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Single phase DC - AC Inverters - Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions

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1) In single phase VSI, t he harmonic which is not present is

a. 2nd
b. 3rd
c. 5th
d. 7th

Answer Explanation

2) Very large values of modulat ion index (great er t han 3.24) lead t o

a. Square AC output voltage

b. Sine AC output voltage
c. Triangular AC output voltage
d. Trapezoidal AC output voltage

Answer Explanation

3) Single phase VSI are mainly used in

a. Power supplies
b. Ups
c. Multilevel configuration
d. All of these

Answer Explanation

4) In t he SPWM, t he modulat ing signal is

a. Square
b. Sinusoidal
c. Triangular
d. Saw - tooth

Answer Explanation

5) In a f ull bridge VSI, in order t o avoid t he short circuit across t he DC bus and t he undef ined AC out put volt age
condit ion, t he modulat ing t echnique should ensure t hat

a. Top switch of each leg is on at any instant

b. Bottom switch of each leg is on at any instant
c. Either (a) or (b)
d. None of these

Answer Explanation

6) In a lossless invert er, t he average power absorbed in one period by t he load must be

a. Equal to the average power supplied by the dc source

b. Greater than the average power supplied by the dc source
c. Lesser than the average power supplied by the dc source
d. Equal to the average power supplied by the ac source

Answer Explanation

7) If energy is t aken f rom t he AC side of t he invert er and sends it back int o t he DC side, t hen it is known as

a. Motoring mode operation

b. Braking mode operation
c. Regenerative mode operation
d. None of these

Answer Explanation

8) The ac out put volt age wavef orm of VSI and AC out put current wavef orm of CSI respect ively is composed of

a. High dv / dt, low di / dt

b. Low dv / dt, low di / dt
c. Low dv / dt, high di / dt
d. High dv / dt, high di / dt

Answer Explanation

9) A capacit ive load in volt age source invert ers generat es

a. Small current spikes and can be reduced by using an inductive filter

b. Large current spikes and can be increased by using an inductive filter
c. Small current spikes and can be increased by using an inductive filter
d. Large current spikes and can be reduced by using an inductive filter

Answer Explanation

10) The main object ive of st at ic power convert ers is t o

a. Obtain an dc output waveform from a dc power supply

b. Obtain an ac output waveform from a dc power supply
c. Obtain an dc output waveform from a dc power supply
d. Obtain an ac output waveform from a ac power supply

Answer Explanation

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