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“The Effects Of Online Games On Academic Performance In The Class Of The

Selected Grade 11 Student Of PNTC Colleges Damarinas”

PNTC Colleges

Senior High School 11

TVL 11- B1

Joemari Cordon

Danzhel Alcober

Jewel Fortez

Ryan James Dino

Kyle Allen Pingol

Denniel kyle Dominguez

Cedric De Roxas
Chapter I

Problem and its Background


Every student has his own way to relieve his stress by doing different things like

reading books, researching for additional information and doing his assignments. The

problem focused on in this study is the fast modernization of our technology and because

of this, students are spending more and more time in playing online games.

According to Robinson (2016) that the online gaming is one of the widely used

leisure activities by many people. Teenagers who are playing these online games said that

they are playing these games just for fun, to keep away from the heat of the sun, without

knowing that there are a lot of effects of playing these games that are more than what

they think. Playing online games, according to some research is beneficial. It enables the

mind of the players to be more active, especially those puzzle-based games. It helps the

player to come up with decisions in tight situations, especially those adventure games that

keep the players to be alert, active and strategic. Playing these types of games makes the

player experienced different feelings because it is as if the player is really the one taking

the challenges. Despite those benefits, playing these games also bring negative effects. It

requires much of the player’s time, leaving school activities and home works unattended.
Gaming addiction is associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression, and

poorer academic performance (Peukert et al. 2010). Computer gaming addiction is

positively correlated with achievement motivation, sensation-seeking, a positive

evaluation of one’s intelligence, and a negative evaluation of one’s skills in interpersonal

relationship. In a sample of German teens, 6.3% of subjects fulfilled the authors’

diagnostic criteria for gaming addiction. These adolescents were mostly male and had

low educational backgrounds (Klaus et al. 2009). Gaming addiction is negatively

associated with academic achievement. So far there are no studies conducted as to the

percentage of senior high school students who are hooked to online games, thus, this

study would like to find out factors why senior high school students are addicted to

online games.

The researcher asked some student of PNTC about their experienced in playing

online games. According to the bravo student of Grade 11, They experienced that playing

online games can affect their academic performance. The addiction to online games can

lead to procastination and laziness of the students and can affect how they do or finish

their tasks for school.

The researchers and the observers would like to know the reasons and effects in

exposing online games. There are many ways to spend their vecant hours, but why a lot

of student choosing to play online games. The research problem that we are going to

solve needs a lot of attention and studies in order to understand and answer this kind of

The main objective of this study is to give attention to the student who are

addicted in online games and change their mindset that online games is one of the reason

why their academic performaces are affected. Based on the researcher’s opinion and

experiences, online games really affect the academic performances that will lead to poor

academic performance of the student. So that the researcher will do their best to find an

answer to this kind problem.

Statement of the Problem

The goal of this study (Cohort Design) is to identify the possible Effects Of

Online Games On Academic Performance In The Class Of The Selected Grade 11 Of

Student Of PNTC Colleges Damarinas.

Specifically, it attempted to answer the following question:

1. What are the common online games in the internet?

2. What are the effects of online games exposure on the selected Grade 11 student in
their academic performance?

3. What is the reason why the selected Grade 11 student of PNTC over exposed in

online games?

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study are the student of PNTC Colleges Damarinas. In this

study, the researcher will gather data and information in the said school. The researcher

will only focus in this particular school and by not gathering data and information in

other institutions. The reseacher will use the Cohort Design in this study.
The researcher should be use simple method and sampling procedure and accept

the result of the research when it is done.

The respondents of this research are the selected Grade 11 student of PNTC. The

research will be carried through within the campus of PNTC. The research will be

complete within the prescribed time.

Significance of the study

In this study, the beneficiaries are not only the researcher but also the student,

parents, administrator and the teacher. And when the research is done, there are many

benefits that can be absorb by knowing and understanding the effects of online games on

the students. After this study, there will action that will be done by the school to change

the mindset of the student about playing online games. So that the student that will

engage and addicted in online games will be lessen and decrease.

