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Guide lines for Project Director for

Processing the Proposal of laying
Overhead Electrical lines across
National Highways vested with NHAI

Sl.No. Item

1 General Informations
1.1 Name and address of the applicants
1.2 National High Way Number
1.3 State

1.4 Location

1.5 Chianage in KM
1.6 Width of available ROW
1.7 (a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM direction

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.8 Propsal to lay overhead electrical line
(a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.9 Proposal to acquire land
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal is in the same side where land is not to be acquired,
if not then
where to lay cable.
1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along the proposed route
1.12 Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) existing
1.13 Service Road existing or not, if yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
1.14 Proposed Serviec Road
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal to lay cable is after the service road or between the
service road
and main carriage way.

The Permission for laying overhead electrical line shall be

considered for
approval/rejection based on the Ministry Circulars mentioned above.
2 Document/Drawing enclosed with the proposal

Cross section showing the size of the trench for open trenching method
(is it normal
size of 1.2 m deep x 0.3 m wide) (i) Should be greater than 60 cm wider
than the
outer diameter of the pipe. (ii) Located as close to the extreme edge
of the ROW as
possible but not less than 15 m from the center-lines of the nearest
carriage way (iii)
Shall not be permitted to run along the National Highways when the road
situated in double cutting nor shall be laid over the existing culverts
and bridges (iv)
These should be so laid that their top is atleast 0.6 m below the
ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the raod land.

2.2 Cross Section showing the size of the pit and location of cable for HDD

Strip plan / Route plan showing overhead electrical line, chainage,

width of ROW,
Important mile stone, Inter section etc.
Sl.No. Item

2.4 Methodology for laying of overhead electrical line

Open trenching method (May be allowed in utility corridor only where

cement is
2.4.1 neither cement concrete nor dense bituminous conctrete type). If yes,
Methodology of
refilling of trench
3 Draft Licence agreement signed by two witnesses

Performane bank guarantee in favour of NHAI has to be obtained @ 50/-

per running
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs. 1,00,000/- per crossing of NH, for a
period of one year
initially (extendable if required till satisfactory completion of
work) as a security for
4 ensuing / making good the excavated trench for laying the cables /
ducts by proper
filling and compaction, clearing debris /loose earth producted due to
ececution of
trenching atleast 50 m any from the edge of the right of way. No
payment shall be
payable by the NHAI to the licensee for clearing debris / loose

4.1 Performance BG as per above is to be obtained

4.2 Confirmation of BG has been obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 Affidavit / Undertaking from the applicant for
Not to damage to other utility, if damaged then to pay the losses
either to NHAI or to
the concerned agency
5.2 Renewal of Bank Guarantee
5.3 Confirming all standard condition of NHAI's guideline
5.4 Shifting of overhead electrical line as and when required at their
own cost
5.5 Shifting due to 6 lanning / widening of NH
5.6 Indemnity against all damages and claims clause (xxiv)
Traffic movement during laying of overhead electricla line to be
managed by the

Prior approval of the NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any

work of
5.8 installation, shifting or repairs, or alteration to the overhead
electrical line located in
the National Highway right-of-ways

Expenditure, if any, icurred by NHAI for reparing any damage caused to

the National
5.9 Highways by the laying, maintenance or shifting of the overhead
electrical line will be
borne by the agency owning the line.

If the NHAI considers it necessary in future to move the utility line

for any work of
improvement or repairs to the raod, it will be carried out as desired
by the NHAI at the
cost of the agency owing the utility line within a reasonable time of
the itimation

Certificate from the applicant in the following format (i) laying of OH

electricals line will
5.11 not have any deleterious effects on any of the bridge components and
raodway safety
for traffic. (ii) For 6- lanning

6 Cerificate from the project director

Certificate for confirming of all standard condition issued vide

Ministry Circular Not
Applicable NH-111/P/66/76 dtaed 19.11.1796, Ministry Circular Not
RW/NH-111/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982 and Ministry Circular Not Applicable
11037/1/86/DOI dated 19.01.1995
Sl.No. Item

Certifiacte from PD in the following format "it is cerified that any

other locaton of the
Electric Cable would be ectremely difficult and unreasonable costly and
installation of electric cable within ROS will not adversely affect the
design, stability &
traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as
widening of the
carriage way, easing of curve etc., (b) For 6-lanning (i) Where
feasibility is available " I
do certify that there will be no hindrance to proposed structure as the
said location (ii)
In case feasibility report is not available " I do cerify that suffient
ROW is available at
site for accomodating proposed 6-Lanning.

