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1. Who are the characters in the story?

Talk about their characteristics, attributes, personalities, and how

they represent the society.
a. Alfredo Salazar
i. Main character of the story who is over 30 years old and still a bachelor. He is a lawyer
and a poet with wayward humor and an artist with keen, clear brain. He is the type of
man who loses attraction to someone as time goes by. Like when he was engaged with
Esperanza for four years which at a later date also started to develop feelings for Julia
Salas and after eight years he realized that he does not love Julia anymore. He values
what the society will view them of more than pursuing his own feelings. Alfredo
represent the greed and indecisiveness of men in the society when it comes to dealing
his own emotions.
b. Esperanza
i. Wife of Alfredo Salazar, not an average woman whom is fortunate to have uniform
beauty. She is an independent woman who do not rely on men to take care of herself.
She was not prone to indulge in unprovoked jealousies as she was a believer in the
regenerative virtue of institutions. She marries Alfredo even after knowing about his
affair with Julia for she cares about her reputation and what people around them will
say if it were to be canceled at the eve of their marriage. She represents women’s
independence and reputation-oriented.
c. Julia Salas
i. Sister-in-law of Judge del Valle. She is the other women whom Alfredo falls for. Unlike
Alfredo, she is energetic and speaks a lot in conversations. Julia is an average woman,
tall, dark and not so pretty, yet her personality is what made Alfredo fond of her. She is
the type of person that do not correct others but instead let the other person realize
his/her own mistake. At the beginning of the story it can be inferred that Julia has
feelings for Alfredo but did not push it further as he is getting married. Yet she still
remains faithful and stayed single even after 8 years. She presents the loyalty and
faithfulness of women in the society.
d. Don Julian
i. Father to Alfredo and Carmen. Friend of Judge del Valle who frequently goes
“neighboring” to him along with his son which will end for the both of them playing
chess. He loves to philosophize and give advices to Alfredo on his engagement about
prolonging it will result in the change of affection for both sides. He represents the
concern of fathers to their child when it comes to important occasions of their lives.
e. Judge del Valle
i. Brother-in-law of Julia Salas. A friend to Don Julian and a dedicated Judge in his
profession. He represent the passion and dedication of men to their work.
f. Carmen
i. Daughter of Don Julian, sister of Alfredo and a loving wife to Vicente. She’s always
updated to her brother’s life about Esperanza, from courtship to engagement. She is
also very friendly as she already befriended Doña Adela. She represents a loving sister
and friend in a society.
g. Vicente
i. Husband of Carmen whom is absorbed in his farms that he would not even take time off
to accompany he wife on this visit to her father. He represents workaholic men, who
values his job more than his own family.
h. Doña Adela
i. Sister of Julia Sales and a wife to Dionisio. She is described as a pretty woman with the
complexion of a baby and the expression of a likable cow. She is also a friend to Carmen.
i. Dionisio
i. Husband of Doña Adela who is an absentminded men that sometimes goes out without
his collar or with unmatched socks. He represents the forgetfulness and lack of
responsibility of men in a society.
j. Caxista
i. Note-carrier to Alfredo and Esperanza. She lives with a man whom she is not married to.
She became the reason for Alfredo’s exposition about Julia Salas. She represents the
foolishness of women.
k. Brigida Samuy
i. Alfredo was sent to look for her to a place which is near Julia’s hometown, which later
on became the reason for the reunion between Julia Salas and Alfredo.

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