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semester ilt: contemporary DevQlopments in Public Administration (core paper)

Unit I

(i) New Public Administration- Meaning and Nature

(ii) New Public ManagemQnt- Concept and major components

Unit ll:

(i) Theory and Practice of Governance

(ii) Governance & Nation-$tate- Relationship

Unit lll

(i) Digital E-governance- $ignificancel and impact

(ii) Corporate GovernancQ- lssues

Unit lV:

(i) Public Administration {nd Globalization- lmpact

(ii) Environmental Governance in India- Constitutional and Legal Provisions

1. Avasti ond Maheswori, Public /dministrotion (Agra : Lakshmi Noroin, L998)
2. Mohit Bohattacharya, New Hprizons of Pubtic Administration, 2002i' Jawahor Pubt'icotic>ns'

ltlew Delhi.
(New Delhi : Macmillan lndia
3. Shrirom Moheswori, Adrninistiative Theory : An tntroduction
Ltd., 7998)
4. Prasod, 1.M., OrganisationalTlleory and flehaviour
5. Hormon, M.M. ond Mayer, R.T. OrganisationalTheory for Public Administrotion
6. Agorwo!, R.D., Orgonisation and Management'
7,. Bidyut Chokorvarty & Prakash Chand; Putblic Administrotion in a Globolizing

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