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Ancient History of Trigonometry

Egyptians and Babylonians Greek and Hellenistic Hipparchus

Achievements Advancements “Father of Trigonometry”

The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians Ancient Greek and Hellenestic Hipparcus, a Greek astronomer and
had known of theorems on the ratios of mathematicians made use of the chord mathematician, is often fondly referred
the sides of similar triangles for many of a circle when further developing the to as “father of trigonometry”. Using a
centuries. But pre-Hellenic Societies pre-beginnings of trigonometry. Due to very primitive form of trigonometry using
lacked the concept of an angle his relationship between a chord and the circles and chords, Hipparcuhus
measure and consequently, other parts of a circle, a number of compiled the first know star catalog and
the sides of triangles were studied trigonometric identities and theorems developed a system of identifying places
instead, a field that would be better that we study today were also known to on the surface of the earth by their
called “trilaterometry” Hellenistic mathematicians, but in their latitude and longitude. The system is still
equivalent form. in use to some extent today.

Aryabhata Ptolemy

Al-Khwarizmi’s other important Aryabhata wrote many mathematical and Some 300 yrs. After Hipparchus
contribution was algebra, a word derived astronomical treatises. His chief work was developed the basic trig,Ptolemy
from the title of a mathematical text he the ‘Ayrabhatiya’ which was a compilation expaned on his works greatly. Since
published in about 830 called “Al-Kitab of mathematics and astronomy. The name of most of Hipparchus’ works had been
al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr wa'l- this treatise was not given to it by Aryabhata lost, it was largely due to Ptolemy that
muqabala” (“The Compendious Book on but by later commentators. A disciple by him the fundamental ideas trigonometry
Calculation by Completion and called the ‘Bhaskara’ names it were presented to the world. Ptolemy is
Balancing”). His book is considered the
‘Ashmakatanra’ meaning ‘treatise from the also famous for incorrectly supporting
foundational text of modern algebra,
Ashmaka’. This treatise is also referred to as the idea that our idea that our universe
although he did not employ the kind of
‘Ayra-shatas-ashta’ which translates to was earth-centered.
algebraic notation used today.
‘Aryabhata’s 108’.

Dark Ages Middle Ages Modern Era

Naturally the science of the Middle Ages What was going on was all of these
was drawn largely from Latin sources. In ideas from the ancient world which
A lot of the ideas that developed by fact, during the earlier of these ages had been to some degree was lost
these Mathematicians or thinkers Roman authors were the only ones read or not as widely studied in the dark
were preserved by works studying in in the Occident. Though Greek was not ages and in the middle ages but had
wholly unknown, yet before the been preserved by scholars in the
the monasteries in the Western
thirteenth century not a single Greek
world and by the medieval scholars Arab world and by some other
scientific work had been read or
and in Middle Eastern areas. monks in the western world.
translated into Latin. Meagre indeed was
the science which could be gotten from
Roman writers.

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