Hospital &/or Medical Centre - Checklist

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Planning Application

Hospital &/or Medical Centre - Checklist

What is the difference between a ‘Hospital’ and a ‘Medical Centre’?

The City’s Local Planning Scheme No.17 provides the following definitions for each of the land uses.

"Hospital means premises in which persons are admitted and lodged for medical treatment or care and includes a maternity hospital”

"Medical centre means premises, other than a hospital, used or designed for use by one or more health consultant(s) for the
investigation or treatment of human injuries or ailments and for general outpatient care (including preventative care, diagnosis,
medical and surgical treatment, and counselling)”

Property Address of land subject to this Planning Application:

Prior to submitting your application, please ensure that you have included all of the following information and indicate this by ticking
the corresponding box below.
NOTE – Incomplete applications will NOT BE LODGED and will be returned to applicant immediately.

Applicant Council
Use Only Use Only

1. Completed the below Hospital &/or Medical Centre Questionnaire  

2. City of Swan Planning Application Form (Correct owners consent)  

3. Metropolitan Region Scheme Form 1  

4. Current copy of the property’s Certificate of Title (no more than 3 months old)  

5. Three (3) copies of a Site Feature Survey prepared by a qualified surveyor of the land prior to the  
proposed works
6. Three (3) copies of a Site Plan drawn to an appropriate scale  

7. Three (3) copies of a Floor Plan drawn to an appropriate scale  

8. Three (3) copies of a Elevation Plan drawn to an appropriate scale  

9. Three (3) copies of a Stormwater Drainage Layout Plan  

10. A compact disc (CD) of the proposal  

Further Information
If you need further information about planning in Swan:
Visit our website:,_Building,_&_Engineering/Planning
Call us: 9267 9267 (between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday)
Visit us: 2 Morrison Rd, Midland (between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday)
Planning Application
Hospital &/or Medical Centre - Questionnaire

1. Describe the proposed activity/business in detail?

2. What is the maximum number of Health Consultants on the premises at any one time?

3. List each Health Consultants expertise?


Health Consultant No. 1

Health Consultant No. 2

Health Consultant No. 5

Health Consultant No. 4

Health Consultant No. 5

Health Consultant No. 6

Health Consultant No. 7

Health Consultant No. 8

4. Will any General Practitioners work at the subject premises?  Yes  No

5. If Yes, how many?

6. What types of medical treatments and care will occur at the subject premises?

7. How many patient bed(s) are proposed?

8. Is a place of worship proposed?  Yes  No
9. Is a canteen which sells food to the public proposed?  Yes  No
10. Is a kitchen which prepares food for patients proposed?  Yes  No

11. Please complete the table below by indicating the proposed operation hours of the subject business/activity?

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Opening Time:

Closing Time:

12. How many car parking bays are proposed on the subject property?
13. Does this comply with the City’s Vehicle Parking Standards?  Yes  No

a) If No, please explain why not?

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