The findings of the study were found relevant to the folowing:

Administrator – the findings of the study will help the Administrator to be inform in the

situation of the student and think a possible way that there are going to do like different

programs so that the student spend their time in this kind of activities.

Teacher – the findings of the study will help the teacher to know what is the reason why

some student are not focusing on their academic performance that will lead to the student
learning of difficulties and think a possible activities that every student will enjoy and


Parents – the findings of the study will help the parents to be alert that their children is

having a difficulties in class and to guide them to change the student’s mindset in terms

of playing online games.

Students – The findings of the study will help the student to identify its effects on their

academic performances and realize that this effects may affect the student learning of


Researcher – the findings of the study will help the reasercher to know what are the

effects of online on learning difficulties of the student.

Future Reseacher – the findings of the study will help the future reseacher to know

about this study and to give some information that they can help them to conduct a

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter discusses different literature and studies related to the present study

which reviewed and applied to develop and construct the concept of the research.

These researches we study about the psychological factor, whether that is factor to

the online game addiction among students. Unlike with substance abuse, the biological

aspect of videogame addiction is uncertain. Research suggests gambling elevates

dopamine, but there’s more to addiction than brain chemistry (Rooij, Online video game

addiction: identification of addicted,2010). The addict suffers from a psychological

component to the addiction. Online gaming allows a person to escape the real world and

change the perception of self-worth (Rooij, Online video game addiction: identification

of addicted, 2010).

An online gaming addiction is not that far from drug addiction. Both are searching

for a way to make they feel better. The lure of a fantasy world is especially pertinent to

online role-playing games. These are games in which a player assumes the role of a

fictional character and interacts with other players in a virtual world. An intelligent child

who is unpopular at school can feel dominant in the game. The virtual life becomes more

appealing than real life. Too much gaming may seem relatively harmless compared with

the dangers of a drug overdose, but experts say video game addiction can ruin lives.

Children who play four to five hours per day have no time for socializing, doing

homework, or playing sports leaving little time for normal social development.
According to Lan Ying Huang (2010), by playing the online game features online

gamer participants may view the games as source of providing diversion and filling time.

“The biggest risk factor for pathological video game useseems to be playing games to

escape from daily life,” said Joe Hilgard, lead author of the study and a doctoral

candidate in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Missouri. “Individuals who

play games to get away from their lives or to pretend to be other people seem to be those

most at-risk for becoming part of a vicious cycle. These gamers avoid their problems by

playing games, which in turn interferes with their lives because they’re so busy playing

games (Peters 7 et al, 2009).

Internet addiction gives the gamer to the unique psychological properties which is

the users increase their use of these internet services, the utility they gain from each usage

does not diminish, leading not only to self-destructive addiction but also to social ills.

When a problem, playing video games can interfere with real-life obligations such as

work, and players can end up lying about playing video games. The study found that

“problematic” video game use can have similar effects as other addictive activities, such

as abusing alcohol (Inwon Kang,2011). Games addiction shows the bad effect among the

people nowadays.

Addiction to the internet shares some of negative aspects of substance addiction

and has been shown to lead to consequences such as failing school, family and

relationship problem. It can make the people who has addicted will feel that the games

can provide opportunities for achievement, freedom and even a connection to the players.

Those benefits trumped a shallow sense of fun, which doesn’t keep gamers as interested

(online gamers anonymous, 2010). The role of media in advertising the games also make
more cause why the games addicted will be more interested with those games.The

advertiser spent $80 million to reach game players, this spending is expected to top $400

by 2009 (Park Associate 2009).

Internet addiction is a relatively new phenomenon in which social workers and

psychologists are unaware of and are thus unprepared to treat at present. Mu (2010)

points out that some of the main symptoms of Internet and online game addictions,

including the decrease in friend and face-to-face interactions with others, become

infrequent while the member of friends in the virtual world exponentially increases.

Ultimately, the psychokinesis becomes weaker and weaker over time. This means that

after a long time of playing online games, the players begin to realize the dangers of

online gaming. At this point players generally try to play less as they try to orient

themselves back to the demands of society.

