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Resources of MGP 2019 Batch A Tests

Test No. Test Name (Main Topic) Sub Topic Resources

§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 1-3 & 10-12 - Page no. 3-38 & 119-138.
Industrial Revolution § Themes in world History Class XI: Theme 9 - Page No. 196- 212
§ India and the contemporary World- II Class X: Unit V + Unit VI- Page No 103-150.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 16-19 - Page no. 183-258.
Colonialism and Imperialism
§ India and the contemporary World- II Class X: Unit I - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe - Page No 3-28
Nationalism in Europe
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 13-15 - Page no. 141-180.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 6 - Page no. 59-69.
American Revolution §
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) - Chapter 22: Page no. 469-499.
American Civil War
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 8 - Page no. 98-105.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 7 - Page no. 70-97.
French Revolution
Test 1 World History 1 § India and the contemporary World- I Class IX: Unit I - The French Revolution - Page No 3-24
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 21 - Page no. 282-290.
Russian Revolution § India and the contemporary World- I Class IX: Unit II - Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolutionà Page No 25-48
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) : Chapter 16 & 17 - Page No. 351-395.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 24-25 - Page no.313-335.
World War 1
§ Modern World History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) - Chapter 1-3: Page no. 3-50.
Inter War Period § Modern World History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) : Chapter 3 to 5 - Page no. 43-87.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 26 - Page no 336-348.
World War 2
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition): Chapter 5 & 6 - Page no. 69-121.
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition): Chapter 19 & 20 - Page no. 420-447.
Chinese Revolution
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 23 - Page no. 302-310.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter-4 & 20 & 22 - Page no. 39-48 & 261-281 & 291-301.
Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, Nazism and Fascism § India and the contemporary World- I Class IX: Unit Ià Nazism and the Rise of Hitler - Page No 49-74
§ Modern World History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) - Chapter 8, 13, 14 & 21- Page No: 142-166, 295-334, 448-465.

§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 39: Page no.465-474.
Cold War Era
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) - Chapter 7: Page no. 122-140.
Post-Cold War Era § B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 44: Page no.518-529.
Disintegration of USSR § Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) : Chapter 8 & 18à - Page no. 142-166 + 396-419.
Global Issues since 1991 § Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition): Chapter 27 & 28 - Page no. 635-682.
Integration of Europe § B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 35-36 - Page no. 439-450.
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition): Chapter 24 to 26 - Page no. 529-632.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 34 - Page no.431-436.
World History – 2 Redrawal of Boundaries and associate issues in Asia, Africa and Europe § B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 30-33 + 37-38 - Page no.379-428 & 451-464.
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 27-29 - Page no. 351-376.
UN, NAM and other Institutional Development
§ Modern world History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition) - Chapter 9: Page no. 167-185.

Test 2 Neo-imperialism and New Imperialism § B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 19 - Page no.255-258.
Present Multi Polar World §
§ B.V. Rao (From AD 1500 to AD 2013) (Revised Edition 2014): Chapter 40 to 43 - Page no. 477-517.
New Global Issues (Terrorism, Environment, Global Governance etc).
§ Modern World History by Norman Lowe (Fifth Edition): Part VI Chapter 27 & 28 - Page No. 635-682
Colonial Legacy § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 2 - Page no. 11-23.
Constitution Framing § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 4 & 5 - Page no. 38-85.
§ Politics in India Since Independence NCERT Class XIIth: Chapter 1- Challenges of Nation Building - Page no. 2-25.
Integration of Princely States
Post-Independence Consolidation – 1 § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 6 & 7 - Page no. 86-124.
Reorganization of States § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 8 - Page no. 125-134.
§ Politics in India since Independence NCERT Class XIIth: Chapter 4- India’s External Relations - Page no. 65-81
Nehruvian Policies
§ India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 12 & 13 & 25 - Page no.189-234 & 442-456.

