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Principle no.


General hint
-Please do the self-check on the shopfloor by means of the on-site available standards and documents
-In case you detect instable processes in the self-check of the element “Daily Management” or you know newly
implemented standards in the value stream you can check those preferably
-Evaluate if standards are established along the entire value stream

Work instruction Availability,Understanding and Adherance Yes No Remarks

A.1. All the Work instructions are available on the shop floor (Check all pages)
A.2. Work instructions are easily accessible to the associates
A.3. Associates are able to understand and explain the work instruction
A.4. Special characteristics are marked in work instructions and are known to associates
A.5. Reaction plan for deviation is mentioned in work instruction and is known to asociates

B.1 Work instructions describes the process sequence

B.2 The process sequence described in the work instructions is producing the good parts only
B.3 Operators are trained and are able to explain the process sequence

C- knowing the principle

C.1 Part movement (In- Process- Out) is clearly described in the work instruction and visualised
C.2 Part movement is followed as per standard defined in work instruction

D.1 The work sequences of all manual work places are defined w.r.t left hand/right hand
D.2 The defined work sequence is adhered during working

-Attention, this asks for the maturity of the processes. The process confirmation by the shopfloor
leader must be regularly performed for at least 3 weeks

E.1 The standard checks ( Eg.Pressure,Temperature etc) after manufacturing are defined in work
instructions and are followed

F.1 The work instructions contains all the controls defined in control plan
F.2 Actions came out of FMEA review/Line walk are incorporated in work instruction
F.3 8D actions are visualised in pictorial format for better understanding and to avoid recurrance of
F.4 Any changes in the work instructions are clearly communicated to all the associates
F.5 Work instructions are signed by the responsible authority

G.1 Negative impact on product quality is explained to associates if work instructions are not
G.2 Principle no.3- Instruction is explained to the associates

H.1 14Q LPC board exists

H.2 Check the deviations found in principle no.3. Deviations are corrected and OPL is updated
H.3 LPC done at all levels

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Process confirmation by QMM: Dept:


Checked By:

Process Confirmation by:

Principle no.3

General hint
-Please do the self-check on the shopfloor by means of the on-site available standards and documents
-In case you detect instable processes in the self-check of the element “Daily Management” or you know newly implemented standards in the value
stream you can check those preferably
-Evaluate if standards are established along the entire value stream

Work instruction Availability,Understanding and Adherance Yes No Remarks

A1 All the Work instructions are available on the shop floor (Check all pages)
A2 Work instructions are easily accessible to the associates
A3 Associates are able to understand and explain the work instruction
A4 Special characteristics are marked in work instructions and are known to associates
A5 Reaction limits for defects (EWS) and reaction plan

B1 STAB sheets are available

B2 Work instructions describes the process sequence
B3 The process sequence described in the work instructions is producing the good parts only
B4 Operators are trained and are able to explain the process sequence
B5 Set up instructions exists

C1 Principle no.3- Instruction is explained to associates

D1 Part movement (In- Process- Out) is clearly described in the work instruction and visualised
D2 Part movement is followed as per standard defined in work instruction

E1 The work sequences of all manual work places are defined w.r.t left hand/right hand movement
E2 The defined work sequence is adhered during working

F1 The standard checks ( Eg.Diameter, length,temperature etc) after manufacturing are defined in
work instructions and are followed

G1 The work instructions contains all the controls defined in control plan
G2 The work instruction are consisteltly updated as a output from control plan and FMEA
G3 8D actions are visualised in pictorial format for better understanding and to avoid recurrance of complaints
G4 Any changes in the work instructions are clearly communicated to all the associates
G5 Work instructions are signed by the responsible authority

H1 Negative impact on product quality is explained to associates if work instructions are not followed

I1 5S implementation approach exists

I2 5S Checklist available
I3 Workstations / work area are clear from any unwanted parts/ materials
I4 No parts are visible on floor
I5 Red bin available in locked condition

J1 14Q LPC board exists

J2 Check the deviations found in principle no.3. Deviations are corrected and OPL is updated
J3 LPC done at all levels

Process confirmation by QMM: Operation:


Checked by:

Process confirmation by:

Principle no.8

General hint
-Please do the self-check on the shopfloor by means of the on-site available standards and documents
-In case you detect instable processes in the self-check of the element “Daily Management” or you know newly implemented standards in the value
stream you can check those preferably
-Evaluate if standards are established along the entire value stream

Supplier : Part Name:

Tool selection Yes No Remarks

A1 Are right tools selected for process? Is there a methodology followed for selection of tools (Eg: validation, Trial run..) ?
A2 Whether source (Tool supplier) and drawing defined for every tool ? Is it controlled?
A3 In case of castings, forging, stamping, rubber parts : is there a die simulation done? Is it documented?

