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Physical Infrastructure Energy,Water, Enviorment & Sanitation (PIE&WES)

Sarhad Rural Support Programme

Table of Contents
Abbreviation ................................................................................................................................................ iii
A. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... i
B. SRSP’s Strategy for CPIs ......................................................................................................................... i
i. Project Identification ......................................................................................................................... i
ii. Project Implementation .................................................................................................................... ii
iii. Project Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ iii
iv. Reporting.......................................................................................................................................... iii
D. CPI Implementation Strategy for PEACE .............................................................................................. iv
E. The CPI Process ..................................................................................................................................... v
a) Project/Scheme Identification ......................................................................................................... vi
i. Identification & Prioritization of Projects/Schemes .................................................................... vi
ii. Social and Technical Feasibiity-The Survey ................................................................................ viii
iii. Survey Formats ............................................................................................................................. x
iv. Design of Components .................................................................................................................. x
v. Preparation of BOQ/Estimates and Project Proposal ................................................................... x
vi. Approval of CPIs ........................................................................................................................... xi
b) Project Outsourcing Phase - Outsourcing/Tendering Procedure and Procurement ....................... xi
i. Preparation of Tender Documents ............................................................................................. xii
ii. Tendering Process .......................................................................................................................xiii
 Resolution for demand of CPI ............................................................................................................. xxi
 Social Feasibility report (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XIV) ............................................................. xxi
 Survey format (Sample is attached as ANNEX-III) .............................................................................. xxi
 Project Digest (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XV)............................................................................. xxi
 Approval Letter(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XVI) ......................................................................... xxi
 TOP(Sample is attached as ANNEX-VIII) .......................................................................................... xxi
 Agreement (copy) (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XVII) .................................................................... xxi
 3rd dialogue report(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XVIII) .................................................................. xxi
 GRN(Sample is attached as ANNEX-IV) ............................................................................................ xxi
 Technical Inspection Report(Sample is attached as ANNEX-V) .......................................................... xxi
 Supplier/Contractor Voucher(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XIX) .................................................... xxi
 Bill form(Sample is attached as ANNEX-VI) ....................................................................................... xxi
 Cheque photocopy ............................................................................................................................... xxi
 Cheque receiving format(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XX) ............................................................. xxi
 Head office engineer visit report........................................................................................................... xxi
 Completion Report(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XII) ..................................................................... xxi
 Completion certificate(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XII) ................................................................. xxi
 Handing & taking over (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XIII)............................................................. xxi
 Field visit report (Sample is attached as ANNEX-IX) .......................................................................... xxi
 Before and after photographs ............................................................................................................... xxi
 Record of community share in kind (labor, material, ware house, provision of land etc) (Sample of
community share format is attached as ANNEX- XXI) ............................................................................... xxi
Appendices................................................................................................................................................ xxiii
Annex I: SOPs under the existing CPI Strategy ................................................................................ xxiii
Annex II: Survey Formats .................................................................................................................. xxv
Annex III: Sample of Community Contribution (In Kinds) ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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A. Introduction

This document elaborates a detail implementation strategy which relates to all type of Community
Physical Infrastructure (CPI), Energy and Basic Social Services. The strategy has been developed with the
objective to provide uniform and standardized operating procedures for identification, selection,
implementation, completion and monitoring of community managed infrastructure projects and basic
social services under any donor funded project within SRSP. It explains in detail the nature of projects to
be implemented during the programme, the existing CPI implementation strategy of SRSP and its
realignment according to the standard compliances and procedures that can fullfil requirement of all
Donor agencies. The overall management structure of CPIs schemes has also been explained in detail.

B. SRSP’s Strategy for CPIs

Based on the participatory approach, SRSP has a proven strategy for implementation of community
physical infrastructure projects and schemes. Under the strategy, there are no pre-conceived packages
and schemes are undertaken according to the needs of the communities. A series of extensive
community dialogue sessions are undertaken at the community level to help facilitate the whole process
from the identification of key factors to the handing-over of these schemes to community institutions.

1. Steps Involved in Implementaion

A1: Identification for CPI , Energy Proejct.
Small scale community built and maintained schemes and small scale projects are identified by
participating communities, designed in conjunction with SRSP and implemented with the community’s
assistance. They are later taken over and managed by local communities. SRSP proceeds with this phase
of the programme according to the following terms:
 If it is deemed acceptable by the community at large and seen to benefit the respective targeted
communities and the poor, vulnerable and women in particular, in terms of the improvement,
support and strengthening of livelihoods.
 The community is willing to enter an organizational group, such as a men’s or women’s
Community or Village Organization.
 The CO registers itself with SRSP by opening a bank account.
 Seventy-five percent (75%) of members in the community organization that is leading the
initiative belong to the poorest segment of society. Furthermore, that the Office Bearers (e.g.,
the President and Secretary) must be the direct beneficiaries of the project.
 The scheme does not lead to political or social polarization or conflict.
Identification Process:
Annex-I Sample identification resolution
A2: Identification for Basic Social services Proejcts ( Schools, BHUs, & other Governament
Small scale community built and maintained schemes and small scale projects are identified by
participating communities, designed in conjunction with SRSP and implemented with the community’s
assistance. They are later taken over and managed by local communities. SRSP proceeds with this phase
of the programme according to the following terms:
 If it is deemed acceptable by the community at large and seen to benefit the respective targeted
communities and the poor, vulnerable and women in particular, in terms of the improvement,
support and strengthening of livelihoods.
 The community is willing to enter an organizational group, such as a men’s or women’s
Community or Village Organization.
 The CO registers itself with SRSP by opening a bank account.
 Seventy-five percent (75%) of members in the community organization that is leading the
initiative belong to the poorest segment of society. Furthermore, that the Office Bearers (e.g.,
the President and Secretary) must be the direct beneficiaries of the project.
 The scheme does not lead to political or social polarization or conflict.
Identification Process:
Annex-I Sample identification resolution
a. Project Implementation
Following agreement to the aforementioned terms and qualifying conditions, a detailed Terms of
Partnership (TOP) is developed, discussed and agreed on by SRSP and the community based
organization. All necessary details, including micro infrastructure project design and its social and
technical aspects, the costs including each community’s share in kind (if applicable), the completion
date, and a mechanism to establish the operation and maintenance of small scale schemes, are
incorporated to the TOP. Furthermore, environmental analysis is also undertaken, which comprises

ii | P a g e
another critical element of SRSP project design. An effective and efficient Management Information
System exists, which is maintained so as to record all the implemented and completed schemes. SRSP’s
standard operating procedures (Annex I) for the initiation a small scale infrastructure schemes are
strictly followed. Three different communities including Project, Audit and Maintenance Committees are
formed through involving the concerned CO so as to ensure transparency, accountability and the
smooth implementation the project.

