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There are so many Indigenous People in the Philippines but then there’s a so called “Dayaw: The
Philippine Indigenous People’s Festival’’, coming from far have been reunited together. The National
Commission Culture and the Arts (NCCA) reunite the Indigenous people to know each other and to becoming
more and more aware that unifying in a diverse community is possible. As an Ilocano people in the Northern
Luzon, I didn’t know that there were also different Indigenous People in the country, but then Ilocano was not
already part of the IP’s. Additionally, I didn’t know that there is IP festival called DAYAW.

In the video presented, I would say that different IP’s from different parts of the country is different
from one another. But, they are quite the same in terms of their culture, rituals, and beliefs to preserve so that
their descendants will adopt it. Around 30 ethno linguistic groups in the countries legion of almost hundred
raised their herald of presence to the Filipino’s consciousness. Some Indigenous people interviewed said that
“their enthusiasm encouraged them to be involved, despite all the difficulties” meaning they were all trying
hard to be part of the modern life. They want us to know their very own culture. Even the Indigenous People
have been separated because of inaccessibility, and a few of them are surviving without the aid of mass
media. The Dayaw is the reason why all of the IP’s were able to communicate to different IP’s, they educated
the people in the urban land like in the manila, to the schools, malls, et cetera. The Indigenous People wants
us to preserve their unique culture and tradition so that the descendants of us in the next generation will know
that there are the IP’s that lived in history. My main reflection of this was to know how to preserve your own
culture even if you are not one of the Indigenous People. The NCCA led the fest Dayaw to aim the unity of
different Indigenous People, we are known as so many different cultures, traditions, and languages but the
NCCA led all different kinds of Indigenous People from all over the country also people from urban in metro
manila. When they meet each other they feel at home, they feel they don`t seem differences at all. They share
their different instruments, they share different rituals, but then they seem alike. They all fear that these
cultures become extinct.

We people even Indigenous or non-indigenous are more alike in nature, we give our best to build or
create arts from different cultures but then it symbolizes nature. Dayaw is a famous celebration of the
Indigenous people where they are gathered to share their own distinct cultures, traditions, dance, and
practices. The delegates captive their audiences by showing their very own culture. Hence, after watching the
video I realized the importance of preserving the identity of the Filipinos especially in the continuous emerge
of technology in the world. We should promote our own culture through taking advantage of what the modern
world offers as it is used by many people.

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