Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Faculty of Business and Finance ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020 MAY 2019

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MAY 2019



The Core Value of Confucianism: “benevolent”. (仁)
Discussion: Is the Confucian conception of learning relevant to your undergraduate study?


Tutorial Group T2
Group Members: Students’ Name Students’ ID
1. Shin Yong Siong 14ABB05302
2. Ng Shao Kang 16ABB03487
3. Phong Khai Loong 16ABB06590
4. Tan Thye Liang 18ABB07106

This report is to discover the core value of the confucianism which is “benevolence” (仁) look
forward how the benevolence affected to contribution to world peace. As we know, benevolence
play an important role in our society. As a good people, we must put the core value benevolence
to our personality.

Book I, no.3 (D.C.Lau 2002 pg 2)

Book III, no.3 (D.C.Lau 2002 pg 18)

Book IV, no. 5 (D.C. Lau 2002 pg 28)

Book IX, no.4 (D.C. Lau 2002 pg28)

Book XII, no 24 (D. C. Lau 2002, pg119)

Book XII, no 22 (D. C. Lau 2002, pg117)

Book XV, no 10 (D. C. Lau 2002, pg151)

Book I, no.3 (D.C.Lau 2002 pg 2)

The Master said, “It is rare, indeed, for a man with cunning words and an ingratiating face to be



This means that Confucius said: "There is a lot of people who pretend to have a lovable
face." "Benevolence" is the main point of Confucius' personality ideal and social ideal. Here
Confucius highlights the depth of the concept of "benevolence". He thinks that when a person
pretends to praise other, facing people with smiling face, the distance to reach Ren is still very
far. It can be seen that benevolence is not something that pleases people on the surface: it is a
sincere mind deeply rooted in the human heart.

But those who can speak a lot can often confuse many people. Under its docile
appearance, it often hides ulterior motives, and gorgeous words often confuse right and wrong.
This kind of person is not only lacking in virtue, but if he is in power, it will become a disaster
for the country and the people. In history, there are often such people appearing around the


In Qing Dynasty, Stanley accepts the post provide by the emperor to minister of a town
called ‘Luoyang’ Before leaving his own town, his father said to him: "Don't rashly reject others
because of their opinions. If you easily refuse, you will be easily blinded. Don't rashly promise
others because you can easily lose your trust from other when u cannot do it. He also went to say
goodbye to his old friend Kelvin. Kelvin is a fisherman and he tell Stanley that he has no gift to
him but he has a fishing experience willing to share to Stanley. Kelvin said “when fishing, there
is a kind of fish called ‘Yangqiao.’When you put the bait and drop the fishing line, it swims over
to grab the food. Although it is easy to catch, the fish tastes poorly. There is also a fish that
swims around the bait and sometimes like want eat sometimes swim away. This kind of fish is
called 'squid', and the meat is very delicious." Stanley immediately realized the meaning of his
words and said, "Your experience is very good!"

Stanley travel to the Luoyang to take the post. Before they reach the gate of the town,
there were a lot local wealthy want to meet him and trying to bribe him. Seeing this scene,
Stanley immediately thought of his friend Kelvin. He said to the coachman: "Just ignore them
and speed up into the town." In Luoyang, Stanley intentionally avoid contact with those people
only know how to compliment and flattter the nephew wants to alienate these days and only
compliments the flattery. He personally went to the common people to understand the people's
thoughts and needs, and carefully listened to the suggestions made by others, carefully adopted,
and invited those who are highly respected in Luoyang to contribute to the governance of
Luoyang. In this way, Stanley spent a few years to let Luoyang has well organized.

Book III, no.3 (D.C.Lau 2002 pg 18)

The Master said, “What can a man do with the rites who is not benevolent? What can a man
do with music who is not benevolent?”


The object of "ritual" is "person." There is a human existence in the world, and all other
existences are given "meaning". This "meaning" is ultimately defined as "human" according to
his own thoughts, and in the "truth", meaningless. "Ritual" and "le" are closely related in ancient
times. "Ritual" is inseparable from "le", and "le" is both a service for "li" and a part of "li".

The meaning of this sentence is: "A person does not have a heart of love, what is the use
of etiquette? A person does not have a heart of love, what is the use of music?" That is to say, we
should not be hypocritical, we must have a heart of love.


