B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing First Year Nursing Foundations: Remarks Date Signature of The Teacher Date Signature of The Teacher

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B.Sc. (Hons.

) Nursing First Year

Nursing Foundations
Demonstration Demonstration by
Sl. Student
Nursing Procedures/Skills Remarks
No. Signature Signature
Date of the of the
Teacher Teacher
1 Hospital Admission/Discharge
a. Prepare unit for a new patient
b. Admission of a new patient
c. Transfer/Referral of a patient
d. Discharge of a patient including
2 Health Assessment
a. History Taking
b. Physical Examination
1. Inspection
2. Palpation
3. Percussion
4. Auscultation
5. Head to Toe Examination
c. Vital Signs
1. Temperature
(i) Oral
(ii) Axila
(iii) Rectal
2. Pulse
3. Respiration
4. Blood Pressure
5. Assessment of Pain
3 Patient Unit Maintenance & Comfort
a. Bed Making
1. Open Bed/unoccupied
2. Occupied Bed
3. Post operative Bed
4. Cardiac Bed/Fowlers bed
5. Amputation Bed/Divided Bed
6. Fracture Bed
Sl. Nursing Procedures/Skills Demonstration Return Remarks
No. Demonstration by
Signature Signature
Date of the Date of the
Teacher Teacher

7. Burn Bed
b. Hygienic Care
1. Oral Care
(i) Conscious Patient
(ii) Unconscious Patient
2. Bed Baths
(i) Assisted Bath
(ii) Bathing a patient in a Bed
3. Hair Care
4. Hair wash/ Shampoo
5. Eye Care
6. Hand-feet Care
7. Back Care/ Care of Pressure points
8. Perineal Care
c. Comfort & Safety Devices
1. Pillows
2. Back Rest
3. Cardiac Table
4. Sand Bag
5. Bed Cradle
6. Trochantor Roll
7. Air Cushion
8. Water Mattress
9. Foot Board
10. Side rails
11. Restraints
d. Positions
1. Dorsal Recumbent/Supine
2. Fowler’s Position
3. Lateral (L/R) Position
4. Sim’s Position
5. Prone Position
6. Lithotomy Position
7. Trendelenburg Position

4 Nursing Skills for Hospitalized Patient

a. Nutrition/Feeding
1. Serving a normal diet
2. Feeding helpless patient
Demonstration Demonstration by
Sl. Remarks
Nursing Procedures/Skills Signature
No. Signature
Date of the
Date of the

3. NG tube insertion
4. NG Tube Feeding
b. Elimination Need
1. Urinary
(i) Provide urinals/Bed pan
(ii) Applying a condom catheter
(iii) Urinary Catherization
(iv) Indwelling Catheter Care
(v) Care of urinary drainage
(vi) Bladder Irrigation*
2. Bowel
(i) Insertion of flatus tube
(ii) Insertion of suppository
(iii) Administering enema.
(iv) Performing Bowel wash
(v) Provide sitz bath
(vi) Care of Colostomy*
3. Mobility & Exercise
(i) Range of motion Exercise
(ii) Changing position of patient
(iii) Assisting a patient to sitting
(iv) Transferring a patient from bed
to wheelchair/chair
(v) Transferring a patient from bed
to stretcher
(vi) Body Mechanics
5 Infection Control
a. Hand washing Techniques
b. Standard Safety Measures
c. Wearing and removing personal
protective equipment
d. Prepare a Isolation Unit/ward
e. Disinfection of articles
1. Rubber items
2. Stainless steel items
3. Glass items
f. Bio-medical waste management
6 Therapeutic/ Diagnostic Need for
Hospitalized patient
Demonstration Demonstration by
Sl. Remarks
Nursing Procedures/Skills Signature
No. Signature
Date of the
Date of the

a. Hot Applications
1. Hot water bag
2. Hot fomentation
3. Infra Red Lamp
b. Cold Applications
1. Cold compress
2. Tepid sponge
3. Cold sponge
4. Ice cap
c. Oxygen administration
1. Nasal Cannula
2. Nasal prongs
3. Simple Face Mask
4. Oxygen Tent
5. Oxygen Hood
d. Respiratory Therapies
1. Steam inhalation
2. Nebulization
3. Use of Artificial Airway
4. Chest Physiotherapy
5. Postural Drainage
6. Care of chest drainage
7. Recording of pulse oximeter
8. Practicing basic life support
e. Fluid and electrolyte need
1. Performing a vein puncture
2. Administering of an intravenous
3. Changing an intravenous container,
tubing and dressing
4. Blood transfusion
5. Maintain intake output chart

f. Medication Administration
1. Routes of administration
(i) Oral
(ii) Sublingual/ Buccal
(iii) Intra dermal
(iv) Subcutaneous
Demonstration Demonstration by
Sl. Remarks
Nursing Procedures/Skills Signature
No. Signature
Date of the
Date of the

(v) Intramuscular
(vi) Intravenous
(vii) Medication Administration
through NG Tube
(viii) Ear drops instillation
(ix) Eye drops instillation
(x) Nasal drops instillation
(xi) Metered dose inhalation
(xii) Topical Applications
(xiii) Administering suppositories
(xiv) Intra vaginal Medication
7 Pre and Post Operative Care
a. Skin preparation
b. Surgical Dressing
c. Suture Care and suture removal
d. Care of wound drainage
e. Bandaging
1. Roller
2. Triangular
3. Binders- Chest and Abdomen
4. Splints
5. Fingers
6. Thumb
7. Hand
8. Forearm
9. Elbow
10. Shoulder
11. Head
12. Jaw
13. Neck
14. Eye- Single and Double
15. Ear- Single and Double
16. Toe
17. Foot
18. Heel
19. Lower Leg
20. Knee
21. Thigh
Demonstration Demonstration by
Sl. Date Signature Remark
Nursing Procedures/Skills
No. Signature Lab/Wa of the
Date of the rd Teacher
Teacher I/II

22. Hip
23. Stump

8 Care of Dead Body

a. Packing of dead body
b. Packing of dead body (HIV/AIDS, MLC,
Infectious body)
c. Death Report
d. Releasing body from mortuary
e. Terminal care of unit

9 Collection of Specimen
a. Urine
1. Routine Examination
2. Specimen for culture
3. 24 hours urine
b. Stool
1. Routine Examination
2. Specimen for culture
c. Throat swab for culture
d. Sputum for culture
e. Blood
1. Routine Examination
2. Blood for culture
3. Blood for peripheral smear
f. Collection of vomitus
g. Collection of Gastric aspiration
10 Performing Lab Tasks
a. Urine Sugar
b. Urine Albumin & Acetone
c. Urine PH
d. Urine Specific gravity
11 Documentation and Reporting
a. Maintenance of patient record
1. Nurses Notes
2. Ward records
b. Reports
1. Change of shift report
2. Transfer report
Demonstration Demonstration by
Sl. Remarks
Nursing Procedures/Skills Signature
No. Signature
Date of the
Date of the

3. Incident report
12 Communication and Nurse Patient
a. Health Education
1. Individual
2. Group
3. Role Play

13 Requirement
Care Plan
Nursing Care plan Grading Sign. of Teacher Remarks

1 Medical Care plan-I

2 Medical Care plan-II

3 Surgical Care Plan-I

4 Surgical Care Plan-II

Advance procedure will be only observed during first year but skills will be practical during subsequent
All basic procedures students continue practicing during subsequent years to develop competency.

Class Co- ordinator Principal

College of Nursing


Semester Examination

Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner

Date: Date:

Supplementary Examination

Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner

Date: Date:

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