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First grading

Identify the compound word found in the sentence.

______1. The time zone in the Philippines differs from that of Japan.
A. the Philippines *B. time zone C. of Japan D. from that
______2. My brother’s mother-in-law has just arrived from Cebu.
A. from Cebu B. just arrived *C. mother-in-law D. has just
______3. There is no place so sweet like one’s own motherland.
A. no place B. sweet like *C. motherland D. so sweet

Second grading
Choose the letter of the correct verb that agrees with the

1. There ___________the horse now.

A. go *B. goes C. went D. have gone

2. Written on the notebook_________ his report.

*A. is B. was C. are D. were

3. Here ___________ the cats under this sofa.

A. lying *B. lie C. lies D. lain

Third Grading

A. Choose the appropriate preposition or prepositional

phrase to complete each sentence. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.

___ 1. The boy runs _______ the street

*a. across b. around c. behind d. on
___ 2. After the movie, we’re going ____ Vincent’s house.
a. between b. behind c. in *d. to
___ 3. The people are concerned ___________________.
*a. about the pollution c. to pollute
b. around the pollution d. with pollution
Fourth Grading

Identify the feelings expressed in each of the following


1. His mother became worried when she didn't hear from him for
two days.

*a. b. c. d.

2. A year after being fired from his job, Alan is still very bitter. He
has a lot of resentment towards his former boss.

a. b. *c. d.
3. Even though I am accustomed to traveling for business, I still
get homesick if I am away from my home for more than a week.

a. b. c. *d.

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