For example, the boss of a company treats anyone with courtesy and politeness. Everyone
loves to listen and is very polite, but the mind is contrary to his own behavior. The inner part is
indifferent to subordinates and is not really caring. Seeing employees in the company who have
the ability, do not know how to fully utilize, and even hate others are smarter than themselves,
even if it is polite and not useful.

In fact, when some bosses are at the company's annual meeting, they will arrange
entertainment programs for everyone to relax and create a happy atmosphere. But this is just a
show, because the bottom of their heart simply despise their employees, just take advantage from
their staff only and not really treat their employee with love. In this case, holding a banquet,
arranging dance, music, and various programs will lose meaning.

Therefore, all etiquette, dance, music, are the appearance. Does a person have a heart of
love; this is the most important. I believe that everyone has seen such a TV series, some high
position ministers, who talked in front of the emperor, and who are very polite to their superiors,
seemingly loyal and patriotic, but secretly often make bad, such people normally is a traitor, even
an enemy against the country, this is not benevolent.

In our real life, we often meet some people. Although they are not cultural, they are even
a bit rude. For the sake of everyone's benefit, they are occasionally not very polite and rush to the
superior. These people are loyal and truly consider the interests of the collective. This is

Book IX, no.4 (D.C. Lau 2002 pg28)

The master said, "wealth and high station are what men desire, but unless I got them in the
right way I would not abide in them. Poverty and low station are what men dislike, but even if I
did not get then in right way I would not try to make myself away from them. "

"If the gentlemen forsakes benevolence, wherein can he make a name for himself? The
gentleman never deserts benevolence, not even for as long as it takes to eat a meal. If he hurries
and stumbles one may be sure that it is in benevolence that he does so. "


The main purpose of Confucius in saying this is to tell that success to get rid from bad
situation cannot be done in illegal and improper way, the person who have the core value of
benevolence will be deserve the wealth and high station at the right moment. The core value
benevolence is every gentlemen who looking for.

“富与贵,是人之所欲也” The master admits that people are pursuing wealth and high
station. It is because wealth and high station is the king in the modern society. Money can buy
everything in the world ,including self esteem of people such as illegal pornography and others
activity. All of the people are desire and greedy on wealth.”不以其道得之,不处也” A gentlemen
who looking for it must have a proper way to get it done. For example business trading and
examination. He will enjoy the joy of success if he use a proper method. In contra, A gentlemen
who will not enjoy the wealth and high station, which is get in improper way such as rob and

“贫与贱,是人之所恶也”Poverty and low station are people who will not desire for, it is
because low purchases power and low respect from people in the modern society. “不以其道得
之,不去也”Everyone want to get rid from poverty and low station. If he or she want to get rid of
bad situation with illegal activity and improper pipeline, the core value of humanity will not exist
in the internal of gentlemen. It’ s call Gold and jade on the outside, rot and decay on the inside.

“君子去仁,恶乎成名”A gentlemen who forsakes benevolence, it forsakes the internal

core value of himself and leave a bad name forever in the modern society, he will never be a true
gentlemen. “君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是” A true gentlemen will not
forsakes benevolences even at the short lunch time, for the example ,he will be thankful for the
food given by god and wish all his friends and family have a good day. Lastly ,the benevolence
exists in a true gentlemen who will in a bad situation such as homeless and miserable. He is always
maintain the core values of benevolence.


Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVJjp_TJd2o

(YOYOTV, July 16, 2014)

The benevolence exist in the Li Ka-Shing. When Li Ka-Shing was just 14 years old, his
father died of disease. In order to earn money for his family, Li was forced to abandon school
and take a job at a old factory. He family was so poor that Le actually had to sell his dead
father’s clothes for cash to pay for food. While most of his friends attended school or played
games, Li is a labor for 16 hours a day in making plastic gloves. This situation same as the quote
that mentioned above. Li Ka-Shing came from a poor family. In order to get rid of it. He forced
to take a job to overcome this situation. This evidence support Li Ka-Shing is a benevolence

