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Human Physiology(circulatory system)

Circulatory system :
The human circulatory system demonstrates the
organisational complexity of the human. It is
made up of a number of different tissues
organised into organs such as the heart, arteries,
arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins.
Open versus closed circulatory
systems: Open Circulatory System: blood is
pumped from a simple heart and flows out of
blood vessels and around tissue cells of the
organism, e.g. invertebrates, such as insects. The
blood is then returned to the heart via small
pores called ostia.
Closed Circulatory System: blood flows around the body enclosed in blood
vessels and does not leaves the blood vessels, e.g. human.
Structure of the human circulatory system
The human circulatory system consists of: Blood vessels,
Heart, Blood
Blood vessels: Arteries: blood vessels that carry blood away
from the heart in pulses. It has a thick wall and small lumen.
The thick wall of arteries contains a tough outer layer of
collagen that gives strength to the artery that supports the
pressure the blood is under from the heart.
It also contains a layer of smooth (involuntary) muscle that contracts pushing blood
along. The internal layer of the artery is composed of a layer of cells called the
Veins: blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart in an even flow. They have thin
walls, a large lumen and valves.
Blood pressure in veins is much lower than arteries, hence the thinner wall. They
also have smooth muscle to push blood along in one direction and have valves to prevent
back flow of blood.
DLB 11
Capillaries: blood vessels with walls one cell thick that carries blood from arterioles to
venules through tissues, releasing nutrients and taking away wastes.
Systemic and pulmonary circuits
The human circulatory system consists of two blood circuits: the
systemic circuit and the pulmonary circuit. This is why the human
circulatory system is described as a double circulatory system.
The systemic circuit carries blood to all the major organs of the body,
except the lungs.
The lungs have their own blood circuit, called the pulmonary circuit.
The diagram below shows all the arteries and veins emanating from,
and returning to, the heart and internal organs.
DLB 14
Structure of the heart.
Aorta: largest artery in the body carrying oxygenated blood away
from the left side of the heart to all the major organs of the body
(except the lungs).
Pulmonary artery: carries deoxygenated blood away from the
right side of the heart to the lungs to excrete carbon dioxide and
absorb more oxygen.
Pulmonary vein: carries oxygenated blood towards the right hand
side of the heart from the lungs.
Left atrium: upper left chamber of the heart that receives blood
from the lungs and contracts pumping blood into the left ventricle.
DLB 18
Inferior vena cava: carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the
body back to the heart.
Tricuspid valve: allows one-way flow of blood from the right atrium to the
right ventricle - preventing back-flow of blood.
Right atrium: upper right chamber of the heart that receives blood from the
vena cavae and contracts pumping blood into the right ventricle.
Superior vena cava: carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the
body back to the heart.
Semilunar valves: allow one-way flow of blood out of the heart - prevent
back-flow of blood into the heart.
DLB 20
Pulse and blood pressure
Pulse: alternate contraction and relaxation of an artery as blood passes
Blood pressure: force blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels. Blood
pressure is measured as two values: systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.
Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, where mmHg stands for millimetres
of mercury. Blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer. Effects
of smoking, diet and exercise on the circulatory system
Smoking: Cigarettes contain many addictive chemicals, of which the most
important is nicotine.
Nicotine raises heart rate and blood pressure putting a strain on the
circulatory system.
DLB 23
Diet: A diet high in saturated fats increases blood pressure and the risk of atherosclerosis
(or hardening of the arteries).
Salt in the diet also raises blood pressure by increasing thirst and water intake.
Exercise: Exercise stimulates a temporary increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
It strengthens the heart and promotes healthy blood vessels.
The heart beats about 72 times per minute, i.e., these many cardiac
cycles occur in a minute.
So it could be deduced that the duration of one cardiac cycle is
about 0.8 seconds.
The volume of blood pumped by each ventricle during a cardiac
cycle, is called stroke volume, its is about 70 ml.
The cardiac output refers to the volume of blood pumped out by
each ventricle in a minute, i.e., stroke volume multiplied by number
of cardiac cycles in a minute, which is 70 ml x 72 approximately 5000
ml or 5 litres.
The cardiac output of athletes is much higher than normal people.
DLB 25
Electrocardiogram is the graphic record of the electrical potential
differences produced by the excitation of heart muscles as a function
of time.
Electrocardiograph is the machine used to monitor the heart
function. To obtain a standard ECG, the patient is connected to the
machine with three electrical leads, one in each of the wrists and one
to the left ankle, that monitor the heart function.
. By counting the number of QRS complexes formed in a given time
period, one can determine the rate of heart beat of an individual.
Since normal ECG has a fixed pattern, any deviation from it
indicates an abnormality or disorder in the heart functioning.
DLB 26
The normal functioning of heart is auto regulated, i.e.,
regulated intrinsically by specialized nodal muscles; hence
the heart is described as myogenic.
A special nerve centre in the medulla oblongata can moderate
the cardiac activity through autonomic nervous system
Hormones of adrenal medulla (adrenaline and
noradrenaline) also increase the heart beat rate and cardiac