b. Project Maintenance
Upon the successful completion of the programme, these projects are handed over to local Community
and Village Organizations. The Operation and Maintenance Committees developed by these
organizations are utilized in order to guarantee the proper future maintenance of these schemes.
Indeed, CO/VOs must demonstrate the requisite capacity required for the proper maintenance of these

c. Reporting
An effective and efficient Management Information System (already in-place at SRSP) exists to develop
accurate records of concerned the small scale infrastructure schemes initiated by and completed.

iii | P a g e
C. CPI Implementation Strategy Approach

As discussed earlier, SRSP has readjusted its implementation strategy according to the procurement and
outsourcing compliances and procedures of all donor agencies. The major adjustment has been made in
the implementation phase, where SRSP usually involves communities in financial transactions, services,
labor arrangements and material procurement through establishment of Project and Audit Committees
with defined roles and responsibilities. Keeping in view the recent expreince of some projects the
methodology implemented in disaster and conflict affected areas were found change. In recent projects
the implementation of schemes has been done through Tendering or outsourcing process, where the
services of suppliers/contractors have been hired. Although the communities and their representative
organizations were also involved in overall monitoring and supervision of the schemes, however, their
involvement in financial transactions, procurements, supply of services and materials has been linked
with legal entity. Given the context, SRSP will follow a three prong approach confining the overall
implementation strategy of community managed infrastructure projects and basic social services. These
approaches have been summarized as below.
a) Participatory approach
Under this approach, community’s institution is involved for complete financial and execution of any
type of schemes, in this approach payments are made to community institituion bank account.

b) Partially participatory approach

Under this approach, communities can be involved in local materials supply and services/labors when
the following two criteria are fulfilled. The concerned community organizations have a legal entity
(registered with any government body i.e. social welfare department, cooperative society etc)

c) Fully outsourcing approach

Under this approach, implementation of a CPI/social services will be done through supplier/contractor
whereas the respective community and the organization will be responsible for the supervision and
monitoring of the physical work and financial transactions.

iv | P a g e
D. The CPI Process

SRSP will be help communities in building small infrastructure by provision of technical and financial
support, which will address important local needs and make geographically marginalized places
accessible through construction of link roads and bridges, bring water for irrigation to improve
production on agricultural land built assets and drinking water at household level to reduce work load of
women who have to go long distances to fetch water and provide clean drinking water leading to
improve health and reduction in water born diseases and protect land against erosion of floods. The
communities will identify the needs themselves and will play leading role in the implementation of the
projects. The process of initiating and completing community managed infrastructure projects involves
three major steps including
1) Project Identification and selection
2) Project Outsourcing through bidding (tender) process or Top with community instituiton
3) Project Implementation
4) Project Maintenance
In this section a detail discussion has been made on various processes and procedures involved in the
above mentioned steps. The overall process has been reflected in the following diagram.
Process flowchart for CPI Schemes

Need Identification

Submission of CPI Resolution

Feasibility Not Established ← Technical and Social Feasibility Survey by SRSP Identification and
↓ ↓
Proposal Rejected Preparation of Project Digest

Approval of the Project Digest by PSU and Head Office

Outsourcing (Tendering/RFQ) Process Outsourcing Phase

↓ ↓
Signing of TOP between SRSP & CI for CPI and signing of MOU
Supplies and Services by Contractor/CI --------------------------
Project Implementation

with line department in case of rehabilitation of Govt Scheme

↓ ↓
Establishment of Project, PTC & HMC
Establishment of Project, Audit and Operation & Maintenance
Committees /Project over site committee
(POC)for Rehab of Govt Sachems

SRSP & Community- Based Implementation
--------- ----------- On -Job Training to the Committees
Monitoring. of the Scheme


Establishment of Scheme
Operation & Maintenance ------------ ----------- Visit by HO Engr
Mechanisms with CO

Handing & Taking over rehabilitated/renovated Govt facility to the respective Project Maintenance
line department

a) Project/Scheme Identification

i. Identification & Prioritization of Projects/Schemes

The initial or first phase of a developing or improviding CPI projects is the identification and
prioritization, which are done through need assessment and involving communities. However, SRSP has
developed a general criterion for identificaiotn, selection and prioritization of such sites. These generic
rules have been explained as follow.

a) Prioritization
a. The first priority for site selection for CPIs will be those areas where there is no available existing
b. The second priority for site selection for CPIs will be those areas where there is availability of
existing facility but that is not functional or damaged which need rehabilitation and upgradation.
c. The third priority for selection of site for CPIs will those areas where there is availability of existing
facility but that is not sufficient i.e. not fulfilling the needs of the community.