Tool procurement and storage Yes No Remarks

B1 Toolings used for PPAP and continuous production run are same? Is the info transferred with LL ?
B2 Are tooling, process parameters (for tooling) defined? Is there a defined reaction plan?
B3 Are defined instructions (for B2) it available at workstation? Are operators aware of it?
B4 For each tool, whether grade, make, etc.. are verified for adherence?
B5 Is there a method for evaluating inwarding of tools (drawing, inspection, and report) ?
B6 Any change of grade or make - is there a communication or approval from Bosch (continuation to B1) ?

Tool Storage (at store, at Shop) and tool issue Yes No Remarks
C1 Is there a defined location for storage of tools and accessories ? Is it prevented from mix-up (similar tools /grades) ?
C2 Is there a defined qty level for every tool (MOQ)? Is it defined considering usage, lead time for procurement, cost etc?
C3 Is there a triggering mechanism to ensure MOQ of tools and accessories?
C4 Is there a physical verification of tools on availability? Is it done on a fixed frequency?
C5 Is there a methodology to issue tools? Is it followed?

Change management Yes No Remarks

D1 Is there a defined tool life for tools?
D2 Is there a defined for Holders and other accessories? Is it followed?
D3 Is there a trigger (automated) for end of tool life? Is it adequate ?
D4 How semi - used tools are handled? Is there a defined process? Is it followed?
D5 Is there a check to verify right tools and process parameters are used (for a process)? - evidence?
D6 Whether tool life, holder life are defined based on validation?
Whether effected dimensions- first pc and last pc (of previous tool) - evaluated? Recorded (Setup approval / tool change
D7 inspection… etc)
D8 Is there a tool history card, is it followed?
D9 In case of abnormal situation (breakage / excessive wear) is reaction plan defined? Is it followed?
D10 Is there a process to define adjustment of complex tools? Is it followed?
D11 coolant management: Is right coolant, used?

Tool Reclamation (After tool retrival) Yes No Remarks

E1 Whether used tools are handled correctly?
E2 Are used tools separated from fresh tools (mix-up avoided)?
E3 IS there a defined procedure/ methodology to handle used tools?
If the tools are re-sharpened / reground - whether tool life, parameters are defined? Is it monitored ?.
E4 Is the drawing / limiting factors defined?
E5 Does the tool life monitoring adequate ?

Analysis Yes No Remarks

F1 Whether tool consumption analysis followed? Actions derived whenever there is a abnormalities ?
F2 Whether tool breakage / damages analyzed? Actions defined? Followed?
F3 Is there a trigger for CIP (tool life optimization? Is it followed?

Verification comments by Bosch Operation:


Checked by:

Process confirmation by:

Name & Entity
BPS + 14Q Essentials
Standardized Work-Make

G – General hint
-Please do the self-check on the shopfloor by means of the on-site available standards and documents
-In case you detected instable processes in the self-check of the element “Daily Management” or you know newly
implemented standards in the value stream you can check those preferably
-Evaluate if standards are established along the entire value stream

The leverage for continuous improvement Yes No Remarks

6.1 For direct associates Standardized Work is described. MTS: for every cyclic and periodic
operation work instructions, LH / RH charts, set up instructions, reaction limits for
defects(EWS), autonomous maintenance charts are available at workplace and include all
quality checks (eg - Check the checker)

6.2 Additional appropriate documents for Standardized Work are available on site(e.g.,
MTS,StAB,line balancing chart with layout and operator movements)

6.3 Defined storage locations are visualized and identified on site( in / out & components)

6.4 All associates are qualified for the job according to the valid standard.
The qualification matrix / skill matrix is available on site

-The qualification matrix shows which associate is qualified for what station. Check if
the current staff is working at stations for which they are qualified

6.5 The work sequences of all manual work places are confirmed regularly by the shop
floor leader for at least 3 months(evidence required)

-Attention, this asks for the maturity of the processes. The process confirmation by the
shopfloor leader must be regularly performed for at least 3 months

6.6 The examiner of the BPS Essentials checks the work sequence: no deviation found
(LH,RH combination, use stab sheet as a reference point)
-Check personally the work sequence described in the standard. Does the current staff
6.7 A systematic approach for a sustainable 5S implementation is existing and executed.
The first 4S(Sort out, Set in order,Shine and Standardize)are established. Red bin in locked
condition, FIFO followed, storage for leftover parts, quarantine area identified, guage
calibration, particle contamination, management of fallen down parts etc.
-Check the documentation of the systematic approach for implementing the 5S and the
6.8 The 5S standards are visible and followed. No parts on floor

6.9 The process confirmation on 5S is carried out regularly (look into LPC sheet)

6.10 The internal and external legal standards(safety requirements,extinguisher in place,

…) are followed and ErgoChecks are done ( Concerned TEF colleagues to be called and
clarified ), stop sign exists for customer complaints

6.11 14Q LPC board exists and deviations are recorded and closelooped

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Suggestions for improvement

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