Khảo Sát ý Kiến Nhân Viên

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Appendix G

Marking Instructions

Pulse Survey Instrument

ChØ dÉn
Correct /®óng Incorrect/sai

(English Version)

IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR = This is the person you report to or the person that you report to MOST OFTEN, if you
sometimes report to different supervisors. Your immediate supervisor is very likely the person who performs
your job performance evaluation, makes sure you do your job well, and to whom you would go for guidance.
Gi¸m s¸t viªn trùc tiÕp = ®©y lµ ngêi mµ b¹n ph¶i th«ng b¸o ®Õn hoÆc lµ ngêi mµ b¹n b¸o c¸o
®Õn thêng xuyªn nhÊt nÕu ®«i khi b¹n ph¶i b¸o c¸o ®Õn nh÷ng GSV kh¸c nhau. Gi¸m s¸t viªn trùc
tiÕp cña b¹n rÊt gièng víi ngêi ®¸nh gi¸ c«ng viÖc cho b¹n, ®¶m b¶o r»ng b¹n lµm viÖc tèt, vµ tíi ng-
êi mµ b¹n muèn hái sù híng dÉn

DIRECTIONS: For each of the question items on this survey,

please mark the ONE response that best represents your opinion.
Híng dÉn: cho mçi môc hái trong kh¶o s¸t nµy h·y ®¸nh dÊu mét sù tr¼ lêi tèt nhÊt
biÓu thÞ ý cña b¹n

About You…
VÒ b¹n

1. In which department do you currently work most often (where you work most or all of your hours)?
Bé phËn nµo b¹n lµm viÖc thêng xuyªn nhÊt (n¬i b¹n dµnh phÇn lín giê lµm viÖc phÇn lín

Please fill in the 2-digit code that corresponds with your number in the boxes below/§iÒn 2 m· sè t-
«ng thÝch víi sè cña b¹n trong 2 « díi ®©y

2. Please indicate your job type: (Select the ONE best response.)/ chØ ra lo¹i viÖc cña ban (chän mét
c©u tr¶ lêi thÝch hîp nhÊt)

Please fill in the code that corresponds with your job type in the box below/ H·y ®iÒn vµo m· t¬ng
øng víi lo¹i c«ng viÖc cña b¹n vµo « díi ®©y.

Your Overall Opinion… ý kiÕn tæng quan

3. Overall, how satisfied are you with your job at this property/ Nh×n chung th× b¹n thÊy hµi lßng nh
thÕ nµo víi c«ng viÖc cña m×nh t¹i ®©y?

Satisfied Nor Very
Very Does Not Apply/
Satisfied/hµi Dissatisfied Dissatisfied/kh Dissatisfied/rÊ
Satisfied/rÊt No Answer -
lßng kh«ng hµi lßng «ng hµi lßng t kh«ng hµi
hµi lßng kh«ng tr¶ lêi
còng kh«ng lßng
thÊt väng
 2 3 4 5 ?
     

4. Overall, how would you rate this COMPANY as a place to work compared to other companies you know /
Nh×n chung b¹n ®¸nh gi¸ c«ng ty nµy nh thÕ nµo so víi c¸c c«ng ty kh¸c mµ b¹n biÕt
about or have worked for?

One of the Below One of the Does Not Apply/

Best/ mét Average/trung Average/díi Worst/mét No Answer -
trong nh÷ng b×nh møc trung trong nh÷ng kh«ng ¸p dông,
trung b×nh
cty tèt nhÊt b×nh cty tåi nhÊt kh«ng tr¶ lêi
 2 3 4 5 ?
     

The Work Environment At Your PROPERTY…

M«i trêng lµm viÖc t¹i C«ng ty b¹n

How would you rate this property on each of the following issues, considering your experience
here? B¹n ®¸nh gi¸ thÕ nµo vÒ C«ng ty nµy theo mçi vÊn ®Ò díi ®©y, theo kinh nghiÖm cña b¹n ë

Kh«ng ¸p dông, kh«ng tr¶ lêi - Does Not Apply / No Answer

RÊt tåi - Very Poor
Tåi - Poor
Trung b×nh - Average
Tèt - Good
RÊt tèt - Very Good
1 2 3 4 5 ?
5. Having the supplies, tools, or equipment to do your
job…………………….……………….../ cã nh÷ng dông cô, trang biÕt bÞ      
cho c«ng viÖc cña b¹n............
6. Your overall associate benefits
package………………………………………………………./ nh÷ng lîi Ých      
tæng thÓ mµ nh©n viªn ®îc hëng
7. Your job security.……………………………………...……….………………...
     
