8BreathingExercises Calmhappyhealthy PDF

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8 Simple and effective Breathing Exercises

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Breathing Exercise 1 Equal Breathing exercises or Sama Vritti YOUR LOGO
A very simple exercise to get us started

1 Slowly inhale through the nose for a count of four, then exhale through the nose for a count of four.
The nose gives a natural resistance to the breath.

2 When you feel comfortable with the count of four then aim for six, then eight counts.

3 The aim is to calm the nervous system, reduce stress and increase the focus.

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Breathing Exercise 2 Equal Breathing exercises or Sama Vritti YOUR LOGO
This exercise can be done almost anywhere and even if it is for just a couple of minutes you should feel the benefits.

1 Sit up tall on a straight back chair, shoulder’s down, feet flat on the
floor and the hands relaxed in your lap or better still laid on the abdomen.

2 Slowly breath in, your hands should rise as the abdomen inflates by concentrating
on this in breath you should feel the lungs fill with oxygen, the chest should hardly move.

3 Hold for a count of three and then slowly let the breath out feeling the lungs
deflate and the abdomen fall.

4 Do not force the breath let the reflexes of the body control the action.

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Breathing Exercise 3 Equal Breathing exercises or Sama Vritti YOUR LOGO
This same exercise can also be done lying flat on the floor and is more relaxing:

1 Lie straight legs hip width apart, feet falling to the side. The hands just lying on the abdomen.

2 Chin towards the chest.

3 Again on the in breath feel the abdomen rise and the hands will lift, feel the lungs inflate,
the chest should not rise as you breath in .

Hold for the count of three and as you breath out allow the lips to part and let the
breath pass through the lips, do not force the breath out just let the
body function naturally.

Try to do this sequence for five minutes. Concentrate on the breathing and it will
5 allow the mind time to think of something other than the problems that are
causing the stress.

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Breathing Exercise 4 Humming Breath YOUR LOGO
A variation on the seated breathing exercise 2 above

1 Repeat exercise 2 but this time make a humming sound as you exhale

2 Keep the sound going for as long as possible whilst the breath is being expelled from the body,
pull the stomach muscles in so all the air is pushed out.

3 Relax just breathing normally for five breaths then repeat sequence for three minutes.

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Breathing Exercise 5 Pranayama Breathing YOUR LOGO
This breathing exercise requires a greater concentration and is also a cleansing breath.

1 4
Sitting on a straight back chair tall and upright, Breath in and out slowly and evenly though the left hand
feel like there is a cord pulling from the nostril five times.Lower the right hand to the lap and breath
top of your head to the ceiling. three times through both nostrils.

Place your feet flat on the floor.

2 5
Now place the left thumb on the left hand nostril closing
Lay you hands in your lap. the left nostril.Slowing and evenly breath in and out of the
Breath in and out allowing the abdomen to raise right nostril five times.
on the in breath and lower on the out breath,
three times.

3 6
Lower the left hand to your lap and breath slowly and evenly
Then place the thumb of the right hand on the
through both nostrils.Repeat this sequence for five minutes,
right side nostril closing the nostril.
concentrating on the breath.

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Breathing Exercise 6 Chinese Breath YOUR LOGO
For the older person this exercise must be done seated to avoid hyperventilation.

1 Take three short inhalations, through the nose,

do not exhale in between. 4 On the third inhalation the arms are lifted up over the head,
straight up.

2 5
On the first inhalation raise the arms lifting Exhale and the arms are brought down in an arc to your side.
from your side to shoulder height and in
front of you.

3 The arms are lifted to the side at shoulder height

on the second breath in.
6 Repeat this ten to twelve times. Stop this exercise if any
lightheadedness is experienced.

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Breathing Exercise 7 Counting - The 4-7-8 Method YOUR LOGO
This exercise is another form of Pranayama Breathing and if practiced before bed can aid a good nights sleep.

1 Exhale through your mouth, making a whoosh sound making sure you completely emptying your lungs.

2 With your mouth closed, inhale through your nose for a count of four.

3 For a count of seven hold your breath.

4 Then exhale completely through your mouth making the whoosh sound for a count of eight.

5 This sequence is one breath, repeat the cycle a total of four times.

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Breathing Exercise 8 Skull Shining YOUR LOGO
IMPORTANT NOTE : Practice of this exercise should be done on an empty stomach. Women should not practice this during their menstrual cycle or during and shortly after pregnancy due to the
strong abdominal squeeze.
Persons suffering with a slipped disc, epilepsy, hernia, fitted with a stent or pacemaker, recent abdominal surgery all should avoid this exercise without first consulting your GP.
If you suffer from hypertension or have heart problems then seek a yoga expert’s guidance before practicing this breathing exercise.

1 With a straight spine but sitting comfortably and

your hands in your lap, palms open upwards.
Inhale deeply.
4 This is a sequence and should be done 20 times to
complete a cycle.

2 5
When you exhale pull your abdominal muscles in as On completion of the cycle sit quietly with your
much as you comfortable can, bringing the naval eyes softly closed.
towards the spine. The right hand can be placed
on the stomach to feel the contraction of the muscles.

3 When the naval and abdomen relaxes the in

breath is taken automatically filling your lungs.
6 A total of three cycles of the Shining Skull Pranayama
completes the practice.

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