As of today, most people relate online games to low

a c a d e m i c performance. Through the years, studies have yielded different results.

Some ofthem say that they are co-related when some say that they are not. According

to Anderson and Dill (2009), there is a negative correlation between the two.

Thus, meaning that there is no relation between the number of hours played by a player

and his grades. At times, the students defend the games they are playing by sayin g

thatthey do learn something from it. A paper from EDUCAUSE backs these students

up by suggesting that the faculty learn and know about these games so as to help

students in in class learning experience (Hitch and Duncan, 2010). Furthermore,

another paper claims that these games are not just for entertainment (Shaffer,

Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2010).

Klimnt et al. (2009) said that violen-ce game are enjoyable especially for human

male because the culture is idealized hyper-masculine gender ideal. Violence is percei-

ved as manly. Hyper-male ideology believes in socioevolutionary theory says that only

the strong will survive. Destruction on vir-tual world can be beneficial if it is used pro-

perly like a channel to safely release anger and aggression. There will be no one har-med

because blood, fire and debris in onli-ne video games are only pixelwork, and all

experiences are simulated and virtual. The negative thing will occur if a player apply vi-

olent experience in virtual world to the rea-lity. In this case Klimnt suggests that heavy

users of violent video games should posses a higher cognitive ‘preparedness’ for over ri-

ding moral concerns as well as for avoiding violent behaviours in real life

According to Craton,J.(2009), the physical consegquences of Online gaming

addiction includes the Carpel tunnel syndrome in which the main nerve between the

forearm and hand is squeezed or pressed. Migraine headaches that normally begins in a

small spot and slowly spreads and giving you more pain that can cause you to vomit.

Sleep disturbance which includes insomnia, narcolepsy and etc. Backache, because the

gamer stays on one position for a long period of time. Lack of movement that can cause

stiffness and soreness, worse, it can cause chronic back problems.

According to Kuss & Griffiths, teens who play online games are just having fun.

They do not just actually play because of some sort of seriousness, but also because they

just want to feel relief. During school hours, students tend to feel stressed due to loads of

school works and through playing it will relive their stress. Several studies in psychology

have found out that increased time spent on the Internet can lead to negative impact on a

person's ability to communicate appropriately face-to-face with friends, peers, family

members including parents. Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to destruct and

one of the reasons is using technology. The education system tends to go with the flow

with this constant change in the society in order to get things relevant with the

generations today.

Review of Related Study

This chapter discusses different literature and studies related to the present study

which reviewed and applied to develop and construct the concept of the research.

Online Gaming: Impact on the Academic Performance of the Students in

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory High School

These researches we study about the psychological factor, whether that is factor to

the online game addiction among students. Unlike with substance abuse, the biological

aspect of videogame addiction. Dennis O. Dumrique and Jennifer G. Castillo Polytechnic

University of the Philippines Corresponding Author: *Dennis O. Dumrique; Copyright © 2018 Dennis O. Dumrique and Jennifer G.

Castillo. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution

License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original

author and source are credited. This study was conducted to assess and find out the

impact of online gaming on the academic performance and social behavior of the students

in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Laboratory High School. Even though

they play online games, they know how to socialize well and they can perform very well

when it comes to academic performance.

Effects Of Online Game Addiction To The Student Of The Senior High School

Students Of Southern Christian College

These researches we study about the psychological factor, whether that is factor to

the online game addiction among students. Unlike with substance abuse, the biological

aspect of videogame addiction is uncertain. Research suggests gambling elevates

dopamine, but there’s more to addiction than brain chemistry (Rooij, Online video game

addiction: identification of addicted,2010). The addict suffers from a psychological

component to the addiction. Online gaming allows a person to escape the real world and

change the perception of self-worth (Rooij, Online video game addiction: identification

of addicted, 2010). An online gaming addiction is not that far from drug addiction.

