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Determination of Nutrition Labeling Education Act

Minerals in Foods by Inductively Coupled Plasma-

Optical Emission Spectroscopy
Karen W. Barnes* and Ebenezer Debrah
The Perkin-Elmer Corporation
761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859-0215 USA

INTRODUCTION provisions of the Federal Food,

ABSTRACT Drug, and Cosmetic Act and
In the past, the analysis of metals requires full nutritional labeling for
The Nutrition Labeling in foods was performed by food
Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) most Food and Drug Administration
manufacturers primarily to ensure (FDA) regulated packaged food
mandates significant reform of product quality or safety. Nutrient
food labels and requires exten- products. Very few products are
labeling was required on a food exempt from NLEA. The complete
sive chemical testing and analyti-
product only if health claims were regulations have been published (2)
cal method development to
implement. Many minerals and made or implied on the food label and a May 8, 1994 compliance
nutrient metals are targeted for (1). Regulatory agencies typically deadline was established. There are
labeling. Part of the analytical performed metal or mineral analysis 14 mandatory nutrients including
challenge to be met results from to determine nutrient content, to calcium, iron, and sodium. Thirty-
the large numbers of samples to confirm or establish product iden- four other nutrients, including nine
be tested and widely divergent tity, to determine compliance with
levels of the elements of interest additional metals, may be labeled
current trade and food labeling voluntarily. The mandatory and
within the samples. Ideally, the laws, and to ensure product safety.
new methodology developed for voluntary nutrients are listed in
In an attempt to assist consumers in Table I. It has been predicted that
food analysis will be generic and
maintaining healthy dietary prac- the voluntary nutrients will become
applicable to many elements and
matrices simultaneously. tices, the United States Congress mandatory at some point in the
enacted the Nutrition Labeling and future (3). It has been estimated
This work discusses an Induc- Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) on that 17000 food companies in the
tively Coupled Plasma-Optical November 8, 1990. NLEA amended United States are affected by NLEA,
Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
method for the determination
of nutrient metals and minerals
in juice, corn products, milk, The Nutrition Labeling Education Act of 1990
and ice cream. Sample prepara- Food Labeling Requirements
tion time was the primary limita- Mandatory Voluntary
tion to sample throughput and nutrients nutrients
this was minimized using micro-
wave digestion. Due to the wide Calories Calories from saturated fat Vitamin K Cu
linear dynamic range of the ICP- Calories from fat Calories from unsaturated fat Thiamin Mn
OES, trace and macro levels of
nutrients were determined simul-
Total fat Calories from carbohydrates Riboflavin Fluoride
taneously in samples without Saturated fat Calories from protein Niacin Cr
multiple dilution/analysis itera- Cholesterol Unsaturated fat Vitamin B6 Mo
tions. Quality assurance (QA) was
performed by analyzing replicate Sodium Polyunsaturated fat Folate Chloride
samples, fortifying and analyzing Total carbo-
samples and reagent blanks, and hydrates Monounsaturated fat Vitamin B12
analyzing Standard Reference
Materials. Acceptable precisions, Total sugars Sugar alcohols Biotin
spike recoveries and agreement Dietary fiber Soluble fiber Pantothenic Acid
with authentic values and certi- Protein Insoluble fiber Phosphorus
fied values were obtained.
Vitamin A Protein as % Magnesium
Vitamin C Potassium Zinc
Calcium Vitamin D Iodine
*Corresponding author.
Iron Vitamin E Selenium

Atomic Spectroscopy 18 (2), pp 41-54, March/April 1997. Copyright © 1997 by the Perkin-Elmer Corp. All rights reserved.
that labels for 196 000 to 257 000 based on relative fat, carbohydrate, neously monitor trace levels of
products will require modification, and protein content. AOAC elements in the presence of macro
and that industry costs to proposes that a method can be levels of other elements. ICP-OES
implement the labeling laws will tested for all food matrices by ana- features multielement capability,
approximate $2 billion (4). lyzing eighteen types of samples, wide linear dynamic range, high
two from each sector of the food analytical sensitivity, and high sam-
The analysis of metals and miner- triangle. The food matrix triangle ple throughput. All these are attrib-
als in foods is challenging due to is presented in Figure 1 and is utes that will prove invaluable to
the wide range of concentrations reprinted with permission from analysts striving to meet the chal-
present, which may vary from ppb The Referee, Volume 17, Number 7, lenges posed by NLEA.
(ng/mL) to percent levels. The situ- pages 06-07, Copyright 1993 by
ation is further complicated by nat- Extensive sample preparation of
AOAC International.
urally occurring seasonal and foods before elemental analysis is
varietal differences. The use of offi- The FDA will regulate based common and in most cases proves
cial validated analytical methodol- upon a 20% tolerance of label to be more time-consuming than
ogy is preferred by regulatory claim (2) and state regulatory agen- the actual analysis. Methods involv-
agencies; however, many official cies will probably adopt similar ing hot plate digestion in open ves-
methods are analyte and matrix spe- guidelines for monitoring compli- sels or dry ashing followed by acid
cific. A review of current validated ance. Although no AOAC food dissolution are often employed, but
Association of Official Analytical methods currently employ Induc- are time-consuming and prone to
Chemists International (AOAC) tively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emis- contamination and evaporative
methodologies for minerals and sion Spectroscopy (ICP-OES), it is losses. Microwave digestion has
metals in foods (5) revealed that a well-established multielement been shown to be an acceptable
many single element methods are technique, and the analysis of foods alternative and has been success-
currently in use. These methods has been a natural application (9). fully applied to food analyses (10).
employ the techniques of colorime- Due to the wide variations of min-
This paper discusses a simul-
try, UV/Visible spectrophotometry, eral levels in foods, a multielement
taneous ICP-OES analysis with
and flame and graphite furnace technique must be able to simulta-
atomic absorption spectrophotome-
try. Many of the methods have sam-
ple throughput constraints and
relatively narrow linear dynamic
ranges, and others require the use
of solvents banned by the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer (6).
A collaborative study was per-
formed for metals in foodstuffs by
dry ashing followed by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry (7);
however, NLEA elements were not
specifically targeted. Neither the
methodology from the collaborative
study nor existing official methods
can be used to simultaneously
determine all the elements speci-
fied in NLEA. Time constraints
make multiple sample dilutions
and independent analysis impracti-
cal and limit the utility of some vali-
dated methods. AOAC recognized
the need for improved methodol-
ogy and developed a tool to help
analysts develop rugged, generic
methods. The food triangle (8)
categorizes foods into nine sectors Fig. 1. The food matrix triangle.