b) Selection Criterion
The selection criteria for various projects unde the programme have been elaborated in the following
Project Type For New Project/Scheme Rehabilitation of Project/Scheme
DWSS  Proper water source exist  The existing DWSS scheme isn’t functional,
 The target community has no access to clean  No Objection Certificate for restoration of the
drinking water supply scheme project from concerned department, in case
 The community has done some arrangement i.e. implemented by Public Health Engineering
some houses are getting water from spring or Department (PHED) or any other Govt. deptt
stream through individual pipe but it is  Existing storage tank capacity with design
hygienically not safe for drinking we can choose calculation
the whole village for provision of DWSS scheme  Does it serve the targeted community or
 The houses are situated in cluster type and otherwise.
scattered house area should be discouraged.  Maximum coverage is ensured

vi | P a g e
Project Type For New Project/Scheme Rehabilitation of Project/Scheme
Link Roads  Only build Earthen or shingle road in the Project,  The widening of existing road should be done
in some critical portions of road we can provide up to 18ft max. (In case its present width is
PCC or RCC. less then 18ft).
 The road width must be 18feet at least excluding  Before surveying the new link road permission
Breast wall and retaining wall. (In some case from land owners through community must
where land is not available we can decrease it to be ensured legally (Must be on stamp paper).
minimum width of 15 feet).
 Permission from land owners through community
must be ensured legally (Must be on stamp
 All the Level readings of proposed link road
survey should be kept in level Book. Including
Proper Reduce level of proposed road center line,
cutting filling reduce levels, locations of Retaining
wall, Breast wall, pipe culvert, cause-ways and if
some curves are in critical portion we can also
proposed PCC pavement or stone pitching in that
 Clearly mention and mark the trees on the plan of
the proposed road to be cut/ removed for
execution of the road.
 A proper drain on one side of road to make it safe
and durable against runoff water.
 Proper slope should be maintained throughout
the alignment.
 Where Nullah or stream water crosses the road,
proper pipe culvert would be provided and in
some cases we can also provide Cause-way/dip
concrete structure as well.
Bridges  Existing damaged bridges should be
considered for rehabilitation with proper NOC
from the department.
 Record of floods with their maximum level
 Road at both sides of bridge is functional and
that road is regularly used by vehicles for
 Before going to final stage of bridge designing
and cost estimation, it should be discussed
with community members that either they are
ready to contribute in proposed larger cost
Irrigation  Lining of Irrigation channel should be discouraged  The existing Irrigation channel is fully or
Channel in some critical portion where water channel partially damage and water could not reach to
crosses shingle or sand strata and there is fear of fields or crops as per requirement
high seepage. In such case we can provide PCC
 Proper Distribution Points (Naccas) should be
provided at locations where water could be
diverted to fields.
 Retaining wall and diversion structures could be
provided in new unlined channels if necessary. In
some sliding portions we can also provide RCC
pipes or RCC channel.

vii | P a g e
Project Type For New Project/Scheme Rehabilitation of Project/Scheme
Street  The width of the proposed street should not
Pavement exceed 8 feet.
 If there is no existing side drain, proper drain
should be provided to dispose of household
sullage and surface runoff.
 The type and volume of transport vehicles
should be observed for proper designing of
street pavement so that it can bear load of
traffic vehicles.
 Proper locations should be marked for cross
drainage of household sullage to the main
 The sullage and surface runoff carried by the
drain should be properly disposed of with no
stagnant water in the drain.
 The CO members should be properly
consulted regarding street pavement
designing and cost estimates.
 The street once identified for pavement
should be paved up to the full length if
possible to ensure social cohesion.

ii. Social and Technical Feasibiity-The Survey

Once a project is identified, the community put up a demand through submitting resolution and seeks
SRSP assistance for technical and social assessment. The technical feasibility is conducted by the SRSP
field engineers with the involvement of local communities, whereas the social feasibility survey is the
responsibility of the social organizers. In case the scheme is technically or socially infeasiable, it will be
tagged as non feasible with relevant justifications and stop further process. On the other hand if the
survey comes out as feasible both technically and socially, the process continues as shown in the
process flow chart. In this connection, SRSP has prepared guidelines for the technical survey of deferent
types of CPIs as highlighted below
Type of
Measurement Photograph Site Plan
Link Road  Length and width of proposed road. Before  North direction.
 Length of proposed side drain (if any) photos  Legends.
 Cut and fill area (shapes with measurements). should be  Reduce levels at required
 Location of different structures like retaining wall, taken for points.
Brest wall, pipe culvert, slab culvert etc. the  Flow direction in side drain.
 Reduce levels of different structures like retaining locations of  Well known points (Masque,
wall, Brest wall, pipe culvert, slab culvert etc. proposed School etc).
 GPS coordinates of different structures like structures.  Existing situation.
retaining wall, Brest wall, pipe culvert, slab  Proposed work.
culvert etc.  Ref of village to the district
 Households.
 Start and end point location.
 Details and measurements of strata (Hard rock,
blasting required etc).
 Grade of Road

viii | P a g e
Type of
Measurement Photograph Site Plan
DWSS  Discharge. Do  North direction.
(Gravity Flow)  Households.  Legends.
 Length of Pipe line.  Reduce levels at required
 Location of different structures like Source, points.
Source development structure, Main storage  Flow direction in Pipeline.
tank, and distribution tank(s) etc.  Well known points (Masque,
 Reduce levels of different structures like Source, School etc).
Source development structure, Main storage  Existing situation.
tank, distribution tank(s) etc.  Proposed work.
 GPS coordinates of different structures like  Ref of village to the district
Source, Source development structure, Main
storage tank, distribution tank(s) etc.
DWSS  Households per Hand Pump. Do  North direction.
(Hand Pump)  Location of each Hand Pump.  Legends.
 Reduce levels of each Hand Pump.  Reduce levels at required
 GPS coordinates of each Hand Pump. points.
 Space for HP platform & a drain length of at least  Well known points (Mosque,
10’. School etc).
 HP must be at least 10’ away from existing drain  Existing situation.
 Proposed work.
 Ref of village to the district
Irrigation  Length of Channel. Do  North direction.
Channel  Location of different structures like retaining wall,  Legends.
Outlets, gate(s) etc.  Reduce levels at required
 Reduce levels at different reaches of channel. points.
 Reduce levels of different structures like retaining  Flow direction in channel.
wall, Outlets, gate(s) etc.  Well known points (Masque,
 GPS coordinates of different structures retaining School etc).
wall, Outlets, gate(s) etc.  Location of Nakka, gates etc.
 Cropping Pattern.  Existing situation.
 Potential crops details.  Proposed work.
 Start and end point location.  Ref of village to the district.
 Land owners details.
 Details of land to be irrigated.
Protection  Length and height of Protection Structure. Do  North direction.
Structure  Location of Protection structures.  Legends.
 Reduce levels of Protection structures.  Reduce levels at required
 GPS coordinates of structure. points.
 Flood History and frequency.  Well known points (Masque,
 Land / House owner’s details. School etc).
 Stream/ River & discharge etc  Existing situation.
 Proposed work.
 Ref of village to the district
Bridge  Length, width and type of Bridge.  North direction.
 Height of bridge for abutments.  Legends.
 Location of Bridge.  Reduce levels at required
 Reduce level of Bridge. points.
 GPS coordinates of Bridge.  Flow direction of river.
 Flood History and frequency.  Well known points (Mosque,
 Frequency of Pedestrian / Vehicles. School etc).
 Existing situation.
 Proposed work.
 Ref of village to the district.