Online Game as Addiction among Senior High School Students of Southern City

In the Psychological effects of videogames on young people: A review by Lavinia

McLean and Mark Griffiths (2013), the study sought to determine (a) the role and impact

of video games in the lives of young people within a technological society, and how this

impact can occur (b) The exposure of young people to violent video games may viewed

within the context of risk factors for the development of aggression and as such an

understanding of the research within this area, online gaming can be addictive. The

research has tended to concentrate on negative aspects, such as excessive play and

addiction. Instead of spending their hours on studying and doing their homework,

children spend their time on playing computer games.

Online Game Addiction Among University Student

Online games can be addictive and that some online games have been associated

with aggressive behavior. However these studies have been relatively controversial as

they examine these factors using self-report methods and artificial scenarios. This type of

research is fraught with problems and criticism. Stated the computers have become a part

of man’s life. Almost all the things around us were made by computers with the aid of

modern machines. Associated with the computers is the internet where we can find online

games. Online game has a big impact to children especially to teenagers. They tend to be

hook by the computer. On the other hand, online gamers can also benefit on playing

online games. A great variety of forms have been developed and put into practice to

enhance learning, offer solace, to drive away boredom, and/or to persuade players to

adopt certain actions and opinions. The game play improve various thinking skills but

that it can also boost cognitive speed for those who play action games and can also

improve cognitive accuracy for players who solve puzzle and strategy games Bushman

(2013) The more you play, the more aggressive you become: a long-term experimental

study of cumulative violent video game effects on hostile expectations and aggressive

behavior, violent video games increase aggression.

The Effects Of Video Games Towards Students’ Academic Achievement

Violent video games cause aggression in young females that young female adults

with the mean age 22, with no prior experience of playing video games, were asked to fill

in the Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire before and after playing violent video game,
last stand and non-violent video game tetris. Tracy Miller (2013) add because computer

game addiction is a new development in the world of mental health, treatments are not as

well established as those for depression, anxiety, anger, etc. Most interventions take a

cognitive-behavioral approach which involve changing how the addict thinks about the

addiction Lojo (2009) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games on the

academic performance and behavior of high school students. The results of her study

disclosed that to maintain the good academic performance of students, parents should set

limits on how often and how long their child is allowed to play video games.

Impact of Online Games on Students Academic Performance

The effects of electronic games and other factors in the grade five pupils’

academic performance at A. Quezon elementary school, DEPED, Manila was looked into

by Dorol (2009). Dorol concluded that electronic games were related significantly to

pupils’ academic performance with correlation of .194 significant .o21 levels. This means

that the computer games played by the pupils before going to sleep, after taking lunch or

supper, and during recess significantly related to their performance in school. Mandanas

(2009) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games and students’ profile

in the socialization and academic performance of selected students inKapayapaan

National High School, Canlubang, Calamba City. The study concluded that 18 most of

the students playing computer games and the students’ profile both have a significant

effect on the socialization on the students but no significant effect on the academic

performance of the students.

Effects of Computer Gaming on High School Students’ Performance in Los Baños,

Laguna, Philippines

Studies indicate that children who play computer games can improve visual

intelligence skills. Parents believed that computer use is related to better academic

performance of the children. It was found that high school students who used educational

software at home scored significantly higher on computer literacy tests than other

students. Computer use at home is also associated with improvements in general

academic performance. Other studies also found that students who own computers at

home had higher over-all grades, particularly in Math and English, than those without

home computers. On the other hand, a study done in Taiwan by Chuang and Chen (2009)

investigated and discovered that digital games improve children’s cognitive achievement

and can facilitate student’s cognitive learning process. Moreover, the findings indicated

that digital game playing not only improves participants’ fact/recall processes, but also

promotes problem-solving skills by recognizing multiple solutions. However, the

question on which type of digital games works best for students was not discussed in the


Effectiveness Of Online Gaming In The Classroom

According to The academic research, playing computer games may not be all that

bad for your children. Jeng wei states that educational games can be effective assisting

tools in the educational areas of management, medicine and science. If you choose the

right educational computer games, your child may learn better problem "solving skills

and eye" hand coordination. your child may also get the ability to thing fast and thing of
multiple things all at once. skiills obtained from playing computer games may help your

child learn unlikely when it comes to his studies. if your child is struggling in one of his

school subjects, there are many educational computer games available for him. There are

math and reading related games that may help boost your childres skills. These games

can be both fun and educational for your children some studies have found that video

games are similar to addictions such as gambling which create negative social effects.

massively multiplayer online role playing games have been called heroinwarel because

they are simultaneously competitive and highly social and other studies have noted

positive aspects of the games such as the ability to experiment with aspects of individual

identity which do not come out in public.

Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior High
School Students

According to the Students that Addiction to the internet shares some of negative

aspects of substance addiction and has been shown to lead to consequences such as

failing school, family and relationship problem (Brian. D. NG, M.S & Peter. W. H,

2010). It can make the people who has addicted will feel that the games can provide

opportunities for achievement, freedom and even a connection to the players. Smyth's

research found that online games create greater negative consenquences in health , well

being, sleep, socialization and academic performance of a person but also gives positive

result like enjoyment in playing and interest of having friendship online.

Effects Of Playing Online Video Games To The Academic Performance Of The
First Year College Student Of Manila Tytana College , A. Y. 2013-2014

Playing video games can give some positive benefits, such as improved hand-eye

coordination and the potential fot improved academic skills (as when “educational”

games are played) (Charles, 2011). According to Raise Smart Kids: “The Good and Bad

effects of video games”. Certain type of video games can help train kid to follow

instruction as well as helping them develop their problem solving and logical thought

processes. Kid can also learn inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing.
Theoretical Framework

Game theory is the study of human conflict and cooperation within a competitive

situation. In some respects, game theory is the science of strategy, or at least the optimal

decision-making of independent and competing actors in a strategic setting. The key

pioneers of game theory were mathematicians John von Neumann and John Nash, as well

as economist Oskar Morgenstern. Systems theory has two branches, general systems

theory and ecological systems theory. Systems theory is about how the different parts put

up a whole and within the whole they interact with each other. It emphasizes on

connections between individuals, environment and effective functioning (Payne, 2005,

p.142-143). Differences and values between systems theory and other theories are that

systems theory focuses and deals with ‘whole’ and while other theories only analyze

parts of the whole (Hanson cited in Payne 2005, p.142-143). However, the parts of the

systems interact in many different ways, which explains that systems have both

equifinality and multifinality. Equifinality is about how different methods can lead to the

same results i.e., there are many factors that can lead a person to become addict to online

games. For instance the friends or relatives of a person may play online games a lot,

which can influence the person to start playing games and later to get addicted to it. The

other example may concern the competition and challenge among these students who are

full of ambition to play online games. They are eager for more success and higher score

than others and therefore have to pay more time on playing games. Research carried out

by the center for Internet Addiction Recovery (Young, 2010, p.357) revealed that some of

the younger hardcore gamers suffered from emotional disorders that prevent them 14
from properly socializing with others and they thus turned to MMOGs as an outlet to

experiment with various aspects of their personality, or it can simply be influenced by the

environment that gamer is in. One of the commonly stated factors in that psychologists

blame for online game addiction is the rapid development of technology. Young (2010)

states that the evolution of the video game from a single player game to an interactive

multi-player world induces the players to has the ability to control and alter the universe

where they are in and via their character they transform these games into “self-contained,

three dimensional societies” (Yong, 2010, p. 357). Over time as the player continues to

transform this new world of their online, player’s character begins to seep into their out-

game life and the brain begins to identify this character as being the true reality. On the

contrary, multifinality concerns that the same situation can have different outcomes, e.g.,

two people have the same group of friends who play online games a lot, one of them may

start playing with their friends, and another may go finding some other interesting things

instead of playing games (Payne, 2005, p.145). Systems and ecological perspectives

focus on the effects of one individual on another and the interrelated and interacted

connections between each other. It presumes that every part in the system is necessary

and interrelated in order to maintain the system itself (Payne, 2005 pp.157-158). Our

research focuses on the relationship between gamers and their families, the health of the

persons as well as the individuals’ achievements in school. There are three major systems

around an individual from these perspectives, in which the individual and its closest

connections on micro-level, authorities and institutions are regarded on macro-level, and

the community and local environment are being seen on the meso-level (Healy 2005,