Vol. 18(2), March/April 1997

microwave digestion procedures EXPERIMENTAL Lined digestion vessels rated to

for the determination of the NLEA 200 psig (CEM, Matthews, NC
specified metals and minerals in Reagents USA).
food. Products were chosen from
HNO3-Reagent Grade (Fisher Sci- Food processor designed for
sectors 2, 5, 6, and 7 of the food
entific, Fair Lawn, NJ USA). home use.
triangle. Juice, corn, and grits are
found in sector 5. Whole milk lies H2O2-30% Reagent Grade (J.T. High density polyethylene bot-
in sector 6, skim milk and lowfat Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ USA). tles, Nalgene® or equivalent (Nalge
milk fall in sector 7, and ice cream Company, Rochester, NY USA).
and chocolate belong in sector 2. Micro Laboratory Cleaner (Inter-
Peanuts that fall in sector 3 were national Products Corporation, Instrumental
an ingredient in one of the ice Trenton, NJ USA).
A CEM MDS 2100 microwave
cream samples. HNO3-Double Subboiling with 950 watts power with temper-
Although this study targets Distilled in Quartz (Seastar Chemi- ature and pressure monitoring and
NLEA elements, all the procedures cals, Seattle, WA USA). control was used to digest all the
discussed here have been success- samples. The microwave was cali-
HCl-Double Subboiling Distilled
fully used to analyze numerous tar- brated following the United States
in Quartz (Seastar Chemicals, Seat-
get metals in different food or plant Environmental Protection Agency
tle, WA USA).
matrices (K.W. Barnes unpublished (EPA) calibration procedure that
work, Bureau of Food Laboratory, H2SO4-Double Subboiling involves heating a known volume
Florida Department of Agriculture Distilled in Quartz (Seastar Chemi- of water at specific powers (11).
and Consumer Services, 1989- cals, Seattle, WA USA). The heaviest, most reactive sample
1993). With the careful selection was used for temperature and pres-
Standards-PE Pure™ Single Ele- sure monitoring in each group of
of metallic analytes, many different ment Standards (The Perkin-Elmer
analytical questions may be samples. The digestion programs
Corporation, Norwalk, CT USA). presented are recommended for
answered. For example, adulter-
ation and misbranding may be iden- Distilled, deionized water, twelve samples. Fewer samples
tified from metal profiles because 18 MΩ, (Continental Water require reducing the microwave
an adulterated product that has had Systems, San Antonio, TX USA). power or substituting vessels filled
a valuable constituent abstracted with equivalent volumes of water
Standard Reference Material to compensate for the missing sam-
will often have a different metal #1572 Citrus Leaves (National Insti-
profile than an authentic product. ples. Personal experience dictates
tute of Standards and Technology, that the sample weights should be
This is most useful as part of a Gaithersburg, MD USA).
matrix of analytical tests. The geo- kept at or below the recommended
graphical origin of a food or plant Standard Reference Material weights to minimize the potential
may be determined by characteriz- #1549 Milk Powder (National Insti- for over-pressuring and venting dur-
ing a metal fingerprint in a product tute of Standards and Technology, ing the microwave digestion
and comparing it with the finger- Gaithersburg, MD USA). process. Samples containing high
print from a known, authentic levels of sugars are apt to react
sample of the product. Related Apparatus more quickly and to generate more
cases of food tampering have been Optima 3000™ Inductively Cou- pressure. If these products are sub-
linked by comparison of metal pro- pled Plasma Optical Emission Spec- stituted for the materials analyzed
files. Metal analysis is appropriate trometer (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, in this work, using smaller sample
for the determination of food safety CT USA). sizes and lower powers are strongly
as well. Food contamination with recommended to prevent over-pres-
lead from solders or aluminum from AS 90 Autosampler (Perkin- suring.
breached can linings may be identi- Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA).
The ICP-OES analyses were per-
fied by analyzing the contaminated MDS 2100 microwave oven formed on the Perkin-Elmer Optima
product. Typically, the suspect (CEM, Matthews, NC USA) 3000™ Inductively Coupled
products are measured simultane- Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrome-
ously with known, authentic prod- Capping Station (CEM,
ter equipped with a standard torch,
ucts for comparison. Matthews, NC USA).
Scott-type spray chamber, and a
Teflon® PFA microwave vessels GemTip™cross-flow nebulizer. A
rated to 120 psig (CEM, Matthews, Perkin-Elmer® AS 90 Autosampler
NC USA). featuring a quartz sample probe to

minimize sample cross contamina- samples was performed on different digestion. A concentrated stock
tion was used. The Optima 3000 is days and because each sample standard solution was used to pre-
a simultaneous ICP-OES instrument was in a different acid matrix, pare a working standard and to for-
with an echelle polychromator and optimum background correction tify (spike) the blank and samples.
a segmented array charge-coupled points (BGC) and peak windows The samples and blanks were forti-
detector (SCD). Because measure- were determined as a function fied at levels that were anticipated
ment of background and analyte of sample before the analysis was in the diluted samples, and spiked
emissions occurs simultaneously, performed. The standard concentra- samples and blanks were subjected
accurate correction of transient tions were matched to the antici- to digestion concurrently with the
background fluctuations for multi- pated levels in the diluted samples. samples to monitor any losses in
ple lines for each element of inter- the microwave. Where possible,
est is possible. Also, due to the Sample Preparation Standard Reference Materials (SRM)
simultaneous measurement, no General Sample Preparation were obtained from the National
reduction in sample throughput All labware, except the high Institute of Standards and Technol-
occurs from making measurements density polyethylene (HDPE) bot- ogy (NIST) for comparison with the
at multiple wavelengths of an ele- tles used to store the diluted sam- samples. The SRM materials were
ment. Therefore, where possible, ples, was washed with Micro also subsampled in quadruplicate
multiple emission lines were mea- laboratory cleaner, rinsed with and subjected to microwave diges-
sured simultaneously for each ele- 18 MΩ distilled, deionized water tion simultaneously with the samples.
ment to verify analytical results. (dd H2O), soaked in 30% (v/v) Juice Sample Preparation
Plasma conditions used for this reagent grade HNO3 and rinsed
work are listed in Table II. No Single serving containers of
with dd H2O. To minimize the ready-to-drink juices were used for
attempt was made to optimize potential for contamination, dis-
source conditions for specific this study. One container each of
posable powder-free gloves that Florida orange juice, Florida grape-
analytes, rinse or read delays, or had been dipped in 30% (v/v)
to maximize sample throughput. fruit juice, cranberry juice cocktail,
reagent grade HNO3 were worn apple-cranberry juice cocktail, and
The analysis of different types of throughout the entire sampling orange-strawberry-banana juice bev-
process. Wolnik et al. (12) empha- erage were sampled in quadrupli-
size the need for procedures to cate for this study. Each juice was
TABLE II control the analytical blank and
Instrument Conditions for well shaken, opened and subsam-
ensure sample integrity for success- pled by pouring directly from the
the Optima 3000 ICP-OES ful trace metal analysis. original containers into the
Parameter Setting microwave vessels to minimize the
Each food matrix required
RF Power 1100 W different sample preparation tech- potential for contamination. Cran-
Nebulizer Flow 0.950 L/min niques, so each will be discussed berry juice cocktail was selected as
independently below; however, the matrix to be spiked to monitor
Auxiliary Flow 1.0 L/min recoveries. Clear, colored solutions
a general sample preparation pro-
Plasma Flow 15 L/min tocol was followed throughout the resulted for all samples using the
Sample Flow 1.0 mL/min experiment. Four subsamples were following digestion procedure mod-
prepared and analyzed for each ified from the CEM application note
Source equilibration
food sample. Standards, blanks, for Fruit Juice and Pulp (13).
time 15 s
spiked blanks, and wash solutions Digestion Procedure
Viewing Height 15 mm were matrix-matched using acids
Background Manual Step 1: Accurately weigh ≤ 10 g
digested in the microwave as part
correction selection of points single-strength juice into the Teflon
of the sample preparation proce-
PFA digestion vessels.
Measurement dure. Water was added to the ves-
Note: Juice concentrates
processing mode Area sels containing the acids for the
with high Brix values require
Auto blank, standard, and fortified blank
smaller sample sizes to prevent
integration 1 s min–50 s max to compensate for the lack of sam-
over-pressuring in the microwave.
ple moisture before digestion. If
Read delay 45 s dry samples were digested simulta- Step 2: Add 10 mL concentrated,
Rinse delay 45 s neously with wet samples, an equiv- ultrapure HNO3 and 2 mL concen-
Number of replicates 3 alent volume of dd H2O was added trated, ultrapure H2SO4 to the
to the sample to compensate for sample.
the missing sample moisture before

