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Jagga Rangavinay Teja Royal 20171CSE0258

Neha Singh M 20171CSE0453



Professional Practice Centre of


July, 2019



Name of the Student ID No. Branch

Jagga Rangavinay Teja Royal 20171CSE0258 B-Tech, CSE
Neha Singh M 20171CSE0453 B-Tech, CSE

Prepared in partial fulfillment of the

PIP 101, Professional Practice – I


Zinavo Technologies, Banaswadi

Professional Practice Centre of


(July, 2019)

I hereby declare that the report entitled “BRAND AWARENESS: DIGITAL MARKETING FOR
BUSINESS” which is being submitted to the Presidency University, Bengaluru is a bonafide
report of the work carried out by me / us. The material contained in this report has not been
submitted to any University or Institution for the award of any degree.

Name of the Student ID No. Branch

Jagga Rangavinay Teja Royal 20171CSE0258 B-Tech, CSE
Neha Singh M 20171CSE0453 B-Tech, CSE

The internship opportunity we had with Zinavo Technologies was a great chance for learning
and professional development. Therefore, we consider ourselves as very lucky individuals as we
were provided with an opportunity to be a part of it.

First of all, we would like to acknowledge Presidency University for the academics and the
encouragements they have provided. We are deeply indebted to our internship supervisor Ms.
Sarah Jacob for her whole-hearted guidance and supervision. Her suggestions and comments to
make the report a good one was a good source of strength for us.

We are very much grateful to the Data Scientist of Zinavo Technologies, Mr. Nazar Sir who in
spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep us on
the correct path and allowed us to carry out our project at their esteemed organization during
the training. We express our deepest thanks to the Software Developer of Zinavo Technologies,
Mr. PL Sudhakar for taking part in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and
arranged all facilities to make our internship easier.

It is our radiant sentiment to place on record our best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to
Mr. Mani, SEO Analyst, Ms. Rathikkani, SEO Manager for their careful and precious guidance
which were extremely valuable for our Digital Marketing study both theoretically and

We perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in our career development. We will strive to
use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Finally, we would like to express our
sincere gratitude to all those who have helped us in the execution of our project.
Professional Practice Program
Professional Practice (IP) – I

PP Centre: Zinavo Technologies

Start Date: 10 June 2019 EndDate: 2 August 2019


Name of the Student ID No. Branch

Jagga Rangavinay Teja Royal 20171CSE0258 B-Tech, CSE
Neha Singh M 20171CSE0453 B-Tech, CSE

Name of the Expert Designation Department

R Nazar Data Scientist Marketing in Analytics
M karthikkeyan Managing Director IT Department
PL Sudhakar Manager Software Programming

Name(s) of thePP Faculty: Ms. Sarah Jacob

Key Words: Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Project Areas: Digital Marketing and Analytics

Abstract: Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or
the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and
other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.

 “SEO”refers to search engine optimization, or the process of optimizing a website so that

people can easily find it via search engines like Google.
 Search engine marketing(SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the
promotion ofwebsites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs)
primarily through paid advertising

Signature(s) of Student(s) Signature of PP Faculty

Date: 5 July 2019 Date: 5 July 2019
Table of Contents

 ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………(1)

 ABSTRACT SHEET…………………………………………………………………………………………………(1)

 INTRODUCTION…………….……………………..……………………………………………………………..(7)

 COMPANY METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………………………………(9)

 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW………………………………….………………………………………………………(10)


 CONCLUSION…………..………………………………………………………………………………………….(12)

 APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………(13)

 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(14)

Zinavo Technologies started in 2012 by Mr. Nazar, CEO and Founder along with Mr.Karthikeya
Managing Director and Mr. Sudhakar Software Programmer. Zinavo Web experts having 10+
years of experience to assist you in achieving your goals from the simplest static site to full-
blown content managed enterprise solutions. At their Web Designing Company Bangalore,
India, their Web Designers and Developers are dedicated to producing quality business
websites. They offer a full Web Service, which begins with design and carries through to
Internet Marketing, SEO, and beyond.Their professional website developer is high degree to
learn new technologies in current industries market.They are providing services to their
customer one stop solution make easier to online presence.

ZINAVO, Website designs Professional Having involvement to recommend to their customer

achieve their target from the Small Business to Enterprise Business in Web Services
industry.Their team of creative website design and development, they bring their customer to
next level of the online presence such as mobile apps and Internet marketing to reach their
branding, tariff and lead generation to successes their goal.

Zinavo create a websites in responsive manner to reach our customer all kind of users.
Responsive website design has convert more key as the volume of mobile and tablet traffic and
now this versions for more than half of total internet traffics. Zinavo keep in mind the modern
generation user most of them reach website through the mobile and tablet. The Responsive
website design creation that makes use of flexible layouts and images and using cascading style
sheet media queries and bootstrap technologies. The benefit of responsive automatically
rearranges website view based on the device you're reading it on.
Zinavo bring their Internet marketing customer to return on investment through organic SEO
and SMO services. Before they start they speak to their customer and get details of target
audience and their services based keywords. Based on that they will give a suggestion of
keyword analyses, keyword compotation and competitor reports to understand the current
market. They were increasing your website traffics and backlink via SEO, SMM and PPC. Also
Zinavo providing a web analytics services to measurement, analysis and reporting of web data
for persistence of understanding and optimize a web usage.

