Applied Movement Analysis: Tennis Unit Emma Doyle

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3 lesson plans covering the application

of a tennis unit within a school, utilising

the three different stages Red, Orange and

Tennis Unit
Emma Doyle

Steve Clogstoun
Stage of Development: Red stage (Explore 4-7 years)
Focus of session:

Technical (Teaching Points “Cues”)

 Forehand
o Belly Side on
o Open the door
o Close The Door

 Looking to encourage the students to perform a number shots continuously to form a rally.
 To allow students to have a try at the activities but also to encourage the younger students to
participate in the games with the other students

Activity 1(Warm-up): Line run / Opposites Game

Aim: To warm up the students and also introduce quick movements utilized in a game of Tennis. This will
also help address the cognitive thinking patterns of young children

Time: 5 Mins

Equipment: None needed unless you are in an area which has no lines on the floor. In this case place cones
as gates around the area. Students can complete their activity between the cones

Description (include role of coach):

 Red is up and down.

 Yellow is Monkey split (Ready Position).
 Green is side to side
 Jump means squat. (Visa Versa)
 Forward = back. (Visa Versa)
 Students are lined up on the sideline
 They are to run to the other side line
 When they cross a colored line mentioned above
 They will complete the action required


 Change the game and call out a movement but the students must complete the opposite. Make
sure coach directs
 The exact movements they would like completed. Coach can select Any movements they would
Questions to ask:

 Why do we do monkey split position in a Game?

 When we warm up why do we do a range of different movements?

Aim : To teach and encourage new games related to tennis

 Split class into 2 teams (Use Split groups by blind fold and jump to a side.)
 Once teams are established, get students from their team to form 3 even groups

Time: 10 mins

Station 1 : T-Rex Tennis


 Red Tennis balls x 20

 Police tape
 Nets and if required portable nets

Description (include role of coach):

Teaching points

1. Standing side on in preparatory stage

2. Rotate the body when throwing and following through

 Students start in pairs on either side of a mini tennis court

 Using a volley ball students will throw the ball over the net either on their left or right side
 Their elbows will be kept next to their sides (similar to a T-Rex)
 Once thrown that person will rotate fully to the opposite side where their partner will give them a
normal “Double High 5” where a change over of throwers will occur
 The receiving team must catch the ball and throw it from that point of the court

Role of the Coach

1. To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

2. Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
3. Give specific feedback to each student when required.
4. Direct instruction will be utlised here

Questions to ask:

1. Why do we lock our elbows in and don’t allow them to move during the game?
2. Did you work as a team with your partner? If so how?
3. Which side didn’t you find easier or harder to do?

Station 2 : Keepings off


1. Set of sashes
2. Red tennis ball

Description (include role of coach):

 Working as team in half of a tennis ball

 One team tries to complete 10 successful passes or
 Keep possession for a designated time period


1. Defending can be 3 feet

2. Person can’t move once ball is caught
3. Person can take up to 2 steps then must pass
4. Have a time limit on the amount of time before throwing

Role of the Coach

1. To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

2. Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
3. Give specific feedback to each student when required.
4. Direct instruction used here but encouragement of decision making during activities by students

Questions asked

1. What did you have to do when the ball was being kept from you?
2. Where did you move to receive the ball when you were looking for a pass
3. Did you sidestep and run and jump when you played? What skill did you use the most?

Station 3: Snake Tunnel Ball
Aim : A variation of Tunnel ball and T-Rex game where student are encouraged to complete side stepping
and rotation of the body

Equipment :

1. Red Tennis balls x 20

2. Rubber / ½ size soccer balls x 6

Description (include role of coach):

a. Set up one person standing in front of the other group members

b. They will roll the ball threw the legs of the team lined up
c. Encourage the side step, so ball will be rolled at an angle
d. Once last person gets the ball they run to the front
and process with T-Rex Tennis throwing
the ball backhand and forehand
e. Repeat steps a to d till everyone has had a turn


1. Make it a race
2. Change the size of the ball

Role of the Coach

 To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

 Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
 Give specific feedback to each student when required.
 Direct instruction used here but encouragement of decision making during activities by students

Questions asked

 What was the hardest thing to do during this activity

 Did you have to keep your eye on the ball, what happened when you didn’t?