Linguistic Regionalism and Minorities and Issue of National Language § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 10 - Page no. 151-166.
Tribal Integration and associated Policies § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 9 - Page no. 135-150.
Evolution of Women Movements § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 38 - Page no. 641-654.
§ Politics in India since Independence NCERT Class XIIth: Chapter 7- Rise of Popular Movements - Page no.129-147
Caste Issues and Social Movements
§ India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 35 to 37 - Page no. 599-640.
Land Reforms § India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 29 to 32 - Page no. 508-570.
Test 3 Post-Independence– 2
Extremism and Insurgency in India § Politics in India since Independence NCERT Class XIIth: Chapter 6- The Crisis of Democratic Order - Page no.103-127.
§ Politics in India since Independence NCERT Class XIIth: Chapter 8- Regional Aspirations - Page no.149-171.
National Emergency and associated issues. § Politics in India since Independence NCERT Class XIIth: Chapter 6- The Crisis of Democratic Order - Page no.103-127
§ India since Independence by Bipan Chandra: Chapter 17 & 18 - Page no.294-330.
Science and Technology Policy
New Economic Policy and its impact on India as Nation. §

Test 4 Revision Test 1 Syllabus of Test 1 - 3

For GS paper IV Aspirants can refer to Resources from the below list:
1) Aspirants are advised to read Topic Wise Rather than reading Complete book cover to cover.
1) Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude.
2) Take any one source (preferably book) as the main source and any of the other source (from
2) G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude.
For Ethics Note & General Books mentioned) as secondary(to explore multiple dimensions and have better understanding on the
3) Lexicon For Ethics ,Integrity and Aptitude.
4) BBC Guide:
3) Add extra information/points from secondary source to the primary notes/source.
5) ARC Report:

Ethics and Human Interface
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 1 & 2.
Basic Dimension of Ethics.
Essence, Determinants of Ethics.
§Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 1- Page No. 3-12.
Basic Concepts of Ethics- Ethics, Morality, Values. §Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 1- Page No. 13-21.
Test 5 Ethics – 1 Ethics in various Aspects of Life.
Consequences of Ethics in Human Actions.
Role of Family, Educational Institutions and Society in inculcating values § Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 1- Page No. 22-25.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 1- Page No. 47-50.
Case Studies related to above topics § Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 8- Page No. 381-411.
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 25.

§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 23.

Emotional Intelligence
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 4- Page No. 171-183.
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 20 & 21.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 2- Page No. 71-113
Human Values – Lessons from the lives and teachings of great reformers, Leaders And
administrators § G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 5
Test 6 Ethics - 2 § G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 3 & 4.
Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India and World
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 5- Page No. 199-233.
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 7 & 25.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 2- Page No. 114-118.
Case Studies related to above topics § Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 4- Page No. 184-186.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 5- Page No. 234-237.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 8- Page No. 381-411

Aptitude and Foundational values of Civil Services § Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 3- Page No. 131-154
Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration.
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 24.
Ethics in International Relations and Funding.
Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions.
Laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance. ARC Report :
Strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance.
Corporate Governance. § G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 19.
Test 7 Ethics - 3
Accountability and ethical governance. § Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 6- Page No. 259-300
Ethical Issues: Euthanasia, Child Labour, Abortion, Suicide etc.
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 22 & 26.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 3- Page No. 155-159.
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 6- Page No. 301-303.
Case studies on above related issues
§ Arihant- Ethics Integrity & Aptitude: Unit 8- Page No. 381-411.
§ G Subba Rao- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude: Chapter 25.

Test 8 Revision Test 2 Syllabus of Test 5-7

Role of external state and non-state actors § Challenges to Internal Security of India By Ashok Kumar, IPS & Vipul, DANIPS → Chapter-1 to 7, Page 1-94.
Challenges to internal security through communication networks
Role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges
Insurgency and Extremism
Challenges to Internal Security of India By Ashok Kumar, IPS & Vipul, DANIPS → Chapter 9, Page 110-130
Basics of cyber security
Challenges to Internal Security of India By Ashok Kumar, IPS & Vipul, DANIPS → Chapter-8, Page 103-108
Money-laundering and its prevention
Test 9 Security Challenges to Internal Security of India By Ashok Kumar, IPS & Vipul, DANIPS → Chapter-10
Security challenges and their management in border areas
Challenges to Internal Security of India By Ashok Kumar, IPS & Vipul, DANIPS → Chapter-8, Page 95-109.
Linkages of organized crime with terrorism
Challenges to Internal Security of India By Ashok Kumar, IPS & Vipul, DANIPS → Chapter-11, Page 159-176.
Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate

Salient features of Indian Society: INDIAN SOCIETY: TEXTBOOK IN SOCIOLOGY FOR CLASS XII Chapter 1-5
o Changes within Indian society and their repercussions
o Causes of changes
o Indian society today
Social Change and Development in India→ TEXTBOOK IN SOCIOLOGY FOR CLASS XII.
Diversity of India:
o What is diversity?
O Types of diversities in India
o Can diversity be equated with differences?
Chapter 6
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- Third edition, Chapter- 4
Population and associated issues
Test 10 Indian Society 1
Poverty and developmental issues Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja, Third edition, Chapter- 2
Social Change and Development in India→ TEXTBOOK IN SOCIOLOGY FOR CLASS XII - Chapter 6

Effects of globalization on Indian society:

Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja, Third edition, Chapter- 13
o Kinds of impact of globalization – economic, political, developmental and socio-cultural
o Is the impact solely positive or negative?
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- Third Edition, Chapter- 5.
Communalism India since independence by Bipin Chandra- Chapter 36.
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- Third Edition, Chapter- 5
Regionalism. India since independence by Bipin Chandra- Chapter 10.
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- third Edition, Chapter- 5.

1.) Yojana: ‘Social Empowerment’- August 2018

· Social empowerment:
o Specific sections for whom social empowerment is the life blood
o Social empowerment through the five-year plans
o Government’s initiatives for social empowerment
Role of women and women’s organization:
Indian Society 2 o Types of women’s organizations
o Problems faced by women’s organizations
o Role of SHGs, Microfinance Institutions etc.
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- Third Edition, Chapter- 12.
Urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
Test 11
Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States 1.) For Current affairs & government schemes -
and the performance of these schemes:
o Constitutional arrangement
o Women welfare 2.) Yojana: ‘Social Security’- July 2017.
o Child welfare
o SC/ST welfare 3.) Yojana: ‘New India’- October 2017.
o OBC welfare
Social Justice – 1
o Minorities welfare 4.)
o Old age welfare
o Legislations
o Issues in implementation of programmes
o Reforms needed
o Mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and
betterment of these vulnerable sections.
Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- Third Edition, Chapter- 2.
1.) For Current affairs & government schemes -
Issues relating to development and management of Social
Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
o Education structure in India
Newspapers- The Indian Express, The Hindu.
o Primary, secondary and higher education
Test 12 Social Justice – 2 o Initiatives taken by GOI in education 2.)
o Issues In present education system 3.)
o Reforms needed 4.)
o Recommendations of committees
o Future prospects in education sector
o Skill development
o Health indicators
o Health structure in India
o Private and Public health structure
o Issues
o Reforms needed
o Policy and Legislation related to above issues
Difference between growth and development Fundamentals of Human Geography Unit 2 Chapter-4
Constraints of development Indian Economic Development Chapter 8
Stakeholders In development Process Please refer SHGs, Civil Society groups ,NGOs etc
page 3-11
Self Help Groups chapter 10
The Hindu ,Indian Express page37-40, 56-58 (for concepts only)
Development Industry Microfinance chapter 11,12
Test 13
and Process page 12-14 (for concepts only) Page 1-24 (read selectively)
INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Chapter 6 (for concepts only)
The Hindu, Indian Express
Non-Government Organizations
Role of NGOs in Disaster Management
Associations,Donors, Charities and other stakeholders Chapter 3

Test 14 Revision Test 3 Syllabus of Test 9 - 13

Resources and Development (NCERT VIII)

• Chapter 1 :Resources
• Chapter 2 : Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
• Chapter 3 :Mineral and Power Resources

Contemporary India (NCERT X)

Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia •Chapter 3 :Water Resources
and the Indian subcontinent) •Chapter 5 :Minerals and Energy Resources
India People & Economy (NCERT XII)
•Chapter 6 : Water Resources
•Chapter 7 : Mineral and Energy Resources
In addition, refer any standard Atlas- physical and resources maps.
Resources and Development (NCERT VIII)
• Chapter 4 :Agriculture
• Chapter 5 :Industries
• Chapter 6 :Human Resources

Fundamentals of Human Geography (NCERT XII)

• Chapter 5 : Primary Activities
Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector • Chapter 6 : Secondary Activities
industries in various parts of the world (including India) • Chapter 7 : Tertiary and Quaternary Activities


Test 15
Resources of MGP 2019 Batch A Tests
Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector
industries in various parts of the world (including India)
Test No. Test Name (Main Topic) Sub Topic Resources
Contemporary India (NCERT X)
HUMAN AND ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY & • Chapter 4 : Agriculture
Test 15
ECONOMIC INDUSTRIES • Chapter 6 : Manufacturing Industries