If NH Section proposed to be taken up by NHAI on BOT basis a clause is

to inserted
in the agreement. "The permitted Highway on which Licensee has been
granted the
right to lay cable/duct has also been granted as a right of way to the
under the concession agreement for up-gradation of (NH 205 Section at
POWERGRID crossing section of NH Not applicable build, Operate and
Basis) and therefore, the licensee shall honour the same"

8 Who will supervise the work of Laying of Over Head electrical line.

Who will ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of
OH electrical line
are corrected and if not corrected then action will be taken

Who will pay the claims for the damages done / disrupted in working of
if asked by the concessionare

A Certificate from PD that he will enter the proposed permission in

the register of
records of the permissions in the prescribed preforma (copy enclosed)

If any previous approval is accorded for laying of OH electrical line

then photocopy of
12 register of record of the permissions accorded as maintained by OD may
g the Proposal of laying
hways vested with NHAI

Information/ Status Remarks

Manager, Kurnool CAO

NH - 18
Near Somayajulapalle Vill, Orvakal
Mandal, Kurnool Dist.
334.898 Kms
67 Mtrs.
33.5 m

33.5 m


13.29 m
Not Applicable
4 Lanes
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Drawing Enclosed.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Information/ Status Remarks

765 KV D/C UHV Line

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Undertaking is enclosed herewith

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Information/ Status Remarks

Not Applicable

Not Applicable





Guide lines for Project Director for
Processing the Proposal of laying
Overhead Electrical lines across
National Highways vested with NHAI

Sl.No. Item

1 General Informations
1.1 Name and address of the applicants
1.2 National High Way Number
1.3 State
1.4 Location
1.5 Chianage in KM
1.6 Width of available ROW
1.7 (a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM direction

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.8 Propsal to lay overhead electrical line
(a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.9 Proposal to acquire land
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal is in the same side where land is not to be acquired,
if not then
where to lay cable.
1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along the proposed route
1.12 Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) existing
1.13 Service Road existing or not, if yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
1.14 Proposed Serviec Road
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal to lay cable is after the service road or between the
service road
and main carriage way.

The Permission for laying overhead electrical line shall be

considered for
approval/rejection based on the Ministry Circulars mentioned above.
2 Document/Drawing enclosed with the proposal

Cross section showing the size of the trench for open trenching method
(is it normal
size of 1.2 m deep x 0.3 m wide) (i) Should be greater than 60 cm wider
than the
outer diameter of the pipe. (ii) Located as close to the extreme edge
of the ROW as
possible but not less than 15 m from the center-lines of the nearest
carriage way (iii)
Shall not be permitted to run along the National Highways when the road
situated in double cutting nor shall be laid over the existing culverts
and bridges (iv)
These should be so laid that their top is atleast 0.6 m below the
ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the raod land.

2.2 Cross Section showing the size of the pit and location of cable for HDD

Strip plan / Route plan showing overhead electrical line, chainage,

width of ROW,
Important mile stone, Inter section etc.
Sl.No. Item

2.4 Methodology for laying of overhead electrical line

Open trenching method (May be allowed in utility corridor only where

cement is
2.4.1 neither cement concrete nor dense bituminous conctrete type). If yes,
Methodology of
refilling of trench
3 Draft Licence agreement signed by two witnesses

Performane bank guarantee in favour of NHAI has to be obtained @ 50/-

per running
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs. 1,00,000/- per crossing of NH, for a
period of one year
initially (extendable if required till satisfactory completion of
work) as a security for
4 ensuing / making good the excavated trench for laying the cables /
ducts by proper
filling and compaction, clearing debris /loose earth producted due to
ececution of
trenching atleast 50 m any from the edge of the right of way. No
payment shall be
payable by the NHAI to the licensee for clearing debris / loose

4.1 Performance BG as per above is to be obtained

4.2 Confirmation of BG has been obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 Affidavit / Undertaking from the applicant for
Not to damage to other utility, if damaged then to pay the losses
either to NHAI or to
the concerned agency
5.2 Renewal of Bank Guarantee
5.3 Confirming all standard condition of NHAI's guideline
5.4 Shifting of overhead electrical line as and when required at their
own cost
5.5 Shifting due to 6 lanning / widening of NH
5.6 Indemnity against all damages and claims clause (xxiv)
Traffic movement during laying of overhead electricla line to be
managed by the

Prior approval of the NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any

work of
5.8 installation, shifting or repairs, or alteration to the overhead
electrical line located in
the National Highway right-of-ways

Expenditure, if any, icurred by NHAI for reparing any damage caused to

the National
5.9 Highways by the laying, maintenance or shifting of the overhead
electrical line will be
borne by the agency owning the line.

