation such as this, it is
important to consider the data that was used to develop the relation, i.e., what types of
soils were observed and does a particular soil type of interest fall within this data set. It is
also important to consider the range of data values used to develop the relation, i.e., will
my result be an interpolation or an extrapolation from the data. Generally speaking,
estimates obtained by empirical relations that are interpolations of the data are
considered valid while estimates obtained from extrapolations are much more suspect.
For those situations where the range of data used to develop the empirical relationship is
unknown, extreme caution should be exercised if the estimate obtained from the relation
is the only value available for consideration.

When a soil layer is reinforced, the increased load bearing capacity is related to the depth
and number of reinforcing layers, the aerial extent of the reinforcement, and strength
properties of the reinforcing material(s).

Figure 1: Example Allowable Bearing Capacity vs Footing Size and Soil Strength

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands

OBJECTIVE: To study the fundamental weight-volume relationships of soil and the

variation in relative density of a sand due to vibratory compaction. Also, the load carrying
capacity of non-reinforced sands will be studied.

EQUIPMENT: Compaction mold, collar and surcharge weight, vibrating table, pouring
device, straight-edged ruler, balance, model penetration tester, model foundation loading

ASTM REF: D 4253 (V 4.08), D 4254(V 4.08)

PROCEDURES: Part A - Relative Density

1. Record tare weight of compaction mold in a clean dry condition. Determine the
average thickness of the compaction plate and the diameter of the mold by
averaging three internal diameter measurements.

2. Place dry sand in pouring device and fill compaction mold as loosely as possible.
Overfill the mold until all points of the sand surface are above the plane of the mold
rim. Carefully strike off the excess sand with a steel ruler until level with the top of
the mold. Great care must be exercised during filling and trimming operations to
avoid jarring the mold or excessively disturbing the sand surface.

3. Record the weight of the mold filled with loose sand.

4. Place the top plate on the sand surface and attach the collar to the mold. Place
entire assembly on the central portion of the vibrating table. Slowly lower the
surcharge weight until it rests on top of the plate.

5. Actuate the vibrating mechanism and continue vibrating the sand for approximately
1 minute. If necessary, stabilize the mold during vibration with your hands to
prevent the mold assembly from "walking" over the table.

6. Carefully remove the surcharge weight and the rubber collar. Measure the depth to
the top of the compaction plate at three equally spaced intervals around the internal
circumference of the mold.

Part B - Resistance to Penetration

1. Fill the mold with loose sand as in Part A, Step 2. Place the mold filled with loose
sand under the model penetration device. Lower the penetration tester into the soil
and allow it to come to rest under its own weight. Carefully raise the sliding weight
to the upper stop and allow it to free fall onto the lower anvil. Continue dropping the
sliding weight until full penetration of the loose sand has been attained. Record the
number of drops to full penetration.

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands

2. Remove the penetration tester and compact the sand as in Part A, Steps 4 – 5.
Place the mold filled with dense sand under the model penetration device and
repeat the penetration test as described in Part B, Step 1. Record the number of
drops to full penetration.

3. Remove the penetration tester and empty the mold. Fill the mold to overflowing with
loose sand. Carefully strike off the surface and place the compaction plate on the
surface of the sand. Jig the mold 2 - 3 times to achieve partial compaction.
Determine the weight and compacted height of the sand. Place the mold under the
model penetration device and repeat the penetration test as described in Part B,
Step 1. Record the number of drops to full penetration.

4. Repeat Part B, Step 3, using 4 – 5 jigs of the mold to achieve a higher degree of
compaction (i.e., higher relative density).

Part C - Load Carrying Capacity

1. Fill the mold with loose sand as in Part A, Step 2. Place the mold filled with loose
sand under the model foundation loading device. Record the dimensions of the
model foundation and carefully lower to the central portion on the surface of the
sand. Slowly increase the load on the foundation and record the peak load until 1
inch of settlement has been attained. Note the disturbance zone surrounding the
perimeter of the foundation.

2. Remove the penetration tester and compact the sand as in Part A, Steps 4 – 5.
Place the mold filled with dense sand under the model foundation loading device
and repeat the load test as described in Part C, Step 1. Record the load to 1 inch of
settlement and note the disturbance zone surrounding the perimeter of the

3. Remove the penetration tester and compact the sand as in Part B, Steps 3 – 4.
Place the mold filled with compacted sand under the model foundation loading
device and repeat the load test as described in Part C, Step 1. Record the load to 1
inch of settlement and note the disturbance zone surrounding the perimeter of the

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


1. Use the results of the relative density tests obtained during Part A to determine the
dry unit weights and void ratios for the sand in the loose and dense states.

2. Use the data obtained during Part B - Penetration Tests to determine the void ratios
and relative densities of the sand in the partially compacted states. Use all of the
data gathered during the penetration tests to develop a plot of the penetration rate
(blows/inch) vs the relative density of the sand.