DLB 27
Lymphatic system includes the fluid, lymph. lymphocytes and lymph
A. Lymph
– As blood is flowing with pressure in the arteries, some water and
dissolved materials seep out into the tissue spaces; this fluid is called
interstitial fluid.
– The part of the interstitial fluid that enters the lymph channels, is
called the lymph.
– Lymph has a composition similar to that of plasma, except that it
has less proteins, as the capillary wall is not permeable to the large
plasma proteins; lymph also has lymphocytes, a type of
DLB 28
B. Circulation of Lymph
– Fine channels arising from the tissue spaces, into which a portion
of the interstitial fluid flows, are the lymph vessels.
– The lymph vessels join and ultimately open into the venous blood
system and reach the heart.

DLB 29
C. Functions
– It acts as the medium for exchange of gases, nutrients, etc. between
the blood and tissue cells.
– It acts as an accessory route for the flow of interstitial fluid into
the blood.
– The lymphocytes play an important role in the immune system. - It
takes the larger biomolecules into blood for circulation.

DLB 30
A. Hypertension
– It is commonly known as high blood pressure, to indicate a blood
pressure that is higher than the normal, i.e., 120/80 mm Hg.
– A sustained high blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or higher, is
called hypertension. - It leads to heart diseases and affects the
functioning of vital organs like kidney and brain.

DLB 31
B. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
– It is a disorder which affects the blood vessels (coronary arteries)
that supply blood to the heart muscles. Atherosclerosis is a form of
CAD, which. is caused by the deposition of cholesterol on the wall
lining the lumen of blood vessels.
It makes the lumen narrow and reduces the blood flow to the heart.
– When the cholesterol deposits on the wall of blood vessels become
calcified and hardened, the condition is called arteriosclerosis; such
blood vessels lose their elasticity and become stiff, apart from having
narrow lumen.

DLB 32
C. Angina pectoris
– It is commonly called angina and occurs due to any condition that
affects the blood flow to the heart muscle.
– Due to this, cnough of oxygen is not supplied to the heart muscle
and a symptom of acute chest pain appears.
– It can occur in men and women of any age.

DLB 33
D. Heart Failure
– It is the condition or state of the heart when it cannot pump
sufficient blood to meet the needs of the body.
– More often the cause for this condition is congestion of lungs;
hence it is called congestive heart failure.
– Heart failure is different from cardiac arrest, where the heart
stops beating and heart attack, where the heart muscle is damaged
suddenly due to insufficient blood supply.

