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Client Welcome Pack

The Welcome Pack is designed to give you an
First and foremost, I just want to understanding of how the process of your online
say thank you for taking the time coaching programme will work and what is
to sign up and putting your trust included to help you make progress towards
into me. your goals and objectives.

I’m so glad you chose me to It’s my goal to assist you in creating a flexible
help you advance in your fitness and sustainable approach to your nutrition and
journey. training, helping you to make positive, long-
lasting changes to your health and lifestyle.
I’m here to do more than just
give you numbers and figures to I hope that this will help you build long-term
work to - I want to provide you habits and behaviours which will last you a
with the support, ammunition lifetime - and not just for the duration of our time
and knowledge to be able working together!
maximise your progress while
giving you all the support you
need along the way.
What I will do
for you
Training Program

Very soon you will receive your personalised

program through TrueCoach. This will be specific to
your goals, training environment and training time.

For each workout I’ll give target sets and reps for
each exercise and guidance where needed.

Every 4 weeks we will review to ensure that you’re

completely happy and progressing with your

Depending on your goal, fitness history and

experience, my Nutrition Coaching may

Everyone will receive a Nutrition Handbook

(right), some awesome Recipe Packs and
will be given clear guidance on how best to
make consistent and sustainable progress.

My philosophy is that nutrition must be

enjoyable, sustainable and can tick along in
the background.

Your Programme will be continuously

reviewed and will be completely flexible for
whatever life throws at you!
Coaching, Support & Accountability

Probably the biggest aspect that comes with

having an online coach is the support you
receive during our time spent together. I’ll
be with you day-to-day for any emergencies
or quick-fire questions, and our weekly
check-ins will allow us to discuss changes
and progress in more detail.

Another thing I’ll also ensure is that you

have accountability. You’ve entrusted me to
help you meet your set goals and targets,
and I will do whatever it takes to assist in
getting you there.

Success or failure does not fall on either of

our individual shoulders, but is rather a
collaborative effort. However, I will give
you 100% on my part.
What I EXPECT Tracking
The biggest part of the whole for process from my side

from you as a coach is to have as much data as possible to be

able to make educated decisions from.
This is why I ask you, for the entirety of the training
programme, to record as much as you can from each
workout- I will add a comment to each workout with
This is the start of your new journey to reach your goal
details of what to record.
and I am excited to be able to share that with you.
My main request of you over the following weeks is
I ask that you provide at least measurements every
this: give it your all.
fortnight and the progress photos at the start and then
again every 3 months.
I want you to put all of your best effort in, both inside
and outside of the gym. Maintaining a positive mindset
throughout the process will make the journey both
Tracking is possibly the most important factor
more manageable and enjoyable - which is the most
for success. It allows you to see your progress
important part.
and for me accurately tweak aspects of the
program to ensure it continues!
Fitness should not be seen as a chore or a burden, but
an enhancement of the quality of your life - and while
at times it will not be ‘easy,’ the habit and behaviour
changes we will look to form will help create a new
lifestyle that you are able to maintain in the long run.
any changes I’ve made to your program to help

check-in you towards your goal and give you advice on

any issues you might have encountered during
the week.
Your check-ins will occur every single week, via
email, where I’ll ask you to update me on your Check-In Times
progress during the week. Check-in emails go out every Sunday, and I ask
Every Sunday you will receive your weekly check- that you complete them by midday on Monday at
in email. It will ask you to rate how your week the latest to give me adequate time to provide
has gone out of ten. This will automatically take feedback.
you to the check-in questionnaire. Please fill this
in giving as much detail as possible. I will be If you start your program midweek, your first
carefully reviewing the information you give me check-in will be the following Sunday. This is so
to make adjustments to your program and you will have had enough time following your
troubleshoot any issues. program to have got a feel for it and provide
valuable feedback.
After this, you have an open floor to ask any
questions or provide any feedback you like. I’m Check-In Response Times
always happy to offer any assistance - and if I You can expect to receive your feedback video
don’t have the answer I will try to point you in on Monday each week. In terms of a response
the direction of another resource or professional back, I may often ask questions or offer you
to provide the support you need. potential options moving forward, so I ask you to
respond within 24 hours to ensure that we are
You’ll then receive personalised feedback in the able to make any necessary changes before the
form of a video from me. I’ll let you know about next training week or cycle.

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