Vol. 18(2), March/April 1997

Step 3: Cap the vessel in the nation by dissolving the can. The were removed directly from the
capping station. cans were opened with a hand-held box by tapping into the microwave
can opener that had been washed vessels. SRM Corn has become
Step 4: Digest following the with Micro cleaner and rinsed with available from NIST, but was not
Procedure Juice 1 in Table III. dd H2O. All can contents, corn and available when this work was per-
Step 5: Cool for approximately packing liquid, were homogenized formed. Hence, a sample of NIST
five minutes and vent vessels. by processing in a small food SRM 1572 Citrus Leaves was sub-
processor designed for home use. stituted for the SRM Corn and
Step 6: Repeat Step 4 for juices The food processor was washed digested with the corn and grits
containing pulp. with Micro cleaner and rinsed with to provide additional quality assur-
Step 7: Cool for five minutes, dd H2O before use and between ance. The whole kernel yellow
vent, and open the vessels using all samples. Acid was not used to sweet corn with liquid was selected
the capping station. clean the food processor because for spiking to monitor recoveries.
of the increased contamination that Clear, colored solutions resulted
Step 8: Add 3 mL 30% H2O2 to would result from partial dissolu- for all corn and grits samples from
the samples. tion of the metal blade. Wolnik et the digestion procedure presented
Step 9: After effervescence al. (12) reported using a food below that was modified from the
subsides, transfer the samples processor with all plastic parts CEM application note for Feed
into clean, acid-washed volumetric presumably to prevent sample Grain (14). The SRM Citrus Leaves
flasks and dilute to 100 mL with contamination during grinding. were not completely digested by
dd H2O. This was not an option for this the process. Since the SRM was
study although the metal blade in not an accurate representation of
Step 10: Transfer the samples the food processor was considered the corn matrix, no further diges-
to clean HDPE bottles. a possible source of contamination tion was performed. The incompletely
Corn Products Sample Preparation to the corn. The results indicate, dissolved citrus leaves samples
however, that no contamination were allowed to stand in the sam-
One 16 oz can of whole kernel occurred. The samples were ple tubes for approximately 20 min-
yellow sweet corn with liquid, one processed for approximately two utes before ICP-OES analysis to
16 oz can of 50% low salt golden minutes each until no further allow settling of the particulate
sweet corn with liquid, and one reduction in particle size was appar- material. Sampling was performed
24-oz box of white hominy grits ent. Thick, in-homogeneous slurries above the particulate layer. No
were purchased for this study. One resulted. The slurries were trans- clogging of the sample probe,
sample of pre-homogenized corn ferred into HDPE bottles for sub- nebulizer tubing, or nebulizer
was received from a vegetable man- sampling. Each corn slurry was resulted from the process.
ufacturer. There was high potential well shaken before sampling from
for product contamination from Digestion Procedure
the HDPE bottle, and the slurry
opening the cans, so to minimize was poured directly into the Step 1: Accurately weigh ≤ 2.0 g
the risk, each can was thoroughly grits and homogenized corn, or
microwave vessels. No grinding
rinsed with dd H2O and dried with < 0.8 g citrus leaves into the lined
was performed on the grits. The
a lint-free towel before opening. An digestion vessels.
container of grits was well shaken
acid rinse was not used because of between samplings and the grits Step 2: Add 10 mL concentrated,
the possibility of increased contami-
ultrapure HNO3 to the samples.
TABLE III Step 3: Cap the vessels.
Microwave Digestion Program for Juice Analysis
Step 4: Digest following the
Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 procedure Corn Part 1 in Table IV.
Power (%) 10 20 0 15 0 Step 5: Cool for five minutes,
Power (watts) 51 141 0 96 0 vent, and open the vessels.
Pressure (psig) 20 50 20 80 0 Step 6: Add 2 mL of
concentrated, ultrapure HCl to
Run time (min) 2 5 2 15 5 the samples.
Time at parameter (min) 2 5 2 15 5 Step 7: Recap the vessels.
Fan speed (% of maximum) 100 100 100 100 100