Their Software developments Services are:

 Web Design
 Web Development
 Mobile Application
 Digital Marketing
 Data Analytics

1. Requirement Gathering:
Understanding the client’s requirements, business goals, and purpose needs to be served, who
is the target audience and kind of content needs to be on the website.
2. Planning Process:
Putting a plan together based on the requirements gathered and finalizing it.creating a sitemap
for the pages to help making the web flow navigation, Understanding the available resources
and deciding on what technologies will be used to create the product.
3. Designing Process:
They will give you 3 Home page design samples (and do 5 round of modification) on selected
4. Home Page Conformation from Client:
Once received the home page design conformation mail from the client and then they will start
the development process.
5. Development Update:
Every 2 to 3 days they will send the update via their demo server.
6. Testing:
Check the complete functionality of all links, page navigations, form submission and all
functionalities implemented work in accordance, to the requirements finalized. Make sure no
functionalities are missed out. Performcross browser testing to ensure it works correctly in all
7. Admin Backend Training:
After development they give admin backend training via skype or team viewer.
8. Launch:
After testing and development is done, transferring files to live servers and do a last minute run
through and ensure its correctness and your website is live for your audience to view.
9. Maintenance:
With regular website maintenance your site will run smoothly. Regular visitors are looking for
what is news provide them with new and exciting information, product or features.
10. Internet Marketing Services:
It helps to promote our brand to reach our target audience ensure the market of your business
and to invite people to purchase your products or services.
Brand Awareness: Digital Marketing for Business

We have done a project on two different topics that is Clone International School
andAshaabnutrients, Using SEO Techniques in Digital Marketing. Advertising in business is a
part of marketing communication that is used to encourage, or manipulate and communicate
our audience to take or continue to take some action. Advertising is normally done by a third
party known as advertising agency. An advertising agency is a service based business dedicated
to creating, planning, and handling advertising for its clients. An ad agency is independent from
the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or
services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales
promotions for its clients. Types of ad agencies are
 Full service agencies
 Creative agencies
 Specialized agencies
 In-house agencies
 Digital agencies or new media agencies

This report is completely discussing about digital or new media agencies. There was a time
when Television was the most popular medium for Marketer to promote, spread awareness
and generate leads for their products but now the trend has changed and Digital media has
taken its place. Main reason for this change was:
 Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital marketing channels, you could

End up spending thousands of dollars more. In this report, an example is given based on
this issue.
 Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback and reports about who
saw or heard an ad, and took action. This data is collected long after the initial ad
Impression is made (and still then, the statistics are far from exact numbers). Digital
marketing, on the other hand, refers to marketing methods that allow organizations to
see how a campaign is performing in real-time, such as what is being viewed, how often,
how long, as well as other statistics such as sales conversions.

Digital Media Marketing or Digital Marketing

The term 'digital marketing' was first used in the 1990s. In the 2000s and the 2010s, digital
marketing became more sophisticated as an effective way to create a relationship with the
consumer that has depth and relevance.Digital marketing is defined as “marketing that makes
use of electronic devices such as personal computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablets and
game consoles to engage with customers.
Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and
mobile) and social networks”. Peoples often referred digital marketing as 'online marketing' or
'internet marketing' but it’s wrong. Digital marketing revolves around the Internet, which
explains why people tend to believe that digital marketing and Internet marketing are
synonymous. Nonetheless, they are different. Internet marketing falls under the category of
digital marketing. Internet marketing encompasses digital marketing services such as search
engine optimization, display advertising, and email marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing Platforms:

• SEO-Search engine optimization
• SEM-Search engine marketing
• SMM-Social media marketing
• Content marketing
• Email marketing
• Online advertising
• Landing page marketing
• Smartphone marketing
• Affiliate marketing
• Viral marketing

Digital marketing is a dream business project for digital marketers. If you want to get success in
the digital marketplace, you should have sound knowledge about the benefits and limitations of
digital marketing. It is a growing field if business. Digital marketing is nothing but the utilization
of digital technology to achieve marketing objectives. Digital marketing and marketing
department is not different from each other. Therefore mentioned information will help the
digital marketers to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Digital Marketing. However,
the conclusion of digital marketing is a useful term because digital marketing requires nothing
but certain skills to utilize the digital technology. After acquiring the above knowledge, you may
take the risk to invest in the digital marketplace. This is a growing field of business. So, do not
neglect the opportunity that digital marketing offers to you. Digital marketing may fulfill all your
cherished dreams within the short span of your life. Digital marketing is a place where anybody
can make his or her career without so much effort. Only you should have to keep patience to
get your desired goals.

Digital marketers are in charge of driving brand awareness and lead generation through all the
digital channels -- both free and paid -- that are at a company's disposal. These channels include
social media, the company's own website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising,
and the company's blog. Digital marketing is carried out across many marketing roles today. In
small companies, one generalist might own many of the digital marketing tactics described
above at the same time. In larger companies, these tactics have multiple specialists that each
focus on just one or two of the brand's digital channels. You should have a strong grasp of
current marketing tools and strategies and be able to lead integrated digital marketing
campaigns from concept to execution. Digital marketing managers will work with the marketing
team, supporting teams (such as programmers), and vendors to launch campaigns on time and
on budget.






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