Activity 3: Card Tennis
Aim : Practicing the continuation of Striking to create a Rally

Time: 15 mins


 Tennis racquets x 25
 Red Tennis ball (lower bouncing balls)
 Full basketball Court
 Portable Tennis nets
 Pack of Jumbo cards

Where to place ½ a deck of playing cards

Description (include role of coach):

 Place half a deck of cards on either side of the nets

 Teams are split in half court each and asked to pair up
 Alternatively one of the pair picks up a card
 Read Teacher directions in teachers directions
 After completion the other partner grabs a card and
repeat the process until all cards have been selected

Role of the coach

Give instructions to students

Black = back hand. Red = forehand.

Number on card = number of rallies. (Red ball) in partners.

Questions to ask:

1. Did you remember the teachers instructions when playing

2. Did you find it easier or harder when playing a competitive game
3. Which side was harder, forehand or backhand
4. Do you feel like you worked together as a team

Activity 4: “Scream” and Hit
Aim: for students to call out the pattern of the sequence to utlise and improve their cognitive thinking, co-
ordination and concentration

Time: 15 mins


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets

Description (include role of coach):

 Students now will pair up with someone from the

opposite team that was formed at the start of the class

 Teacher will demonstrate a pattern blow

that the partners must complete


 Throw - bounce - hit - bounce - catch. (Partners. 5 each)

 Throw - bounce - trap on ground - flick up with foot - hit - bounce – catch
 2 rackets. Thrower says number of bounces. Catches between the 2 rackets. Stand side on and drop
the ball and hit it over the net. Bounce and catch.

Role of the coach

Use Teaching point Analogies’

 Open the Door

 Close the Door
 Monkey Split (preparatory Position to receive a serve or a stroke in tennis)
 Direct instruction used here but encouragement of decision making during activities by students

Questions to ask:

1. Did you remember the sequence that you had to complete

2. Was it easier to “scream” out what you were going to do
3. Was it easier calling out to help you prepare for your shot

Stage of Development : Orange Stage
Focus of session:

1. Technical Review and continue “RallyTheme”

2. Introduce Backhand and Forehand Stroke
3. Introduce competitive and co operative play


Putting together a series of shots to create a rally to attempt to successful win a point.


To continue to show and develop respect for the opponent and sportsmanship throughout and after a
match. For example shaking hands after each game is complete

Activity 1(Warm-up): Line run / Opposites Game

Aim: To warm up the students and also introduce quick movements utilized in a game of Tennis. This will
also help address the cognitive thinking patterns of young children

Time: 5-7 Mins

Equipment: None needed unless you are in an area which has no lines on the floor. In this case place cones
as gates around the area. Students can complete their activity between the cones

Description (include role of coach):

 Red is up and down.

 Yellow is Monkey split (Ready Position).
 Green is side to side
 Jump means squat. (Visa Versa)
 Forward = back. (Visa Versa)
 Students are lined up on the sideline
 They are to run to the other side line
 When they cross a colored line mentioned above
 They will complete the action required


Change the game and call out a movement but the students must complete the opposite. Make sure coach
directs The exact movements they would like completed. Coach can select Any movements they would like

Game 2 : Speed racer
Aim : To teach control of the ball on the racquet

Equipment :

 Racquets x 25
 Red Balls x 25

 All students will attempt to roll the ball around the edge of the racquet and then attempt to park or
stop the ball at the base of the head of the racquet

Questions to ask:

 Why do we do monkey split position in a Game?

 When we warm up why do we do a range of different movements?

Activity 2: Freeze Tennis
Aim: to allow practice of the Forehand and backhand strokes

Time : 15 mins


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets


1. Freeze tennis :
a. Student will freeze after they hit their shot
b. They can then move once the ball has bounced
c. Normal rally will occur
2. 2 Point Freeze Tennis
a. Aim : to encourage and learn to win two points in a row in tennis
b. If a student misses a shot they will start the rally again by dropping the ball and hitting the
ball again attempting to win the point
c. Rally will continue if opponent gets the ball back

Role of the Coach

5. To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

6. Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
7. Give specific feedback to each student when required.
8. Set up required equipment for games and give clear directions for rotations throughout game play

Note : If teams have been established, separate teams and have matches. Getting one team to move right to
start rotations.