Step 8: Digest following the Subsamples of each ice cream were process and included spiked
procedure Corn Part 2 in Table V. transferred into HDPE bottles, blanks, spiked samples, and four
allowed to fully melt, and shaken subsamples of the SRM.
Step 9: Cool for five minutes, by hand before sampling into the
vent, and open the vessels. Digestion Procedure
microwave digestion vessels. One
Step 10: Transfer the samples of the skim milk samples and the Step 1: Accurately weigh < 6 g
into clean, acid washed volumetric vanilla bean ice cream were liquid milk, < 0.75 g powdered
flasks and dilute to 100 mL with selected for fortification. NIST SRM milk, or < 1.75 g ice cream into
dd H2O. 1549 Milk Powder was digested Teflon PFA microwave vessels.
with the milk and ice cream sam- Note: Milk products
Step 11: Transfer the samples ples. All samples were subjected to with high sugar contents such as
to clean HDPE bottles. the first digestion step without the instant cocoa mix, diet meals,
cap (see Table VI) to remove easily and liquid chocolate milk require
Dairy Products Sample
oxidized materials and to prevent smaller sample sizes to prevent
over-pressuring of the samples after over-pressuring in the microwave.
One half-pint (236 mL) container
of whole milk, 2% lowfat milk, and the addition of the acid (Personal Step 2: Digest the samples
two containers of skim milk with communication with Sara Littau, uncapped following the
the same "sell by" date from one CEM Corporation, 1993). Clear yel- Procedure Ice Cream 1 in Table
manufacturer were purchased and low solutions resulted for all sam- VI.
sampled. The replicate containers ples following the procedure
modified from the CEM application Step 3: Add 15 mL
were sampled to give an indication
note for Infant Formula (15). Some concentrated, ultrapure HNO3 to
of sample-to-sample variation
residual fat was found in the spiked each sample.
within a product. This was deemed
necessary because identical date ice cream because the acid was Step 4: Cap the vessels in the
codes may be used for multiple diluted by the stock spiking solu- capping station.
lots of dairy products. Pint contain- tion. Since the other samples had
been completely digested and Step 5: Digest the samples fol-
ers of premium high-fat, nonhomo-
because it was considered unlikely lowing the Procedure Ice Cream 2
geneous ice cream from various
that the fat would bind metals in a in Table VII.
manufacturers were purchased for
this study. Samples included vanilla strong acid matrix, the solution was Step 6: Cool for five minutes
bean, chocolate, vanilla with choco- decanted and analyzed without and vent the vessels.
late toffee bits, and a specialty ice additional digestion. The ice cream
cream product with chocolate, spike recoveries indicate that this Step 7: Digest the samples fol-
peanuts, rice, and peanut-butter- was an acceptable compromise. lowing the Procedure Ice Cream 3
flavored ice cream. The milk sam- The digestions of milk and ice in Table VIII.
ples were shaken by hand and were cream were performed on different
Step 8: Cool for five minutes,
poured directly into the microwave days, so full quality assurance (QA)
vent, and open the vessels using
vessels from the original cartons. was run with each digestion
the capping station.

Microwave Digestion Program Microwave Digestion Program
for Corn Analysis – Part 1 for Corn Analysis – Part 2
Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Power (%) 10 45 45 45 45 Power (%) 10 50 0
Power (watts) 51 366 366 366 366 Power (watts) 51 411 0
Pressure (psig) 20 40 80 120 160 Pressure (psig) 20 90 20
Run time (min) 2 10 10 10 20 Run time (min) 2 15 5
Time at parameter Time at parameter
(min) 2 5 5 5 10 (min) 2 5 5
Temperature (*C) 0 75 85 100 120 Temperature (*C) 20 90 0
Fan speed Fan speed
(% of maximum) 100 100 100 100 100 (% of maximum) 100 100 100

Vol. 18(2), March/April 1997

Step 9: Add 2 mL of 30% H2O2 to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION reported uncertainty is one
each sample and allow the efferves- standard deviation of the measure-
cence to stop. General ment. Se, Cr, and Mo were not
For ease of comparison, the detected in any juice, corn, grits,
Step 10: Cap the vessels in the
results obtained for this work are milk, or ice cream samples. Wolnik
capping station.
presented with available authentic et al. (12) reported that the ICP-OES
Step 11: Digest the samples fol- data and calculated concentrations detection limits for Pb, Cd, and Se
lowing the Procedure Ice Cream 4 based on available label claims. are not sufficient for routine deter-
in Table IX. Maximum values for claims mination of background levels in
expressed as less than 2% of the crops and that Mo levels are near
Step 12: Cool for five minutes, the detection limit for ICP-OES.
vent, and open the vessels using the United States Recommended
Daily Allowance (USRDA) are Although the levels of Se, Cr, and
capping station. Mo in the foods were below the
listed where applicable. Current
Step 13: Transfer the samples labeling laws were applied in the detection limits for this work, the
into clean, acid washed volumetric calculations (1). All concentrations analysis of these elements may be
flasks and dilute to 100 mL with dd for this work are expressed in possible with plasma optimization
H2O. mg/mL (ppm). The mean value and the implementation of precon-
obtained for the four subsamples centration techniques. Increasing
Step 14: Transfer the samples to the sample size might be possible
of each sample is reported in the
clean HDPE bottles. in a microwave digestion system
experimental column and the


Microwave Digestion Program for Microwave Digestion Program for
Ice Cream Analysis – Part 1 Ice Cream Analysis – Part 2
Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Power (%) 10 64 Power (%) 10 64 35 0 64
Power (watts) 51 538 Power (watts) 51 538 276 0 538
Pressure (psig)a 20 20 Pressure (psig) 20 50 15 20 80
Run time (min) 0.01 1.50 Run time (min) 2 1.50 10 2 15
Time at parameter (min) 0.01 1.50 Time at parameter (min) 2 1.5 10 2 15
Temperature (*C) 0 0 Temperature (*C) 50 65 70 50 75
Fan speed Fan speed
(% of maximum) 100 100 (% of maximum) 100 100 100 100 100
a Digestion was performed with microwave vessels
uncapped, so pressure setting was arbitrary.


Microwave Digestion Program for Microwave Digestion Program for
Ice Cream Analysis – Part 3 Ice Cream Analysis – Part 4
Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Parameter Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Power (%) 10 71 0 78 0 Power (%) 0 71 0
Power (watts) 51 601 0 663 0 Power (watts) 0 601 0
Pressure (psig) 10 85 20 85 0 Pressure (psig) 20 85 20
Run time (min) 1 15 5 15 5 Run time (min) 5 10 5
Time at parameter (min) 1 15 5 15 5 Time at parameter (min) 5 10 5
Temperature (*C) 85 85 0 90 80 Temperature (*C) 0 85 0
Fan speed Fan speed
(% of maximum) 100 100 100 100 100 (% of maximum) 100 100 100