3. Use the data obtained during Part C – Foundation Load Tests to determine the void
ratios and relative densities of the sand in the partially compacted states. Use all of
the data gathered during the load tests to develop a plot of the load bearing capacity
(maximum load to 1" of settlement) vs the relative density of the sand.

4. Combine the results of Calculations 2 – 3 to develop a plot to estimate the load

bearing capacity of the sand vs the penetration rate. Comment on the form and
usefulness of plots of this type.

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


Height of Mold A 6.118 in Height of Mold B 6.097 in

Mold (A/B)

Weight of Mold, lb
Diameter of Mold, in.
Thickness of Compaction Plate, in
Depth to Top of Plate After Compaction, in
Weight of Mold + Sand, lb

Specific Gravity of Sand, Gs 2.70


Weight of Sand, lb
Total Volume of Loose Sand, in3
Volume of Soil Solids, in3
Volume of Voids in Loose Sand, in3
Void Ratio of Loose Sand, emax
Total Volume of Dense Sand, in3
Volume of Voids in Dense Sand, in3
Void Ratio of Dense Sand, emin

Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 0.0361 lb/in3

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


Measurement Loose Dense Jigged Jigged

Mold (A/B)

Weight of Mold, lb

Depth to Plate After

Compaction, in

Weight of Mold + Sand, lb

Depth of Penetration, in

Number of Drops to
Full Penetration


Total Volume of Sand, in3

Volume of Soil Solids, in3

Volume of Voids, in3

Void Ratio

Relative Density, % 0 100

Penetration Rate, blows/inch

Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 0.0361 lb/in3

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


Measurement Loose Dense Jigged Jigged

Mold (A/B)

Weight of Mold, lb

Depth to Plate After

Compaction, in

Weight of Mold + Sand, lb

Foundation Diameter, in

Maximum Load to
1" Settlement, lb


Total Volume of Sand, in3

Volume of Soil Solids, in3

Volume of Voids, in3

Void Ratio

Relative Density, % 0 100

Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 0.0361 lb/in3

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


Height of Mold A 6.118 in Height of Mold B 6.097 in

Mold (A/B) A

Weight of Mold, lb 7.938

Diameter of Mold, in. 5.997 5.998 5.999
Thickness of Compaction Plate, in .501 .500 .498
Depth to Top of Plate After Compaction, in .228 .235 .231
Weight of Mold Filled With Loose Sand, lb 17.443

Specific Gravity of Sand, Gs 2.70


Weight of Sand, lb 9.505

Total Volume of Loose Sand, in3 172.867
Volume of Soil Solids, in3 97.517
Volume of Voids in Loose Sand, in3 75.350
Void Ratio of Loose Sand, emax 0.77
Total Volume of Dense Sand, in3 152.184
Volume of Voids in Dense Sand, in3 54.667
Void Ratio of Dense Sand, emin 0.56

Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 0.0361 lb/in3

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


Measurement Loose Dense Jigged Jigged

Mold (A/B) A A B

Weight of Mold, lb 7.938 7.865

- 0.210 - 0.056
Depth to Plate After
Compaction, in - 0.215 - 0.062

- 0.212 - 0.066

Weight of Mold + Sand, lb 17.298 17.425

Number of Drops to 3 47 5 17
Full Penetration


Total Volume of Sand, in3 164.7 159.9

Weight of Sand, lb 9.36 9.56

Volume of Soil Solids, in3 96.0 98.1

Volume of Voids, in3 68.7 61.8

Void Ratio 0.77 0.56 0.72 0.63

Relative Density, % 0 100 23.8 66.6

Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 0.0361 lb/in3

CEEN 3160 - Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory Session No. 8 - Relative Density and Load Carrying Capacity of Sands


Foundation Diameter, in. 1.02

Measurement Loose Dense Jigged Jigged

Mold (A/B) A B

Weight of Mold, lb 7.938 7.865

- 0.250 - 0.062
Depth to Plate After
Compaction, in - 0.245 - 0.058

- 0.242 - 0.065

Weight of Mold + Sand, lb 17.441 17.325

Maximum Load to 6.2 66.7 13.2 28.6

1" Settlement, lb


Total Volume of Sand, in3 165.7 159.9

Weight of Sand, lb 9.50 9.46

Volume of Soil Solids, in3 97.50 97.06

Volume of Voids, in3 68.2 62.8

Void Ratio 0.77 0.56 0.70 0.65

Relative Density, % 0 100 33.3 57.1

Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 0.0361 lb/in3

Part A ‐ Example Penetration Test Results

Penetration Rate (blows/inch)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Relative Density, Dr (%)

Part B ‐ Example Load Carrying Test Results

Load to 1" Settlement, lb







0 20 40 60 80 100
Relative Density, Dr (%)

Example Correlation Chart for Estimating Load 
Bearing Capacity of Sands Based on Penetration Data

Load to 1" Settlement, lb 60






0 2 4 6 8 10
Penetration Rate (Blows/inch)


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