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 Explain the characteristics (weather and temperature in the time) of my vacation.
 Use the grammar of possessive (adjective and pronouns).
 What I do when I go to vacation.
 Improve my English in this topic (4. Vacation)

This exposition will be about what I do when I go to vacation, also what are the process of getting
ready, also what activities I do to the a ticket, and where I can stay, also I will talk about the weather of
the city of my vacation.


City what I want to go.

In this opportunity I will talk about, what city I want to go, what I do for travel, characteristics of the city
as: how is the weather, where I can stay and how I feel in the travel.


First, what characteristics has that city, in that city the weather is very cold almost freezing, in Cerro de
Pasco the temperature can reach the -4 or -5 degrees and the average temperature in the year is 5.5

 The weather

The weather in Cerro de Pasco it’s snowy and rainy

 The temperature.

December is the warmer month with 6.4 average degrees, and June with an average temperature of 4.3
degrees, is the coldest mont of the year. Cerro de Pasco has 5 moths with temperature cold, these are
January, March, April, May and August, these months have 7-8 days with snow.

During this, you should wear some clothes, if you don’t want to wear a lot of clothes, so you should go with
clothes can you protect yourself of the cold, you must take thick clothes.

 In which season I think to go is better to Cerro de Pasco?

The best time when you can visit It, is at the end August to last days of November, because the
temperature in these months-days reaches 18-27 degrees, so during those days it doesn’t rain and it has
clear days.

 Process of getting ready.

When I buy the ticks to travel, it can be for bus or for airplane, but first I search the place where I can buy
the plane tickets, if I don’t find those tickets, I search the place where a can buy the bus tickets, that for sure
I can find, then…I pack my suitcase, all necessary things, when the day arrive, I go to the terminal, and go
to the Cerro de Pasco.

 Where I can stay?

When I arrive to Cerro de Pasco I can stay with some family…, Also remember when they bought their
house…, they say to me “You can stay in our house” because, it belong to them, for this reason I can stay
in the family’s house.


 I learned how to use Possessive(Adjectives and Pronouns), and “belong to”

 I learned how to use the weather in a certain term.

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