usable to higher pressures. Ultra- reasons discussed in the introduc- geneity due to the presence of pulp
sonic nebulizers, that typically tion. In which case, the ±20% crite- in the sample. Afnor values in ppm
give an order of magnitude ria may not be appropriate and for grapefruit, USDA (19) reference
improvement in detection limits contamination could be an impor- values for grapefruit juice diluted
over conventional pneumatic nebu- tant consideration. from frozen concentrate, and label
lizers, would offer additional sensi- claims are presented with the
tivity. A systematic combination of Juice experimental data in Table XI.
all of the above would be recom- Orange Juice Fruit Beverage
mended. Sample throughput for the The label claimed that the
study was impressive, even though This product was labeled Orange
juice was 100% pure Florida orange Strawberry Banana juice beverage
throughput optimization was not juice. Values obtained for this work
performed. The determination of and grape juice, high fructose corn
compare favorably with average syrup, sucrose and sodium citrate
31 analytical lines in triplicate for values reported in RSK (16) and
a sample of grits was performed in were claimed in the ingredient list.
Afnor Fruit Juice Specifications The product was misbranded, a
180 seconds for elements ranging (17) and with the results presented
from percent to µg/mL (ppm) lev- term applied to false and misleading
by McHard (18) for a juice from labeling, because grape juice was
els. Ninety seconds of read and Florida or possibly Brazil. Complete
rinse delay overhead were included not specified in the name and it
differentiation could not be made was the second most predominant
in this time, so the actual analysis with the suite of elements analyzed;
was performed in 90 seconds. Sam- juice present in the blend. From the
however, the juice does not appear Ca and Mg results, the blend
ple throughput could be improved to be of Californian or Mexican ori-
by optimizing read and rinse delays appears to consist of approximately
gin. McHard's work for Florida 50% juice. Due to the added citrate
and by increasing the sample intro- orange juice, based on dry ashing,
duction rate and the rate at which salt, the Na results cannot be used
has been included with the experi- to determine authenticity of the
the sample is introduced into the mental data in Table X.
plasma. For laboratories with large juice or to evaluate the analytical
sample loads, optimization of sam- Grapefruit Juice results but would be required to
ple throughput will be necessary. Results for this work compare comply with NLEA. The poor preci-
favorably with authentic data and sion for Fe (see Table XII) may be
Considering that FDA will regu- attributed to sample contamination
were consistent with Na claims on
late compliance with NLEA based from the laboratory environment.
the product label. This juice was
upon a ±20% criteria, the protocols A conclusion of loss due to the
reconstituted, so Ca, Mg and Na lev-
employed to prevent outside conta- microwave digestion process is
els reflect the properties of the
mination may be excessive and inconsistent with the results for
water used during processing. The
time-consuming; however, each other juices and the spike recover-
poor precision obtained for this
process discussed is appropriate for ies. Authentic orange, strawberry,
product may reflect the inhomo-
monitoring metals for any of the grape, and banana data from USDA

ICP-OES Results for Orange Juice ICP-OES Results for Grapefruit Juice Compared with
Compared with Authentic Florida Orange Package Label Claims and Authentic Grapefruit Juice
Juice Reference Values in µg/mL Reference Values in µg/mL
Element Florida Orange Element USDA Afnor
wavelength Experimental Juice wavelength Experimental reference reference
Ca 396.845 85.3 ± 0.4 67–123 Ca 396.845 103.2 ± 0.6 80 50–240
Cu 224.702 0.43 ± 0.01 0.239–0.460 Cu 224.702 0.33 ± 0.02 0.33 ≤5
Fe 238.200 0.84 ± 0.01 0.641–5.58 Fe 238.200 0.79 ± 0.06 1.4 ≤ 15
K 766.515 1972 ± 10 1520–2660 K 766.515 1327 ± 4 1360 1100–2500
Mg 279.553 103.4 ± 0.3 95–140 Mg 279.553 88.3 ± 0.3 110 70–170
Na 589.589 8.64 ± 0.07 3–9 Na 589.589 23.36 ± 0.02 10 ≤ 40
P 177.436 206.4 ± 2.2 124–240 P 177.436 137.5 ± 1.3 140 125-180
Zn 206.198 0.4 ± 0.1 0.242–0.480 Zn 206.198 0.9 ± 0.2 0.5 ≤5

Vol. 18(2), March/April 1997

ICP-OES Results for the Mixed Fruit Beverage Compared with
USDA Authentic Juice and Fruit Reference Values in µg/mL
Element Orange Grape Raw Raw
wavelength Experimental Juice Juice Strawberries Banana
Ca 396.845 55.4 ± 0.7 100 90 140 60
Cu 224.702 0.14 ± 0.03 0.4 0.28 0.49 1.04
Fe 238.200 0.61 ± 0.40 1.7 2.4 3.8 3.1
K 766.515 584.3 ± 7.3 1900 1320 1660 3960
Mg 279.553 41.6 ± 0.4 110 100 100 290
Na 589.589 23.40 ± 0.02 10 30 10 10
P 177.436 137.5 ± 1.3 110 110 190 200
Zn 206.198 0.9 ± 0.2 0.4 0.5 1.3 1.6

ICP-OES Results for Cranberry Juice Cocktail and Apple Cranberry
Juice Cocktail Compared with Package Label Claims and USDA
Authentic Juice Reference Values in µg/mL
Apple Apple
Cranbery Juice Cocktail Cranberry Cranberry Apple
Element Juice Juiice Juice
Fig. 2. Spike recoveries for juice wavelength Experimental Label USDA Experimental Label Afnor
Ca 396.845 31.8 ± 0.5 <115 30 30.0 ± 0.2 <79.1 30–120
Cu 224.702 0.04 ± 0.03 0.13 0.07 ± 0.01 ≤5
(19), and experimental data for the
fruit beverage are presented in Fe 238.200 1.9 ± 0.1 <2.1 1.6 1.3 ± 0.1 < 1.4 ≤ 10
Table XII. K 766.515 193.4 ± 1.5 240 261.8 ± 1.6 237 700–1500
Cranberry Juice Cocktail and Mg 279.553 10.6 ± 0.2 30 14.8 ± 0.2 40–80
Apple Cranberry Juice Cocktail Na 589.589 6.2 ± 0.2 57.5 40 20.0 ± 0.1 < 40 5–80
Cranberry juice cocktails typi- P 177.436 10.2 ± 0.2 10 21.4 ± 0.1 40–100
cally contain 25% pure cranberry
Zn 206.198 0.3 ± 0.2 0.2 0.3 ± 0.2 ≤5
juice and apple-cranberry juice
blends typically contain 10% apple
and 15% cranberry juice (Personal
communication with Allan Brause, for Se in the blank, and 97.7% for from the USDA (20) and calculated
Analytical Chemical Services of Mg to 105.6 for Se in the juice. concentrations are based upon
Columbia, Inc. 1993). The results available can label claims in Table
obtained in this work are consistent Corn Products XIV. Variations of 80–120% of label
with blends of authentic juices and claim are typical and will be
with the label claims. USDA values Corn and Grits
According to the supplier of the allowed by NLEA. Results for grits
for bottled cranberry juice cocktail are presented in Table XV and are
(19) and apple juice values from homogenized corn sample, corn is
one of the most popular vegetables compared with available authentic
Afnor are presented with label val- data (21) and label claims. The
ues and the experimental data in in the United States. Lead was
included in the suite of analytes for mean and standard deviation values
Table XIII. are for three samples of grits
this product because of the interest
Juice Spike Recoveries in monitoring levels in children's because one sample was lost during
Results are presented in Figure 2. diets. The experimental values for the processing. Chromium, Mo,
Recoveries ranged from a low of metals obtained for corn are pre- Pb, and Se were not detected in
96.1% for Mg to a high of 106.1% sented with available authentic data any corn or grits samples; however,