As today Li Ka-Shing is one of richest person in world with personal net worth of $30
billion. In fact, thanks to some extremely shrewd investments, he has been a billionaire for over a
quarter of a century. Li Ka-Shing’s rise to obscene levels of wealth and power is a truly
inspirational rags to riches story. Li Ka-Shing enjoy the fruits of his wealth and the success. He
use proper method and right pipeline from zero to hundred , poverty to wealth , low station to
high station. All his work hard and respect is well deserved and accepted by the people.
Today, thanks largely to his majority stakes in Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa and
various other investment, Li-Ka Shing is worth $30 billion. That’s far and away enough to make
him the richest person in Asia and the 18th richest person in the world! Not bad for a former dirt
poor factory worker. Li Ka-Shing also form a foundation and help those people who are in bad
situation. The true is Li Ka-Shing will not forsakes benevolences even at the short lunch time, for
the example ,he will be thankful for the money that he earn and give the feedback to the public
such as foundation and charity activity. He be thankful all given by god and wish all his friends
and family that he helped or even his family live in a good day. Lastly ,the benevolence will be
exists in a true gentlemen who will in a bad situation such as homeless and miserable.Li-Ka-
Shing always prepared for rainy days, Unlike other entrepreneurs who become arrogant and
careless, Li Ka-shing remains cautious at all times. “We don’t get carried away when times are
good.” he said.

Book IX, pg 77, no 4 (D.C.Lau, 1992)

There were four things the Master refused to have anything to do with: he refused to entertain
conjectures or insist on certainty; he refused to be inflexible or to be egotistical. 子绝四:毋


This sentence can be said that Confucius has four high standards and strict requirements
for self-cultivation, and most people may find it difficult to do so. Usually, most of us speak and
act in the opposite direction and opposite to Confucius's words. They are often subjective and
often arbitrarily, often absolute, affirmative, often stubborn, self-centered, and maverick and
lastly some like to do their own things without listening to others.

The Master refuses to entertain conjectures 毋意 because of no subjective and

unpredictable. If a person does not have his own subjective opinions, it cannot consider as
neither good nor bad. For example, when dealing with one thing, I intended to do so, but others
proposed better opinions than me, so I immediately gave up my original thoughts. In this
situation it was hardly to define it.
Insist on certainty 毋必 mean has no absolute affirmation. It may not be absolutely
certain to outsiders, things or object that were not concern about, after the studies of Analects of
Confucius we think it is more likely to be absolutely not certain of the “self”.

The Master refused to be inflexible 毋固 means he has no stubbornness. Everything is

changing, like time, like the physical world, never staying, never grasping, always the past. Since
everything is inaccessible and everything is changing, then even if you think that your heart is
"stubborn", in fact, this "stubborn" heart itself is constantly changing, and we think that
"stubborn" "It's just a misrepresentation."

Lastly, the Master also refused to be egotistical 毋我, it mean to stop thinking about
ourselves first. If we want to think about others, we must learn to think differently and stand on
the perspective of others. In simple terms, self-interest is self-interested and by helping others,
the spiritual realm is improved. This is called self-interest. Altruism is an act that interests
others. It can also be understood as a common understanding: helping others is helping us.

A wise person, whether ordinary person who treat themselves or lead leaders to lead
others, firstly they had to put down their subjective opinions, put down their egotistical, and
empty their minds, when they are doing things, seeing themselves, seeing others, and seeing
everyone’s true psychology. Seeing the cause of time and space, guiding the situation, guiding
others, guiding things, guiding everyone to the right track, and making them all right, instead of
standing alone in the "self" subjective position and themselves, fight with others and with things
for themselves. It is worth noting that many of us, even those who have been practicing for many
years, are very likely to make a mistake that they are ignorant of.


Xi Jinping: China, Russia set example for major-country relations. (2018, October 19). Retrieved
June 26, 2019, from

(“Xi Jinping: China, Russia set example for major-country relations,” 2018, pp. 1–3)
Recently the President of China Xi JinPing and Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu
has agreed to boost the defence ties to tackle security challenges. During the meeting, President
Xi calls both countries as main forces in promoting world peace. International justice and the
times will stand with peace loving countries and people said President Xi.China and Russia have
become the important factor and constructive forces in promoting world peace and stability,
setting a good model of relations between major countries and neighbouring countries, said
President Xi Jinping. He made the remarks while meeting with Russian Defence Minister Sergey
Shoygu, who extended cordial greetings to President Xi from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Xi called for the two countries to deepen strategic coordination and stabilising
the international order so as to safeguard individual and common interests. China-Russia
relationship has continued its high-level development this year, with political mutual trust hitting
an all-time high in the history. In order to hailed fruitful cooperation between China and Russia
Xi and Putin have met three times over the past nearly five months, with the latest meeting in
September, when Xi attended the fourth Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia. They
treat each other as their most important strategic partner of coordination and diplomatic priority.
China are looking forward to use the opportunity this year of the 70th anniversary of the
establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties to work with Russia and improve comprehensive
coordination and common support, thus promoting the comprehensive strategic partnership of
coordination and better benefiting their peoples in the country. The military relationship between
China and Russia is a significant symbol that reflects the high level and special nature of the
China-Russia relationship, and also is the highlight of their bilateral strategic cooperation.

