DA Arrears

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The D.A Arrears difference table of Peesa Narayanarao with Employ I.

D 0109063
Dearness Allowance Calculator
Month Basic New DA @ 25.676 % Pres DA @ 24.104 % Diff To PF Account Cash

Dearness Allowance enhanced vide GO Ms No.150 Dated 17.09.2018. New DA as per the GO is 25.676% and the Raise in the Dearness Allowance is 1.572. Cash from
September 2018 Onwards. To PF Accounts from July 2017 to August 2018.

Jul 2017 30580 7852 7371 481 48 433

Aug 2017 30580 7852 7371 481 48 433

Sep 2017 30580 7852 7371 481 48 433

Oct 2017 30580 7852 7371 481 48 433

Nov 2017 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Dec 2017 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Jan 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Designed and Developed by R.V.L GANAPATHI RAO & MANNAM SRINIVAS

Feb 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Mar 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Apr 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

May 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Jun 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Jul 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Aug 2018 32340 8304 7795 509 51 458

Surrender Leave Arrears difference : 0

Total DA Difference Calculation 7014 702 6312

This DA Arrears salary difference worksheet is information purpose only ***** Powered by Teachers9.com & Mannamweb.com

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