If the NHAI considers it necessary in future to move the utility line

for any work of
improvement or repairs to the raod, it will be carried out as desired
by the NHAI at the
cost of the agency owing the utility line within a reasonable time of
the itimation

Certificate from the applicant in the following format (i) laying of OH

electricals line will
5.11 not have any deleterious effects on any of the bridge components and
raodway safety
for traffic. (ii) For 6- lanning

6 Cerificate from the project director

Certificate for confirming of all standard condition issued vide

Ministry Circular Not
Applicable NH-111/P/66/76 dtaed 19.11.1796, Ministry Circular Not
RW/NH-111/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982 and Ministry Circular Not Applicable
11037/1/86/DOI dated 19.01.1995
Sl.No. Item

Certifiacte from PD in the following format "it is cerified that any

other locaton of the
Electric Cable would be ectremely difficult and unreasonable costly and
installation of electric cable within ROS will not adversely affect the
design, stability &
traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as
widening of the
carriage way, easing of curve etc., (b) For 6-lanning (i) Where
feasibility is available " I
do certify that there will be no hindrance to proposed structure as the
said location (ii)
In case feasibility report is not available " I do cerify that suffient
ROW is available at
site for accomodating proposed 6-Lanning.

If NH Section proposed to be taken up by NHAI on BOT basis a clause is

to inserted
in the agreement. "The permitted Highway on which Licensee has been
granted the
right to lay cable/duct has also been granted as a right of way to the
under the concession agreement for up-gradation of (NH 205 Section at
POWERGRID crossing section of NH Not applicable build, Operate and
Basis) and therefore, the licensee shall honour the same"

8 Who will supervise the work of Laying of Over Head electrical line.

Who will ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of
OH electrical line
are corrected and if not corrected then action will be taken

Who will pay the claims for the damages done / disrupted in working of
if asked by the concessionare

A Certificate from PD that he will enter the proposed permission in

the register of
records of the permissions in the prescribed preforma (copy enclosed)

If any previous approval is accorded for laying of OH electrical line

then photocopy of
12 register of record of the permissions accorded as maintained by OD may
g the Proposal of laying
hways vested with NHAI

Information/ Status Remarks

Manager, Kurnool CAO

NH - 18
Near Orvakal Vill, Orvakal Mandal,
Kurnool Dist.
334.898 Kms
46 Mtrs.
23 m

23 m


9.20 m
Not Applicable
4 Lanes
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Drawing Enclosed.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Information/ Status Remarks

400 KV D/C UHV Line

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Undertaking is enclosed herewith

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Information/ Status Remarks

Not Applicable

Not Applicable





Guide lines for Project Director for
Processing the Proposal of laying
Overhead Electrical lines across
National Highways vested with NHAI

Sl.No. Item

1 General Informations
1.1 Name and address of the applicants
1.2 National High Way Number
1.3 State
1.4 Location
1.5 Chianage in KM
1.6 Width of available ROW
1.7 (a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM direction

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.8 Propsal to lay overhead electrical line
(a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.9 Proposal to acquire land
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal is in the same side where land is not to be acquired,
if not then
where to lay cable.
1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along the proposed route
1.12 Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) existing
1.13 Service Road existing or not, if yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
1.14 Proposed Serviec Road
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal to lay cable is after the service road or between the
service road
and main carriage way.

The Permission for laying overhead electrical line shall be

considered for
approval/rejection based on the Ministry Circulars mentioned above.
2 Document/Drawing enclosed with the proposal

Cross section showing the size of the trench for open trenching method
(is it normal
size of 1.2 m deep x 0.3 m wide) (i) Should be greater than 60 cm wider
than the
outer diameter of the pipe. (ii) Located as close to the extreme edge
of the ROW as
possible but not less than 15 m from the center-lines of the nearest
carriage way (iii)
Shall not be permitted to run along the National Highways when the road
situated in double cutting nor shall be laid over the existing culverts
and bridges (iv)
These should be so laid that their top is atleast 0.6 m below the
ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the raod land.