India People & Economy (NCERT XII)

• Chapter 5 : Land Resources and Agriculture
• Chapter 8 :Manufacturing Industries
• Chapter 9 : Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context

Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country
Different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage, transport and marketing of
agricultural produce and issues and related constraints.
(read selectively) page 5- 35 , 49
E-technology in the aid of farmers
Technology missions
Economics of animal rearing
(concepts only)
Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, chapter 5
development and employment INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (NCERT CLASS XI) chapter 2,7,8
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, chapter 5.39 , 20.6
Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
Economic Survey 2017-18 Volume 2 chapter 5,10
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, chapter 18
Government Budgeting.
Effects of liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on
industrial growth.
Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream
requirements, Supply chain management. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, chapter 8

Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc. Indian economy by Ramesh Singh 9th edition Chapter 9
Economic Survey 2018 Volume 2 chapter 8
• Investment models.
o Capital and Investment
o Factors affecting Investment
o Classification of Investment-FDI, FII, FPI etc.
o Angel Investors and Start-ups o Mergers & Acquisitions Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh 9th edition Chapter 9,11,14,21
o Role of State In attracting Investments.
o PPP (Public-Private Partnership) and It's variants Economic Survey 2018 Volume 1 chapter 3,9
TEST 17 ECONOMICS 2 o Savings and Investment Trends

• Land reforms in India. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh 9th edition Chapter 8.6-8.10
• Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support
prices; Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh 9th edition Chapter 8.18-8.31
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh 9th edition Chapter 8.24-8.25
• Public Distribution System- objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping;issues of
buffer stocks and food security
Science and Technology by TMH
Selected issues from Yojana and Kurukshetra Yojana.
Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday kurukshetra, May, 2018- Technology for Rural Developement
life Yojana, December, 2016- Science for Development
• Achievements of Indians in science & technology;
• indigenization of technology and developing new technology. India Year Book- Chapter 8. Communications and Information Technology, 9. Defence and 25. Scientific and Technological Developments
• Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology,
• Issues relating to intellectual property rights.

TEST 19 Revision Test 4 Syllabus of Test 15 - 18

Essay Test-1

Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, NCERT Class XI – India Constitution At Work
features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.
Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, NCERT Class XII – Political Science II
issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure,
devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and NCERT Class X – Democratic Politics
challenges therein.
Polity by Laxmikanth 5th edition
TEST 20 Polity- 1

Separation of powers between various organs

dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions
Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other
Select Constitutions by S.Chands

4th DecemberEssay Test -2

Parliament and State Legislatures - structure,

functioning, conduct ofbusiness, powers & privileges NCERT Class XI – India Constitution At Work
and issues arising out of these.
NCERT Class XII – Political Science II
Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive
and the Judiciary Ministries and Departments of the NCERT Class X – Democratic Politics
TEST 21 Polity-2 Government;pressure groups and formal/informal
associations and their role in the Polity. Polity by Laxmikanth 5th edition
Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act. Polity by Laxmikanth 5th edition Chap 67- 72
Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers,
functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional
Bodies Polity by Laxmikanth 5th edition
Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies. Polity by Laxmikanth 5th edition

• Concept of public service

• Philosophical basis of governance Lexicon- Ethics, integrity and aptitude. Page- 407-503

• Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability Governance in India by M.Laxmikanth

Test 22 Governance-1 • Information sharing and transparency in government
• e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential
• Role of civil services in a democracy.
• citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and
other measures.
• Right to Information

Probity in Governance
Codes of Ethics,
Code of Conduct,
Work culture,
Quality of service delivery, Lexicon- Ethics, integrity and aptitude. Page- 407-503
Utilization of public funds,
Test -23 Governance-2 challenges of corruption.
India Year Book, The Hindu , The Indian Express,etc.
Current affairs & government schemes -
Newspapers- The Indian Express, The Hindu.
Government policies and interventions for development in various
sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.