ICP-OES Results for Corn Samples Compared with ICP-OES Resultsa for Enriched White
Package Label Claims and USDA Whole Kernel Corn Hominy Grits Compared with Pack-
Reference Values age Label Claims and USDA Refer-
in µg/mL ence Values in µg/mL
Element USDA Processora Low Salt Golden Sweet USDA Enriched White
wavelength Corn Sample Corn Corn White Hominy Hominy Grits
Found Label Found Label Grits Found Label
Ca 317.933 40 31.43±11.53 31.47±0.81 <162 21.28±1.22 <176 20 16.54±1.98 <714
Ca 393.366 40 32.09±11.29 32.19±3.88 <162 21.62±0.84 <176 20 17.49± 2.05 <714
Ca 396.847 40 31.89±11.06 31.94±3.88 <162 21.60±0.84 <176 20 17.41±2.09 <714
Cu 224.700 0.56 0.27±0.07 0.14±0.02 0.25±0.02 0.75 0.41±0.04
Cu 324.754 0.56 0.32±0.04 0.194±0.006 0.25±0.01 0.75 0.45±0.01
Fe 238.204 3.5 4.02±0.15 2.84±0.33 3 3.00±0.18 6 39.1 14.77±1.72 26
Fe 239.562 3.5 4.03±0.15 2.80±0.33 3 3.00±0.17 6 39.1 16.46±1.23 26
K 766.491 1530 1666±9 1541±18 1377 1260±7 1370 1679±57 1071
Mg 279.553 160 196.0±1.7 167.7±1.7 126.2±1.3 270 366.9±45.4
Mg 280.270 160 196.3±2.2 168.9±1.5 125.7±1.4 270 369.7±46.5
Mn 257.610 0.33 1.04±0.02 0.73±0.02 0.56±0.07 1.06 1.29±0.11
Mn 260.569 0.33 1.06±0.02 0.74± 0.02 0.56±0.07 1.06 1.32±0.11
Na 589.592 2530 2184±23 1575±24 1458 2473±37 3436 10 0.5±0.1 <179
P 177.428 510 575.5±18.9 479.3±11.8 486 373.4±6.5 730 1002±61
P 213.618 510 563.3±1.5 500.3±3.5 486 397.0±2.4 730 955.4±77.5
Zn 202.548 3.6 5.05±1.86 3.22±0.61 2.27±0.31 4.1 5.1±0.4
Zn 206.200 3.6 5.12±1.76 3.35±0.62 2.41±0.25 4.1 5.3±0.5
Zn 213.856 3.6 5.08±1.74 3.34±0.61 2.38±0.22 4.1 5.1±0.4
Pre-homogenized sample received from vegetable processor. a
Using same element wavelengths as in
Table XIV.

the spike recoveries were quite recoveries for Ca and Zn found in the two primary lines for the ele-
good. The high relative standard the corn may be attributed to sam- ment, 393.366 nm and 396.847 nm,
deviations seen for the corn and ple in-homogeneity or to possible selected for the study. The use of
grits samples (see Tables XIV and contamination from slivers of the an additional line with a higher
XV) may be attributed to sample can lid from opening the product. background equivalent concentra-
in-homogeneity and could be The elevated values for Se may be tion (BEC) would have been prefer-
improved by more rigorous process- attributed to increased error of mea- able. This was not deemed
ing of the samples. This claim is surements near the limit of detec- necessary because the SRM was
based on similar conclusions drawn tion. a poor match for the corn and grits.
by Wolnik et al. (12) who reported Reference values for Ca in corn and
NIST SRM 1572 Citrus Leaves
higher % RSD values for corn than grits are at 40 and 20 µg/g, respec-
for vegetables that were more easily The results for the SRM Citrus tively. Calcium is present in the
homogenized. Leaves are presented in Table XVI. SRM at 31,500 µg/g. The poor
The levels of Cr, Mo, and Se in the recoveries for Fe (see Table XVI)
Corn Spike Recoveries diluted sample solutions were were anticipated based on Lajunen's
Spike recoveries are presented below the limit of detection for work (22) and may be attributed to
in Figure 3. The recoveries indicate the determination. Due to the high the incomplete digestion procedure.
that no gross contamination levels of Ca present in the citrus Complexation with undissolved sili-
occurred from the grinding process leaves, quantification was not possi- cates or selective sorption of Fe on
with the metal blade. The high ble without additional dilution at the surface of the insoluble plant

Vol. 18(2), March/April 1997

material are possible explanations. presented in Tables XVII–XIX. mogeneity and could be improved
Although this SRM Citrus Leaves Good correlation was found by more rigorous blending of the
were a poor substitution for the between the experimental results, samples. Excellent agreement was
corn SRM, the values obtained do USDA reference values, and label found between the various lines
suggest that the micro-wave diges- claims. Excellent agreement was for both types of samples showing
tion protocol used for this work is found for the two different cartons that major and minor nutrients can
applicable for many matrices with of skim milk, indicating that this be measured simultaneously.
different mineral levels. method would be well suited for
Milk and Ice Cream Spike
routine use in a dairy quality labo-
Dairy Products Recoveries
ratory. Ice cream results are
presented in Tables XX–XXII. Reagent blanks and samples
Milk and Ice Cream
Although USDA reference values of skim milk and vanilla bean ice
For ease of comparison, the cream discussed in the previous
experimental values obtained for were not available for the specialty
ice cream product with chocolate, sections were spiked with the
this work are presented with USDA elements of interest, processed
reference data (23) and label peanuts, rice, and peanut-butter-
flavored ice cream or for the ice through the microwave procedure,
claims. Only limited reference and and analyzed with the regular
label information was available for cream with chocolate toffee bits,
some conclusions can be drawn samples. The spike recoveries
the ice cream samples. Chromium, are presented in Figures 4–5. The
Mo, and Se were not detected because there was satisfactory
sample-to-sample precision and recoveries indicate that no gross
in any samples, and Cu was not contamination or losses occurred
detected in any ice cream samples excellent agreement between wave-
lengths for the elements. The poor during the sample preparation.
although the spike recoveries The poor results for Se are again
were acceptable for these elements. precisions for some of the elements
may be attributed to sample inho- due to spiking at levels too near the
Results for the milk samples are

