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It has always been raining these days. For some, it is a great opportunity to beat the heat
and enjoy the raindrops but also it is the time to be extra cautious while performing our
work ,as a heavy downpour may cause a lot of anxieties if we do not exerci
exercise proper
caution especially when it comes to electrical safety & working on tower.

During the rain, it is recommended:

• Move cautiously: Although the weather may make you inclined to work more quickly to get out of
the rain, this is dangerous. Because rain causes slick surfaces, work more slowly and deliberately –
particularly when climbing ladders.
• Use the correct equipment: Do not use electrical tools and equipment that are not specifically rated
for outdoor use when working in the
the rain. Select hand tools with textured, nonslip grip handles.
• Wear proper footwear with a deep tread to prevent slipping: In the rain, be sure your pant leg lies
over your boot or shoe. Tucking your pants into footwear can cause water to enter.
• Wear appropriate rain gear:: Be sure the material is ventilated so it can be worn comfortably for
extended periods. If it is cold, select wool or synthetic materials that insulate even when wet. Be
certain clothing fits properly so it does not interfere with movement.
• Use proper hand protection that features a strong, slip
slip-proof grip: Make sure gloves are
adequately tight and long enough to allow your rain coat sleeve to prevent water from entering.
• Ensure adequate vision: If you wear glasses or goggles, use anti
fog spray or wipes on them before
going outside. Wear a hood or hat to keep rain out of your eyes. Because a hood narrows your range
of vision, be sure to look both ways when wearing one. When working at night, make sure lighting is
adequate and the lightss used are rated for outdoor use.
• Make sure you can be seen: Wear high-visibility
high visibility clothing, especially in areas with vehicle traffic and
heavy machinery. Do not wear rain gear or vests that have become dull or are no longer reflective

As a general reminder now is the time to consider that the

he change in weather conditions and the
environment during the monsoon season brings with it certain Health and Safety threats that
affect both our home lives and NSN business operations. These can be divided into four main

1. Work at Height in Rainy season

2. Electrical safety in Rainy season
3. Driving in Rain
4. Threats to personal health and hygiene.

Create Awareness through Communication and ensure compliance of Nokia Life Saving Rules

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Threat of Do’s Don’ts

HEIGHT IN Strong Wind

1. Stop work at 1. Don’t perform lifting
places with risk of work to high level.
falling objects or fall 2. Don’t climb the

RAINY SESSION of persons.

Remove or secure
loose materials.

2. Secure plants &

Weather conditions are important when scaffolds
3. Use suitable
planning any work at height. You need to personnel protective
equipments e;g
identify, plan and respond to key risks: Safety Helmet, Gum
o Do not climb the Tower while raining. 4. Evacuate to safe
shelters to avoid
exposure to strong
o Lightning (stop work immediately). winds.
Threat of Do’s Don’ts
o High winds (give careful consideration to
1. Stop outdoor work 1. Don’t stay in water or
lifting operations). & stay inside safe exposed area
shelter 2. Don’t stay at an area
2. Stay away from higher than the
o Always wear Gum Boots while entering a Tower, metal pipes, surrounding landscape,
cable structure or such as hilltops.
site as there is a possibility of snakes & fences 3. Don’t stay under tree,
other reptiles hiding in the grown up 3. Remove metal lamp post or any
object from body conductive objects.
grass during raining season. 4. Follow safety 4. Doesn’t use plug in
instructions electrical equipment.
5. Always remain 5. Don’t wear high
o When working on the Tower, if you find alert on changes of conductive equipment
working environment. ex headset
any darkening skies, flashes of Lights or 6. Don’t hold rod-like or
increasing wind, Please come down from sharp pointed long
the tower and go to the safe place.
Threat of Do’s Don’ts
o It is a good practice to use dry rubber Persistent
Shoes at work place Rain
1. Be alert of signs of 1. Don’t stay near steep
rising water or in-rush
rush slope.
o To avoid being struck by lightning stay of water. 2. Don’t walk through
2. Be familiar with the flooded water without
away from open fields, high land, trees, escape route in case knowing the conditions
poles, other tall objects and standing of emergency of the ground.
3. Follow established
bodies of water. Stay in your home or safety procedures
4. Resume work at
vehicle if possible. area only when
flooded water has
If monitored carefully,
y, weather changes can be been drained away
and the ground
anticipated but sometimes changes can occur conditions are
quickly and without warning, if they do, work improved.

may have to be stopped.

Always follow Nokia safety standards for working at

Delivery, India © Nokia 2014

Electric shock can occur due to faults in
main wiring system or other reasons
which must be prevented by fixing the
faults in due time when detected.
Electric current is deadly for all of us
and can have fatal consequences on
physical and mental health.

