BSAE Prospectus

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Effective S.Y. 2009-2010

Course No COURSE DESCRIPTION Lec Lab Units Hrs/week Prereq

First Year
First Semester
English 1 Study and Thinking Skills in English 3 0 3 3
Math 12 College Algebra & Plane & Spherical Trigo 6 0 6 3
Nat. Sci. 1A Inorganic Chemistry 2 0 2 2
Nat. Sci. 1A(L) Inorganic Chemistry (Lab) 0 1 1 3
Nat. Sci. 2 General Biology 2 0 2 2
Nat. Sci. 2L General Biology (Lab) 0 1 1 3
Soc. Sci. 1 Basic Eco.(w/ Taxation & Agrarian Reforms) 3 0 3 3
Filipino 1 Sining Pakikipagtalastasan 3 0 3 3
PE 1 Physical Fitness Activities 2 2
Second Semester
English 2 Writing in the Discipline 3 0 3 3 English 1
Filipino 2 Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Ibat-Ibang Disiplina 3 0 3 3 Filipino 1
Chemistry 2 Organic Chemistry 2 0 2 2 Nat. Sci 1A
Chemistry 2L Organic Chemistry (Lab) 0 1 1 3 Nat. Sci 1A
Phy Sci 1 General Physics 1 3 0 3 3 Math 12
Phy Sci 1L General Physics 1(Lab) 0 1 1 3 Math 12
CS 10 Intro to Information Technology 1 2 3 5 Math 12
Math 105 Analytic Geometry w/ Solid Mensuration 6 0 6 6 Math 12
PE 2 Rhythmic Activities 2 2

Second Year
First Semester
Draw 1 Drawing 1 0 2 2 6 Math 12
Soc. Sci. 6 Basic Eco. (w/ Taxation & Agrarian Reform) 3 0 3 3
English 3 Speech and Oral Communication 3 0 3 3 English 2
Phy Sci 2 General Physics 2 3 0 3 3 Phy Sci 1
Phy Sci 2L General Physics 2 (Lab) 0 1 1 3 Phy Sci 1L
Math 106 Diffrential Calculus 5 0 5 5 Math 105
Soc Sci 2 Philippine History 3 0 3 3
PE 3 Games and Minor Sports 2 2
Second Semester
Soc Sci 3 Politics & Governance w/ Phil Constitution 3 0 3 3
Draw 2 Drawing 2 0 1 1 3 Draw 1
Humanities 1 Arts 3 0 3 3 English 2
EE 3 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 2 1 3 5 Math 106, Phy Sci 2
Math 107 Integral Calculus 5 0 5 5 Math 106
AGE 101 Farm Shop Practice 0 2 2 6 Phy Sci 2
Humanities 2 Philosophy 1 2 3 3
PE 4 Major Sports & Recreational Activities 2 2

Third Year
First Semester
Crop Sci 1 Introduction to Crop Science 3 0 3 5 Nat Sci 2
Soil Science 1 Principles of Soil Science 2 1 3 5 Nat Sci 1
Statistics 1 Basic Statistics 3 0 3 3 Math 12
Survey 100 Surveying 2 0 2 2 Math 12
Survey 100 (F) Surveying (Field) 0 2 2 6 Math 12
ES 102 Eng,g. Mechanics (Statics) 2 1 3 3 Math 107
ES 105 Thermodynamics 2 1 3 5 Phy Sci 2, Math 107
APE 131 Agricultural Electrification 1 2 3 7 Math107

Second Semester
An Sci 1 Introduction to Animal Science 2 1 3 5 Nat. Sci. 2
CE 60 Soil Mechanics and Foundations 2 1 3 5 ES 102
ES 103 Eng,g. Mechanics (Dynamics) 2 1 3 5 ES 102
ES 104 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 2 1 3 5 ES 102
AGE 102 Engineering Economy 3 0 3 3 Soc. Sci. 6, Math 107
SW 121 Hydrology 2 1 3 5 Math 107, CT-ES 413
ME 411 Heat Transfer 1 1 2 4 ES 105
ES 413 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 4 6 ES 102