ix | P a g e
Type of
Measurement Photograph Site Plan
Sanitation  Length and width of streets. Do  North direction.
Schemes  Length of drains.  Legends.
 Households.  Reduce levels at required
 Location of different structures like retaining wall, points.
pipe culvert etc.  Flow direction in drains.
 Reduce levels at required points.  Well known points (Mosque,
 GPS coordinates of different structures including School etc).
retaining wall, pipe culvert etc.  Existing situation.
 Start and end point location.  Proposed work.
 Area.  Ref of village to the district
 Provision for waste water from the houses
above/upside this locality

iii. Survey Formats

SRSP Engineering section has also developed templates for the survey of different types of CPIs, which
will be helpful for engineers in collecting accurate and relevant data on site. The templates for different
types of CPIs are given in Annex – II. Since the information gathered through these formats have
significant implication on the designing and estimation of the projects. All the information will be
verified by conerened staff and will be part of the project digest of every scheme.

iv. Design of Components

Design of different CPIs components is of utmost importance. Special attention will be given for proper
designing of CPIs. Information collected through the technical survey make the basis of desings. The
design of various CPIs components will be aligned with the respective engineering standards keeping in
view the requirements of concerned communities. In case of any deviation from the standard
engineering practices while fulfilling the requirements of concerned communities, priority should be
given to the respective engineering standards and the concerned communities will be persuaded
accordingly. SRSP will avoid processing schemes not fulfilling proper components design.

v. Preparation of BOQ/Estimates and Project Proposal

Cost estimates of various CPIs components are prepared once a CPI is properly designed. In CPIs
components design, various parameters are defined. In cost estimates, quantities of different materials
are calculated which is required to meet the design parameters. These estimated quantities are
quantified in terms of materials and labour. Materials may include cement, sand, crush, pipes etc while
labour is further bifurcated into skilled and un-skilled labour. The type and quantity of materials may

vary from scheme to scheme depending upon the nature and volume of the scheme and scope of work
but the labours remain the same as skilled and un-skilled labour. The rates of materials and labours used
are market based rates and may vary from place to place. The materials, skilled and un-skilled labours
(Man-days) involved in a scheme are calculated on the basis of CSR analysis.

vi. Approval of CPIs

 The initial cost estimates once prepared will be shared only with PSU through email.
 PSU will coordinate with the district offices if there is any mistake/rectification or clarification
 After screening the corrected costs, estimates will be sent back by PSU through email to the
concerned District field office keeping PSU procurement section & PIE&WES-Head Office in
loop and will be considered as provisionally approved. A provisional approval letter would later
be issued and share with concerned filed office for the approved CPIs.
 After provisional approval, complete CPI project digest (Hard Copy) will be prepared and
shared with Head Office for final approval. The Project digest must include the following
relevant documents.
o Relevant resolution from the community
o Social feasibility format
o Technical survey format,
o Pictures before the implementation
o Community share format dully filled (Sample attached as Annex III)
 Any change or deviation in the CPI whether physical or financial without proper approval from
PSU & HO is strictly banned and revised project digest will be prepared by the district team
and will be approved by PSU & HO before release of last installment to the

b) Project Outsourcing Phase - Outsourcing/Tendering Procedure and Procurement

Once the CPI is provisionally approved, the identificaiotn and selection of implementing body
(contractors, suppliers) and procurements proceeds with the process of quotation or tender,
depeding upon the cost of the scheme(s). In light of the donor’s compliances and procurement
policies and procedures, SRSP has aligned itself to the set standards and has developed a
systematic system to identify and select the implemting body(s) for CPIs and procurements. Under

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this strategy and unlike the traditional approach, where the communities were involved in and
responsible for the management and executation of scheme(s), procurement of materials and
supplies and monitoring, SRSP will outsource the scheme(s) through open bidding or quotations.
The overall phase outsourcing phase has been reflected in the follo wing diagram.

Final Approval by HO

Provisional Approval by
Award of Contract

Forward to Procurement

Preparation of Bidding

i. Preparation of Tender Documents

After the provisional approval of CPI, the Bills of Quatities (BOQ) are shared with the Procurement
section, which is assigned with the responsibility to prepare tender documents for Bidding Process in
relation to
o Supply Contracts
o Services Contracts
o Works Contracts
Normally, the tender documents include Instructions to bidders, Financial offer form, Technical offer
form and Tender declaration.

xii | P a g e
ii. Tendering Process
Once the tender documents are developed, SRSP will follow five steps for selecting the implementing
body or contractor. The steps include are discussed as follow.

Step 1: Tendering
Depending upon the costs of the CPI or its components and the specific procedure (discussed latter on),
SRSP calls for bids and quotation using the following methods.
o Advertisement in International / National News Papers
o Advertisement on SRSP website
o Formal offer letters to selected Vendors/Suppliers. (At least 3)
o Through formal offer letter to selected supplier (without Advertisement)
o Advertisement in International / National News papers offering selected service providers to
o Through formal offer letters to selected Service Providers. (At least 3)
o Through formal offer letter to selected service provider (without Advertisement)
o Through formal offer letters to selected Contractors. (Atleast 3)
o Through formal offer letter to selected contractor (without Advertisement)

Step 2: Sharing Tender Dozier

Under this step, SRSP will share the tender Doziers tha provide the interesting contractors, services
providers, vendors and suppliers with necessary information. The tender doziers include
o Information / instructions to Bidders (ITB)
o Items detail, specifications & Quantity.
o Technical offer form
o Financial offer form
o Tenders Declaration format
o Items detail, specifications, quantity etc.
o Specimen for declaration
o Detail of services, terms of reference etc.
o Bidders Declaration form.
o Detail specifications, BOQs, Designs & Drawings
o Items specifications, BOQs, Drawings

xiii | P a g e
Step 3: Submission of Tenders
During the process, the tenderors will submit their biddings/quotations based on the tender dozier. The
tenders will be recived through single or double envelope basis through courier or registered mail and
by hand after Negotiation.