ICP-OES Results for NIST SRM1572 Citrus Leaves in µg/mL
Element NIST SRM 1572 Citrus Leaves
wavelength Certified Found
Ca 317.933 31500 ± 1000 30220 ± 774
Cu 224.700 16.5 ± 1.0 13.9 ± 0.5
Cu 324.754 16.5 ± 1.0 15.2 ± 0.6
Fe 238.204 90 ± 10 58.2 ± 2.6
Fe 239.562 90 ± 10 58.6 ± 2.7
K 766.491 18200 ± 600 18000 ± 806
Mg 279.553 5800 ± 300 5109 ± 308
Mg 280.270 5800 ± 300 5479 ± 176
Mn 257.610 23 ± 2 19.9 ± 0.7
Mn 260.569 23 ± 2 19.7 ± 0.6
Na 330.237 160 ± 20 140.1 ± 12.8
Na 589.592 160 ± 20 156.7 ± 5.9
P 177.428 1300 ± 200 1333 ± 72
P 213.618 1300 ± 200 1277 ± 33
Pb 216.999 13.3 ± 2.4 11.6 ± 0.9
Pb 220.353 13.3 ± 2.4 11.2 ± 0.3
Zn 206.200 29 ± 2 26.5 ± 0.6
Fig. 3. Spike recoveries for corn

limit of detection. High spike recov- CONCLUSION fied due to the choice of analytical
eries for Fe in the spiked blank for lines, trace levels of elements were
the ice cream analysis may be attrib- This work demonstrates that determined simultaneously with
uted to contamination from a failing the analysis of metals and minerals macro levels of nutrient metals
water purification system. stipulated by NLEA in foods found and minerals. Sample preparation
in sectors 2, 5, 6, and 7 of the food time, which was the primary
NIST SRM 1549 Milk Powder triangle may be performed simulta- limitation to sample throughput,
The results for the SRM milk neously using ICP-OES. This work was minimized due to the wide
powder analyses are presented in indicates that ICP-OES will be an liner dynamic range and the useful
Table XXIII and show the means effective tool for the analysts analytical range of the ICP-OES.
of the four subsamples digested attempting to meet the challenges All elements were determined
concurrently with the milk samples imposed by NLEA. Microwave simultaneously in all samples,
and the four subsamples digested digestion was shown to be an except the citrus leaves, without
with the ice cream samples. The effective sample preparation tool multiple dilution/analysis iterations.
levels of Cr, Mo and Se in the sam- allowing acceptable precisions, Although no attempts were made
ple solutions were below the limit spike recoveries, agreement to optimize sample throughput,
of detection for the determination with SRM certified values, and actual instrumental sample through-
and are not reported. There was agreement with authentic values put was impressive relative to cur-
excellent agreement with other were obtained for most samples rent AOAC validated methods. If
certified values. and elements. With the exception rigorous optimization procedures
of the citrus leaves containing are implemented, then higher
31.5% Ca, that could not be quanti-

Whole Milk Compared 2% Lowfat Milk Compared Skim Milk Compared with
with Package Label Claims with Package Label Claims Package Label Claims and
and USDA Reference Values and USDA Reference Values USDA Reference Values
in µg/mL in µg/mL in µg/mL
Element Whole Whole Milk 2% Lowfat 2% Lowfat Milk Skim Milk 1 Milk 2
wavelength Milk Found Label Milk Found Label Milk Label Found Found
Ca 315.901 1190 1141±15 1271 1280 1205±11 1271 1230 1271 12254±1 1171±15
Ca 422.671 1190 1181±7 1271 1280 1241±8 1271 1230 1271 1202±12 1211±21
Cu 324.767 0.1 0.035±0.012 0.08 0.038±0.013 0.11 0.08±0.04 0.06±0.01
Fe 238.207 0.5 0.182±0.012 <1.5 0.5 0.18±0.01 <1.5 0.4 <1.5 0.33±0.07 0.49±0.09
Fe 239.568 0.5 0.182±0.017 <1.5 0.2 0.17±0.02 <1.5 0.4 <1.5 0.36±0.07 0.50±0.09
K 766.517 1520 1659±16 1620 1701±16 1660 1636±21 1593±17
Mg 279.089 130 112.8±1.1 140 117.6±1.2 110 116.2±1.2 112.7±1.6
Mg 279.563 130 114.8±0.7 140 119.3±1.1 110 118.2±0.7 112.8±1.2
Mg 280.283 130 114.5±0.8 140 119.1±1.1 110 117.6±0.7 113.0±1.2
Mn 257.614 0.04 0.023±0.002 0.02 0.024±0.002 0.02 0.0229±0.0001 0.031±0.005
Mn 260.573 0.04 0.024±0.002 0.02 0.025±0.002 0.02 0.025±0.001 0.032±0.005
Na 330.252 490 431.9±1.5 530 520 447.1±3.3 530 520 551 433.0±2.5 454.0±4.8
Na 589.596 490 443.9±3.3 530 520 464.2±5.9 530 520 551 435.8±4.7 462.3±8.4
P 177.441 930 924.7±10.9 1000 958.6±13.2 1010 925.6±14.9 948.2±17.3
P 213.625 930 928.2±11.9 1000 969.7±6.8 1010 953.3±10.3 946.4±15.4
P 214.914 930 918.5±12.7 1000 960.3±10.2 1010 955.6±11.2 949.0±12.0
Zn 206.200 3.8 3.94±0.10 4 4.23±0.09 4 4.24±0.09 4.29±0.08

Element wavelengths used in Table XVII also apply to Tables XVIII and XIX.