Fourth Year
First Semester
Math 111 Differential Equation 3 0 3 3 Math 107
ME 40 Materials of Engineering 3 0 3 3 Nat. Sci.1A, ES 104
AGE 103 Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Mgt 2 1 3 5 AGE 102
Crop Protection 1 Introduction to Crop Protection 3 0 3 5 Nat Sci 2
ES 108 Theory of Structures 1 1 2 4 ES 104
APM 141 Agricultural Machinery Design 2 1 3 5 ES 104
APM 142 Agricultural Power & Energy Resources 2 1 3 5 ES 105
APE 132 Refrigeration Engineering 2 1 3 5 ME 411

Second Semester
ASE 151 Structural Design 1(Timber Design) 1 1 2 4 ES 108
ASE 152 Structural Design 2 (Reinf. Concrete Design) 1 1 2 4 ES 108
SW 122 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 2 1 3 5 SW 121, Survey 100
SW 123 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 2 1 3 5 SW 121, Survey 100
APM 143 Agricultural Mechanization & Machinery Mgt 2 1 3 5 APM 141
APE 133 Processing, Handling, and Storage of 2 1 3 5 APE 132
Agricultural Products-1
Literature 1 Literature of the Philippines 3 0 3 3
AGE 104 Research Methods and Procedures 0 1 1 3 Regular 4th Year
AGE 105 Fundamentals Of Project Development 2 1 3 5 AGE 103
AGE 160 Thesis/Field Practice/Entreprenurial Mgt 6 AGE 104/Regular 4th yr

Fifth Year
First Semester
CS 11 Computer Applications in Engineering 1 1 2 3 7 CS 10
ASE 153 Structural Design 3 (Steel Design) 1 1 2 4 ES 108
Fish. Sci. 1 Principle of Fishery Science 2 1 3 5 Nat. Sci. 2
APE 134 Processing, Handling, and Storage of 2 1 3 5 APE 133
Agricultural Products-2
ASE 154 Design and Management of Agricultural 2 1 3 5 ASE 151, 152, CT153
Buildings and Structures
ASE 155 Agricultural Waste Mangement 2 1 3 5 ES 413, Nat Sci 3
ASE 156 Forest Product Engineering 2 1 3 5 ES 104

Second Semester
Soc Sci 4 Life and Works of Rizal 3 0 3 3
APM 144 Tractors and Agricultural Eqpt Operation 1 2 3 7 APM 141, APM 142
AGE 106 Operation Research 3 0 3 3 Math 111
SW 124 Aquaculture Engineering 2 1 3 7 Fishery Sci. 1, SW 123
ASE 156 Forest Product Engineering 2 1 3 5 ES 104
AGE 107 Agricultural Engg Law & Prof Ethics 0 1 1 3 Senior Student
AGE 108 AE Review and Seminar 0 2 2 6 Graduating Student

CHED Curriculum
(SY 2008)

A. General Education courses 63 63 54

B. Preparatory Courses 21 33 33
C. Fundamental Agriculture courses 15 15 18
D. Basic Engineering Courses 44 49 55
E. Professional Courses 48 51 51
Agricultural Power and Machinery 12 12 12
Agricultural Structures and Environment 12 15 15
Soil and Water 12 12 12
Agricultural Processing and Electrification 12 12 12
F. Thesis 4 3
G. Field Practice 2 3
H. Thesis/Field Practice/Entreprenuerial Mgt. 6
I. AE Review and Seminar 1 2 2
J. Physical Education 8 8 8
K. National Service Training program (NSTP) (6) (6) (6)
206 227 227

1st yr 47 units
2nd yr 44 units
3rd yr 46 units
4th yr 46 units
4th yr Summer 6 units
5th yr 38 units
Total 227 units

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