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67 02/12/17 Page 1/5

Stand Alone System: Simulation parameters

Project : Shakir Hajj Services

Geographical Site Islamabad Dar E Arqam Country Pakistan
Situation Latitude 33.66° N Longitude 72.99° E
Time defined as Legal Time Time zone UT+5 Altitude 572 m

Albedo 0.20
Meteo data: Islamabad Dar E Arqam Meteonorm 7.1 (1981-1990) - Synthetic

Simulation variant : seasons profile

Simulation date

02/12/17 11h48
Simulation parameters
Collector Plane Orientation

t Tilt 33° T Azimuth 0°

Models used

PV Array Characteristics
PV module
s y


JKM 260PP-60 (Plus)

Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm

Original PVsyst database

Number of PV modules

Array global power

Total number of PV modules V
Array operating characteristics (50°C)
In series
Nb. modules
Nominal (STC)
U mpp
20 modules
10.40 kWp
556 V
In parallel
Unit Nom. Power
At operating cond.
I mpp
2 strings
260 Wp
9.40 kWp (50°C)
17 A
Total area Module area 65.5 m² Cell area 58.4 m²

PV Array loss factors

Thermal Loss factor Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K / m/s
Wiring Ohmic Loss Global array res. 551 mOhm Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC
Serie Diode Loss Voltage Drop 0.7 V Loss Fraction 0.1 % at STC
Module Quality Loss Loss Fraction -0.8 %
Module Mismatch Losses Loss Fraction 1.0 % at MPP
Strings Mismatch loss Loss Fraction 0.10 %
Incidence effect, ASHRAE parametrization IAM = 1 - bo (1/cos i - 1) bo Param. 0.05

System Parameter System type Stand Alone System

Battery Model PVX-2120L
Manufacturer Concorde
Battery Pack Characteristics Voltage 48 V Nominal Capacity 392 Ah
Nb. of units 4 in series x 2 in parallel
Temperature Fixed (20°C)
Controller Model Universal controller with MPPT converter
Technology MPPT converter Temp coeff. -5.0 mV/°C/elem.
Converter Maxi and EURO efficiencies 97.0/95.0 %
Battery Management control Threshold commands as SOC calculation
Charging SOC = 0.90 / 0.75 i.e. approx. 63.1 / 50.1 V
Discharging SOC = 0.20 / 0.45 i.e. approx. 44.1 / 48.9 V

User's needs : Daily household consumers Seasonal modulation

average 42 kWh/Day

PVsyst Evaluation mode

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Stand Alone System: Detailed User's needs

Project : Shakir Hajj Services
Simulation variant : seasons profile
Main system parameters System type Stand alone
PV Field Orientation tilt 33° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model JKM 260PP-60 (Plus) Pnom 260 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 40 Pnom total 10.40 kWp

Battery Model PVX-2120L Technology sealed, Gel
battery Pack Nb. of units 8 Voltage / Capacity 48 V / 392 Ah
User's needs Daily household consumers Seasonal modulation global 15.45 MWh/year

Daily household consumers, Seasonal modulation, average = 42 kWh/day

Summer (Jun-Aug)

Number Power Use Energy

Lamps (LED or fluo) 30 20 W/lamp 9 h/day 5400 Wh/day
TV / PC / Mobile 3 120 W/app 5 h/day 1800 Wh/day

fans 8 120 W/app 11 h/day 10560 Wh/day
AC 4 1800 W tot 8 h/day 57600 Wh/day

Stand-by consumers 24 h/day 24 Wh/day
Total daily energy 75384 Wh/day

Autumn (Sep-Nov)

Number Power Use Energy

Lamps (LED or fluo) 30 20 W/lamp 9 h/day 5400 Wh/day
TV / PC / Mobile 3 120 W/app 8 h/day 2700 Wh/day
fans 8 100 W/app 5 h/day 4000 Wh/day
AC 1 3600 W tot 3 h/day 10800 Wh/day
Stand-by consumers 24 h/day 24 Wh/day
Total daily energy 22924 Wh/day
Winter (Dec-Feb)

