Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

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1. Develop a C program to display “Hello World” message using Internal UART.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

2. Develop a C program to interface DC Motor with LPC1768 to rotate it in clockwise and

anticlockwise direction using switch connected to P0.29.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

3. Develop a C program to interface a Stepper motor with LPC1768 and rotate it in clockwise and
anti-clockwise direction using switch connected to P0.29 and input to the stepper motor is connected
through P1.14 to P1.17.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

4. Develop a C program to interface DAC with LPC1768 to generate square waveform.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

5. Develop a C program to interface 4 x 4 keyboard with LPC1768 and display the key pressed on
LCD. Port Connections: Rows: P1.24 to P1.27, Columns: P0.4 to P0.7, LCD pins RS, R/W, EN: P1.8
to P1.10.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

6. Develop a C program to generate PWM using the internal PWM module of LPC1768 and vary
its duty cycle.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

7. Develop a C program to demonstrate the use of an external interrupt to toggle an LED connected
to P1.28.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

8. Develop a C program to display the Hex digits 0-F on a 7-Segment LED interface. SRCLK, SCLK, DS
connected to P0.23 to P0.25.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

9. Develop a C program to interface LPC1768 to a simple Switch to check status of Relay, Buzzer
&LED. Switch is connected to P0.27, LED to P1.28, Buzzer to P0.21, and Relay to P0.22.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

10. Develop a C program to interface DAC with LPC1768 to generate triangular waveform.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

11. Develop a C program to display “GLOBAL” message using Internal UART.

Subject Code: 15ECL67 Subject: Embedded Controller Lab

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