Lecturer: Desy Natalia, M. PD

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Lecturer : Desy Natalia, M. Pd

Group II

1. Alya Alvega 2017.C.09a. 0873

2. Armelia Widiarti 2017.C.09a. 0878
3. M. Aldi Wiranto 2017.C.09a. 0897
4. Mujib Kristanto 2017.C.09a. 0900
5. Pipik 2017.C.09a. 0905
6. Ricky Gunawan 2017.C.09a. 0906
7. Wina Noprianti 2017.C.09a. 0914


ACADEMIC 2018/2019
1.1 Background
The times and the increasing number of foreign companies that are
established in Indonesia, inevitably forces prospective job seekers to speak English
fluently. Because most companies are looking for employees who are able to follow
the rhythm and communication with clients who are non-Indonesian nationals. It is
not wrong if the selection is tight when the interview is applied by several well-
known companies. They certainly don't want to accept prospective employees who
are not competent and fluent in mastering a foreign language. speaking fluent
English can be an added value for those who want to apply for a job. "Most
interviewers do emphasize English since the beginning of the meeting. It is not
wrong if the survey proves that almost companies in Indonesia demand that their
employees use English actively. This is also intended to enhance the company's
image in the eyes of the public and investors and their clients. those who often speak
English make employees are required to be more able to explore their abilities and
through seminars held by companies, of course employees will be more fluent in
English. "Cross-cultural communication is indeed often an obstacle when speakers
and listeners have limited language. this is the reason why most companies reject
prospective employees who do not have a qualified English-language foundation.
Of course communication will be much easier when you are able to speak a foreign
language with the other person. That is the importance of the relationship of English
in the nursing profession.
2.1 Definition of English

English or English is a Germanic language that was first spoken in England

in the Early Middle Ages and is currently the most commonly used language in the
whole world. English is spoken as the first language by the majority of the
population in various countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United
States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and a number of Caribbean countries, and
is the official language in nearly 60 sovereign countries. English is the third most
spoken mother tongue in the entire world, after Mandarin and Spanish. English is
also used as a second language and official language by the European Union, the
Commonwealth, and the United Nations, and various other organizations.
2.2 English Language Objectives In Health Propositions
English has become a bridge between the world, including in the main health
sector in the world of nursing. Therefore, nurses are required to be able to compete
in the global world in the midst of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA)
program. One of the best campuses in Makassar, Patria Artha University has been
aware of this for a long time. So, on this campus, in addition to science in the field
of nursing, students are also required to be skilled in English. "Our seriousness in
producing graduates who can compete in the global market is to incorporate English
language skills as one of the skills considered in the curriculum," said UPA
Chancellor, Bastian Lubis. Not only that, in the UPA there was also an UKM
Language which seriously helped students and lecturers to develop their English
language skills.
2.3 Benefits of English for the Nursing Profession

In the global era, English is a mandatory material that must be used as

teaching material for nursing students. This is important, because it cannot be
denied that nurses in Indonesia often find obstacles when serving foreigners. In this
case, to understand the concept, we need qualified English-language skills so that
we can understand the meaning of the context. Therefore, it is better for the campus
to provide facilities or establish cooperation with providers of language courses
whose integrity is recognized to provide an ESP (English for Specific) syllabus.
The most mature preparation is the presentation of reference materials to sort the
themes that are often used in the treatment of patients. So, when practicing in the
field, students have the confidence to apply the knowledge given on campus.
2.4 Definition of Nursing Profession

Nursing profession is a job in the health field that requires intellectual training
(scholarship), which has the expertise or money skills responsible and has the
authority to provide independent nursing services and collaborate with other health
2.5 Achievements In the Introduction to English In the Health Profession
1. Mastering phrases
2. Having an English conversation using phrasephrase is used to relate to
introducing yourself between the way nurses and patients introduce
themselves between nurses and patients
3. Make a summary of the story (Summary)
4. Practice the profession in the hospital and talk about how to ask the name
of nurse interaction with patients in several professions at home
5. Understanding sick conversations such as expert doctors related to topics
beadah, dental experts and others. How do you spell your last name sir?
6. Make a summary of English greetings
7. Able to use hospital ward names in conversations between doctors, nurses
and patients in the nursing profession.
8. Understand the contents of the reading in a material conference (summary)
9. Practice conversations about medical personnel interactions on the ward in
10. Answer questions in accordance with the discourse given. Study Materials
1. How to introduce yourself to patients
11. Name in English
12. Conversation in person in hospital 3. Names of profession in hospital
13. How to spell patient s names
14. Conversation in topic How do you spell your last name sir?
15. Names of wards and department in hospital
16. Reading comprehension in topic it is good job Topics Establishing a
relationship (nursepatient) Profession in hospital Wards and departments in
3.1 Conclusion
English or English is a Germanic language that was first spoken in England
in the Early Middle Ages and is currently the most commonly used language in the
whole world. English is spoken as the first language by the majority of the
population in various countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United
States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and a number of Caribbean countries.
English has become a bridge between the world, including in the main health
sector in the world of nursing. Therefore, nurses are required to be able to compete
in the global world in the midst of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA)
In the global era, English is a mandatory material that must be used as
teaching material for nursing students. This is important, because it cannot be
denied that nurses in Indonesia often find obstacles when serving foreigners. In this
case, to understand the concept, we need qualified English-language skills so that
we can understand the meaning of the context.

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