Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Process at I

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1. To study the recruitment and selection process at I-Process.

2. To study various factors involved in recruitment and selection process.

3. To study the methods and techniques used in recruitment and selection process.

4. To study and identify how the present process affect organizational outcomes.

5. To find employers and employees opinion about present process and provide a
suggestion for improvement.

Ho -- There is no association between the medical examination conducted on employees

and final satisfaction about recruitment and selection process.

H1 -- There isassociation between the medical examination conducted on employees

and final satisfaction about recruitment and selection process.
Ho - There is no association between sources organization rely heavily and final
decisions about appointment.

H2 - There is association between sources organization rely heavily and final

decisions about appointment.

H0 - There is no association between the measurement of recruitment cost and final

satisfaction about recruitment and selection process.

H3 - There is association between the measurement of recruitment cost and final

satisfaction about recruitment and selection process.

Research Methodology

Data collection Instrument: Questionnaire

Sources of data collection:

Primary data are collected afresh and for the first time. It is the data originated by
the researcher specifically to address the research problem.
In this study, primary data is collected primarily to understand the existing
recruitment and selection process the organization is using.

Secondary data is collected from internet, registers, records, journals, articles,

magazines and annual reports of the organization

Sample Size Design -- Employyes and employers

Sampling process – Convinent sampling

TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS – Descriptive Statistics, Corelation,

Questionnaire 1 --- for recruiters


1. Name :

2. Designation :

3. Age:

a) 18 -25 b) 26 – 35 c) 36 -45 d) above 45

4. Marital status:

a) Married b) unmarried

5. Educational Qualification:

a) Below Hr. Sec. b) Hr. Sec c) ITI or others d) UG OR PG

6. Years of Experience:

a) 0 – 2 years b) 3 – 5 years c) 6 – 8 years d) Above 8 years


1. What type of process are there for identifying job vacancies in your organization?

a) Follow step by step process with certain rules.

b) No step by step process.

c) Not aware.

2. Is job analysis conducted for each position?

a) Yes b) No

3. Do you give consideration to internal candidates for all jobs before outside
recruitment begins?
a) Yes b) No

4. Do you accept late applications?

a) Yes b) No
5. Is there any job description for each vacancy including the purpose, tasks and
a) Yes b) No

6. What kind of recruitment sources does your organization use?

a) Newspaper sources

b) Professional journals/periodical

c) Campus recruitment

d) Employee referral

e) Consultancies

7. Which recruitment source do you prefer very effective from the above?

8. Does your organization measure the cost of these recruiting sources?

a) Yes b) No
If yes specify,
9. To whom are the performance measure and recruiting costs are usually communicated?

a) Finance department

b) Accounts department

c) Administration department

10. Identify any one factor which affects you to recruit best candidate?

a) Image of the organization

b) Government influence

c) Internal organizational policies

d) None of the above


11. Do you have any standard pattern in selection process? (From initial interview to final
a) Yes b) No

12. Does HR department perform all initial screening of candidates?

a) Yes b) No

13. How many candidates are typically interviewed before final placement?
a) 10 b) Below 10 c) Above 10 d) None of the above

14. Are panel interviews are used?

a) Yes b) No

15. Can you allow a referee as a panel member?

a) Yes b) No

16. Are reference checks considered on all candidates?

a) Yes b) No

17. Are candidate telephone interviews, teleconferencing or video conferencing

conducted before personnel interview?
a) Yes b) No

18. What type of tests are mostly used in your organization during selection process?

a) Personality tests

b) Psychometric tests

c) Judgement tests

c) Ability tests

d) Not aware

19. Do you professionally validate the tests used in selection process?

a) Yes b) No

20. What your organization will do if short listed applicant cannot be interviewed on the
scheduled day?
a) Offer another date, location.

b) Will hold the applicant and used whenever needed.

c) Consideration may be given to exclude that person from the process.

d) No opinion.

21. Does your organization conduct medical examination for employees during selection
a) Yes b) No
22. Finally rate the recruitment and selection process used in your organization

a) Effective

b) Very effective

c) Not effective
d) No opinion
Questionnaire 2 ----For employees working there


1. Name :

2. Designation :

3. Age:

a) 18 -25 b) 26 – 35 c) 36 -45 d) above 45

4. Marital status:

a) Married b) unmarried

5. Educational Qualification:

a) Below Hr. Sec. b) Hr. Sec c) UG or PG d) ITI or others

6. Years of Experience:

a) 0 – 2 years b) 3 – 5 years c) 6 – 8 years d) Above 8 years


1. Did you visit the website of this company before coming for the interview?

a) Yes b) No

2. What is your experience in this company?

a) 0 – 2 years

b) 3 – 5 years

c) 6 – 8 years

d) Above 8 years

3. Which sources your organization rely heavily for recruitment?

a) Internal sources b) External sources

4 .Which channel do you prefer easy to post your resume?

a) job sites

b) company websites

c) consultancy
d) referrals

5. Through which source did you get recruited in this company?

a) Newspaper sources

b) Professional journals/periodicals

c) College recruiting

d) Employee referral

e) Internal computerized applicant database

6. Which type of recruitment sources reaches you soon?

a) Newspaper sources

b) Professional journals/periodicals

c) College recruiting

d) Employee referral

7. Have you ever rejected an offer in any company?

a) Yes b) No

8. State the reason for rejecting the offer.

a) relocation

b) salary

c) growth

d) others

9. State the reason for accepting the offer in this organization?

10. Are you satisfied with the response given after recruitment?

a) Yes b) No

11. Are you satisfied with the selection techniques used in your organization?

a) Yes b) No
If No means give reason:

12. Do you feel that the test and the interview process is lengthy?

a) Yes b) No

13. What type questions they asked you in the interview?

a) Relaxing questions
b) Tough questions

c) Icebreaking questions

14. Did they give the questions prior to the interview?

a) Yes b) No

15. Did you felt comfortable with your interviewer?

a) Yes b) No

16. Do all people have to be interviewed in the same way?

a) Yes b) No

If No means state reason:

17. The people who are all involved in the recruitment and selection process
were very supportive to you
a) Yes b) No

18. The final decisions about the appointment should be based only on merit?

a) Yes b) No

If No means state reason:

19. Does your organization provide you induction or orientation

programme after placement?
a) Yes b) No

If yes means mention how effective and useful,

20. Finally how much you satisfied with the present recruitment and selection
process followed in your organization?
a) Satisfied

b) Highly satisfied
c) Dissatisfied

d) Highly dissatisfied

e) No opinion

If you are not satisfied with the present process means provide
suggestion for improvement:

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