Personal Strategic Plan of - Kojima, Yuji

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Personal Strategic Plan of __Kojima, Yuji_____________

1. Determine your personal Mission:

My personal mission is to have a succesful business someday. So that in the futmy family will have a nice life.

2. Scan your environment.

Internal External

My internal environment would be business includes all the forces and factors inside the organisation which affect the marketing operations.

My external environment would be the Suppliers, Market intermediaries, Partners, Costumers and Competitors.

3. Set Strategic Goals.

Specify the outcomes that must be reached if the firm is to accomplish its mission.
• Arenas: Where will I be active?
• - I will be active in doing the best way to reach my goal.

• Vehicles: How will I get there?

• - I can get there if I focus on doing profit and pick the right people to the job so my business would be efficient.

• Differentiators: How will I win the marketplace?

• - I will win the marketplace if I choose the best people in the industry. Choosing the right people would be the advantage
because it will make your business good and defeat you competitors.

• Staging: What will be my speed and sequence of moves?

• - My speed would be moderate because I dont want to make things faster. I would like it to be slowly but surely.

• Electronic logic: How will I obtain my returns?

• - I will obtain my returns by making sure that all my action would be good in the business. i wont do anything that will harm it.
4. Formulate your strategic plan.
Action Steps Resources /Help Needed Target Date Notes

5. Evaluate (How will I measure my success?)

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