Step 4: Evaluation/Procurement Committee

A bidding/procurement committee will be formed, which will comprise of a chairman, secretary and
voting members rangin from 3-5, depending upon the magniture of bid or quotation.

Step 5: Evaluation Process

This is the final step before selcection of the contractor/vendor/supplier/services provides. The
evaluation committee will finalize the process. The major steps involved therein are
o Receipt and registration of tender
o Preparatory meeting
o Tender opening session
o Evaluation of Technical & Financial Offer
o Evaluation of Samples
o Choice/selection of Contractor
o Conclusions of Evaluation Committee
o Detail justification for single tender procedure

Further to the Tendering/Procurement Process, SRSP will adopt a specific tendering procedure for
award of contract in relation to the components of CPI schemes. The espousal of specific
procedure is based on the value of cost in Euros (termed as financial threshold in EU procurement
procedures). SRSP will be practicing the following four tendering procedures during PEACE.
1. Single Tender Procedure
2. Competitive negotiated Procedure
3. Local open tender Procedure
4. International open tender Procedure
The following table highlights major steps involved in the aforementioned tendering /procurement
procedures and the nature of their application in case of different types of contracts.

xiv | P a g e
Implementation & Supervision:

Initiation (Third dialogue):

The CPI will be implemented with the involvement of local communities. SRSP field
engineers will lead the process, giving guidance and support the community institution
as and when required. First step in implementation is conduction of third dialogue,
minimum of 75 % members of the CI must be present at the time of third dialogue.
During third dialogue the following decisions and actions are taken,

 Role of SRSP is explained.

 Role of community is explained
 Engineer explains the details of the CPI to be executed
 Project, Audit, operation & maintenance committees are formed.( Each
committee will comprise of 2 to 4 committee members, and their role are
explained in the TOP).
 Terms of partnership (TOP) is signed and handed over to CI. The sample TOP
is attached as ANEXURE-VII.
 In case of presences of an important stack holder from the Govt or other
agencies ground breaking plaque may be unveiled during the third dialogue.

Material Supply and Services Arrangement:

After the successful conduction of third dialogue, the physical work on site will start
and the next stage will be material supply and arrangement of services, following will be
the procedure for the material supply and Services;

 In order to create better understanding and smooth interaction, a meeting

between supplier and services contractor will be arranged after the award of
supply and services contracts.
 Supplier will deliver the construction material as per demand of the service
contractor/CI and scope of work.
 Supplier will deliver the construction material to community in case the CI is
registered and the service contract is awarded to community.

xv | P a g e
 Supplier will deliver the construction material to site; SRSP field engineer will
issue GRN. And will write Technical inspection report (Sample of GRN and
TIR are attached as ANNEX IV & V).
 The project committee members will write the details of material in the stock
 The service contractor will receive the material and will be responsible for any
loss or damage or theft of material.
 The service contractor will start the work after the layout by SRSP engineer.
 After 25 % of material delivery the payment to the supplier will be made.
(Payment procedure already explained).
 After 25 % of the total work done, payment to the contractor will be made.
(Payment procedure is already explained).
 Payment to supplier and contractor will be made as per actual delivery and
actual work done.
 In case of extra work required on site, the field engineer will take prior
approval from PSU.

Payment Procedure to Supplier / contractor:

Following will be the payment procedure to the supplier;

 The supplier will submit request for payment to the field engineer on his letter head
duly signed and stamped along with the GRN (Sample of GRN is attached as
 Field engineer will cross check all the GRNs and will attach the Technical Inspection
Report (Sample of Technical Inspection report is attached as ANNEXURE-V).
 Field engineer will prepare bill form on the basis of GRNs and Technical Inspections
Report issued to the supplier (Sample of Bill form is attached as ANNEXURE-VI).
 SO will take resolution of satisfaction or otherwise from the CI on quality of
Material supplied.
 FE will verify the above mentioned documents and will forward to SSO/DPM/PM for
further processing.
 SSO/DPM/PM will verify all the documents forwarded by FE and forward to finance
 Finance section will prepare the cheque and will hand over to supplier.

xvi | P a g e
Payment Procedure to Services Contractor/CI:

Following will be the payment procedure to the Contractor,

 The Contractor will submit request for payment to the field engineer on his letter head
duly signed and stamped along with the detail of work done on site.
 Field engineer will take measurements and photos of work done on site and will
prepare detailed work done. (Sample of work done is attached as ANNEXURE-VII).
 Field engineer will prepare bill form on the basis of work done (Sample of Bill form
is attached as ANNEXURE-VII).
 SO will take resolution of satisfaction on quality of work done.
 FE will verify the above mentioned documents and will forward to SSO/DPM for
further processing.
 SSO/DPM will verify all the documents forwarded by FE and forward to finance
 Finance section will prepare the cheque and will hand over to supplier.

Payment will be made to the Supplier and contractor in 4 to 5 installments, depending upon the
material delivery and actual work done on site. For release of final installment, a final visit either
from head office engineer or PSU engineer would be the necessary requirement. The satisfactory
report with respect to both quality and quantity by the concerned/visited head office or PSU
engineer will be a clearance for the release of final 10% installment to services contractor / CI.