Number Power Use Energy

Lamps (LED or fluo) 30 20 W/lamp 10 h/day 6000 Wh/day
TV / PC / Mobile 3 120 W/app 6 h/day 2160 Wh/day
heater 1 500 W tot 4 h/day 2000 Wh/day
Geysers 2 2500 W tot 5 h/day 25000 Wh/day
Stand-by consumers 24 h/day 24 Wh/day
Total daily energy 35184 Wh/day
Spring (Mar-May)

Number Power Use Energy

Lamps (LED or fluo) 30 20 W/lamp 9 h/day 5100 Wh/day
TV / PC / Mobile 3 120 W/app 3 h/day 1080 Wh/day
fans 8 100 W/app 5 h/day 4000 Wh/day
AC 2 3600 W tot 4 h/day 25200 Wh/day
Stand-by consumers 24 h/day 24 Wh/day
Total daily energy 35404 Wh/day

Hourly profile
Fraction of daily enegy [%]


0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

PVsyst Evaluation mode

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Stand Alone System: Main results

Project : Shakir Hajj Services
Simulation variant : seasons profile
Main system parameters System type Stand alone
PV Field Orientation tilt 33° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model JKM 260PP-60 (Plus) Pnom 260 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 40 Pnom total 10.40 kWp

Battery Model PVX-2120L Technology sealed, Gel
battery Pack Nb. of units 8 Voltage / Capacity 48 V / 392 Ah
User's needs Daily household consumers Seasonal modulation global 15.45 MWh/year

Main simulation results

System Production Available Energy 16.40 MWh/year

Specific prod. 1577 kWh/kWp/year

Used Energy 9.74 MWh/year Excess (unused) 4.86 MWh/year
Performance Ratio PR 48.15 % Solar Fraction SF 63.09 %
Loss of Load
Yearly cost

s y
Global incl. taxes
Annuities (Loan 5.0%, 25 years) s
Time Fraction 46.2 %
1782500 €
126473 €/yr
Missing Energy
Running Costs
5.70 MWh/year
171 €/Wp
0 €/yr

Energy cost 13.0 €/kWh

Normalized productions (per installed kWp):


7 P
Lu : Unused energy (full battery)
Lc : Collection Loss (PV-array losses)
Ls : System losses and battery charging
Yf : Energy supplied to the user
Nominal power 10.40 kWp

1.28 kWh/kWp/day
0.78 kWh/kWp/day
0.7 kWh/kWp/day
2.57 kWh/kWp/day

Performance Ratio PR and Solar Fraction SF

PR : Performance Ratio (Yf / Yr) :

SF : Solar Fraction (ESol / ELoad) :

Performance Ratio PR


4 0.6




0 0.0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

seasons profile
Balances and main results

GlobHor GlobEff E Avail EUnused E Miss E User E Load SolFrac

kWh/m² kWh/m² MWh MWh MWh MWh MWh

January 83.0 119.5 1.119 0.574 0.696 0.395 1.091 0.362

February 83.6 102.6 0.955 0.487 0.635 0.350 0.985 0.355
March 140.7 158.8 1.383 0.302 0.203 0.894 1.098 0.815
April 165.6 166.8 1.432 0.325 0.152 0.910 1.062 0.856
May 204.0 186.5 1.553 0.327 0.097 1.001 1.098 0.912
June 195.8 171.5 1.410 0.000 0.968 1.293 2.262 0.572
July 183.5 163.5 1.357 0.000 1.098 1.239 2.337 0.530
August 168.5 161.7 1.353 0.000 1.138 1.199 2.337 0.513
September 163.8 181.4 1.565 0.764 0.000 0.687 0.688 0.999
October 144.2 190.1 1.648 0.822 0.008 0.702 0.711 0.988
November 108.5 167.5 1.503 0.683 0.010 0.678 0.688 0.985
December 79.4 121.3 1.122 0.582 0.695 0.396 1.091 0.363