DLB 34
भानव शयीय- ऩरयसॊचयण तॊत्र

यक्त का सभस्त शयीय भें ऩरयभ्रभण ऩरयसॊचयण तॊत्र कहराता है ।

भानव के ऩरयसॊचयण तॊत्र भें यक्त नलरकाएॊ (Blood vessels) तथा
रृदम भुख्म रूऩ से कामय कयते हैं।

रृदम एक ऩॊऩ की तयह काभ कयता है । रृदम एक ऩेशीम अॊग है ,

जजसका वजन रगबग 280 ग्राभ होता है ।

रृदम से यक्त धभननमों द्वाया शयीय के ववलबन्न बागों को जाता

है तथा वहाॊ से लशयाओॊ के द्वाया रृदम भें वाऩस आता है ।
DLB 35
इस प्रकाय यक्त, रृदम धभननमों औय लशयाओॊ द्वाया ऩूये शयीय भें
जीवनबय रगाताय भ्रभण कयता यहता है ।

यक्त नलरकाएॊ
धभननमाॊ Arteries: मे रृदम से यक्त को शयीय के ववलबन्न अॊगों
तक रे जाने का कामय कयती हैं।
लशयाएॊ Veins: मे शयीय के ववलबन्न अॊगों से यक्त को रृदम भें
वाऩस राती हैं।

DLB 36
ऩरयसॊचयण Circulation:
शुद्ध मा ऑक्सीजनमुक्त (Oxygenated) यक्त पेपडों से रृदम भें आता
है । रृदम ऩॊवऩॊग क्रिमा द्वाया इस यक्त को धभननमों के द्वाया ऩयू े
शयीय भें ऩहुॊचाता है । शयीय के यक्त भें लभरा ऑक्सीजन प्रमुक्त हो
जाता है औय अशद् ु ध मा ऑक्सीजन यहहत (Deoxygenated) यक्त
लशयाओॊ द्वाया क्रपय रृदम की ओय आता है । रृदम इस यक्त को
ऑक्सीजन प्राप्त कयने के लरए क्रपय से पेपडों भें बेजता है । इस
प्रकाय मह चि ननयॊ तय चरता यहता है ।

DLB 37
यक्त यक्त यक्त एक तयर सॊमोजी ऊतक है । मह हल्के मा गहये रार यॊ ग
का अऩायदशी, गाढा, ऺायीम व स्वाद भें नभकीन होता है । मह रृदम
एवॊ रुधधय वाहहननमों भें प्रवाहहत होकय सम्ऩूणय शयीय भें ननयॊ तय
ऩरयभ्रभण कयता यहता है । भनष्ु म के शयीय भें यक्त की भात्रा शयीय
के बाय का रगबग 7 से 8% होती है । अत् एक स्वस्थ भनुष्म के
शयीय भें रगबग 5 से 6 रीटय यक्त होता हैं, जो उसके सम्ऩण ू य शयीय
के बाय का रगबग 9/13वाॉ बाग होता है । जस्त्रमों के शयीय भें यक्त
की भात्रा रगबग 4 से 5 रीटय होती है ।

DLB 38
सॊयचना के आधाय ऩय भनष्ु म के यक्त
को दो बागों भें ववबक्त क्रकमा गमा है -

प्राज्भा - आमतन के आधाय ऩय

रगबग 55 से 60% बाग।

रुधधय कणणकाएॉ मा रुधधयाणु - रगबग

40 से 45% बाग।

DLB 39
रक्त कणिकाएँ
प्राज्भा के अनतरयक्त शेष यक्त का रगबग 40-45% बाग रुधधयाणओ ु ॊ का फना
होता है । इस बाग को हीभेटोक्रिट कहते हैं। भनष्ु म के यक्त भें ननम्नलरणित तीन
प्रकाय की रुधधय कणणकाएॉ मा रुधधयाणु ऩाई जाती हैं-