Detailed Supervision:

 SRSP engineering team in each office will be split, and different duties will be
 One engineer will be responsible for the designing, estimation and other office
record like preparation of MPR and QPR etc, while the rest of the engine ering
team will be responsible for the supervision of ongoing CPIs.

xvii | P a g e
 Every engineer will be assigned certain number of CPIs; the assignment of CPIs
to the engineers may either be based on area or number of CPIs.
 Every engineer will be responsible for the issuance of GRN, material inspection,
supervision of the ongoing work, preparation of supplier & contractor bills and
record keeping of the CPIs assign to him.
 The concerned engineer would be strictly responsible for quality and quantities
of the materials supplied and work done at site. Any negligence in these aspects
may lead to strict disciplinary action against the concerned engineer.
 In case of any deviation or changes on site, the field engineer will take approval
in writing from PSU, and will give the approval to contractor in writing. Verbal
communication regarding changes on site should be avoided.
 Any direction/recommendations to the supplier or contractors must be in
writing in the site register and also enter in the community CPI register.
 Every engineer will also be responsible for the survey of new CPIs in area assign
to him.


 Proper and on time reporting is of prime importance in the successful

completion of CPIs, without effective reporting system the CPIs quality will
suffer and delay may occur in CPIs completion. Therefore once a CPI is
initiated, regular reporting is carried out regarding the physical and financial
 When an engineer will visit the site, he will write a report , the measurements taken
on site and quality of work done. SRSP PIE&WES section has developed template
for field visit report (Sample of field visit report is attached as ANNEXURE-VIII).
 Engineer will write the visit report in the CI register, any suggestions/instructions
given to the contractor regarding the improvement of work will be noted in the
CPI register and the CI members will be instructed to ensure the implementation of
suggestions given to the contractor.

xviii | P a g e
 Engineer from the field will share Monthly Progress Reports (Sample of Monthly
progress report is attached as ANNEXURE-IX) and Quarterly Progress Reports
(Sample of Quarterly progress report is attached as ANNEXURE-X).with
Regional/District Engineer, Regional/ District engineer will share the MPR and
QPR with Program officer, and finally it will be shared with head office.


An effective supervision and reporting system will ensure CPI completion on time and within
the approved quality standards. As mentioned earlier final installment of at least 10 percent be
released to contractors/CI after verification by Head Office /PSU engineers that 100 percent
work has been completed as per approved standards. Following are the actions to be taken at the
time of completion,

 Final measurement will be taken

 Preparation of as built drawing
 Taking post completion photos
 Preparation of CPI Completion Report (Sample of Completion report is attached as
 Preparation of CPI Completion Certificate(Sample of Completion Certificate is attached

Handing & taking over:

Upon completion of the scheme, the ownership of the scheme will be transferred to the
community institution. However in case of rehabilitation of Govt facilities, the ownership will be
transferred to the concerned Govt. line department.

Community physical infrastructure schemes will be handed over to the concerned community
Institution / line departments through a stamp paper duly signed by the representatives of
concerned CIs and SRSP Staff. SRSP PIE&WES section has developed a standard format for
handing & taking over of any scheme as given in ANNEX - XIII.

xix | P a g e
Operation & Maintenance:

SRSP Staff will guide community organizations for establishing operational mechanism for day
to day management and maintenance of community physical infrastructure schemes. For the
effective operation and maintenance of CPI, the following two options can be practices;

 Community Institution should deposit 3 % of the total cost of CPI in their account
and that money can be used for the operation and maintenance as per need. No
withdrawal from the maintenance account without any prior approval from concerned
SRSP official . The community would submit resolution for withdrawal of amount for
repair and maintenance works required in CPIs along with request for technical
assistance from SRSP engineer
 In case of large schemes it will be difficult for the community to deposit 3 % of the
total cost of CPI, in that case CI members should follow the contribution (Chanda)
system whenever needed along with some initial deposition of amount in the
maintenance account which may not be at fixed percentage but as per the decision and
convenience of the concerned community
 The O&M committee of the community Institution will be responsible for ensuring
the implementation of the decisions made in the CI meetings.

xx | P a g e
Record Keeping at Office Level:

At office level field engineer will maintain CPI file, following will be the contents of CPI file;
Resolution for demand of CPI

 Social Feasibility report (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XIV)

 Survey format (Sample is attached as ANNEX-III)

 Project Digest (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XV)

 Approval Letter(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XVI)

 TOP(Sample is attached as ANNEX-VIII)

 Agreement (copy) (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XVII)

 3rd dialogue report(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XVIII)

 GRN(Sample is attached as ANNEX-IV)

 Technical Inspection Report(Sample is attached as ANNEX-V)

 Supplier/Contractor Voucher(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XIX)

 Bill form(Sample is attached as ANNEX-VI)

 Cheque photocopy

 Cheque receiving format(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XX)

 Head office engineer visit report.

 Completion Report(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XII)

 Completion certificate(Sample is attached as ANNEX-XII)

 Handing & taking over (Sample is attached as ANNEX-XIII)

 Field visit report (Sample is attached as ANNEX-IX)

 Before and after photographs

 Record of community share in kind (labor, material, ware house, provision of land
etc) (Sample of community share format is attached as ANNEX- XXI)

xxi | P a g e
Record Keeping at Community Level:

Community institution will also keep the following record of CPI,

 Record of material supplied to the site.

 Record of community share in kind (labor, material, ware house, provision of land etc)

xxii | P a g e

Annex I: SOPs under the existing CPI Strategy

 Resolutions by the community and the schemes’ complete social and economic feasibility. The
resolution should come from a meeting attended by one-hundred percent (100%) of
organization members.
 Social mobilization (SM) team will pass the resolution in 24 hours to the Engineering Section and
will maintain a copy of this record.
 The SM team will accompany the engineers during the technical survey.
 The SM team will ensure the participation of fifty-percent (50%) attendance of community
members during the technical survey.
 A survey committee will be formed with five to seven (5-7) members. The committee members
will be present with the Engineering and SM teams during the survey.
 After the completion of the survey, a resolution of survey completion will be generated by the
community; the copy of which will be forwarded to the SM Section and the original retained by
the Engineering Section.
 On the survey sheet, the signature and pictures of attending members of the survey committee
should be present.
 PMER will prepare a report.
 The engineer will prepare the design of the project.
 The SM team will establish the project’s socio-economic feasibility and move a resolution for the
first installment to be dispensed to the Engineering Section within two (2) days of the survey’s
 The SM team will provide the installment release slip with a request for the required twenty-
percent (20%) of the project’s total cost to the Engineering Section. This will be signed by the
Senior Social Organizer.
 The DPM will ensure his/her presence in the third dialogue session.
 After work is completed on the first installment, the engineer will verify the bills/receipts and
measure the project’s progress.
 The second installment request will be forwarded to the Finance Section.