Conceptual Framework


The input of this study are The analysis of data through The output of this study is
the possible effects of the use of questionaire and to determine and understand
online games to the Grade informal interviews. how online games affect the
11 student of PNTC in academic performance of
Dasmarinas Campus and the student. By that, they
how it affect the students will be informed about the
when it comes to the consequences of excessive
academic performance. play.

-Profile of the student:

a. Age
b. Sex

-Kinds of online games

This diagram aims to summarize the whole study. There are three boxes. The first

box indicates the input, it contains the variables and the respondents of this study. The

second box indicates the process, it contains the methodology and instruments used in

this study. The third box indicates the output, it contains the possible outcome of the

Chapter III

Research Methodology

Research Design

The researcher conducted a qualitative type of research. A qualitative research is

a scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical data. This type of research

refers to the meanings, concepts definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and

description of things and not to their counts or measures. This research answers how and

when a certain phenomenon occurs. Qualitative research approaches are employed across

many academic disciplines, focusing particularly on the human elements of

the social and natural sciences; in less academic contexts, areas of application include

qualitative market research, business, service demonstrations by non-profits,

and journalism. The reseachers used the Cohort Design as this is the most applicable

approach in doing the research. A cohort design is a particular form of longitudinal

study that samples a cohort (a group of people who share a defining characteristic,

typically those who experienced a common event in a selected period, such as birth or

graduation), performing a cross-section at intervals through time. While a cohort study is

a panel study, a panel study is not always a cohort study as individuals in a panel study

do not always share a common characteristic.

Research Locale

The research will be carried through within the campus of PNTC Dasmarinas.

PNTC Colleges, formerly known as Philippine Nautical and Technological College, is a

private, non-sectarian Higher Education Institution (HEI) and an accredited Maritime

Training Education (MET) provider in the Philippines. As an HEI, PNTC Colleges offers

Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT), Bachelor of Science in Marine

Engineering (BSMarE), Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (BSCA),

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA), Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Technology (BSAT), and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), major

in Marketing and Operations Management. As an MET provider, PNTC Colleges offers

courses pursuant to the 1978 IMO Convention on the Standards of Training, Certification

and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), as amended. With a growing population of

approximately 4,500 students and tens of thousands of trainees per year, and four major

sites in Intramuros, Manila, Tanza and Dasmariñas, Cavite, and in Aurora Boulevard, it is

considered as one of the biggest maritime educational institutions in the country.

Respondents of the Study

The target population for this research defined to include the student of PNTC.

The respondents for this research are Grade 11 student who are part of ABM, STEM and

TVL-Maritime courses. For some studies, the population may be small enough to warrant

the inclusion of all of them in the study. But a study may entail a large population which

cannot all be studied. That portion of the population that is studied is called a sample of
the population (Nworgu 1991:69). A sample in this study is, therefore, a smaller group of

elements drawn through a definite procedure from an accessible population. The elements

making up this sample are those that are actually studied.

Research Instruments

The researcher designed an interview schedule as one of the data collection

instrument for this study. The selected Grade 11 student of PNTC were interviewed. The

interview questions were aimed to know the effects of online games on the academic

performance of the student of PNTC. The researcher used a semi-structured interview.

A semi-structured interview is a meeting in which the interviewer does not strictly follow

a formalized list of questions. They will ask more open-ended questions, allowing for a

discussion with the interviewee rather than a straightforward question and answer format.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the pilot testing and all necessary modifications, the questionnaires were

administered directly to the chosen sample for the study. One hundred copies of the

questionnaire given out were successfully completed and returned. The possibility of

retrieving back all the questionnaire was as a result of the researchers colleagues who

offered a helping hand. The opposite could have been the case if the researcher had taken

the lonely task of going round the schools to collect the questionnaire.

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