2.2 Cross Section showing the size of the pit and location of cable for HDD

Strip plan / Route plan showing overhead electrical line, chainage,

width of ROW,
Important mile stone, Inter section etc.
Sl.No. Item

2.4 Methodology for laying of overhead electrical line

Open trenching method (May be allowed in utility corridor only where

cement is
2.4.1 neither cement concrete nor dense bituminous conctrete type). If yes,
Methodology of
refilling of trench
3 Draft Licence agreement signed by two witnesses

Performane bank guarantee in favour of NHAI has to be obtained @ 50/-

per running
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs. 1,00,000/- per crossing of NH, for a
period of one year
initially (extendable if required till satisfactory completion of
work) as a security for
4 ensuing / making good the excavated trench for laying the cables /
ducts by proper
filling and compaction, clearing debris /loose earth producted due to
ececution of
trenching atleast 50 m any from the edge of the right of way. No
payment shall be
payable by the NHAI to the licensee for clearing debris / loose

4.1 Performance BG as per above is to be obtained

4.2 Confirmation of BG has been obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 Affidavit / Undertaking from the applicant for
Not to damage to other utility, if damaged then to pay the losses
either to NHAI or to
the concerned agency
5.2 Renewal of Bank Guarantee
5.3 Confirming all standard condition of NHAI's guideline
5.4 Shifting of overhead electrical line as and when required at their
own cost
5.5 Shifting due to 6 lanning / widening of NH
5.6 Indemnity against all damages and claims clause (xxiv)
Traffic movement during laying of overhead electricla line to be
managed by the

Prior approval of the NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any

work of
5.8 installation, shifting or repairs, or alteration to the overhead
electrical line located in
the National Highway right-of-ways

Expenditure, if any, icurred by NHAI for reparing any damage caused to

the National
5.9 Highways by the laying, maintenance or shifting of the overhead
electrical line will be
borne by the agency owning the line.

If the NHAI considers it necessary in future to move the utility line

for any work of
improvement or repairs to the raod, it will be carried out as desired
by the NHAI at the
cost of the agency owing the utility line within a reasonable time of
the itimation

Certificate from the applicant in the following format (i) laying of OH

electricals line will
5.11 not have any deleterious effects on any of the bridge components and
raodway safety
for traffic. (ii) For 6- lanning

6 Cerificate from the project director

Certificate for confirming of all standard condition issued vide

Ministry Circular Not
Applicable NH-111/P/66/76 dtaed 19.11.1796, Ministry Circular Not
RW/NH-111/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982 and Ministry Circular Not Applicable
11037/1/86/DOI dated 19.01.1995
Sl.No. Item

Certifiacte from PD in the following format "it is cerified that any

other locaton of the
Electric Cable would be ectremely difficult and unreasonable costly and
installation of electric cable within ROS will not adversely affect the
design, stability &
traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as
widening of the
carriage way, easing of curve etc., (b) For 6-lanning (i) Where
feasibility is available " I
do certify that there will be no hindrance to proposed structure as the
said location (ii)
In case feasibility report is not available " I do cerify that suffient
ROW is available at
site for accomodating proposed 6-Lanning.

If NH Section proposed to be taken up by NHAI on BOT basis a clause is

to inserted
in the agreement. "The permitted Highway on which Licensee has been
granted the
right to lay cable/duct has also been granted as a right of way to the
under the concession agreement for up-gradation of (NH 205 Section at
POWERGRID crossing section of NH Not applicable build, Operate and
Basis) and therefore, the licensee shall honour the same"

8 Who will supervise the work of Laying of Over Head electrical line.

Who will ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of
OH electrical line
are corrected and if not corrected then action will be taken

Who will pay the claims for the damages done / disrupted in working of
if asked by the concessionare

A Certificate from PD that he will enter the proposed permission in

the register of
records of the permissions in the prescribed preforma (copy enclosed)

If any previous approval is accorded for laying of OH electrical line

then photocopy of
12 register of record of the permissions accorded as maintained by OD may
g the Proposal of laying
hways vested with NHAI

Information/ Status Remarks

Manager, Kurnool CAO

NH - 18
Near Orvakal Vill, Orvakal Mandal,
Kurnool Dist.
334.949 Kms
46 Mtrs.
23 m

23 m


9.20 m
Not Applicable
4 Lanes
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Drawing Enclosed.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Information/ Status Remarks

400 KV D/C UHV Line

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Undertaking is enclosed herewith

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Information/ Status Remarks

Not Applicable

Not Applicable





Guide lines for Project Director for
Processing the Proposal of laying
Overhead Electrical lines across
National Highways vested with NHAI

Sl.No. Item

1 General Informations
1.1 Name and address of the applicants
1.2 National High Way Number
1.3 State
1.4 Location
1.5 Chianage in KM
1.6 Width of available ROW
1.7 (a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM direction

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.8 Propsal to lay overhead electrical line
(a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.9 Proposal to acquire land
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal is in the same side where land is not to be acquired,
if not then
where to lay cable.
1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along the proposed route
1.12 Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) existing
1.13 Service Road existing or not, if yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
1.14 Proposed Serviec Road
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal to lay cable is after the service road or between the
service road
and main carriage way.