xxiii | P a g e
 The financial disbursement of funds to the schemes, or, the cheques will be released in three or
four (3-4) installments.
 Engineers will write-up the field visit reports for every visit and provide copies to the
 The community will contribute twenty-percent (20%) of the total cost in cash or kind.

xxiv | P a g e
Annex II: Survey Formats
Survey Sheet for Bridge
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S. No Name Father’s Name CNIC No. Signature

(Add as many rows as required)

Material Rates:

Carriage Charges
Item Unit Market to Total (PKR)
Rate Jeep Donkey Manual
Access Site
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
Shingle Cft
Stone Cft
Steel Kg
Wood Cft
GI Pipe Rft

xxv | P a g e
Labor Rates:

1: Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------------

2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -------------------------------

Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, Shingle, stones, labors, wood etc)




Existing Situation:

What is the current source of mobility? ------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there any other bridge in the locality? Yes/No

If yes, what is the condition of the bridge? --------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, who and when was constructed the Existing Bridge? ------------------------------------------

Is the Current bridge can be Rehabilitated? -------------------------------------------------------------





Technical Details:

The proposed Bridge Type: Suspension / RCC

The proposed Bridge Type: for Vehicles/ Pedestrian

Frequency of Pedestrians: --------------------------- Frequency of Vehicles: ------------------------------

High flood Level: ------------------------------------ Year of last flood: -----------------------------------

Frequency of floods: -------------------------------- Name of River/Stream: -----------------------------

Length Width
Location RL GPS Coordinates HH Remarks
(Rft) (Ft)

xxvi | P a g e
Wing wall/ Abutments:
(Add as many rows as required)
Length (Ft) Width (Ft) Height (Ft) Remarks

Retaining wall:
Length (Ft) Width (Ft) Height (Ft) Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Site Plan

Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


xxvii | P a g e
Survey Sheet for DWSS (GF)
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S. No Name Father’s Name CNIC No. Signature

(Add as many rows as required)

Material Rates:

Carriage Charges
Item Unit Market to Total (PKR)
Rate Jeep Donkey Manual
Access Site
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
Shingle Cft
Stone Cft
Steel Kg
Pipe line (GI/ HDPE)
GI Pipe Rft
HDPE Pipe Rft

xxviii | P a g e
Labor Rates:

1: Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------------

2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -------------------------------

Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, shingle, stones, labors, wood, etc)




Existing Situation:

Is currently other DWS Scheme available in the village? Yes/No

If Yes, Functional or Not: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reason, if not Functional: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, what is the type of available DWS Scheme? -------------------------------------------------------------------

How many people are the beneficiaries: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, what is the existing condition of DWS Scheme? --------------------------------------------------------------

Any improvement that can be made to the existing CPI? -------------------------------------------------------------

Who and when was constructed the existing DWS Scheme? --------------------------------------------------------

If No, How Community is getting water? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quality of Water!
Taste Good Bad
Color Good Bad
Odor Good Bad





xxix | P a g e
Technical Details:

Available Discharge (Q):---------------- L/Sec

Location Discharge Elevation GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Source Development Structure

Location Elevation GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Collecting Chamber
Location Elevation GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Main Storage Tank

Location Elevation GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Distribution Tanks
Location Elevation GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Main Supply Line

RL at UE RL at LE HH Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Distribution Lines
RL at U/E RL at L/E HH Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

xxx | P a g e
Site Plan

Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


xxxi | P a g e
Survey Sheet for DWSS (HP)
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S.# Name Father Name ID Card # Sign

(Add Rows as many required)

Material Rates:
Carriage Charges
Items Unit Market to Jeep Donkey Manual
Rate Total (PKR)
Nearest site Carriage Carriage Carriage
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
6” dia Bore Ft
PVC Pipe 4" dia Class B Ft
PVC Pipe 2" dia Class D Ft
Hand Pump assembly Set

Labor Rates:

1: Skilled Labor (PKR): ----------------------------------- 2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------

xxxii | P a g e
Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, shingle, stones, labors etc.)



Existing Situation:

Is currently other DWS Scheme available in the village? Yes/No

If yes, what is the type of available DWS Scheme? ------------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, what is the existing condition of DWS Scheme?: ------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, who and when constructed the existing DWS Scheme? -----------------------------------------------------

If No, How Community is currently getting water? ------------------------------------------------------------------




Technical Details:
Hand Pump Location HH Elevation GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add Rows as many required)

Site Plan

xxxiii | P a g e
Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


xxxiv | P a g e
Survey Sheet for Irrigation
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S.# Name Father Name ID Card # Sign
(Add as many rows as required)

Material Rates:
Carriage Charges
Items Unit Market to Jeep Donkey Manual
Rate Total (PKR)
Nearest site Carriage Carriage Carriage
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
Shingle Cft
Stone Cft
RCC Pipe No
Pre Cast Segments
Pipe (any type)

xxxv | P a g e
Labor Rates:
1: Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------------

2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -------------------------------

Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, shingle, stones, labors, etc.)