Test-24 Revision test

• Indian Diaspora India year Book 2018 chap -18

• Indian and Her Neighbours
o China
o Pakistan
o Maldives
o Bangladesh
o Myanmar
Test- 25 International Relations – 1
o Nepal
o Bhutan
o Afghanistan
o Sri Lanka
Regional Organisations

8th January Essay Test -3 Release Date

• Global Groupings and Multilateral Agreements

o UN and associated bodies and Issues India year Book 2018 chap -18
Test -26 International Relations – 2
o G 20
o Etc.
• Bilateral Agreements of India and other agreements affecting India’s Interest

• Biodiversity Class 9th and 10th ICSE Books(Beeta Publication)
• Climate Change
Test-27 Environment & Ecology – 1
• Pollution

Sustainable Practices
Environment related National, Global (both Governmental and non-
governmental) organisations, treaty, protocol and agreements.
Geography –
geographical features and their location - changes in critical geographical
features (including waterbodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the G.C. Leong
Environment & Ecology India Physical Environment - Textbook in Geography for Class - 11
Test-28 Geography effects of such changes. Fundamentals of Physical Geography - Textbook for Class - 11
Disaster Management
Disaster Management Biodiversity, Climate Change and Disaster Management – Majid Husain
• Disaster and disaster management.
Flood, Drought, Fire, Tsunami, Earthquake,
Cyclone, Stampede, Forest Fire, Fire Hazard
Accidents -Road, Rail and Air Forum Ias Booklet - Disaster Mangement Disaster Management- Yojna January 2017
Nuclear hazard and etc. Disaster Management- Yojna January 2017
• Disaster Governance

Test-29 Revision Test

5th February ESSAY TEST-4 Release Date

World Physical Geography G.C.Leong

o Geomorphology Fundamentals of Physical Geography - Textbook for Class - 11 NCERT
oInternal Structure of Earth World Geography by Majid Hussain.
o Different Landforms
o Earthquakes and Vulcanism
o Theories related with Evolution of Earth
o Rock Cycle
Test-30 World Physical Geography o Endogenic and Exogenic Sources
o Weathering and Mass Movements
o Oceanography
o Climate, Weather, Atmosphere and Circulation of Air
o Biogeography
o Different Climatic Regions
o Vegetations
o Soils

Indian Physical Geography India Physical Environment - Textbook in Geography for Class - 11 NCERT
• Physiography of India Fundamentals of Physical Geography - Textbook for Class - 11 NCERT
• Rock Systems of India
• Drainage System in India
• Indian Monsoon and Climatic Regions
• Soils of India
Test-31 Indian Physical Geography – 2 • Natural Vegetation of India

Art and Culture (Ancient to Modern)

• Architecture
o Pre Historic
o Indus Valley
o Mauryan
o Temple
o Buddhist
o Jain
o Indo Islamic
o Modern
• Sculpture
• Paintings
• Dance Forms
o Classical
o Folk
Test-32 Art and Culture (Ancient to Modern)
• Music
o Classical
o Folk
• Musical Instruments
• Theatre
• Martial Arts
• Puppetry
• Literature
• Philosophy
• Government Institutions and Schemes Related to Art and Culture
• Miscellaneous
o Coinage System
o Calendar
o Pottery Indian Art And Culture by Nitin Singhania
o Various Intangible and Tangible Art forms Tamil Nadu Board Textbooks-Class 11 (History)

• Decline of Mughal Empire

• British Conquest of India and Associated Wars
• Administrative Policies before 1857
• Early Resistance to British Rule
• Peasant Uprising
• Tribal Uprising
• Civil Rebellions
Test-33 Modern History – 1 • Rise of Early nationalism in India
• Revolt of 1857
• Socio Religious Reform Movements
• Land Revenue Policies in British India
• Organisation Before Congress
• Formation of Congress
• Personalities involved till 1857
• Role of Press in Indian National Movement

• Moderates
• Extremist
• Partition of Bengal and Associated Movements and Issues
• Early Revolutionary
• Home Rule League
• Administrative Policies of British from 1857 – 1947
• Education Policy of British
• Tribal, Peasant and Trade Union Movements from 1857 – 1947 • Modern History Spectrum
Tets-34 Modern History – 2 • Modern India by Bipin Chandra NCERT
• Gandhi in South Africa • India's struggle for independence by Bipin Chandra
• Gandhian Era in India
• Indian National Movement (1919 – 1947)
• Rise and Growth of Communalism in India
• Rise and Growth of Communism and Socialism in India.
• Indian National Army and Three Upsurges
• Partition of India
• Personalities associated with Indian National Movement from 1857 – 1947.

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