The Permission for laying overhead electrical line shall be

considered for
approval/rejection based on the Ministry Circulars mentioned above.
2 Document/Drawing enclosed with the proposal

Cross section showing the size of the trench for open trenching method
(is it normal
size of 1.2 m deep x 0.3 m wide) (i) Should be greater than 60 cm wider
than the
outer diameter of the pipe. (ii) Located as close to the extreme edge
of the ROW as
possible but not less than 15 m from the center-lines of the nearest
carriage way (iii)
Shall not be permitted to run along the National Highways when the road
situated in double cutting nor shall be laid over the existing culverts
and bridges (iv)
These should be so laid that their top is atleast 0.6 m below the
ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the raod land.

2.2 Cross Section showing the size of the pit and location of cable for HDD

Strip plan / Route plan showing overhead electrical line, chainage,

width of ROW,
Important mile stone, Inter section etc.
Sl.No. Item

2.4 Methodology for laying of overhead electrical line

Open trenching method (May be allowed in utility corridor only where

cement is
2.4.1 neither cement concrete nor dense bituminous conctrete type). If yes,
Methodology of
refilling of trench
3 Draft Licence agreement signed by two witnesses

Performane bank guarantee in favour of NHAI has to be obtained @ 50/-

per running
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs. 1,00,000/- per crossing of NH, for a
period of one year
initially (extendable if required till satisfactory completion of
work) as a security for
4 ensuing / making good the excavated trench for laying the cables /
ducts by proper
filling and compaction, clearing debris /loose earth producted due to
ececution of
trenching atleast 50 m any from the edge of the right of way. No
payment shall be
payable by the NHAI to the licensee for clearing debris / loose

4.1 Performance BG as per above is to be obtained

4.2 Confirmation of BG has been obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 Affidavit / Undertaking from the applicant for
Not to damage to other utility, if damaged then to pay the losses
either to NHAI or to
the concerned agency
5.2 Renewal of Bank Guarantee
5.3 Confirming all standard condition of NHAI's guideline
5.4 Shifting of overhead electrical line as and when required at their
own cost
5.5 Shifting due to 6 lanning / widening of NH
5.6 Indemnity against all damages and claims clause (xxiv)
Traffic movement during laying of overhead electricla line to be
managed by the

Prior approval of the NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any

work of
5.8 installation, shifting or repairs, or alteration to the overhead
electrical line located in
the National Highway right-of-ways

Expenditure, if any, icurred by NHAI for reparing any damage caused to

the National
5.9 Highways by the laying, maintenance or shifting of the overhead
electrical line will be
borne by the agency owning the line.

If the NHAI considers it necessary in future to move the utility line

for any work of
improvement or repairs to the raod, it will be carried out as desired
by the NHAI at the
cost of the agency owing the utility line within a reasonable time of
the itimation

Certificate from the applicant in the following format (i) laying of OH

electricals line will
5.11 not have any deleterious effects on any of the bridge components and
raodway safety
for traffic. (ii) For 6- lanning

6 Cerificate from the project director

Certificate for confirming of all standard condition issued vide

Ministry Circular Not
Applicable NH-111/P/66/76 dtaed 19.11.1796, Ministry Circular Not
RW/NH-111/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982 and Ministry Circular Not Applicable
11037/1/86/DOI dated 19.01.1995
Sl.No. Item

Certifiacte from PD in the following format "it is cerified that any

other locaton of the
Electric Cable would be ectremely difficult and unreasonable costly and
installation of electric cable within ROS will not adversely affect the
design, stability &
traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as
widening of the
carriage way, easing of curve etc., (b) For 6-lanning (i) Where
feasibility is available " I
do certify that there will be no hindrance to proposed structure as the
said location (ii)
In case feasibility report is not available " I do cerify that suffient
ROW is available at
site for accomodating proposed 6-Lanning.

