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This chapter presents a review and related literature and other academic

studies. Literatures to be mention are parts, phrases, excerpts from online article,

Books, magazines, opinions from authorized studies about restoring ROTC as a

mandatory subject for senior high school students. These studies are present to

strengthen viewpoint and framework of the research topic. Related Literature are

relatively present the thoughts, stands, and perspectives of the aforementioned

researchers about the fundamental effects of restoring ROTC as a mandatory subject

for senior high school students. Related studies exposed findings that further

strengthen the base perception of the study. Under this chapter, evidences are to be

citing from local and international in purpose for the concrete basis and principle of the

researcher’s view about restoration of ROTC as a mandatory subject for senior high

school students.


This section identifies the ideas that subordinate the stand of the researchers

study. Under these are literary works from books, articles, magazines, interviews of the

designated authors that reveal certain understanding about the concepts of Hangul

language, and how it may help people in the future.

Local Literature

In his SONA 2019, Duterte reiterated his support for ROTC as he listed these

among measures that would "strengthen" the defense of the country alongside the

proposed national defense act and the uniformed personnel separation retirement

pension bill. Duterte (2019) these children are now the youth of the Philippines, they

are bereft of patriotism and the love of country. I think the military training will be good

for everybody.

According to (2016), one of the ROTC's resurgence has sprouted due

to the tension seen in the regional territorial dispute in the west Philippine Sea where

the Chinese claimed it. In addition, if ROTC is mandatory for students in Grade XI and

Grade XII they will be prepared as officers who also be called immediately to defer the

country of any occupation. The ROTC also saw the importance of the recent super

typhoon in the Visayas Region where many died and destroyed property. The ROTC

Cadet can help save and deliver relief goods to disaster victims.

After failing to pass it in the 17th Congress, President Rodrigo Duterte once

again called on lawmakers to ensure the passage of a bill that would make the Reserve

Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program mandatory for students in Grades 11 and 12.

"We expect support for the legislative initiatives aimed at strengthening defense-related

systems such as...the revival of the mandatory ROTC for grades 11 and 12. Very

important," Duterte said.

In his SONA 2019, Duterte reiterated his support for ROTC as he listed these

among measures that would "strengthen" the defense of the country alongside the

proposed national defense act and the uniformed personnel separation retirement

pension bill. The Filipino youth now, they are bereft of patriotism and the love of

country. They should go back to this). I think the military training will be good for

everybody, Duterte said.

Mandatory ROTC had been listed among the priority bills of the Duterte

administration in 2017. Three years into his presidency, a bill on ROTC has yet to be

passed by Congress. Duterte himself wants ROTC to become mandatoryfor students.

However, the President had also claimed in public speeches that he had tried to skip

ROTC as a student.

As early as 2015, Duterte had expressed his support for ROTC, saying it could

help augment government forces in the face of Chinese aggression in the disputed

West Philippine Sea. Later on, Duterte threw his support behind the program once more

saying it could "instill discipline and patriotism among young Filipinos."

The House of Representatives had passed in May 2019 its version of the

measure, which sought to make military training mandatory for all students in Grades

11 and 12, in all senior high schools in public and private educational institutions. The

Senate did not. Despite Malacañang's last-minute certification of the bill as urgent in the

17th Congress, the Senate said it had no time left to pass the controversial measure as

the chamber needed more time to debate the bill.

Some legislators had argued that requiring ROTC for students would expose them to

corruption. ROTC was previously implemented at the college level, but it was scrapped

in 2002 after an investigation showed that a University of Santo Tomas student was

murdered after he exposed alleged corruption in the program.

Foreign Literature

Hardoff (2006) Hardoff had conducted a study on health perspectives regarding

adolescents in military service. Our purpose is to illuminate health perspectives of

adolescents in military service, who comprise the main bulk of military personnel. Two

views are emphasized: the soldier as a developing adolescent and the healthcare of

adolescent soldiers. The capacity for abstract thinking and future planning,

characteristic of late adolescence, opposes the military challenges of obedience,

disengagement from the family, and potential threats for physical injury and mental

stress, in addition to the requirement for responsibility beyond the individual's personal

needs. On the other hand, at discharge from military service, the mature young adult

faces questions of a 17-year-old adolescent. Health perspectives regarding adolescents

in military service include physical and mental health screening before draft; recruiting

adolescents with chronic illnesses; specific healthcare issues during service, including

routine medical care, psychosocial problems of young people in service and approach to

suicide and to risk behaviors; health aspects of adolescent women in military

frameworks; and the dual commitment of physicians as military officers. Professionals

who care for the well-being of young people in their late teens and early 20s in military
service need to consider the service period as an additional developmental stage within

late adolescence that requires attention as part of the comprehensive healthcare.


The related studies view the results from relates thesis and dissertation of know

authors having the same issues being discussed relating to the perception about adding

Hangul language in Philippines’ school curriculum on academic performance among

Junior High School students. Findings to be address are use in order to strengthen the

claims of the researchers and in dealing with issues relating to the problems being

presented by the researchers.

Local Studies

In 1967, President Ferdinand Marcos issued Executive Order No. 59, making

ROTC a mandatory course in all colleges and universities with an enrollment of at least

250 male students. A noteworthy development during this period was a program called

“Rainbow Rangers-Sunday soldiers.” It provided an alternative to what was a

ceremony-centered ROTC training program. It exposed the cadets to small unit tactics,

unconventional warfare and home defense techniques. The ROTC crisis of 2001 marked

a turning point in the post-martial law history of the institution.