Vol. 18(2), March/April 1997

Vanilla Ice Cream Compared with Package Chocolate Ice Cream Specialty Ice Cream Product
Label Claims and USDA Reference Values Compared with Package and Ice Cream with
for Ice Cream with Different Fat Contents Label Claims Chocolate Toffee Bits
in µg/mL in µg/mL in µg/mL
USDA Specialty Vanilla with
Element Vanilla Ice Cream Ice Cream Chocolate Toffee
Wavelength (16% Fat) (10% Fat) Experimental Experimental Label Product Bits
Ca 315.901 1170 1280 1266±29 1180±41 1351 1490±19 1309±5
Ca 422.671 1170 1280 1280±33 1234±34 1351 1546±28 1340±18
Fe 238.207 0.5 0.9 0.50±0.03 8.4±0.3 4.9 3.2±0.2 2.7±0.7
Fe 239.568 0.5 0.9 0.50±0.05 8.3±0.3 4.9 3.3±0.2 2.7±0.7
K 766.517 1590 1990 1755±41.35 3124±49 3243 2770±58 1865±8
Mg 279.089 110 140 122.8±1.5 315.6±10.2 300.1±2.2 139.0±0.7
Mg 279.563 110 140 132.5±1.9 323.0±9.5 296.4±38.6 145.1±1.7
Mg 280.283 110 140 130.4±2.1 323.5±9.6 314.1±4.8 144.5±1.7
Mn 257.614 0.06 .08 0.096±0.007 1.7±0.1 1.03±0.03 N.D.
Mn 260.573 0.06 .08 0.099±0.008 1.6±0.1 1.01±0.03 N.D.
Na 330.252 560 800 730.2±14.2 477.5±6.0 676 763.7±10.3 771.1±8.6
Na 589.596 560 800 743.8±13.6 476.3±15.2 676 816.0±14.3 822.5±11.0
P 177.441 950 1050 1082±11 1404±49 1351 1547±20 1332±22
P 213.625 950 1050 1096±30 1396±38 1351 1462±27 1254±16
P 214.914 950 1050 1077±37 1382±56 1351 1432±21 1238±29
Zn 206.200 4 6.9 3.43±0.29 7.6±0.3 8.1±1.4 5.6±0.2
a Element wavelengths in Table XX also apply to Tables XXI and XXII. N.D. = None detected.

Fig. 4. Fig. 5.
Spike Spike
recover- recoveries
ies for for
milk. vanilla
bean ice

sample throughputs will be possi- REFERENCES 12. K.A. Wolnik, F.L. Fricke, S.G. Capar,
ble and should be acceptable for M.W. Meyer, R.D. Satzger, E. Bon-
1. Code of Federal Regulations, nin, and C.M. Gaston, J. Agric.
analysts routinely making NLEA Title 21, Part 1, Part 100, Part 101,
determinations. Sample homogene- Food Chem. 33, 807-811 (1985).
Part 105 (1991).
ity was shown to be important to 13. CEM Application Note PM-3,
2. Fed. Regist. 58, 3 (1/6/93) 632-690, Revision 6–88 (1988).
analytical precision as was freedom
from environmental contamination. 14. CEM Application Note AG-11,
This work also suggests that other 3. N. Miller-Ilhi, Appl. Spectrosc. 47, 14 Revision 11-91 (1991).
food matrices and minerals could A (1993).
15. CEM Application Note AM-5,
be analyzed effectively using ICP- 4. Instrument and Business Outlook 1, Revision 10-88 (1988).
OES if appropriate sample prepara- 11, 12 (1993).
16. RSK-Values: The Complete Manual,
tion techniques are employed. 5. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th Verlag Flüssiges Obst, GmbH,
Ed., AOAC, Arlington, VA USA Schönborn, Germany (1987).
17. Jus de fruits Specifications, l'Associ-
The authors gratefully acknowl- 6. The Referee 17, 9, 10-11 (1993). ation Francais de Normalisation
edge the assistance of Allan Brause, 7. L. Jorhem,. J. AOAC Int. 76, 4, 798 (AFNOR), Paris-La Defense, France
of Analytical Chemical Services of (1993). (1988).
Columbia, Inc., who provided many 8. The Referee 17, 7, 6-7 (1993). 18. J.A. McHard, S.J. Foulk, J.L.
of the authentic fruit data, to Sara 9. J.W. Jones, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. Jorgensen, S. Bauer, and J.D. Wine-
Littau, of CEM Corporation for dis- (U.S.) 93, 358 (1988). fordner, in “Citrus Nutrition and
cussions regarding the microwave Quality,” ACS Symposium Series,
10. S.K. Chang, P. Rayas-Duarte, E.A. Vol. 143, S. Nagy and J.A. Attaway
procedures, and to Ken Fredeen,
Holm, and C. McDonald, Anal. (Eds), American Chemical Society,
Mark Werner, Dennis Yates, and Chem. 65, 12, 334R-363R (1993). Washington, DC, pp. 382-383
Li Zhang of The Perkin-Elmer Cor-
11. CEM MDS 2100 Operation Manual (1980).
poration, for their assistance during
Revision 12, 27-36 (1992). 19. United States Department of Agri-
this project.
culture Human Nutrition Informa-
tion Service Handbook Number
8–9 (revised 1982), U.S. Govern-
TABLE XXIII: ICP-OES Results for NIST SRM 1549 Milk Powder ment Printing Office, Washington,
Analyzed with Milk and with Ice Cream Samples in µg/mL DC, pp 38, 60, 90, 34, 139, 184,
Element Certified SRM for Milk SRM for Ice Cream
Wavelength Value Found Found 20. United States Department of Agri-
culture Human Nutrition Informa-
Ca 315.901 13000±500 13520±128 12620±164 tion Service Handbook Number
Ca 422.671 13000±500 13360±216 13230±118 8-11(1982), U.S. Government Print-
ing Office, Washington, DC, 157.
Cu 324.767 0.7±0.1 0.8±0.5 0.54±0.03
21. United States Department of Agri-
Fe 238.207 1.78±0.1 1.86±0.15 1.82±0.06 culture Human Nutrition Informa-
Fe 239.568 1.78±0.1 2.14±0.10 1.92±0.15 tion Service Handbook Number
K 766.517 16900±300 16710±242 16500±70 8–8 (1989), US Government Print-
ing Office, Washington, DC, 107.
Mg 279.089 1200±30 1247±17 1212±2
22. L.H.J. Lajunen, J. Piispanen, and
Mg 279.563 1200±30 1264±10 1259±6 E. Saari, At. Spectrosc. 13, 4, 127
Mg 280.283 1200±30 1262±10 1236±5 (1992).
Mn 257.614 0.26±0.06 0.25±0.01 0.21±0.01 23. United States Department of Agri-
culture Human Nutrition Informa-
Mn 260.573 0.26±0.06 0.27±0.02 0.22±0.01 tion Service Handbook Number
Na 330.252 4970±100 5058±40 4813±12 8–1 (1976, revised 1990) U.S. Gov-
Na 589.596 4970±100 5136±87 5094±42 ernment Printing Office, Washing-
ton, DC, pp. 8.3, 8.4, 75, 76,
P 177.441 10600±200 10460±75 11010±258 01-077, 01-079, 01-085.
P 213.625 10600±200 10680±31 10930±73
P 214.914 10600±200 10720±52 10930±84
Zn 206.200 46.1±2.2 45.8±0.2 44.4±1.1


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