If NH Section proposed to be taken up by NHAI on BOT basis a clause is

to inserted
in the agreement. "The permitted Highway on which Licensee has been
granted the
right to lay cable/duct has also been granted as a right of way to the
under the concession agreement for up-gradation of (NH 205 Section at
POWERGRID crossing section of NH Not applicable build, Operate and
Basis) and therefore, the licensee shall honour the same"

8 Who will supervise the work of Laying of Over Head electrical line.

Who will ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of
OH electrical line
are corrected and if not corrected then action will be taken

Who will pay the claims for the damages done / disrupted in working of
if asked by the concessionare

A Certificate from PD that he will enter the proposed permission in

the register of
records of the permissions in the prescribed preforma (copy enclosed)

If any previous approval is accorded for laying of OH electrical line

then photocopy of
12 register of record of the permissions accorded as maintained by OD may
g the Proposal of laying
hways vested with NHAI

Information/ Status Remarks

Manager, Kurnool CAO

NH - 18
Near Nannur Vill, Orvakal Mandal,
Kurnool Dist.
342.111 Kms
46 Mtrs.
23 m

23 m


9.20 m
Not Applicable
4 Lanes
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Drawing Enclosed.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Information/ Status Remarks

400 KV D/C UHV Line

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Undertaking is enclosed herewith

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Information/ Status Remarks

Not Applicable

Not Applicable





Guide lines for Project Director for
Processing the Proposal of laying
Overhead Electrical lines across
National Highways vested with NHAI

Sl.No. Item

1 General Informations
1.1 Name and address of the applicants
1.2 National High Way Number
1.3 State
1.4 Location
1.5 Chianage in KM
1.6 Width of available ROW
1.7 (a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM direction

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.8 Propsal to lay overhead electrical line
(a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.9 Proposal to acquire land
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal is in the same side where land is not to be acquired,
if not then
where to lay cable.
1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along the proposed route
1.12 Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) existing
1.13 Service Road existing or not, if yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
1.14 Proposed Serviec Road
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal to lay cable is after the service road or between the
service road
and main carriage way.

The Permission for laying overhead electrical line shall be

considered for
approval/rejection based on the Ministry Circulars mentioned above.
2 Document/Drawing enclosed with the proposal

Cross section showing the size of the trench for open trenching method
(is it normal
size of 1.2 m deep x 0.3 m wide) (i) Should be greater than 60 cm wider
than the
outer diameter of the pipe. (ii) Located as close to the extreme edge
of the ROW as
possible but not less than 15 m from the center-lines of the nearest
carriage way (iii)
Shall not be permitted to run along the National Highways when the road
situated in double cutting nor shall be laid over the existing culverts
and bridges (iv)
These should be so laid that their top is atleast 0.6 m below the
ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the raod land.

2.2 Cross Section showing the size of the pit and location of cable for HDD

Strip plan / Route plan showing overhead electrical line, chainage,

width of ROW,
Important mile stone, Inter section etc.
Sl.No. Item

2.4 Methodology for laying of overhead electrical line

Open trenching method (May be allowed in utility corridor only where

cement is
2.4.1 neither cement concrete nor dense bituminous conctrete type). If yes,
Methodology of
refilling of trench
3 Draft Licence agreement signed by two witnesses

Performane bank guarantee in favour of NHAI has to be obtained @ 50/-

per running
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs. 1,00,000/- per crossing of NH, for a
period of one year
initially (extendable if required till satisfactory completion of
work) as a security for
4 ensuing / making good the excavated trench for laying the cables /
ducts by proper
filling and compaction, clearing debris /loose earth producted due to
ececution of
trenching atleast 50 m any from the edge of the right of way. No
payment shall be
payable by the NHAI to the licensee for clearing debris / loose

4.1 Performance BG as per above is to be obtained

4.2 Confirmation of BG has been obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 Affidavit / Undertaking from the applicant for
Not to damage to other utility, if damaged then to pay the losses
either to NHAI or to
the concerned agency
5.2 Renewal of Bank Guarantee
5.3 Confirming all standard condition of NHAI's guideline
5.4 Shifting of overhead electrical line as and when required at their
own cost
5.5 Shifting due to 6 lanning / widening of NH
5.6 Indemnity against all damages and claims clause (xxiv)
Traffic movement during laying of overhead electricla line to be
managed by the

Prior approval of the NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any

work of
5.8 installation, shifting or repairs, or alteration to the overhead
electrical line located in
the National Highway right-of-ways

Expenditure, if any, icurred by NHAI for reparing any damage caused to

the National
5.9 Highways by the laying, maintenance or shifting of the overhead
electrical line will be
borne by the agency owning the line.