In March, UST cadet Sgt. Major Mark Chua was abducted and brutally murdered

allegedly by members of the UST ROTC training staff following a corruption exposé he

made. A Manila Regional Trial Court handed the death penalty to a fellow cadet three

years later. The death of Chua was the catalyst for ROTC reforms. Republic Act No.
9163, the National Service Training Program (NSTP), was the result of the clamor for

change. In the words of the law, the NSTP is a program aimed at enhancing civic

consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of

services and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three program

components. These components are: (1) the Reserve Officer Training Corps which

provides military training to tertiary level students; (2) the Literacy Training Service

which is designed to train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills

to schoolchildren; and (3) the Civic Welfare Training Service which refers to activities

contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for members of the

community. Incidentally, while the law was approved by President Gloria Arroyo in

January 2002, it is implementing rules and regulations were adopted and issued only in

November 2009, more than seven years after passage of the law.

The most significant change from the old ROTC format was to make ROTC optional and


In 1991, the congress passed RA 7077, the Citizen Armed Forces of the

Philippines Reservist Act. Sections 38 and 39 of this law mandated obligatory military

education for two years (Basic ROTC) for all male college students, while an additional

two years of ROTC programming (Advance ROTC) was voluntary. The underlying

philosophy of these acts was a belief in the role of Filipinos to be both citizen and

soldier — both the intellectual and martial guardians of the democracy in which they

Abante (2019) President Duterte has proposed making ROTC mandatory for

grades 11 and 12 in the Philippines. A number of notables like Senators Ejercito and

Gatchalian have signed onto the idea, citing it as a good way to instill patriotism and

discipline among the youth of the Philippines.

According to the study of Tucay (2016), Making ROTC mandatory again is also

not tantamount to magically instilling nationalism in the Filipino youth. In contrast, the

program has in fact led to countless violations of students’ rights. The ROTC program

has long been criticized for being an avenue for continuing abuse and violence against

student cadets. In our education system, in fact, no other education program holds the

most violent record.

According to Pinol (2017), the new president approves the return of the Reserve

Officer Training Corps. Defense Secretary Lorenzana also filed documents on RA 7077

or "Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act" to be mandatory for ROTC.

Prior to this approval by President Rodrigo Duterte there are meetings in the cabinet.

Through the ROTC program, Filipino youths are potential to defend and protect our


According to Padilla (2017), Padilla stated that if the youth will understand the

reason of the training, they will learn many skills such as basic life support, first aid

training, basic self-defense, combat preparation, survival skills and others.

Foreign Studies

According to Doughlas (2016), the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is a campus-

based program that provides students with training in leadership, problem solving and

ethics. Most students who join the ROTC are interested in becoming commissioned

officers in the Air Force, Navy, Army and Marine Corps. Responsible for producing

roughly four out of ten active duty officers (excluding the Coast Guard), the program is

a key pipeline for military talent.

According to the study of the University of Iowa (2011) The Military Science

Program administers the Iowa Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). It gives

students who wish to serve on active or reserve status in the U.S. Army the opportunity

to earn commissions as army officers. It also administers merit scholarships from the

United States government to qualified students. Although the Military Science Program

does not offer degrees, students can earn a minor in military science. ROTC courses

provide education in the military's role and instruction in leadership and management.

The program's courses are an essential part of the Iowa ROTC program, which

competes annually in national leadership assessments. Military Science Program courses

are open to all students. Course credit that counts toward graduation varies by college.

Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may count up to 20 earned in

military science courses toward graduation. The ROTC Advanced Course is open to any

student who meets the prerequisites, but it is designed primarily for cadets who wish to

pursue a commission as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army upon graduation. It is open to

both undergraduate and graduate students. Most cadets in the Advanced Course incur
an obligation to the military that can be satisfied in the Active Army, Army Reserve, or

Army National Guard. To enter the Advanced Course, students must satisfy the Basic

Course requirement, earn at least 54, and have a cumulative of at least 2.00. In order

to become U.S. Army officers, cadets must complete the Advanced Camp, an

approximately 30-day session held at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Cadets normally attend

Advanced Camp during the summer between their third and fourth years. A tax-free

monthly stipend is provided to cadets who enter a contractual agreement with ROTC to

serve in the armed forces. Additional financial assistance may be provided through


Montante (2010) Montante stated that the Army ROTC program is designed to

develop leaders for life. In doing so, it develops leadership, management and training

skills, regardless of a student's career plans. Those who successfully complete the

program earn commissions and serve as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army, Army

Reserve or Army National Guard. All students are eligible to participate in Army ROTC

courses. Introductory courses are designed to develop a student's confidence, self-

esteem and motivation. The intent is to develop and refine the student's leadership

traits and skills to ensure their future success in military and nonmilitary environments.

Instruction also includes the role of the military in national defense strategy. The

number of ROTC credits that may be counted toward graduation requirements depends

upon the student's program of study. ROTC students should consult with their academic

adviser to determine if or how ROTC course work satisfies graduation requirements.

Once a student accepts a scholarship or enters the advanced ROTC courses (300 and

400 levels), they incur a military obligation.



The related literatures and studies are necessary to strengthen the stand of this

study. Results of the previous studies are also need to clarify the problems. The

relevance is explained through the cited parts from the Chapter 2 of this research


It explains the knowledge gap about

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