/ an ninh cho c«ng viÖc cña b¹n
8. Treating you with respect as an
individual………………………………………………./ ®èi xö víi b¹n b»ng sù      
t«n träng
9. Providing the same level of service to all guests regardless of race,
gender, or where they come from………………………………………………..
………………………………/cung cÊp mét kiÓu dÞch vô gièng nhau cho      
mäi kh¸ch hµng kh«ng ph©n biÖt chñng téc, giíi tÝnh hay hä tõ ®©u
10. Your opportunity to advance and develop your career………………..
     
…………………./c¬ héi ®Ó b¹n n©ng cao vµ ph¸t triÓn nghÒ nghiÖp
11. Your pay compared to similar jobs in this city………………..
………………………./møc l¬ng cña b¹n so víi c«ng viÖc t¬ng tù trong      
thµnh phè
12. Providing you with an immediate supervisor that deals fairly with
everyone – plays no favorites………/b¹n cã gi¸m s¸t viªn trùc tiÕp c xö      
c«ng b»ng víi mäi ngêi - kh«ng thiªn vÞ
13. I feel that I am given the flexibility that I need to balance my work and family life/ T«i
c¶m thÊy t«i cã sù linh ho¹t mµ t«i cÇn ®Ó c©n b»ng c«ng viÖc vµ gia ®×nh
Neither Agree Does Not
Strongly Nor Disagree/ Apply/
Disagree/kh«n Disagree/hoµn
Agree/hoµn Agree/®ång ý kh«ng ®ång ý No Answer -
g ®ång ý toµn kh«ng
toµn ®ång ý còng kh«ng kh«ng ¸p dông,
®ång ý
phñ nhËn kh«ng tr¶ lêi
 2 3 4 5 ?
     

The People You Work With…

Nh÷ng ngêi mµ b¹n lµm viÖc víi..........

Kh«ng ¸p dông, kh«ng tr¶ lêi - Does Not Apply / No Answer

hoµn toµn kh«ng ®ång ý/Strongly Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý/Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý còng kh«ng phñ nhËn/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
®ång ý/Agree
hoµn toµn ®ång ý/ Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5 ?
14. When needed, my co-workers make special personal efforts to help our
property be successful (for example, working extra hours, etc.)…………...
………………………………      
Khi cÇn, ®ång nghiÖp cña t«i cã nh÷ng nç lùc c¸ nh©n ®Æc biÖt ®Ó gióp
c«ng ty chóng t«i thµnh c«ng (VD: lµm thªm giêi...)
15. This property is able to keep high quality associates……………………….
…………………      
C«ng ty nµy cã thÓ gi÷ ®îc nh÷ng nh©n viªn tèt
16. My co-workers make personal efforts to improve their skills so they
are able to do their jobs better at this
property…………………………………………………………………………..      
§ång nghiÖp t«i cã nç lùc c¸ nh©n ®Ó n©ng cao kÜ n¨ng cña hä nªn hä cã
thÓ lµm tèt c«ng viÖc h¬n
17. This property hires high quality
associates…………………………………………………….      
C«ng ty nµy thuª nh÷ng nh©n viªn tèt

The Leadership At Your PROPERTY…

Sù l·nh t¹o t¹i c«ng ty b¹n

Kh«ng ¸p dông, kh«ng tr¶ lêi- Does Not Apply / No Answer

Kh«ng bao giê/Never
hiÕm khi/Rarely
®«i khi/Occasionally
thêng xuyªn/Frequently
lu«n lu«n/Always
1 2 3 4 5 ?
18. How often are your contributions recognized at this property?
……………………………….      
Nh÷ng ®ãng gãp cña b¹n cã ®îc c«ng nhËn thêng xuyªn kh«ng?
19. My immediate supervisor gives me feedback on my job performance
that helps me do my job better……………………………………..
………………………………………………...      
GSV trùc tiÕp cña t«i cho t«i ph¶n håi vÒ sù thùc thi c«ng viÖc gióp t«i lµm
viÖc tèt h¬n

Kh«ng ¸p dông, kh«ng tr¶ lêi - Does Not Apply / No Answer

hoµn toµn kh«ng ®ång ý/Strongly Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý/Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý còng kh«ng phñ nhËn/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
®ång ý/Agree
hoµn toµn ®ång ý/ Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5 ?
20. Management at this property understands and appreciates the
differences between the people we work
with…………………………………………………………………………………..      
Ban l·nh ®¹o c«ng ty hiÓu vµ ®¸nh gi¸ nh÷ng sù kh¸c biÖt gi÷a nh÷ng ngêi
chóng t«i lµm viÖc víi
21. My immediate supervisor gives me guidance on developing my career
with this
     
GSV trùc tiÕp cña t«i híng dÉn t«i ph¸t triÓn c«ng viÖc víi C«ng ty
22. I receive sufficient information to do my job
well…………………………………………….      
T«i nhËn ®îc ®Çy ®ñ th«ng tin ®Ó lµm viÖc tèt
23. I feel like I am part of a “family” at this
property……………………………………………..      
T«i c¶m thÊy m×nh lµ mét phÇn cña "gia ®×nh" nµy

The Guest…
Kh¸ch hµng

24. In your opinion, what is the quality of service this property provides to guests/Theo b¹n, chÊt lîng
dÞch vô cña C«ng ty nµy cung cÊp cho kh¸ch nh thÕ nµo?