If the NHAI considers it necessary in future to move the utility line

for any work of
improvement or repairs to the raod, it will be carried out as desired
by the NHAI at the
cost of the agency owing the utility line within a reasonable time of
the itimation

Certificate from the applicant in the following format (i) laying of OH

electricals line will
5.11 not have any deleterious effects on any of the bridge components and
raodway safety
for traffic. (ii) For 6- lanning

6 Cerificate from the project director

Certificate for confirming of all standard condition issued vide

Ministry Circular Not
Applicable NH-111/P/66/76 dtaed 19.11.1796, Ministry Circular Not
RW/NH-111/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982 and Ministry Circular Not Applicable
11037/1/86/DOI dated 19.01.1995
Sl.No. Item

Certifiacte from PD in the following format "it is cerified that any

other locaton of the
Electric Cable would be ectremely difficult and unreasonable costly and
installation of electric cable within ROS will not adversely affect the
design, stability &
traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as
widening of the
carriage way, easing of curve etc., (b) For 6-lanning (i) Where
feasibility is available " I
do certify that there will be no hindrance to proposed structure as the
said location (ii)
In case feasibility report is not available " I do cerify that suffient
ROW is available at
site for accomodating proposed 6-Lanning.

If NH Section proposed to be taken up by NHAI on BOT basis a clause is

to inserted
in the agreement. "The permitted Highway on which Licensee has been
granted the
right to lay cable/duct has also been granted as a right of way to the
under the concession agreement for up-gradation of (NH 205 Section at
POWERGRID crossing section of NH Not applicable build, Operate and
Basis) and therefore, the licensee shall honour the same"

8 Who will supervise the work of Laying of Over Head electrical line.

Who will ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of
OH electrical line
are corrected and if not corrected then action will be taken

Who will pay the claims for the damages done / disrupted in working of
if asked by the concessionare

A Certificate from PD that he will enter the proposed permission in

the register of
records of the permissions in the prescribed preforma (copy enclosed)

If any previous approval is accorded for laying of OH electrical line

then photocopy of
12 register of record of the permissions accorded as maintained by OD may
g the Proposal of laying
hways vested with NHAI

Information/ Status Remarks

Manager, Kurnool CAO

NH - 18
Near Nannur Vill, Orvakal Mandal,
Kurnool Dist.
46 Mtrs.
23 m

23 m


9.20 m
Not Applicable
4 Lanes
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Drawing Enclosed.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Information/ Status Remarks

400 KV D/C UHV Line

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Undertaking is enclosed herewith

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Information/ Status Remarks

Not Applicable

Not Applicable





Guide lines for Project Director for
Processing the Proposal of laying
Overhead Electrical lines across
National Highways vested with NHAI

Sl.No. Item

1 General Informations
1.1 Name and address of the applicants
1.2 National High Way Number
1.3 State
1.4 Location
1.5 Chianage in KM
1.6 Width of available ROW
1.7 (a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM direction

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.8 Propsal to lay overhead electrical line
(a) Left side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

(b) Right Side from center line towards increasing Chainage/KM

1.9 Proposal to acquire land
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal is in the same side where land is not to be acquired,
if not then
where to lay cable.
1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along the proposed route
1.12 Number of lanes (2/4/6/8 lanes) existing
1.13 Service Road existing or not, if yes then which side
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
1.14 Proposed Serviec Road
(a) Left side from center line
(b) Right Side from center line
Whether proposal to lay cable is after the service road or between the
service road
and main carriage way.

The Permission for laying overhead electrical line shall be

considered for
approval/rejection based on the Ministry Circulars mentioned above.
2 Document/Drawing enclosed with the proposal

Cross section showing the size of the trench for open trenching method
(is it normal
size of 1.2 m deep x 0.3 m wide) (i) Should be greater than 60 cm wider
than the
outer diameter of the pipe. (ii) Located as close to the extreme edge
of the ROW as
possible but not less than 15 m from the center-lines of the nearest
carriage way (iii)
Shall not be permitted to run along the National Highways when the road
situated in double cutting nor shall be laid over the existing culverts
and bridges (iv)
These should be so laid that their top is atleast 0.6 m below the
ground level so as not
to obstruct drainage of the raod land.