Year 1720.6 1891.4 16.400 4.864 5.701 9.744 15.445 0.631

Legends: GlobHor Horizontal global irradiation E Miss Missing energy

GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings E User Energy supplied to the user
E Avail Available Solar Energy E Load Energy need of the user (Load)
EUnused Unused energy (full battery) loss SolFrac Solar fraction (EUsed / ELoad)

PVsyst Evaluation mode

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Stand Alone System: Loss diagram

Project : Shakir Hajj Services
Simulation variant : seasons profile
Main system parameters System type Stand alone
PV Field Orientation tilt 33° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model JKM 260PP-60 (Plus) Pnom 260 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 40 Pnom total 10.40 kWp

Battery Model PVX-2120L Technology sealed, Gel
battery Pack Nb. of units 8 Voltage / Capacity 48 V / 392 Ah
User's needs Daily household consumers Seasonal modulation global 15.45 MWh/year

Loss diagram over the whole year
1721 kWh/m²

y s t Horizontal global irradiation

+13.1% Global incident in coll. plane

V s
1891 kWh/m² * 65 m² coll.
-2.7% IAM factor on global

Effective irradiance on collectors

P efficiency at STC = 15.91%

19.70 MWh
PV conversion

Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

PV loss due to irradiance level

-10.6% PV loss due to temperature

+0.7% Module quality loss

-1.1% Mismatch loss, modules and strings

-1.2% Ohmic wiring loss

-28.2% Unused energy (full battery) loss

12.40 MWh Effective energy at the output of the array

-6.9% Converter Loss during operation (efficiency)

0.0% Converter Loss due to power threshold
Missing energy
0.0% Converter Loss over nominal conv. voltage
0.0% Converter Loss due to voltage threshold
11.54 MWh Converter losses (effic, overload)
5.7 MWh Direct use Stored Battery Storage
45.4% 54.6% -0.1% Battery Stored Energy balance

-19.0% Battery efficiency loss

-1.7% Charge/Disch. Current Efficiency Loss

-0.3% Gassing Current (electrolyte dissociation)
0.0% Battery Self-discharge Current
9.74 MWh Energy supplied to the user

15.45 MWh Energy need of the user (Load)

PVsyst Evaluation mode

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Stand Alone System: Economic evaluation

Project : Shakir Hajj Services
Simulation variant : seasons profile
Main system parameters System type Stand alone
PV Field Orientation tilt 33° azimuth 0°

PV modules Model JKM 260PP-60 (Plus) Pnom 260 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 40 Pnom total 10.40 kWp

Battery Model PVX-2120L Technology sealed, Gel
battery Pack Nb. of units 8 Voltage / Capacity 48 V / 392 Ah
User's needs Daily household consumers Seasonal modulation global 15.45 MWh/year

PV modules (Pnom = 260 Wp)
Supports / Integration
Batteries ( 12 V / 196 Ah)

y s t
40 units

8 units
16800 € / unit
0 € / module
38500 € / unit

controller 305000 €
Settings, wiring, ... 65000 €
Civil, Transport and assembly

Substitution underworth
Gross investment

(without taxes)
0 €
1550000 €

Gross investment (without taxes) 1550000 €

Taxes on investment (VAT) Rate 15.0 % 232500 €
Gross investment (including VAT) 1782500 €
Subsidies 0 €
Net investment (all taxes included) 1782500 €
Annuities ( Loan 5.0 % over 25 years) 126473 €/year
Maintenance 0 €/year
insurance, annual taxes 0 €/year
Provision for battery replacement (lifetime 2.6 years) 0 €/year
Total yearly cost 126473 €/year

Energy cost
Used solar energy 9744 kWh / year
Excess energy (battery full) 4864 kWh / year
Used energy cost 13.0 € / kWh

PVsyst Evaluation mode

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