Use the “Peg Idea” to keep track of score : Have a set of Pegs (20 blue and 20 Red) and 2 buckets. When one
team wins they will place a peg into their bucket. Team with the most pegs wins

Questions to ask:

1. Did you shake hands after each game and thank them for playing them
2. Were you repeating the teaching point cues in your head
3. Did you have to run a lot through out the game? Do you think this helps you get “Fit”

Activity 3: “Traffic Lights”
Time : 10 Mins

Aim : to introduce the concept of Decision making by players and understanding where they place the ball to
win a point


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Orange Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets
 Set of cones (red, orange and Green) x 10
 Each pair will play a rally
 Every time the ball bounces near a cone they will call out the colour
 Best to use an orange ball for this activity then progress to green

1. Students will have to hit to each of the cones they nominate before striking the ball
2. Match play ; The students can only win via a volley (green cone)

Progression Activity : US open Match Point

a. After a person loses a point they will hit the ball into play and run to the net (Green cone)
b. They will have a chance to win the next point but only via a successful volley
c. If that person at the net wins the point its worth 2

Role of the Coach

 To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

 Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
 Give specific feedback to each student when required.
 Set up required equipment for games and give clear directions for rotations throughout game play

Questions to ask:

 Did having the cones make it easier for you to understand the game of tennis and where to make

Activity 4: “Tie Break” Card Tennis
Time: 10 mins

Aim: to Introduce Tie Breakers and the concept behind it. First to 7 with a 2 point advantage. In this case we
will play to 7.


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets

Description (include role of coach):

Same Formation as Freeze Tennis

 The set of cards are used to determine the score

 The pairs will start when they play
 Take out all the cards from 7 up.
 Keep ace in deck, this counts as one.
 Pairs will select a card each.
Eg: if 4 and 1 are selected that’s the score that will start at
 First player to 7 wins
 If the player who starts at a lower score wins they will get two points for their win instead of one
 Use Peg Theory to keep score

Role of Teacher
 To encourage and reinforce the teaching points

Forehand (Orange Stage)

 Over the rainbow
 Step forward
 Under the rainbow
 Monkey Split (preparatory Position to receive in tennis)

Backhand(Orange Stage)

 Park the Car

 Swing back to pocket
 Swing up
 Teacher will be holding the cards
 They will take control and reinforce how many points each of the students are on at the start of their game

Questions to ask

 Did you remember the teachers instructions when playing

 Did you find it easier or harder when playing a competitive game
 Which side was harder, forehand or backhand
 Did you understand the concept of the tie break

Activity 5: Game Play: Round Robin Mini Tennis
Time: 10 mins


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets


 Start a round robin tournament, 1 vs 1 game that will go for 2 minutes. Best score wins
 3 hits to start the game.
 Have Two cones set up (make sure that they have holes in the top), have a set of pegs.
 Winner gets a peg and puts in a cone. Rotate around the players with one team not moving.

Role of Teacher

Time: 10 mins

 Time: 10 mins
 To encourage and reinforce the teaching points

Forehand (Orange Stage)

 Over the rainbow

 Step forward
 Under the rainbow
 Monkey Split (preparatory Position to receive in tennis)

Backhand(Orange Stage)

 Park the Car

 Swing back to pocket
 Swing up
 Did you remember the teachers instructions when playing
 Did you find it easier or harder when playing a competitive game
 Which side was harder, forehand or backhand
Questions to ask:

1. Have you felt that your game is getting better

2. How many hits are you completing in a rally

Stage of Development: Green Stage
Focus of session: The Serve


Red Ball (have this available for students at a lower level of understanding)

1. Ready : point at target with racquet

2. Aim : salute your friend
3. Fire : hit shot at highest point (12pm on the clock) and follow through

Green Ball

1. Ready: same position with racquet in front and standing on the side
2. Nike symbol position : wider stance in preparatory phase of stroke
3. Swoosh stroke : follow through making a “swoosh” noise at the highest point when striking the ball
4. Finish with the racquet to opposite pocket


 Understand how to place a ball into an area of the court for tactical purposes
 How to rally crosscourt in a competitive game of tennis
 Understand how to play as a team in doubles tennis including moving on the court

To encourage students to participate in a game that may be foreign to them. Also to interact with other
students , forming teams, developing winning strategies and a good attitude to playing sport

Activity 1(Warm-up): Throw tennis
Time: 10 mins


1. Nets and Portable Nets

2. 20 cones
3. 20 Green & 20 Red Balls

Description (include role of coach):

 In pairs replicate a tennis match using half court,

but throwing and catching the ball instead of hitting
 All normal tennis rules are in play incl: points system
 The person receiving must catch the ball off
one bounce or on the full then return
 Play to best of 3 games or time limit


1. Encourage the monkey stance after each throw

(preparatory receiving position)

Role of The Coach

1. To describe the teaching points of the game incl:

 KTP’s of the throw
o Eyes focused at your target.
o Using the T stance that we want for the proper throwing action.
o Point at your target.
o Step towards target with opposite foot to throwing arm
2. Move around the class giving specific feedback and encouragement
3. Rotate the students after two minutes

Questions to ask:

1. What was your strategy when playing this game

2. Did you see any resemblance to a tennis game? If so what were they?
3. Can you see resembling throws imitating tennis strokes? What were they and discuss with group
and teacher?