Existing Situation:

Is currently Irrigation Scheme available in the village? Yes/No

If Yes, what is the type of Irrigation System? -------------------------------------------------------------------------

If Yes, what is the existing condition of Irrigation Scheme? --------------------------------------------------------

What is the Grade of existing scheme? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If Yes, who and when was constructed the existing Irrigation Scheme? ------------------------------------------

If the current schemes can be rehabilitated: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Source of irrigation Water? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If No, How the land is irrigated? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






xxxvi | P a g e
Technical Details:

Area to be irrigated: ----------------------------- Available Discharge: ----------------------------

Cropping Pattern: --------------------------------

Potential Crops:

1: -------------------------------- 2: --------------------------------

3: -------------------------------- 4: --------------------------------

5: ------------------------------- 6: -------------------------------


Reach Length (Ft) RL of Upper End RL of Lower End GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Outlets (Nakka) and Gates:

RD Structure RL GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Retaining Wall:
RD Length (Ft) Height (Ft) GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Land Owners Survey Data

Land holding under this
Name Father Name CNIC # Remarks
Irrigation Scheme

(Add as many rows as required)

xxxvii | P a g e
Site Plan

Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


xxxviii | P a g e
Survey Sheet for Protection Structure
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S.# Name Father Name ID Card # Sign
(Add as many rows as required)

Material Rates:
Carriage Charges
Items Unit Market to
Rate Jeep Donkey Manual Total (PKR)
Nearest site
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
Shingle Cft
Stone Cft
GI Wire Kg
(Add as many rows as required)

Labor Rates:

1: Skilled Labor (PKR): ----------------------------------- 2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------

xxxix | P a g e
Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, shingle, stones, labors etc.)



Existing Situation:

Is there any other protection structure in the village? Yes/No

What is the type of structure? Stone masonry / PCC / Gabion

If yes, what is the condition of the structure? -------------------------------------------------------------------------

If No, why that structure failed/washed away/damaged? -----------------------------------------------------------

If yes, who and when was constructed the Existing structure? ----------------------------------------------------





Technical Details:

Protection Structure:
Location Length (Ft) Height (Ft) GPS Coordinates Elevation Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Land / House Owners Survey Data

Name Father Name CNIC # Land/House holding Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

xl | P a g e
Site Plan

Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


xli | P a g e
Survey Sheet for Road
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S.# Name Father Name ID Card # Sign
(Add as many rows as required)

Material Rates:
Carriage Charges
Items Unit Market to Jeep Donkey Manual Total (PKR)
Nearest site
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
Shingle Cft
Stone Cft
Steel Kg
RCC Pipe No

Labor Rates:
1: Skilled Labor (PKR): ---------------------------------- 2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------

3. Explosives (Blasting etc) required if any-------------------------------

xlii | P a g e
Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, gravel, stones, labors, wood etc.)



Existing Situation:

What is the current source of mobility? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there any existing road in the locality? Yes / No

If yes, what is the type of road? Shingle / PCC / Black top

If yes, what is the existing condition of the road? ----------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, who and when was constructed the Existing Road? ----------------------------------------------------

Is drain provided with the existing Road & its condition? -----------------------------------------------------

Grade of the existing road. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What type of goods are transported on the existing road? -----------------------------------------------------

Type of vehicles that will use the proposed road? --------------------------------------------------------------

Grade of the proposed road. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Technical Details:
Length of Width Depth/Height Cut area Fill area
RD HH Remarks
road (Rft) (Ft) (Ft) (Shape) (Shape)

(Add as many rows as required)

xliii | P a g e
Retaining Wall:
Length Height
RD GPS Coordinates Remarks
(Ft) (Ft)

(Add as many rows as required)

Brest Wall:
Length Height
RD GPS Coordinates Remarks
(Ft) (Ft)

(Add as many rows as required)

Pipe Culvert:
RD Width (Ft) GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Slab Culvert:
RD Width (Ft) GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Cause way:
RD Width (Ft) GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Pavement of Critical Sections:

RD Width (Ft) GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

xliv | P a g e
Site Plan

Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


xlv | P a g e
Survey Sheet for Sanitation
Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE)

Survey Date: ---------/--------/----------

Type of Scheme: -------------------------------------Sub Type-----------------------------------------------------------

Surveyed by: Name-----------------------------------Designation--------------------------------------------------------

CI (MCO/WCO/VO/LSO) Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Village: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Union Council: ----------------------- Tehsil: --------------------------- District: --------------------------------------

Total Beneficiary HHs: ----------------------- Member HHs: -------------------Non-Members: --------------------

Date of CI formation: ----------------------------------Distance from District Office: --------------------------Km.

Name of Focal Person #1: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: -----------------------------------------

Name of Focal Persons #2: ------------------------------------------- Phone #: ----------------------------------------

GPS Coordinates of Village: Northing------------------------ Easting--------------------Elevation-----------------

CPI Survey Committee:

S.# Name Father Name ID Card # Sign
(Add as many rows as required)

Material Rates:
Carriage Charges
Items Unit Market to Jeep Donkey Manual
Rate Total (PKR)
Nearest site Carriage Carriage Carriage
Cement Bags
Sand Cft
Crush Cft
Brick No
Shingle Cft
Stone Cft
Steel Kg
Wood Cft
RCC Pipe No
Pre cast Slab Sft

Labor Rates:
1: Skilled Labor (PKR): ----------------------------------- 2: Un-Skilled Labor (PKR): -----------------------------

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Remarks by the Engineer/Surveyor:

About the availability of Local Materials (sand, gravel, stones, labors, wood etc.)




Existing Situation:

Is there any existing Street Pavement in the village? Yes / No

If yes, what is the type of Pavement? PCC / Brick

If yes, what is the existing condition of existing Streets? -----------------------------------------------------------

The Drains are choked or clean? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If yes, who and when constructed the Existing Streets? ------------------------------------------------------------

What is the type of transportation on the existing Streets? Vehicles / Pedestrians / Both

Is there proper drainage system in the village? Yes / No.

Are the streets under considerations for Sanitation Project Ever paved or not? Yes / No

Is there any Nallah etc to have proper disposal of waste water? Yes / No




Technical Details:

Streets and Drain:

Length of Width Length of RL of Upper RL of Lower
Node HH Area Remarks
Street (Ft) (Ft) drain (Ft) End End

(Add as many rows as required)

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Retaining Wall:
Node Length (Ft) Height (Ft) GPS Coordinates Remarks

(Add as many rows as required)

Pipe Culvert:
Length Width Dia
Node GPS Coordinates Remarks
(Ft) (Ft) (Ft)

(Add as many rows as required)

Site Plan

Name of Surveyor: ----------------------------------Designation: ------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of SO/FSO (If present during the survey) ----------------------------------------Signature: ----------------------

Name of R/D/Engineer: ----------------------------Signature: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

Name of RPM/DPM: -------------------------------Sign: ----------------------------------Date: ---------------------------


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