2.2 Cross Section showing the size of the pit and location of cable for HDD

Strip plan / Route plan showing overhead electrical line, chainage,

width of ROW,
Important mile stone, Inter section etc.
Sl.No. Item

2.4 Methodology for laying of overhead electrical line

Open trenching method (May be allowed in utility corridor only where

cement is
2.4.1 neither cement concrete nor dense bituminous conctrete type). If yes,
Methodology of
refilling of trench
3 Draft Licence agreement signed by two witnesses

Performane bank guarantee in favour of NHAI has to be obtained @ 50/-

per running
meter (parallel to NH) and Rs. 1,00,000/- per crossing of NH, for a
period of one year
initially (extendable if required till satisfactory completion of
work) as a security for
4 ensuing / making good the excavated trench for laying the cables /
ducts by proper
filling and compaction, clearing debris /loose earth producted due to
ececution of
trenching atleast 50 m any from the edge of the right of way. No
payment shall be
payable by the NHAI to the licensee for clearing debris / loose

4.1 Performance BG as per above is to be obtained

4.2 Confirmation of BG has been obtained as per NHAI guidelines
5 Affidavit / Undertaking from the applicant for
Not to damage to other utility, if damaged then to pay the losses
either to NHAI or to
the concerned agency
5.2 Renewal of Bank Guarantee
5.3 Confirming all standard condition of NHAI's guideline
5.4 Shifting of overhead electrical line as and when required at their
own cost
5.5 Shifting due to 6 lanning / widening of NH
5.6 Indemnity against all damages and claims clause (xxiv)
Traffic movement during laying of overhead electricla line to be
managed by the

Prior approval of the NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any

work of
5.8 installation, shifting or repairs, or alteration to the overhead
electrical line located in
the National Highway right-of-ways

Expenditure, if any, icurred by NHAI for reparing any damage caused to

the National
5.9 Highways by the laying, maintenance or shifting of the overhead
electrical line will be
borne by the agency owning the line.

If the NHAI considers it necessary in future to move the utility line

for any work of
improvement or repairs to the raod, it will be carried out as desired
by the NHAI at the
cost of the agency owing the utility line within a reasonable time of
the itimation

Certificate from the applicant in the following format (i) laying of OH

electricals line will
5.11 not have any deleterious effects on any of the bridge components and
raodway safety
for traffic. (ii) For 6- lanning

6 Cerificate from the project director

Certificate for confirming of all standard condition issued vide

Ministry Circular Not
Applicable NH-111/P/66/76 dtaed 19.11.1796, Ministry Circular Not
RW/NH-111/P/66/76 dated 11.05.1982 and Ministry Circular Not Applicable
11037/1/86/DOI dated 19.01.1995
Sl.No. Item

Certifiacte from PD in the following format "it is cerified that any

other locaton of the
Electric Cable would be ectremely difficult and unreasonable costly and
installation of electric cable within ROS will not adversely affect the
design, stability &
traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as
widening of the
carriage way, easing of curve etc., (b) For 6-lanning (i) Where
feasibility is available " I
do certify that there will be no hindrance to proposed structure as the
said location (ii)
In case feasibility report is not available " I do cerify that suffient
ROW is available at
site for accomodating proposed 6-Lanning.

If NH Section proposed to be taken up by NHAI on BOT basis a clause is

to inserted
in the agreement. "The permitted Highway on which Licensee has been
granted the
right to lay cable/duct has also been granted as a right of way to the
under the concession agreement for up-gradation of (NH 205 Section at
POWERGRID crossing section of NH Not applicable build, Operate and
Basis) and therefore, the licensee shall honour the same"

8 Who will supervise the work of Laying of Over Head electrical line.

Who will ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of
OH electrical line
are corrected and if not corrected then action will be taken

Who will pay the claims for the damages done / disrupted in working of
if asked by the concessionare

A Certificate from PD that he will enter the proposed permission in

the register of
records of the permissions in the prescribed preforma (copy enclosed)

If any previous approval is accorded for laying of OH electrical line

then photocopy of
12 register of record of the permissions accorded as maintained by OD may
g the Proposal of laying
hways vested with NHAI

Information/ Status Remarks

Manager, Kurnool CAO

NH - 7
Near Doddipadu Vill, Kallur Mandal,
Kurnool Dist.
46 Mtrs.
23 m

23 m


9.20 m
Not Applicable
4 Lanes
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Drawing Enclosed.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Information/ Status Remarks

400 KV D/C UHV Line

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Undertaking is enclosed herewith

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Information/ Status Remarks

Not Applicable

Not Applicable






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