How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

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Do you lead with the product or business when talking to a


In this training I will share exactly how to attract your perfect recruits to build a massive
network marketing team.

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network

Marketing Team
First, you have to understand there are two types of ways to build your business. There’s
prospecting and there’s marketing.

Prospecting is you reaching out to an individual online or offline. To a cold market (people you
don’t know) or a warm market (people you know).

If I meet somebody that’s got a good personality, good energy, and I’m actively building a
network marketing business, I’m going to prospect them. I’m going to see if they’re open to
taking a look at what it is that I’m doing. Period.

I’m not going to say, “Now, are you interested in skin care. Are you a business person?” I’m NOT
going to ask them those questions.

I’m just going to say, “Hey man, you seem pretty cool. I love working with cool people. Listen,
I’m doing this thing, I have this side project, and I don’t know if you’d be open to it at all but I
can share it with you. If you’re open, great. If not, no big deal.”

I’m going to say something along those lines to get them exposed to the presentation. I may not
know if they’re business minded or if they’re focused on the product. Prospecting is active.

Marketing is where I’m doing something I hope an unnamed individual reacts or responds to.
It’s passive.

Marketing is getting people asking me, “Hey, tell me more about that.”
It’s a Facebook status, Facebook Live, it’s a blog post, a podcast, an ad, it’s a billboard, it’s a flier
at the laundromat.

Putting the offer out there and hoping someone reacts or responds to it.

Good marketing means I am thinking about a type of individual and

I’m crafting a message for that person.

If I’m saying, “Hey, struggling with raising your toddler? Here’s ten parenting tips to help you
raise a smarter kid.” I’m thinking who is the individual and I’m providing value to them. I’m
trying to solve problems that they have, so marketing is on purpose.

Who You Want To Attract

The real question is who do you want?

Who you want attracted to you, should dictate your marketing.

If I want someone that’s focused on skin care, then I start rolling out marketing that would
attract people interested in skin care.

If I want someone focused on building a business or network marketing or home business or

making money from home, then I roll out marketing to attract that type of person.

The common question that people ask around that question is, “Well, what works, Ray? I just
want to do what works.”

In the video below I share what works and exactly how to pick WHO you should prospect to.

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More Resources For You:

How I’d Start Over And Build A New Network Marketing Team

Fastest Way To Make Money In Network Marketing

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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