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Currently in Venezuela, we can find more than 26 different indigenous tribes and today I

Correntli in Venezuela ui can faind mor dan tuenisíx diferent indiyenous traibs end tudei ai

come to tell you about the tribe of Los Warao, which is located in the Orinoco delta,

com tu tel iu abaut de traibe of los warao, uich is lokeited in de Orinoco delta.

Currently this tribe is the second largest ethnic group in Venezuela with an estimated

Correntli dis traib is de second larguest étnic grup in Venezuela uit an estimeited

population of 40,000 individuals.

Populeishon of fortín dausend individuals

The Warao are of rather medium, robust and beardless constitution.

De warao ar of rader medium, robust end birdles constitushion.

They only use a small piece of cloth that passes between their legs and drop in front as an

Dei only ius a esmol pis of clouth dad pases bituin deir legs.

Women make up with feathers, and bracelets.

Uimen meik op uit feders end breislets.

Language (lengu ich)

They use Castilian and Warao.

Dei ius castílian end warao

Feeding (fiding)

Their main source of food is the fishing of the morocoto and the guabina, the minor hunting

Deir mein sours of fud is de fishing of de morocoto end de guabina, de mainor junting

of rodents like the lapa and the acure. They also have plantations of wild fruits. They eat

of rodents laik de lapa end de acure . Dei olso jaf planteishons of uaild fruts. Dei it moriche.

Living place(living pleis)

The Warao are grouped into small communities called rancherías, settled on the river bank,

De warao ar grup into esmol comiunitis cold rancherías, setel on de river bank

and are formed by about 15 houses, which can reach up to 200 people.

end ar form bai abaut fiftin jouses uich can rich op tu tu dausend pipol.

They have a governor, a captain and a prosecutor who are responsible of the work of the
Dei jaf a governor, a captein end a prosecutor ju ar risponsibol of de uork.

and the traditions. All the houses are connected to each other by a small bridges made by

end de tradishions. Ol de jauses ar connected tu ich oder bai a smol bridyes meid bai



Beliefs (bilifs)

Their believes are connected with the spirits called Hebu, provided with reason, sex and will

Deir bilifs ar connected uit de espirits cold hebu, provided uit rison, sex end uil

Hebu is present in all the objects and aspects of the Warao's life, they also control

Hebu is present in ol di obyects end aspects of de waraos laif , dei olso control

the storms, floods, rain and others.

de estorms, flods, rein end oders.


Among the communities, there are not roads. They use pipes as communication channels.

Among de comiunitis der ar no rouds. Dei ius paips as comiunikeishon channels.

The main means of transport is the curiara, which is a canoe, made of a trunk.

De mein mins of transport is de curiara, uich is a canú meid of a trunk.

Marriage( marriach)

They usually formalized with people from other communities and they do it at a very early

Dei iushuali formalais uit pipol from oder comiunitis end dei du it at a very erli eich

Education (ediukeishon)

The youngest children base their education on observing and learning what adults do.

De yongest children beis deir ediukeishonon observing end lerning uat adolts du.

The elderly teach children by telling stories.

De elderly tich children bai telin storis.


They have always been experts in ceramics.They are excellent craftmen but they also make
Dei jaf ol ueis bin experts in ceramics. Dei ar exelent craftmen bot dei olso meik
baskets, necklaces, animal figures, sebucanes, manares, guapas, moriche chinchorros ...

baskets, neckleices, ánimal figuiurs .


The Waraos are very festive and cheerful people. They make unique dances with their own
songs .

De waraos arveri festive end chirful pipol. Dei meik iunik dances uit deir oun songs.

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