In recent years, the two militaries have deepened cooperation in various areas such as
joint drills and battle training. From August to September, China sent 3,200 soldiers, along with
more than 1,000 pieces of weaponry and 30 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, to participate in
Russia’s Vostok 2018 military drills, which were the largest of their kind in modern Russia’s
history and involved nearly 300,000 Russian troops. The two militaries should enhance
cooperation and focus on addressing common security threats and creating a favourable external
environment for the two countries’ national development and rejuvenation to provide durable
support for the bilateral relationship.President Xi calls both countries as main forces in
promoting world peace. Russia highly values the relations between the two countries and their
militaries and stands ready to improve bilateral military cooperation with China and jointly
improve the capability to deal with various security challenges, thus contributing to safeguarding
common interests as well as global peace and stability. (“Xi Jinping: China, Russia set example
for major-country relations,” 2018, pp. 1–3)

In conclusion, the action of President Xi shows he has used the core value of “Ren”仁 of
Confucianism to contribute in create world peace. At the same time, he refused to entertain
conjectures or insist on certainty by coordination and stabilising safeguard individual and
common interests of the people living in the country and the five times meeting with Putin in the
past few month had showed he is not a person who is very insist on certainty. He refused to be
inflexible for example he listen and cooperate with the Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu
to discuss the possibility to deepened cooperation in various areas such as joint drills and battle
training or to be egotistical like contributing to safeguarding common interests as well as global
peace and stability for the peoples that he love.

Book XII, no 24 (D.C. Lau 2002, pg 119):

Tseng Tzu said, “A gentleman makes friends through being cultivated, but looks to friends
for support in benevolence.”

曾子曰: “君子以文會友,以友輔仁。”
The meaning of this quote is literature and art can express feeling and communicates to
exchange their ideas and feelings. Language is a form as a carrier of communication. The orthodox
literature and arts are with the connotation of the culture of the gods. For the like-minded friends,
if they can understand each other in good faith and communicate openly, then they can promote
each other and sublimate their hearts because they are really good for each other and they can
kindly point out their weakness. If you can be sincere, kind, and tolerant, then there are any
shortcomings that can be expressed and not concealed. If you see the insufficiency, you can point
it out to the other side, and it is really be good for each other. From the way of first sentence, it
provides a favourable environment and conditions for the cultivation of Rende. This is a
knowledge that can enhance morality and richness.
The United Nations (U.N.) is a global diplomatic and political organization dedicated to
international peace and stability. After World War II, international leaders proposed creating a
new global organization which is the United Nations to maintain peace and avoid the abuses of
war. The United Nations officially established in 25 April 1945 and initially had just 51 member
states. Currently, the United Nations headquartered in New York City has 193 members. The
United Nations states that membership in the organization is “open to all peace-loving States that
accept the obligations contained in the United Nations Charter and in the judgment of the
Organization they are able to carry out these obligations.”

The organization’s purpose and principles are outlined in the United Nations Charter.
According to the document, the United Nations’ four main purposes are to maintain international
peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to achieve international
cooperation in solving international problems and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of
nations in the attainment of these common ends.

Book XII, pg 117, no 22 (D.C. Lau 2002)

Fan Ch'ih asked about benevolence. The Master said, “Love your fellow men.”
He asked about wisdom. The Master said, “Know your fellow men.” Fan Ch'ih failed to grasp his
meaning. The Master said, “Raise the straight and set them over the crooked. This can make the
crooked straight.”
Fan Ch'ih withdrew and went to see Tzu-hsia, saying, “Just now, I went to see the Master and asked
about wisdom. The Master said, ‘Raise the straight and set them over the crooked. This can make
the crooked straight.’ What did he mean?”
Tzu-hsia said, “Rich, indeed, is the meaning of these words. When Shun possessed the Empire, he
raised Kao Yao from the multitude and by so doing put those who were not benevolent at a great
distance. When T'ang possessed the Empire, he raised Yi Yin from the multitude and by so doing put
those who were not benevolent at a great distance.”


