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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Panabo City Division
Brgy. Kauswagan, Panabo City


I- Identifying Information
Title : Joint Training-Workshop on Results-based
Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers
Date : August 2, 2018
Venue : Kasilak Elementary School Gym, Panabo City
Implementing Office : DepEd – Kauswagan NHS, Kasilak NHS, Kasilak ES
Proposed Budget : Php
Source of Fund :MOOE/Local funds of 3 schools
Duration of the Activity : 1 day

II- Rationale
To complement reform initiatives on teacher quality, the Philippine Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST) has been developed and nationally validated. This was signed into policy by
Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Maria Leonor Briones through DepEd Order No. 42, s.
In 2015, the DepEd issued Order No. 2, s. 2015 — “Guidelines on the Establishment and
Implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department
of Education” following Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 06, s. 2012 or the
Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) to ensure efficient, timely and quality
performance among personnel. Theguidelines explain mechanisms, criteria and processes
for performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation and development planning. Through the
RPMS, the DepEd ensures that work efforts focus towards achieving its vision, mission, values and
strategic priorities toward the delivery of quality educational services to
Filipino learners. The alignment of the RPMS with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
has led to the development
III- Objectives:
1. Prepare the school physically for the opening of classes by cleaning and repairing
2. Provide an avenue to espouse volunteerism among students and stakeholders
3. Strengthen partnership with stakeholders
IV- Strategies:
1. Gather
V- Service Credits –
Each participant will be granted with two (2) service credits for the activity
VI - Budgetary Requirement
A. Persons Involved
1. Teachers
2. Non-teaching personnel
3. Students and stakeholders
B. Gasoline (for grass cutter) - P 1000.00

KAUSWAGAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Towards a progressive tomorrow.

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