Does Not Apply/

Very Good/rÊt Average/trung Very Poor/rÊt
Good/tèt Poor/kÐm No Answer -
tèt b×nh kÐm
kh«ng tr¶ lêi
 2 3 4 5 ?
     

25. I have the authority to make decisions and take action to satisfy our guests/T«i cã
quyÒn quyÕt ®Þnh vµ hµnh ®éng ®Ó lµm hµi lßng kh¸ch.

Neither Agree
Does Not Apply/
Nor Strongly
Strongly No Answer-
Disagree/kh«n Disagree/kh«n Disagree/hoµn
Agree/hoµn Agree/®ång ý Kh«ng ¸p
g ®ång ý còng g ®ång ý toµn kh«ng
toµn ®ång ý dông, kh«ng
kh«ng phñ ®ång ý
tr¶ lêi
 2 3 4 5 ?
     
Your Work And Career…
C«ng viÖc cña b¹n vµ nghÒ nghiÖp.........

Kh«ng ¸p dông, kh«ng tr¶ /Does Not Apply / No Answer

hoµn toµn kh«ng ®ång ý/Strongly Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý/Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý còng kh«ng phñ nhËn/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
®ång ý/Agree
/hoµn toµn ®ång ý/Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 ?
26. My job is challenging and
interesting………………………………………………………….      
C«ng viÖc cña t«i ®Çy thö th¸ch vµ thó vÞ
27. My job fully utilizes my skills and abilities………………………………….
………………..      
C«ng viÖc cña t«i hoµn toµn sö dông kÜ n¨ng vµ kh¶ n¨ng cña t«i
28. I know what is expected of me in my
job……………………………………………………...      
T«i biÕt c¸i g× sÏ tr«ng ®îi t«i trong c«ng viÖc
29. I understand how my job contributes to the achievement of the
overall goals and objectives of this
property…………………………………………………………………………………      
T«i hiÓu ®ãng gãp trong c«ng viÖc cña m×nh nh thÕ nµo tíi sù ®¹t ®îc
nh÷ng môc tiªu vµ môc ®Ýnh cña c«ng ty nµy
30. Associates’ suggestions are listened to and acted
upon…………………………………….      
Gợi ý cña nh©n viªn ®îc l¾ng nghe vµ thùc hiÖn
31. I have been trained to do my daily job tasks
well……………………………………………..      
T«i ®· ®îc ®µo t¹o ®Ó lµm c«ng viÖc hµng ngµy tèt
32. This COMPANY provides learning opportunities beyond job skills
     
C«ng ty nµy cung cÊp nh÷ng c¬ héi häc tËp dùa trªn ®µo t¹o nh÷ng kÜ
n¨ng c«ng viÖc

VÒ c«ng ty.....

Kh«ng ¸p dông, kh«ng tr¶ /Does Not Apply / No Answer

hoµn toµn kh«ng ®ång ý/Strongly Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý/Disagree
kh«ng ®ång ý còng kh«ng phñ nhËn/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
®ång ý/Agree
hoµn toµn ®ång ý/ Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5 ?
33. I am proud to work for this COMPANY…………………………………….
………………...      
T«i tù hµo ®îc lµm viÖc cho c«ng ty nµy
34. I would recommend this COMPANY as one of the best places to work      
in my community…..
T«i sÏ giíi thiÖu c«ng ty nµy lµ mét trong nh÷ng n¬i lµm viÖc tèt nhÊt
35. I would recommend this COMPANY’s products and services as the best
that a guest could
buy…………………………………………………………...      
T«i sÏ giíi thiÖu nh÷ng s¶n phÈm vµ dÞch vô cña c«ng ty nµy lµ tèt nhÊt mµ
kh¸ch hµng cã thÓ mua
36. There is a good fit between my values and those of this
COMPANY………………………...      
Cã mét sù phï hîp gi÷a gi¸ trÞ cña t«i víi c«ng ty
37. I would stay with this COMPANY even if offered a similar job with
slightly higher pay at another company………………………………………..
……………………………………...      
T«i sÏ ë l¹i C«ng ty nµy cho dï cã mét c«ng viÖc t¬ng tù víi møc l¬ng cao
h¬n ë 1 c«ng ty kh¸c
38. I intend to stay with this COMPANY for at least the next three
years………………………      
T«i dù ®Þnh ë l¹i C«ng ty cho Ýt nhÊt 3 n¨m n÷a

Thank You!

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