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1. Define Consumer Behaviour. 3Marks
2. Differentiate between customer and consumer with examples. 7Marks
3. Explain the consumer buying process. 10Marks
4. Explain the factors affecting CB. 7Marks
5. Define Consumerism? List out the advantages of consumerism. 3Marks
6. Explain the Nature & Characteristics of consumers. 7Marks
7. Explain the rights and responsibilities of consumer. 10Marks
8. Explain role of buyers in CB. 7Marks

1. Define Consumer Research. List out the difference between quantitative & qualitative
research. 3Marks
2. Explain briefly the levels of consumer decision making with examples. 7Marks
3. Explain briefly the four views of consumer decision making. 10Marks
4. Explain briefly the Nature of Situational Influence. 7Marks
5. Explain briefly concept of EKB & Nicosia model of consumer behavior. 10Marks
6. Explain briefly the input process output or Howard Sheth model. 10Marks
7. Define online decision making. 3Marks
8. Explain the process of consumer Research. 10Marks
9. Explain briefly the situational characteristics & consumption behavior with an example.

1. Define Motivation. 3Marks
2. Explain briefly the types of motivation with example. 7Marks
3. Explain briefly about any two motivation theories. 10Marks
4. Explain briefly about the Arousal of motives. 7Marks
5. Define E-CRM. List the significance of E-CRM. 3Marks
6. Define Perception. 3Marks
7. Explain the elements of Perception. 7Marks
8. Define Personality. Explain the theories of the Personality. 10Marks
9. Define Consumer Innovativeness, Consumer Materialism. 3Marks
10. Define Consumer Ethnocentrisms. 3Marks
11. Define Perceived risk. Explain briefly the types of Perceived risk & how to handle the
risk. 10Marks
12. Define Brand Personality. 3Marks
13. Explain briefly the Dynamics of Perception. 7Marks
14. Define self image? Explain various types of self images.

1. Define Learning. 3Marks
2. Explain briefly the Elements of Consumer Learning. 7Marks
3. Explain briefly the concept of Behavioral Learning Theories. 10Marks
4. Explain briefly the concept of Classical Conditioning Pavlovian Model. 10Marks
5. Explain briefly the concept of Neo-Pavlovian Model. 10Marks
6. Explain briefly the concept of Instrumental Conditioning, Elaboration Likelihood Model.
7. Define Attitude. 3Marks
8. Explain the nature of attitude. 7Marks
9. Explain briefly various Models of Attitude. 10Marks

1. Define Social Class. 3Marks
2. List out the Features of Social Class. 3Marks
3. Explain briefly the Five Social-Class Categories in India. 7Marks
4. Define Culture. 3Marks
5. Explain briefly the Characteristics of culture. 7Marks
6. Explain briefly the Factors affecting culture. 10Marks
7. Define Subculture. 3Marks
8. Explain briefly the various Types of subcultures. 10Marks
9. Define Cross Culture. 3Marks
10. Explain briefly the Cross-cultural marketing problems in India. 7Marks
11. Explain the various Strategies to overcome cross-cultural problems. 7Marks
12. Define Groups. Explain the Nature of Groups. 7Marks
13. Define Family. Explain briefly the Types Family. 7Marks
14. Explain briefly Family decision making and consumption related roles. 10Marks
15. Explain briefly the Dynamics of husband-wife decision making.
16. Explain briefly the family life cycle & marketing strategy. 10Marks
17. Define Reference Groups. List out the benefits of reference groups. 7Marks
18. Explain the Factors that affect reference group influence. 10Marks
19. Explain briefly the Types of reference group. 7Marks
20. Explain briefly the various Reference Group Appeals. 10Marks

1. Define Opinion Leadership. 3Marks
2. Difference between Opinion leader & Surrogate buyer. 7Marks
3. Explain briefly the categories of the Adopters with diagram. 10Marks
4. Explain the factors affecting post purchase dissonance. 7Marks
5. Define Diffusion of Innovation. 3Marks
6. Post Purchase Dissonance. 3Marks
7. Explain the dynamics of Opinion leadership process. 10Marks
8. Explain the various elements of Diffusion process. 7Marks
9. Define Adoption. 3Marks
10. Explain briefly the stages in Adoption. 10Marks
11. Explain various ways to avoid post purchase dissonance. 7Marks

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