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Suggested Format for Assignment 2 SEV301 T1 2018

1. Introduction

You should provide an introduction to the proposal that outlines the background of the project, the
regulatory environment, the purpose of the proposal (what it is submitted for?) and its scope (what
does it cover?).

2. Design Parameters

This can be similar to the previous assignment with a slight shift in the focus. It should still contain two
sections: water quality and water flow. Include the potentially revised Tier 1 assessment of the water
source following the Manual for the Application of Health-Based Targets and determine what LRVs are
needed for the process to meet microbial health objectives. You should also discuss the water’s
chemical quality with regards to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and any other important
considerations highlighting what will need to be treated to meet the necessary objectives. For the
water flow you should include a calculation for the flow rate that would need to be treated by the
plant. Make sure you consider any recycled streams and losses as a result of the treatment process you
have selected.

3. Overall Operations

You should propose a process flow diagram for the plant. You should include a justification of the PFD
with respect to how it will meet the necessary LRVs (using an LRV table) and water quality requirements
you outlined in the previous section. Ensure the process flow diagram has considered residuals
management. The PFD should show any monitoring that would be needed to ensure the water quality.
You should also indicate at this stage what chemicals will be required and their calculated or design

4. Processes

This section should contain a discussion of every unit process or discussion that is included in your
PFD. Each unit should contain at least the following subheadings:

4.x.1 Process Description

This section will contain a basic description of what the process is designed to achieve within the
overall plant. You should link this back to the water quality

4.x.2 Design Parameters

This section should present the key parameters within the design, including, but not limited to, the
sizing calculations, the head losses through the designed unit and chemical dosing calculations. For
your detailed designs you can present drawings either here or in a separate section 4.x.5.

4.x.3 Monitoring
This should include a discussion of any monitoring requirements critical to the operation of the unit
either guaranteeing reliable operation or guaranteeing the ability to meet health-based objectives.
Where necessary include the limits that would be in place.

4.x.4 Maintenance

This section should include a brief discussion on how you will maintain the operation with particular
focus paid to routine maintenance and access and any chemical demands.

5. Hydraulic Profile

Present, in graphical form, an overall hydraulic profile for the plant. Make sure to include any
pumping required throughout the plant.

6. Site Layout

This section will require you to develop a site layout and briefly discuss the reasoning behind it.
Ensure you include not just the process units but also ancillary requirements such as access roads,
chemical storage and staff facilities.

7. Transmission Line Design

This section should present the design for your transmission line including its profile, sizing and
construction materials. The transmission line is to be laid over ground and uncovered. Ensure you
include a justification for any decisions you have made during the design process.

8. Distribution Network Layout and Design

This section should clearly present the layout for your distribution network including all sizing and
flow, velocity and head requirements. The ring mains and rest of the system are all buried pipes and
1.00 m underground. Include here the justification for any decisions that were made in the design

9. References

Provide a list of any references you have used in the report. List your references in alphabetical order,
using Harvard or APA referencing format. References should be appropriately cited in the text and
should include mainly technical reports, journal articles, reference books or textbooks. Be wary of
data from the internet, try to ensure it is factual and not just marketing material.

10. Appendices

The appendices can contain any information you feel are not necessary to be detailed in the full
report, but are still highly relevant. This must include the results of your lab tests, any
communications with stakeholders and evidence of how your group was able to meet the milestones
set by the first assignment or communicated to adjust the milestone dates. You may also want to
include calculations of parameters or outputs from design software for example.

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