Activity 2: The Serve
Time: 10 mins


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets

Description (include role of coach)

 Select your pairs and set them up as the diagram

 Reinforce teaching points of the serve using Red and Green Ball
 Start with students on the service box then when satisfied
allow students to drop back to base line
 Make sure students work cross court

1. Using the green Ball

 Apply green ball teaching points

 Change the direction to pairs playing cross court
 First to five points. Play faults in serve


If student is struggling with the serve, play an underarm serve to the service box and encourage striking into
the service box and starting a rally

Role of the Coach

 Teacher will reinforce the teaching points below and give specific feedback to each of the students

Green Ball

 Ready: same position with racquet in front and standing on the side
 Nike symbol position : wider stance in preparatory phase of stroke
 Swoosh stroke : follow through making a “swoosh” noise at the highest point when striking the ball
 Finish with the racquet to opposite pocket

 Attend to and co ordinate rotations between courts

Questions to ask:

1. At what point should the ball be hit on the serve

2. In this case how high should you throw the ball up in the air
3. Why do we have the stand the way we do to commence a serve

Activity 3: Team Vs Team : Race Against the clock

Time :10 mins


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable ne


1. Place cones (red and blue)

up either end of the courts,
3 metres behind the base line.
2. Split teams (Left and Right drill)
3. Red cones servers
4. Players will play normal tennis rules
try and win max two points
5. Serving team amount of points won
choose a peg and place in a bucket
6. Rotate to left on to new court
7. 5 minutes limit to see how many pegs at the end.
8. Switch sides


1. Change ball
2. If two fault serves encourage an underarm serve

Role of the Coach

9. To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

10. Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
11. Give specific feedback to each student when required.
12. Set up required equipment for games and give clear directions for rotations throughout game play

Questions to ask

1. When you played a game what shots did you use to win a point (Long, short shots)
2. If the ball was hit deeper how did you get it back to your opponent
3. Where did you aim your serve to win a point

Activity 4 : Facebook the match beyond
Aim : Encourage the serve and to introduce the concept of doubles tennis

Time : 10 mins


 Set of tennis racquets x 25

 Red Tennis balls x 30
 Police tape
 Portable nets


1. Pick teams of three

2. Number the students 1,2,3
3. Start normal tennis game
4. Whoever wins the point,
brings a partner onto the court becoming 2 vs 1

Two ways of winning

1. Getting three people on the court first and win the next point after this has occurred
2. Winning a point to eliminate players advantage. 1 vs 3, if one wins , 2 of the 3 go off and it starts

Role of the Coach

 To give clear instruction of how to perform the activities

 Use a group of students to explain and visually show how to complete each task
 Give specific feedback to each student when required.
 Set up required equipment for games and give clear directions for rotations throughout game play

Questions to ask

 Was it easier when you played doubles? What were some of the things you had to do to
make the team work well
 When you played by yourself against 2 or 3 people what did you do to try and win the

Activity 5 : Tennis / Volleyball ; “Triple Threat”
Aim : To encourage Team work and indirect teaching skills to solve a problem or create a strategy to win a


Set up teams of three


 Main rule : When the ball comes to a complete stop, hit into the net or bounces outside the
designated lines on the full point is awarded to other team
 The ball must land at least once in the court
 All areas of the playing area are in play after this, including walls
 People must keep the ball moving at all times.
 This can be done by flicking up or striking
 No part of the hands or feet can be used
 The ball must be hit a maximum of three times before being hit over the net.
 A Player can’t hit the ball twice in play on their side
 The ball can bounce as many times but must at least bounce the first time inside the court
 First team to 10 with a 2 point advantage wins

Role of Teacher

 To encourage the students into how to utilize teamwork,

Space and clear communication during competition

 To reinforce previous teaching points (forehand and backhand)

 Ask questions of the students of how they are winning points
 Encourage other students ways they can try to win points

Questions to ask:

1. Have you felt that your game is getting better

2. How many hits are you completing in a rally
3. Are you using all your players on your team to create a better shot or just hitting into space


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