When stepping into a flooded area, be aware that Electric power tool must be properly grounded or double
submerged outlets or electrical cords may energize the insulated to prevent electrocution. Be sure to inspect the
water, posing a lethal trap. cord for fraying, cracks, and other damage before use,
and avoid using an electric tool while standing on a wet
Do not overload power boards. It is much safer to have surface.
another power point installed.
Treat any downed d wire as if it is energized, stay away and
Stay away from areas or buildings marked with signs that don't touch. If you see a downed power line, move away
read “Danger: High Voltage.” from the line and anything that may be touching it.

Never, ever touch an outdoor electrical pole or wire that Be careful not to put your feet near water where a downed
has fallen to the ground. It could kill you! power line is located.

Stay away from transformers (usually large metal boxes If you are in your car and it is in contact with the downed
attached to utility poles or on the ground). power line, stay in your car. Tell others to stay away from
your vehicle.
Never touch anything electrical with wet hands or bare
feet. Do not drive over downed power lines.

Come inside during a thunderstorm. Many people around Stay away from accumulated water around electrical
the world are struck by lightning each year. installations or that may have downed wires in or near the
If you see a person who has been or is being
electrocuted, call for help. Do not touch the person Do not touch wet electrical switches
because they could be carrying the flow of electricity.
Always adhere Nokia safety standards while carrying out
electrical activity.

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Driving The rains are almost here and it’s
important to keep in mind some
safety tips before heading out on
flooded roads:
Do not drive too fast
on wet roads.

in the Carry out a thorough check on your

Vehicle for brakes, steering, fluid
Levels, tyre pressure and tread
A thin sheet of water
can form between
the tyres and the

road which may
Make sure that your wipers are in cause one to lose
Good condition and working properly. control because of
In case the wiper blades are old or
damaged, get them changed
• Don’t Drive too fast on wet roads.
A thin sheet of water can form
between the tyres and the road
which may cause one to lose
control because of aquaplaning.

• Avoid excessive or sudden

braking. Always apply brakes
smoothly and progressively. If you
brake hard, the car might skid due
to the slippery condition of the
If the visibility is low outside
• If stuck in the mud, try sticking to due the rain, switch on your
headlight in order to increase
the 1st or 2nd gear and accelerate the visibility and also so that Checking the tread depth of
tyres is extremely crucial.
the passersby can see your
slowly in order to avoid wheel spin vehicle from a safe distance.
Groves in the tyres physically
extract water from between
and getting stuck further. the road surface and the tyre
tread – it actually cuts through
the water, and provides grip. If
Always drive slowly through
• Avoid deep puddles of water. You standing water. Make sure that
the tyres are worn, the car will
be far more prone to
you are driving at constant aquaplaning – leading to loss of
never know what lies underneath control. While tyres are
speed in order to prevent water
important for safety at any given
and there is a risk of damaging the from getting sucked inside the time, in the rains that
car’s crucial components. tail pipe, which would intern
result in an engine seizure.

Always follow Nokia safety

standards for Driving on road.

Delivery, India © Nokia 2014

Personal health & hygiene
The presence of standing water and the humidity is an ideal breeding ground for Malarial and Dengue
carrying mosquitoes. The pre & post monsoon season is prone to the outbreak of diseases, namely
Malaria, Chikungunya and Dengue fever.

Symptoms of Dengue and Chickungunya:

Both diseases cause High Fever – up to 105 degree fahrenheit, severe headache, and retro-orbital
retro pain
– pain behind the eye, severe joint pains and muscle pains. Dengue fever symptoms differ from
Chickungunya in that they include bleeding from the nose and gums and the patient can also experience
blood in their vomit and in their stools.
Precautions to be taken include:
• Remove all stagnant water from inside and outside your home and office environment –
water vases, flower pots, storage containers, guttering, balconies etc - ensure your
neighbors do the same.
• Pour insecticide e or use kerosene oil on water that can’t be moved to prevent mosquito
larva from being able to be born or hatch. Report larger areas of standing water to the
authorities for their action
• Cover up skin with long sleeved clothes, trousers and socks to prevent
prevent being bitten.
• Use mosquito repellent on exposed skin, nets over beds and sprays and burning coils to
help prevent being bitten.
• Be aware that Dengue mosquitoes are believed to bite during the day and Malaria
carrying ones in the evenings.

Hot humid temperatures shorten the shelf life of foods and can causes skin rashes and heat stroke.
Flooding and water logging raises the chance of contamination of the water supply leading to rises in
diarrhea associated conditions and cholera.
Precautions to be taken include:
• Use boiled or filtered water to prewash food especially vegetables and fruits. Vegetables
can be soaked in salted water or use a mild bleach based prewash liquid if available.
• Ensure food is cooked well and avoid ‘street food’ at this time of year.
• Ventilate houses and wash kitchen utensils well to prevent moulds and fungi growth.
• Stay well hydrated with bottled water/filtered water.
• Maintain good personal hygiene (regular washing and drying) to prevent sweat
swe rashes
and/or skin diseases.
• Take particular care if you suffer from respiratory problems or are pregnant

To extremely enjoy the rainy days ahead, follow these few sensible precautions and take a little
extra care

Delivery, India © Nokia 2014

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