This quote talks about two issues, one is benevolence and the other is wisdom. Regarding benevolence
(Ren), Confucius's interpretation of Fan Ch'ih seems to be different from other places. He said that he is a
"love your fellow man". In fact, Confucius has an intrinsic connection to the explanation of Ren in various
places. The love people he said contains the ancient humanistic spirit and regards Ren as the object and
center of all his teachings. In other word, it is mean love your friend, family, children and enemy. As the
famous scholar Qizhi Zhang said, Confucianism is benevolence, and benevolence is the discovery of man.
Regarding wisdom, Confucius believes that it is necessary to understand people, select talents, and ward
off evil spirits. However, in history, many talented people have been suppressed not only because they have
not been selected, but also some people who are bad mindset are pacing, which means that it is not easy to
be true.

For application, since the United Nations inception, the United Nations has performed numerous
humanitarian, environmental and peace-keeping undertakings; the United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) is a broader example and merits acknowledgment on any list of United Nations successes. It
created by the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 1946, to provide emergency food and
healthcare to children and mothers in countries that had been devastated by World War II. The United
Nations Children’s Fund works for the rights of children, and won the Nobel Peace Prize less than two after
it was founded. Its efforts have steadily increased since; in its last annual report, the fund says it has helped
save over 90 million children since 1990.

In additions, the United Nations achievements are including providing food to 90 million people in over 75
countries, assisting more than 34 million refugees, authorizing 71 international peacekeeping missions, to
minimize climate change, assisting about 50 countries per year with their elections, providing vaccinations
for 58 percent of children in the world, helping about 30 million women a year with maternal health efforts
and protecting human rights with 80 treaties and declarations.

Book XII, pg 117, no 22 (D.C. Lau 2002):

Fan Ch'ih asked about benevolence. The Master said, “Love your fellow men.”
He asked about wisdom. The Master said, “Know your fellow men.” Fan Ch'ih failed to
grasp his meaning. The Master said, “Raise the straight and set them over the crooked. This
can make the crooked straight.”
Fan Ch'ih withdrew and went to see Tzu-hsia, saying, “Just now, I went to see the Master
and asked about wisdom. The Master said, ‘Raise the straight and set them over the crooked.
This can make the crooked straight.’ What did he mean?”
Tzu-hsia said, “Rich, indeed, is the meaning of these words. When Shun possessed the
Empire, he raised Kao Yao from the multitude and by so doing put those who were not
benevolent at a great distance. When T'ang possessed the Empire, he raised Yi Yin from the
multitude and by so doing put those who were not benevolent at a great distance.”



This quote talks about two issues, one is benevolence and the other is wisdom. Regarding
benevolence (Ren), Confucius's interpretation of Fan Ch'ih seems to be different from other places.
He said that he is a "love your fellow man". In fact, Confucius has an intrinsic connection to the
explanation of Ren in various places. The love people he said contains the ancient humanistic spirit
and regards Ren as the object and center of all his teachings. In other word, it is mean love your
friend, family, children and enemy. As the famous scholar Qizhi Zhang said, Confucianism is
benevolence, and benevolence is the discovery of man. Regarding wisdom, Confucius believes
that it is necessary to understand people, select talents, and ward off evil spirits. However, in
history, many talented people have been suppressed not only because they have not been selected,
but also some people who are bad mindset are pacing, which means that it is not easy to be true.

For application, since the United Nations inception, the United Nations has performed
numerous humanitarian, environmental and peace-keeping undertakings; the United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) is a broader example and merits acknowledgment on any list of United
Nations successes. It created by the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 1946, to
provide emergency food and healthcare to children and mothers in countries that had been
devastated by World War II. The United Nations Children’s Fund works for the rights of children,
and won the Nobel Peace Prize less than two after it was founded. Its efforts have steadily increased
since; in its last annual report, the fund says it has helped save over 90 million children since 1990.