यक्त कोलशका

रार यक्त कणणकाएॉ

श्वेत यक्त कणणकाएॉ
यक्त प्रेंटरेट्स

DLB 40
यक्त सभह

DLB 41
हभाये शयीय का एक अत्मॊत भहत्वऩण ू य अॊग है ,
जो वऺ भें फाईं ओय जस्थत होता है । फॊद
भट्ु ठी के आकाय के रृदम का बाय रगबग
300 ग्राभ होता है । इसके दोनों ओय दो पेपडे
होते हैं। रृदम ऩय णझल्री का फना एक
आवयण होता है , जजसे ऩेयीकार्डयमभ कहते हैं।
इसकी दो ऩयतें होती हैं- एक ऩयत रृदम के
सॊऩकय भें यहती है औय दस ू यी इसके फाहय होती
है । रृदम वास्तव भें एक भाॊसऩेशी है , जजसके
अॊदय यक्त बया यहता है । इस बाग को
भामोकार्डयमभ (Myocardium) कहते हैं। इसके
अॊदय की ऩयत, जो यक्त के सॊऩकय भें यहती है ,
एन्डोकार्डयमभ (Endocardium) कहराती है ।

DLB 42
रृदम एक िोिरा अॊग है , जो चाय कोष्ठों (Chambers) भें फॊटा होता है । दो कोष्ठ दाहहनी ओय होते
हैं, जजनके फीच भें एक ऩयदा (Septum) होता है , जो दाहहने औय फाएॊ ओय के यक्त को लभरने नहीॊ
दे ता। ऊऩय का कोष्ठ अलरॊद (Atrium) औय नीचे का ननरम (Ventricle) कहराता है । इस प्रकाय
दोनों तयप दो-दो कोष्ठ होते हैं – दाहहना अलरॊद (Right Atrium) औय ननरम (Ventricle) तथा फामाॊ
अलरॊद (Left Atrium) औय ननरमI अलरॊद औय ननरम के फीच भें फडे-फडे छे द होते हैं, जजनभें वाल्व
(Valve) रगे होते हैं। मे केवर एक ही हदशा भें ननरम की ओय िुरते हैं। इनसे यक्त अलरॊद से
ननरम भें तो जा सकता है , रेक्रकन ननरम से अलरॊद भें वाऩस नहीॊ आ सकता। मे वाल्व फॊद होकय
उसके जाने का भागय योक रेते हैं।रृदम एक ऩॊऩ की तयह काभ कयता है औय सभस्त शयीय भें
यक्त को बेजता है । इसकी दो साइडें एक साथ काभ कयती हैं। एक ओय से इसभें भहालशया (Vena
Cava) औय ऩल्भोनयी धभननमों द्वाया यक्त आता है , जो रृदम के ऊऩयी कोष्ठ अलरॊद (Atrium) भें
एकत्र हो जाता है । यक्त अलरॊद से ननरम (Ventricle) भें जाता है औय दाहहने ननरम से ऩल्भोनयी
धभनी (Pulmonary Artery) द्वाया पेपडों भें ऩहुॊचता है । पेपडों भें ऑक्सीजन के लभरने से वह
शद् ु ध होकय ऩल्भोनयी लशयाओॊ भें होता हुआ फाएॊ अलरॊद भें रौट आता है । जफ वह अलरॊद से
ननरम भें जाता है , तो वह उसको भहाधभनी (Aorta) भें बेज दे ता है । वहाॊ से मह अऩनी शािाओॊ
द्वाया उसको सभस्त शयीय भें ऩहुॊचाती है ।

DLB 43
ह्रदम धडकन Heart Beats
रृदम (Heart) रृदम भानव शयीय का अनत भहत्त्वऩण
ू य अॊग होता है । मह शयीय भें वऺ
बाग भें थोडा फाईं ओय अधय तर की ओय जस्थत होता है । मह जीवनऩमयन्त
धडकता यहता है ।

भनुष्म का रृदम एक लभनट भें 70-80 फाद स्ऩॊहदत होता है ।
इसे रृदम स्ऩॊदन की दय कहते हैं।

DLB 44
1.RBCs की अधधकता (साभान्म से ज्मादा) ऩोरीसाइथीलभमा

2. RBCs की कभी (साभान्म से कभ) यक्ताल्ऩता (Anaemia)

3. WBCs की अधधकता (साभान्म से अधधक) ल्मक

ू लभमा (Leukemia)

4. WBCs की कभी (साभान्म से कभ) ल्मक

ू ोऩीननमा (Leukopenia)

DLB 45

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