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CEIA Coronel Guía de Repaso, Prueba Unidad “Places around me”

I.- Complete the sentences with the correct place .

A cathedral is ... A market is ... A museum is .. A post office is ... A park is ... A stadium is ... A tourist office is .. A hospital is ... A station is ... A police station is .

1. ____________________an open place with grass, trees and 6. ____________________where you go if you are hurt or ill.
maybe a pond. 7. ____________________place of culture.
2. ____________________where you can get information 8. ____________________a place full of stalls.
3. ____________________where you send letters. 9. ____________________where you catch trains.
4. ____________________where you can watch football. 10.____________________where you find the police.
5. ____________________usually the biggest church in a city

II.-Read the text and write true or false to answer the questions. 4 pts II.-Read the text and write true or false to answer the questions.

In my house, there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a garden, two bathrooms and a living room. In my bedroom, there are two bedside tables. On one
of the bedside tables there is a history book with beautiful pictures on it. On the second bedroom, there are roses in a flower pot on one of the
bedside tables. There is a bed between the two bedside tables. There is a television next to a window. There is a sofa next to a computer, but there
isn’t a telephone. And next to the computer, there is a picture of my family.

1.____There are two kitchens in the house.

2.____There are two bedside tables.
3.____There are not roses in the bathrooms.
4.____The bed is next to the window.

III.- Look at the map and complete using next to , between or opposite .

1.The City Court is ____________________City hall and fire station.

2. Water Plant is ______________________Grove St.
3.The bus station is __________________state collage.
4.The elementary school is _____________________4th Avenue .
5. Smith lake is ________________________Police Station.
6.The Police station is ____________________Post Office and the Country Hospital.
7.The city hall is __________________ city court .

IV.- Look at the map and answer the questions.

1.You are in the Elementary School .How Can you get to the bus station?

2.You are in the cemetery . How can you get to City Library?

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