In additions, the United Nations achievements are including providing food to 90 million
people in over 75 countries, assisting more than 34 million refugees, authorizing 71 international
peacekeeping missions, to minimize climate change, assisting about 50 countries per year with
their elections, providing vaccinations for 58 percent of children in the world, helping about 30
million women a year with maternal health efforts and protecting human rights with 80 treaties
and declarations.

Book XV, no 10 (D.C. Lau 2002, pg 151):

Tzu-kung asked about the practice of benevolence. The Master said, “A craftsman who
wishes to practise his craft well must first sharpen his tools. You should, therefore, seek the
patronage of the most distinguished Counsellors and make friends with the most benevolent
Gentlemen in the state Where you happen to be staying.”


This quote means Confucius told Tzu-kung that a person who is doing manual or craft
should prepare the tool first if he wants to complete the work and perfect it. So what are the tools
used for Ren? If you want to contribute to the country which you are living, you must make friends
with the upper class, the big members of the political arena, the ministers of the government and
the various sage people in this country. In other words, it is necessary to understand the inside
story of this country and have a good relationship with citizens and government, and then you get
the opportunity to contribute and complete the purpose of Ren.
The craftsman's workmanship and the cultivation of ideology and morality seem to be
irrelevant on the surface, but in essence there is a similar truth. As the saying goes: “The sharpening
of the knife would not miss to cut the firewood.” Craftsmen polish the tools before work, and they
can be handy when they are working, and they can achieve twice the result with half the effort.
The same is true for moral cultivation. Choosing noble people with morality, making friends with
them, being influenced by their influence, subtly imposing, their ideological realm and moral
cultivation will be improved invisibly. In other word, to do one thing, must be planned and
arranged in advance, in order to steadily get things done.


The United Nations Peacekeeping operates missions in the most dangerous and difficult
environments in the world, dealing with conflicts or their aftermath which others cannot or will
not address. They can achieve what others can’t, but success is never guaranteed. They have built
up an impressive record of peacekeeping achievements over more than 70 years of our existence,
including winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Since 1948, the United Nations has helped end conflicts and foster reconciliation by
conducting successful peacekeeping operations in dozens of countries, including Cambodia, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Mozambique, Namibia, and Tajikistan. Even though they have a failure for
instance in Somalia, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, these setbacks
provided important lessons for the international community when deciding how and when to
deploy and support United Nations peacekeeping as a tool to restore and maintain international
peace and security.

As past experience shows, there are several factors that are essential for a successful
peacekeeping operation. It must be guided by the principles of consent; impartiality and the non-
use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate and promote national and local
ownership of the peace process in the host country.

The core thought of Confucianism is benevolence. Benevolence (or Rén) is the

Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic.
Ren is exemplified by a normal adult's protective feelings for children. It is considered the
inward expression of Confucian ideals. Confucius also defined Rén in the following way:
"wishing to be established himself, seeks also to establish others; wishing to be enlarged himself,
he seeks also to enlarge others." Another meaning of Rén is "not to do to others as you would not
wish done to yourself." Confucius also said, "Rén is not far off; he who seeks it has already
found it." Rén is close to man and never leaves him.

Rén relies heavily on the relationships between two people, but at the same time
encompasses much more than that. It represents an inner development towards an altruistic goal,
while simultaneously realizing that one is never alone, and that everyone has these relationships
to fall back on, being a member of a family, the state, and the world. Rén is not a concept that is
learned; it is innate, that is to say, everyone is born with the sense of Rén. Confucius believed
that the key to long-lasting integrity was to constantly think, since the world is continually
changing at a rapid pace. There have been a variety of definitions for the term Rén. Rén has been
translated as "benevolence", "perfect virtue", "goodness" or even "human-heartedness". When
asked, Confucius defined it by the ordinary Chinese word for love, ai, saying that it meant to
"love others".

In short, benevolence consists of several type of meaning which can affect us to treat our
friends and family with right moral cultivation. A person with benevolence which can influence
people around him and spread the love and positive vibes to world. When the link connection of
people become strong, they can understand each others and less misunderstanding which will
bring the world more peaceful and harmony


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June 26, 2019, from
Zorthian, J. (2015, October 23).5 United Nations Achievements Worth Celebrating on U.N. Day.
Retrieved fromhttps://time.com/4085757/united-nations-achievements/

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